
Sound Quotes

There are 4805 quotes

"Animals tend to respond more to sounds within their own vocal range as well as rhythms that are relative to their resting heart rates."
"Sound is a major force in the act of creation and manifestation."
"Emergency Alert Systems: Undeniably one of the scariest noises you can ever hear."
"What makes R2-D2 so endearing is a combination of the movement, so the movements that go on in terms of doing little dances, for example, turning in place; the other is the sounds that are used."
"Sound is power, and people who are allowed to make sound are powerful."
"It was the first time in my life I was so immersed in sound. I was in the middle of that whole sound field around me."
"In the beginning, there was the word, the word of God. In Buddhism, we have 'om' as a sound being the primordial creative source."
"The silence from which the 'a', the 'u', and the 'm' comes and all of them fall back and merge back into that silence, that silence is their own. It's not a silence which contradicts sound; it's a silence from which sound and silence both come."
"Poetry is about the manipulation and subjectivity of sound, giving a line a dozen meanings by using a word or sound that has a dozen denotations."
"It's like if a tree falls in a forest and no one's around, does it make a sound?"
"There is no more powerful vibration than the sound of your own voice."
"That's a good sound. That's a really good sound."
"That same, shrieking, tortured cry from the nights before."
"The show is definitely louder the Super Hornet engine is more powerful than the legacy Hornet and you can hear it."
"Sounds a lot better with the new sparkplugs in there."
"Sound is full of patterns from its very most basic essence."
"Love the freaking rev lights, of course, the sound."
"Vanishing grace innocence... has a hopeful and organic sound..."
"Oh, it's beautiful. Oh, that sound, I love it so much."
"It's truly amazing, the sound and the atmosphere are both perfect."
"It's not the frequencies of the notes that are important, it's the intervals between those frequencies."
"An old-school V8 with bundles of power and noise."
"This one is interesting, it's an unidentified sound that's existed at least since the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory began recording underwater."
"No one knows what it is or what's causing it, eerie sound, it's creepy."
"Your laugh is my favorite sound in the whole world."
"How can you hate that sound, folks? It's so good."
"Sonic booms are the actual air being compressed by a shock wave as the booster is going faster than the speed of sound. You hear the engines right after the fact because also the landing burn is happening then."
"Sounds play a special role... for dolphins and other Marine creatures."
"If I bounce along the track, perhaps that sound will soon come back."
"As long as you can hear it, it will affect you. It will not matter if you can't dodge it at all. As soon as you hear it, it affects you."
"This little guy can literally create a sonic boom."
"The silence is much more important than the sound."
"That satisfying crunch when a knife broke breaks through the crusty outer layer, it's oh, it's just so nice."
"Plants root into enriched soil, with very few weeds."
"What's not to like about that delicious noise?"
"Kuda has a truly unique, instantly recognizable sound."
"This is a revolutionary in the dream and then listen to the sound all come on to that."
"It does sound better than they used to and I think it gives the engine a little more character."
"Now, to leave you on a rather positive note."
"It doesn't change the volume of the car...it changes the character of the car."
"If you're in a car with the top up it'll sound all muffled and as it comes down you'll actually hear all the ambience and the wildlife really creep in"
"Sound and resonance seem to be the common denominators of religion and creation."
"If sound created the universe and all things in it, then we should be able to use sound to do everything else."
"Sound levitates - it's no longer this made-up fairytale thing, it really happens."
"But at 350 bucks it sounds pretty good, pretty natural, especially on cleans."
"But bullets, when they fly through the air, they're supersonic, so it makes a crack."
"Around the world, people are reporting a low, incessant, highly disturbing hum."
"When those heavy doors slam shut, it is a very distinctive, definitive, loud sound."
"Cymatics: seeing sound in beautiful patterns."
"Mom, you can just hear, this is the sound of Freedom."
"A woo woo woo followed by a pause then they would hear it again."
"There's just something to be said for uninterrupted periods of just volume."
"The engine sounds from changing gears totally overpowering everything else to drop us into the chase from afar. Seeing high-performance vehicles getting pushed to the test is always cool."
"Michael's sounds are unique. They really are unique."
"If you did not have sound; you would not be, you would not exist."
"Any opportunity to actually drive this car is a good one."
"The reason mantras are so powerful is because of sound... they also have the ability to penetrate our heart too in ways that can help cleanse and nourish us too."
"You wouldn't think that the roar is that impressive, but it sure is."
"Thunderous growl with the pops, bangs, and crackles."
"It's interesting how we can take a harsh sound and make it the most sticky part that part that remains with you the longest."
"This car has a very loud and attention-grabbing exhaust note."
"Eight different sound engineers had the opportunities to analyze the sounds on oscilloscopes and spectrum analyzers."
"The sound quality is, well, it's spectacular."
"The car is substantially louder than the Fiesta, with crackles and pops."
"That was almost such an outlet satisfying the sound, nice."
