
Unseen Quotes

There are 883 quotes

"No eye has seen it, and no ear has heard it; it's never even come to the wildest imagination of a person."
"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of what is not seen."
"Trust in the unseen to make miracles happen."
"We look not to the things that are seen, but to the things that are unseen."
"The stars are beautiful, because of a flower that cannot be seen."
"Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there."
"Just trust, you know, there's a resistance to not letting what is unseen be unseen for now."
"Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there."
"Trust what you cannot yet see with your eyes."
"Faith is a belief in things that you cannot see, and sometimes when you can't see no way, that's when you really gotta have faith. Because that's what it is. If you could see it, you wouldn't have to have faith."
"Walk by faith, not by sight. Faith is simply believing what you can't see."
"Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not there."
"Resting in God is an Act of Faith, believing He is at work even when unseen."
"What you don't see coming is that you have some type of divine intervention."
"Trust the invisible, trust what you cannot see."
"Faith is confidence in something you do not see yet in the visible realm."
"You are spiritual, you deal with the unseen world. So what do you mean you don't believe in spirits?"
"Just because we can't see his strategy doesn't mean he has one doesn't mean he doesn't have one."
"Just because you can't see with your eyes, that doesn't mean it's not approaching."
"Faith is evidence of things not hoped for."
"Faith is substance, the evidence of things not seen."
"God is working in your life right now in ways you cannot see or understand."
"As we look not to the things that are seen, but to the things that are unseen."
"No eye has seen, and no ear has heard, nor the heart of man imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him."
"There's something hidden, something that you don't see."
"People have internal battles we don't know about."
"The true purpose of the harbinger experiment was to find proof of the metaphysical, a world we could not see."
"Stand strong here, something that you don't see is coming in."
"The unseen world beneath the waves, teeming with life, captivated me."
"Magic is happening behind the scenes for you."
"If we focus on things unseen, well that's hope and that can help us to continue to endure."
"I am the great sun, but you do not see me."
"Everyone has heard about him, no one has actually seen him. He's like a ghost."
"There's a whole generation that is about to go on a pioneering exploration of the Unseen like we've never seen before."
"...the true essence of wisdom and strength lies in the Unseen, the unspoken."
"The fastest way for the favor of God to come on your life is for being faithful in unseen places."
"People often take for granted what others don't see."
"I don't think I've ever seen that photo before."
"You have to make it even beautiful, the parts unseen."
"The Color is described as a color unseen by humans before, suggesting it exists in a spectrum beyond human perception."
"The unseen is always more frightening than what you throw in the audience's face."
"Support and hugs are waiting for you, even if you don't see them."
"'He's not alone, for I keep seeing things in the corner of my eyes, things that disappear when I look for them but are always there when I do not wish to see them.'"
"The forces of love are at work behind the scenes."
"You got what you cannot see, you have to."
"Blessed are those that have not seen and yet have believed."
"God is moving even when you don't experience it in the natural."
"Set your eyes on the things you cannot see, for they are eternal."
"The things you don't see but imagine are far more terrifying than anything we might show you."
"Faith is the substance of things not seen."
"Faith is the evidence of things unseen."
"It's everything that you don't see that goes into the reality of constructing something of this caliber."
"God often shakes the things we can see... to get us to pay attention to the things that we can't see."
"True reality is unseen, hidden, and everything we see is merely appearance."
"Faith is having evidence in what you don't see. So when you have faith, you know for certain in a realm which you're not seeing."
"They were the unseen shield against the darkness."
"Faith is the substance of something hoped for but not seen."
"I guarantee there's at least one thing on this list that you have not seen anywhere else."
"Ah, the great thing about YouTube is you show it one time and then all of a sudden it's done a second time and nobody saw it."
"Our reality is much more than what we can see; very often it is the Unseen that we miss that becomes very important."
"It feels like I'm being misunderstood, like people do not see me."
"You can't see gravity, but you see the unseen by its effect on what you do see."
