
Packaging Quotes

There are 1277 quotes

"Native's plastic-free deodorant packaging is made with paperboard and they're committed to sourcing from responsibly managed forests."
"More aluminum packaging...aluminum is a standout when it comes to recyclability."
"Apple always does have extremely solid packaging. They probably spent like $5 million on box engineering."
"They have an S tier packaging for the price."
"I love good packaging; there's something so satisfying to me about just great quality packaging and not just the quality but just the design."
"The presentation of your packaging is so important. You want it to be fun for the person to open."
"I absolutely love the packaging, how it's custom and even made out of mushrooms."
"Through the years, the packaging became more than just a box—it became a gateway to Sodor adventures."
"The modern era brought sleek designs and informative packaging, enriching the experience for young Thomas enthusiasts."
"Something is not just sustainable simply because it's package-free."
"Our packaging is completely recyclable and biodegradable... everything is upcycled and recycled."
"Coming up with a really good packaging for a product is the thing that makes it stand out and that is very valuable to potential employers."
"I think it's become such a big part of the brand identity. People love the collection boxes and it's kind of like opening up a gift that looks good."
"Ninja spirit...this was eventually packed in with the turbo duo among many many many other games for very good reason this is an excellent game."
"So many products that used to come in cardboard and paper are now all coming in plastic and that's having terrible Downstream effects for our oceans and shellfish habitats."
"Gorgeous packaging, absolutely colorful, colorful, and just pops off the shelf."
"This looks really cool, the package looks gorgeous, it really pops from afar."
"The tradition of putting awesome artwork on their masters of the universe packages feels so important to me."
"Every single lid on this broth, it's sealed. So these jars, these lids are wonderful."
"Of the packaging boom you can't even tell it was freaking open. That's actually so satisfying."
"I'm very confused as to why it is such a big box because I know this is not filled with books."
"This packaging is so cool, the whole concept behind everything was so cool."
"I think this is actually going to be cool. It's a nice box. If you know me, you know that I like a nice box."
"Banana leaves... the entire package can be composted after use."
"It's not the thing that the kids find funny that's a problem, it's the way it's packaged."
"If it wasn't for the packaging and the person behind this brand, I don't think the products would be a half as intriguing."
"In terms of packaging, Volkswagen has done a fantastic job here with giving Americans the space that they're looking for."
"The holiday packaging, I'm not gonna lie, is just irresistible to me."
"The only way to really keep it cold cold cold is to ship it with dry ice."
"I'm loving Israel packaging. It's got to be up there with one of the best countries for packaging ever."
"They really put a lot of care into it, very well packaged."
"The unboxing experience, they really put a lot of care into it."
"You must...come through that cutting up, getting two or three boxes, getting a bit of paper, and it's a good turnover."
"It's literally just face palettes on one side... the packaging literally just says 'face.'"
"This packaging for this foundation is 100% recyclable."
"I feel like it's very easy to work with, very sturdy packaging."
"I won't be picking these up, but I love the throwback 80s pastel craziness tie-dye packaging."
"I just absolutely love it and how can you deny this packaging?"
"When they're looking for their favorite tub of sorbet or a new one, they're going to be drawn to the packaging that they like the most."
"Apple's packaging room tests tens and sometimes hundreds of box prototypes."
"I mean that is beautiful, isn't it? I love this one, the packaging is really nice."
"Something about the packaging sparks a lot of joy for me... I can't get enough of this."
"This packaging is so cute... I'm really really excited about that."
"I just love the little packaging that it comes in, it comes so cutely wrapped and the box is everything, I'm genuinely going to keep this forever."
"Getting our beer in kegs avoided all those cans."
"There's a real sense that these boxes are of that formative time."
"I love it. They're heavy so I'm just gonna show you the first three but it comes like this basically with the lion in two layers and three bottles in the top layer and three bottles in the bottom layer."