"Listen I don't know what a war sword sounds like cleaving through twice dead enemy tendons but I like what I hear here."
"Bongo head or Bing Bong? Bing Bong sounds optimistic."
"The only gods here are frequencies, and the only real gods to call upon are these sounds."
"The sound even if they are slightly artificial."
"There's something about the sound of a tiny box with a 110 or an 8-inch speaker."
"Wait, what do you guys hear that? What is that?"
"It seriously sounds like we're floating through here, that's awesome."
"This car has an amazing titanium exhaust and it just sounds so good."
"I don't feel like I can say TSX cuz it wasn't subsonic."
"When you become very sensitive to pitch and sound, you know when a note has been forcibly squeezed into a particular set of parameters."
"What a beautiful sound that made, look at that, look at that!"
"That's like the most perfect pop sound. Don't you think?"
"The first sound recording technology was just visual representations of sound waves."
"I'm not sure how different the sound's going to be with this Scorpion exhaust, but I know with the downpipes it's probably going to make it a lot louder."
"I never really realized how comforting background white noises until I was forced to go without it."
"The character of the engine? Well, it's fun. It's got good sound, good torque delivery."
"It's probably going to sound really, really good."
"It actually sounds really good, like surprisingly good."
"He used the full sonic spectrum of the guitar really, really well."
"I really enjoy wind chimes, especially like the big pretty sounding ones."
"A sense of calm and peace in the rhythmic sounds."
"It's got the looks, it's got the sound, it's got the ethos behind it."
"Listen, it sounds like I'm unsheathing Excalibur."
"If it feels good and sounds good, then it is good."
"That's not the worst sounding wave table I've ever heard at all."
"It's the last big-body Aston Martin with a manual, with a naturally aspirated engine, and it just sounds glorious."
"The sound is just so cool, and all this stuff, yeah, it's a bit faster and maybe the v6 is a bit lighter and a bit better handling, but the sound is just... yeah, that's really what sold it to me."
"It is absolutely unique, it's one of the best sounding cars."
"The engine sounds fantastic and you just felt very connected to the car."
"It's not just about making it louder, it's about making it clearer."
"Definitely drives well, it sounds good, it handles nice, ride is super comfortable."
"What a brilliant sight and sound to have these 40 flat six four liter normally aspirated Porsche engines."
"It drives particularly well, this feels responsive, it sounds nice."
"Acoustics is the branch of physics that deals with the study of mechanical waves in gases, liquids, and solids."
"Digital wave tables are capable of producing much richer and weirder harmonics."
"Great granular synthesis is a different kind of synthesis entirely."
"Pitch in music refers to the highness or lowness of a sound."
"If you're looking for a crazy nice playing guitar that sounds good and has the vintage tones, this is exactly what you're looking for."
"Truth is, in nature, there's no sound that vibrates on only one frequency at a time."
"Mix harmonic sounds with inharmonic frequencies and you can theoretically recreate any sound you've heard."
"When you boost the amplitude of a signal, the sound gets louder, but when it exceeds the maximal range, it gets distorted."
"Reverberation is the result of sound waves bouncing off many surfaces, such as the walls, the floor, or the ceiling. It's actually present in any sound we hear in our everyday life, so we don't always pay attention to it."
"You'll never replace that shrill sound of a V12 at high revs."
"One of the most common attributes folks imagine when they think of trains is the clickety-clack sound they make as they roll down the tracks."
"It sounds clean, punchy, and powerful, and way bigger than it looks."
"Humans need their mojo too and sound is such an important facet of that."
"Doing only what is needed and even knowing when to do nothing at all to a sound is truly the sign of a refined ear."
"It looks how it sounds, it sounds like a monster."
"Language is not sound with meaning but meaning occasionally with sound."
"That sound you just heard from the 30-millimeter gun is probably the most iconic gun sound in the world."
"It sounds fantastic, it looks fantastic."
"Sound is a variation of pressure that moves through the air."
"We chose carpet for this room for the sound; it just helps dampen things."
"The sound of this sports exhaust, the valves open, is incredible."
"Sound is a source of all creation; sound and resonance are responsible for everything."
"A nice flowing soaring type sound."
"He embodied New York and what that sounded like."
"That last thousand RPM, it sounds like nothing else."
"I love the purr of these, you're never going to recreate that."
"The carrying case charges the headphones, all those little fine details you're going to hear, and it just sounds like you're literally in the music."
"If you hug it, it makes this cute sound, uhu uhhuh."
"Authentic Sound by JBL since 1946."
"Falling asleep or just relaxing to the sound of rain... it's the best sound in the world."
"I will never ever ever ever get sick of the sound."
"You can hear that V10 screaming in the back. What a great sound, huh?"
"As soon as my alarm goes off, I am hitting it and turning it off because I cannot stand the sound of an alarm in the mornings."
"...it might just be the last sound you hear."
"The noise that this car makes is something else."