"The emotional strength of the scene relies precisely on the fact that we didn't see them together. We want to have seen it. We want it to be real."
"Lord, help me to fix my eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen."
"Nobody here can see you, you're but Shadows, Shadows of what's been."
"Angels Are Holy unseen bodyguards on an assignment to protect you wherever you may go."
"Suffering comes from The Unseen unfaced parts of the psyche."
"Didn't I tell you that I know what is unseen in the heavens and the Earth?"
"Paul is saying to the Church of Corinth, 'While we look not at the things which are seen, don't focus on the physical, but at the things which are not seen, you better focus on the invisible, the spiritual world.'"
"Something you've never seen before. It's easy to talk about it afterwards when it's done, than during the time when we do it."
"They are not alone, muffled grumbles and the shifting of chilly feet tells Jared that the rest of the company is still there, unseen but somewhere close."
"God spoke the seen world into existence from things that cannot be seen."
"What you don't see is often more terrifying. Your imagination can be more [__] than anything else."
"He alone has immortality, whom no one has ever seen or can see."
"What you see is not the power; it's what you don't see. It's the power."
"In God's economy, you believe first without seeing."
"I've tapped into something that is more than the seen, the unseen. That's always been Diego Sanchez."
"All the background stuff, all the things that happen that are invisible, are really important in my life."
"It's the things that no one else sees that bring about the results everybody wants."
"Living intelligent spirits become the real agents behind the scenes."
"In that moment I knew the Unseen had made itself known with the lantern as my only Ally I navigated the darkened hallways of The Farmhouse every Creek a potential harbinger of my own demise."
"Faith is things which are hoped for and not seen but it has to be based on something that's true."
"Unseen hands are behind the scenes working on things we can't see right now."
"The fear of the unseen, the fear of the lurking dread."
"Let's have hope for what is still unseen by us."
"Angels serve to minister to God's people, often unseen but actively working for their benefit."
"The important thing is what can't be seen."
"You will feel the effects of it but you can't see it."
"Sometimes God does some of his great work where you can't see it."
"Just cause you can't see it, don't mean it's not happening."
"Just because you can't see it in the natural does not mean that God's not working."
"Your blessings are happening behind the scenes. The Unseen."
"The thing that is important is the thing that is not seen."
"The unseen is also talking about like you being able to see a potential in your life that you just never thought you could have before."
"Remember, Allah appreciates, even if nobody is seeing you."
"It leads to the unseen, to the original sin."
"I am not mad. There are colors that we cannot see."
"You have support both seen and unseen."
"These are the guys who are propping up these industries and you don't even see these men in real life."
"Our God says that the things that I see are really made up of the things that I can't see."
"Faith is also having a conviction that something is even though you've never seen it."
"blessed are those who believe when they have not seen"
"Faith is exercised in what we cannot see."
"Blessed are those who believe who have not seen."
"Nexus puts all of their money into what you don't see."
"Your eye has not seen anything yet."
"I think that starting from scratch thing is hard so even for anyone watching like know that your prayers are first starting in an unseen unseen realm you know."
"Allah reveals knowledge to his prophets of unseen things."
"This connection is meant to bring healing, even if you can't see it yet."
"It is time for the unseen to be seen it is time for the suddenlies to erupt."
"There's someone behind the scenes causing doors to open for you."
"Looks good, too. We haven't seen anything yet."
"Even when I was talking to you, you know, sometimes we don't realize the souls that are with us or the souls that try to communicate to us to get to a certain person."
"Faith is the belief in what you can't see, not believe in spite of what you can see."
"This footage has never before been seen."
"To believe he is a rewarder is to be convinced of a truth not seen."
"There is a lot going on in the world that we don't necessarily see or hear about at first."
"Faith gives substance to things hoped for and evidence to things not seen."
"He will upgrade you in ways that you can't even see."
"I didn't have to see it with my physical eyes to be real, I can take his promise and trust in that."
"Faith involves seeing, quote seeing what is unseen."