"The packaging is on point, so definitely a lot of respect for people who put extra emphasis on their packaging."
"Popping bubble wrap is an excellent source of relaxation and it's also helpful with delicate packages."
"Write to the brands that you currently use and tell them that you'd like to see them do better when it comes to their packaging."
"The packaging around your video is very important. You're competing with attention."
"The quality is excellent, it's a win once I find a bottle that it'll fit."
"The packaging is so sustainable which I love about it."
"You're getting a hefty amount of product in here."
"This kit comes very nicely packaged with RGB lighting."
"I'm really excited about this packaging because Nike decided to go all out on this box."
"The only thing special about that box is the Box; the product inside is just a standard retail copy of Windows 95."
"So good i also love this fun packaging so pretty."
"Chip scale packaging is an evolution of the aforementioned ball grid array."
"The packaging is recyclable and part of the proceeds will be donated to the environmental defense fund."
"The most entertaining way to package something disturbing."
"I also want to give a quick nod to their packaging here..."
"It's one of the nicest package openers I've seen."
"In terms of packaging, the seek is definitely going to win in that regard."
"Oh what a surprise, no wonder they shipped it in like an hour cardboard box."
"I already know what's inside, but the care package is so well put together."
"The anticipation to opening the box, which is the second best part."
"Packaging is everything to me, so aesthetically it's just really, really beautiful and very luxurious."
"I thought I was getting something like this really small but then I'm like man why such a big box why go through all this trouble to ship this thing and I'm like whoa that's Mammoth."
"You're telling me this is a booster pack? Looks like Pop-Tarts, but really they're not."
"Even Amazon can't explain why they ship tiny things in giant boxes."
"So now you guys have the opportunity to purchase this... it comes now in this beautiful matte packaging."
"It's allowed for much better packaging as a car."
"They'll also be available in full family sizing and they'll come with special packaging."
"Each pair will also come with special packaging."
"The ideal scenario would be designing packaging with its disposal in mind."
"Packaging is beautiful, the color range is gorgina."
"I like to write a little note on the bottom of every packing slip."
"This does look like it cuts down on packaging; it cuts down on waste."
"The more modern and recommended way is to do package by feature."
"If packaging is really important to you, you want to feel a little bit of luxury, then by all means buy that."
"Honestly, very few people do packaging better than Jeffree Star, I have to say."
"Everything came in a really, really nice bubble wrapping, nothing leaked, nothing broke."
"All the packaging that they use to ship you the watch is made from upcycled plastic bottles and FSC approved cartons."
"The packaging is monstrous in comparison."
"This brand's packaging is everything. I swear Asian Beauty Brands have the best packaging."
"I think this is a great palette performance-wise. It's the best palette that I'm gonna swatch in today's video, and I think the packaging and the theming is really cute."
"...if I was advising them as a brand, I would say if you want to do that really fun packaging, elevate it a little bit to be for the a little bit older demographic."
"When I receive items and gifts and packages, if it was in this tissue paper, I would love it."
"I love this packaging though. This packaging is like satisfying. There's something about that like see-through just, isn't it satisfying?"
"Great things come in tall packages."
"This is the cutest box I've ever seen in my entire life."
"This packaging is adorable. I never want to throw this away."
"This packaging is really beautiful."
"Great packaging, usually eBay has like the worst packaging in the world where everything comes and you question how it survived."
"Let all the brands know you need to step up your packaging and try harder. It was a really cool shift in the Beauty World."
"I love their pink packaging. It's beautiful."
"The outer packaging of the product, the box, is absolutely impeccable. It reminds me of packaging for like a high-end perfume or something."
"They got bananas wrapped up in a plastic baggie."
"The company says it plans to invest about $100 million each year over the next decade to increase the amount of recycled material that goes into new packaging."
"If we can't package an idea... then it's not a good YouTube idea."
"It feels like Christmas, it's so fun and the packaging is really cute."