"It's aggressive, the piped-in sound is aggressive, the beeping, the shift lights."
"It's a glorious sound and I think we're going to miss it one day."
"The tapping was relentless, not really loud, not really quiet."
"I always love the sound of a nice V6."
"The noise is so good, you get that supercharger whine, it's magical."
"I'd rather have a better sounding car that's a little bit slower than have a faster car which doesn't sound as good."
"It was the sound of a witch that echoed through the entire house."
"That car makes such a good noise."
"It's like a powerful grumble from these cars."
"The sound of those sirens made me feel a little bit safer and more brave."
"It was such a satisfying sound, the shot of Captain Sulu drinking his cup of tea."
"A lot of power in this and it sounds amazing."
"When two materials hit each other, the softest material wins the predominant sound."
"Tell me that's not the coolest sound that you've ever heard."
"Through sound, we can vibrate the cosmos."
"Oh my Lord, the V12 makes the most fabulous noise."
"Hear that? That's the sound of exactly zero turbocharging."
"They play with sound and lack of sound to create mood"
"The door has a nice solid sounding thunk."
"Rumble at idle like an angry mastodon."
"I'm just really impressed by the sound."
"The Pretenders featured the more stripped down sounds of punk rock."
"From one V8 owner to another, this is gonna be pretty juicy because when you press that loud pedal this sounds amazing."
"You just need to push a little bit of mids on that, just a tiny bit, and your acoustic guitar will just move forward."
"Isn't that noise just so satisfying?"
"Roar a little three-cylinder it sounds good that's good."
"It's definitely deep, throaty, this, this, I think to me, is one of the things I don't like about it, it feels a bit synthetic."
"That's it, it sounds, all the disparate stuff that I can hear in the entire song start to finish."
"Honestly, that four inch exhaust sounds good. It does. It sounds good. Really, really good."
"There's something so right about the sound."
"If having seemingly Endless Options wasn't enough, you could just as easily get sucked into a single paintbrush tool to just listen to the sound it made over and over."
"It has a very high density and is five times heavier than air, causing vocal cords used to regular air to produce a deeper, lower sound."
"Everybody got their own little thing and Memphis just got their own little sound."
"They had all heard it, wheels crunching on the gravel."
"It oozes in such a way to spellbind using an instrument known as an onma tuna to capture its soundscape."
"The performance is mighty, the response is immediate, it even sounds good."
"High-quality sound and noise cancellation feature."
"Can everyone just pause for a moment? That might be the greatest sound ever created by humans."
"Once you feel the sound that's when you're really immersed in it"
"I'm really happy with the way this turned out so far, this thing sounds great."
"As soon as you switch into sports mode then the sound goes to the next level."
"A sine wave is a pure expression of tone. There's no upper harmonics."
"So sounds are a combination of our fundamental tone or root note... and then harmonics."
"One night I realized that when I was wide awake for my good ear was jammed down on the pillow and I ought not to have heard a foghorn in that position."
"The sound of God's word. That's right."
"...if you can get that out of out of the you know the magic that you do with all the stuff that goes into a pedal but dialable so it sounds sounds good in in a real you know rock and roll situation that'd be nice."
"You gotta have a good writing, decent acting, good production, great sound. Sound is very important."
"The glass is much more brittle. You can hear the difference."
"It sounds like an F1 car because it's from an F1 car basically."
"It sounded like it came from this direction, you know originally, but now I'm not so sure."
"It sounds so strong when you hit it."
"There's a fatness to it, so you can actually get a massive guitar sound without huge amounts of volume."
"It doesn't matter how heavy you are or brutal you are, you gotta be open-minded to create your own sound."
"...what sounds like a loud snap almost like a huge racket has just smacked a giant tennis ball."
"I love hearing the beads gently jangle as I walk."
"Bills fills the sonic spectrum pretty nicely."
"When I first saw him, he sounded like a combination of Muddy Waters and Larry the Lamb."
"yeah Jean honestly like it it it sounds like significantly better like I can hear the exhaust again the exhaust is like the the loudest thing uh on the airplane right now wow it sounds amazing"
"Wide open tube amps sound awesome for distortion, but then you can't really do anything else."
"One of the ways to really customize how your Google Nest display sounds is by changing the Google Assistant voice."
"The only sound that could be heard in her home was the dim hum of the television playing upstairs, punctuating the quiet atmosphere with the sound of a game show audience having a great time."
"Sound takes on a dynamic quality."
"There's just something about Porsche flat-six it sounds very rough you know sounds very mechanical and I can't really hear the turbo spooling up from behind it's really really nice nice experience."
"One thing I do love about this car is how much closer it sounds to an F1 car."
"This is the magical 8-bit plugin, it's very basic and gives you just a few NES sounds."
"I think they sound so clear and nice. They do, they do. They really do sound so."
"That sound effect, oh yeah, the brick, oh it's beautiful I love that."