"Nothing pisses me off more than getting a brand new record in the mail and having a big dented Corner in it because they put it in a cheap mailer."
"Wrapping utility in a package that was impossible to ignore."
"You never want to use foam packing peanuts or any kind of shredded paper. Any kind of loose packing like that is very bad."
"It's partly because it's so new, but it's also the formulas which I really love and the packaging which I really love."
"I love the packaging, it is so cute."
"I just love their packaging, y'all."
"I am impressed with all the packaging and the detail and everything that went into these."
"Packaged in a really small compact looking box."
"There's something about Nars's classic sleek matte black packaging. It just really tickles my fancy."
"I think it's adorable they just have these little white and blue boxes that have little holographic hearts on the side and they also have a little heart-shaped cutout where you can see the Polish through it which I think is so cute."
"I just think the packaging is so cute."
"I have to say, the packaging for this is absolutely adorable."
"I love cute packaging - 10 out of 10 for packaging and artwork!"
"Honestly, I might just keep the coest one just based off the packaging."
"Girl, when you see this packaging you're going need to take a breather right now, I'm I'm going warn you take a breather cuz this bottle packaging is so freaking pretty."
"the packaging is super cute as well"
"the packaging for these are so cute"
"I wish that for this price point it should have an Airless pump to it."
"I find packaging like very important and these are nice."
"I appreciate this packaging, look at how easy this is to get out."
"Do you know that in Canada milk comes in bags?"
"The packaging exceptional. I love the size, I love the color, I love the gold, I love the embossing. It felt expensive. I even like the ribbon."
"X Tool's packaging, presentation, quality, and design of their products is freaking topnotch."
"It's kind of like having it in the packaging that it came in."
"A package that's refined, efficient, charismatic, and very usable too."
"Even if you see these on a deep discount, I would still say it's worth it to get the new packaging."
"Extremely impressed with the packaging."
"Farmers sort and grade the apples by size and quality right in the orchard. After harvesting, apples are carefully packaged to ensure the fruit remains undamaged."
"When the bag of chips says family size."
"This box is like a carrying case. It's a really cool box. It's like good quality. I like the finish on the outside. It just feels nice."
"So once again, another great item just to sell. You could also include these in your packaging, it's like if you were going to sell t-shirts, you could include these as a free gift inside of your packaging or maybe put it on top of your packaging."
"It really is how most packages go: bubble, bed of paper, box. That's it, pretty simple."
"Bottled water has an expiration date. To be more precise, the expiration date is for the bottle itself and not the water."
"This is a lot of packaging for what is quite literally the world's tiniest item."
"Man does, does Best Buy know how to package things."
"Is it so hard to keep the original packaging?"
"These pillows came vacuum-sealed, so that's nice."
"The packaging is so cute and they're all like the little squiggly noodles."
"I really appreciate good packaging effort."
"The setup on this bike is pretty straightforward, I mean it arrived in pristine condition, the box was in perfect shape, it was packaged really well."
"That's a life hack! You can open the pesky packaging with a can opener. That's genius."
"I literally love their packaging like come on."
"Not everyone is going to embrace the box it came in design but Santa Fe is definitely a package that delivers."
"The packaging is done so well that I went ahead and unbubble wrapped everything. Thank you, and shout out to Kristofer who we bought these games from. The packaging was amazing."
"It truly is absolutely incredible to me that they are able to get such quality mattresses inside of this box."
"Eco-friendly packaging and let's save the trees."
"...if you enjoy the packaging, the more festive packaging, I think it's fun to buy them all..."
"Wow, this is literally packaged like it's brand new, whoa."
"I love how their peanut butter is just Organic peanuts like roasted and ground and it comes in a little glass jar."
"They are really intentional about their packaging."
"These are like the prettiest packaging, YSL. Oh my gosh, they're so pretty."
"That's definitely cool packaging right there."
"Cool details on the back of the box."
"This box was sealed with the shrink-wrap bearing the official creepy Rudy arm hair logo."
"I love the fact it's like a little case with it filled and then it's got a little topper. It's a really good experience."
"The cap does fit on the other side. I seriously could not stop staring at this Marker set because of the packaging on the outside. Like the pink and the blue is pure perfection, cotton candy, fairy floss aesthetics."
"All of these pictures are excellent though, it's just, it's a good package."
"The unboxing experience was low-key terrifying, these clamshells are really tight!"
"These are small packs they don't take long to open."
"I love this. It helps me open my packages. Love it."
"Blue land products are effective and affordable, not to mention their packaging is so cute."
"Blue Eddy's packaging is worth mentioning... some of the best packaging I've ever seen."
"I absolutely adore the elegant magnetic packaging."
"I love that little detail on the lid, beautiful packaging, it feels very silky."
"Oh my god it just looks so awesome already nice packaging over here as well beautiful looking punisher logo."
"This type of packaging when it's in miniature form it always has a lot of scratches on it just kind of sad but yeah all in all it's pretty good Mini."
"I hate the packaging, but the product was pretty well done. The formula is reminiscent of a $50 eyeshadow palette."
"Why does Dollar Tree carry so many different hand soaps they must be great sellers but the packaging on some of these I'm so impressed."
"In the beginning, he'd package his sauce in old baby food jars."
"Packaging is part of the skincare experience."
"I get really excited just to look at the aesthetic of the packaging."
"I love that everything is wrapped in a pink package."
"The packaging is nice Definitely the nicest packaging so far of any of the cases that I've ordered."
"$26 really good price... the packaging I think is really cute... it's very clean... feels a little bit cheap and plasticky... doesn't really bother me... comes with a really nice little mirror inside... adds a little bit more value to the packaging."
"The foundation came in this beautiful Lou Vuitton packaging. It's their staple red, beautiful packaging. Now I can throw it away that I've shown you, but the bottle is beautiful. It is glass, you have the 'LV' right here."
"I know y'all see that, like look how cute the packaging is."
"The packaging is actually made out of a sugar cane bioplastic that removes the carbon from the environment in the process, and we're able to make it so that the packaging has like a nine, like, like a 95% chance of recyclability."
"People are scared to buy without the actual retail box."
"That's actually a really nice air fryer. Brand new, just a damaged box. But does anyone keep an air fryer box? You throw it away anyway."
"I love that about Too Faced, their packaging is absolutely adorable."
"Best looking uh box cover in the industry."
"It's very luxe, the packaging, no one's doing packaging like this, it's very nice, very aesthetically pleasing."
"That packaging though, is just adorbs."
"I'm really glad that manufacturers are realizing that the unboxing is an experience."
"It's just awesome packaging right when I saw that and I think it was uh Toy no it was some kind maybe San Diego Comic Con San Diego Comic-Con I saw this and it was freaking awesome."
"I like how streamlined this is, the packaging is very Luxe."
"What caught my attention to this brand was the packaging and just sort of how everything looked so beautiful."
"Zero waste means there is no packaging whatsoever. We're not talking about recyclable. We mean zero waste."
"If she came out with packaging like this now, we would eat her up."
"The packaging of this Duo right here is really beautiful, very luxurious."
"The packaging is impeccable, very luxurious, very weighted. It's an experience."
"On Sheen it was £440 so this is how the bags have arrived in comparison they are literally packaged in the exact same stuff."
"That's good too, both pretty tasty. A breakfast burrito is such a superior packaging for breakfast delivery."
"These ones were released from JB hi-fi here in Australia seem to quite popular at the moment releasing movies in sort of retro VHS packaging."
"The packaging is everything. So cute!"
"Let me tell you, from my experience, it was boxed up really well. Everything was clearly labeled."
"One thing to mention about the bag that you've seen here, the speaker did come in this bag directly in the Box itself so it's definitely very nice."
"The packaging was very much meant to stand out."