"Paul said this in first Corinthians 2:9 he said no eye has seen no ear has heard no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those."
"I love talking about this stuff because sometimes these are the stories that you don't get to hear."
"Living on the edge of a forest brings uncertainty about unseen watchers among trees. A video shared on social media captures a moment of intrigue, a kid prompts another to summon their parents."
"Maybe God is having a conversation behind your back."
"Peeking through occasionally into our noisy modern world, when there's a quiet moment or a creak of the closet door, just to remind us they're still there, watching unseen in the dark."
"Faith is the trust in things unseen. That is, at all levels of analysis, the level which is above it is unseen from that level."
"God's got some stuff for you that show hasn't seen, hasn't heard, and hasn't entered into the heart of man."
"I wish you could see it, it's amazing."
"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, some things not yet seen."
"We walk by faith, not by sight, we look not at the things that are seen, but the things that are not seen."
"Learn to depend upon, learn to pay attention, and learn to agree with what's going on in the unseen realm because the Holy Spirit is a wind and you can't see the wind."
"You're kind of seeing what's usually unseen in your life, what usually flies below the radar."
"Now faith is the substance of things hopeful, the evidence of things not seen."
"Eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard."
"God says pick up your sword put on your crown I have crowned you with the crown of my son his blood was shed so that you could live you know not of the power that I have given you because you have refused to open your eyes to what you've the Unseen to be seen."
"He's pretty much like a certified Jedi, he's hitting him without even knowing where they are."
"I think for me God wasn't next to me. I didn't physically see him, so he had to put his support into someone to show it to me."
"The strength of a tree is in the part that you can't see."
"You never see that we definitely do make a difference."
"The hidden threat is often the deadliest."
"Faith sees beyond what is visible, understanding the unseen realities."
"There are meteorites out there that probably landed yesterday that no one's seen."
"God dwells in unapproachable light whom no one has seen or can see."
"There's so much more to foster care and being a foster parent that you don't really see behind the scenes."
"God is faithful even when we don't see it."
"According to your faith be it unto you; faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
"It's not the part of the iceberg that they see up ahead... it's the unseen part that will destroy the ship."
"Seeing is believing, but there's plenty of things that we believe that we can't see."
"The beauty of photography is capturing the unseen, not just the seen."
"He knows what you don't, He can see what you can't, and you can trust Him to just lead you in the next step."
"These cables are the most important infrastructure you've never seen."
"When we talk about Buddhist cosmology, it's going beyond that, going to this much deeper fundamental level that we can't always see."
"We are taught that faith is hope for things which are not seen but which are true."
"The real performance gain comes from the stuff that you can't see."
"There was a nobility about the idea of this character, this guy, the sort of ordinary guy who had all this stuff going on inside of him that nobody saw."
"It's very much about that, about paying homage to ordinary people, regular guys who don't really get seen by the world but have a lot going on."
"There is so much in nature that not many of us have ever seen before."
"Keep your eyes on the one who is invisible."
"There's so much going on that you can't see."
"We understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen are not made of things which do appear."
"We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen."
"The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by the heart."
"Never provoke what you cannot see."
"Faith is the true adventure in life, even when we cannot see, we still go on."
"If we were able to see the spectrum that affects us the most, we would realize there's an entire invisible world."
"Everybody has struggles that go unseen by the world."
"Faith means putting our full confidence in the things we hope for, it means being certain of things we cannot see."
"The magic is always there whether you see it or not, the other world is sitting right there parallel to this one."
"Your hope is essential. You've got to believe things you have not seen."
"I'mma keep walking my faith even when I don't see it."
"I felt a small hand hold mine... just a small child's hand reaching out and holding on to mine."
"Now faith is the assurance of what we hope for, the certainty of what we do not see."
"There's an unseen world of paranormal phenomena all around us."
"Lilith is the shadow side of the feminine; it's the part that doesn't want to be seen or heard."
"I have prepared for my servants that which no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and it did not cross the heart of a human being."
"I believed they were there, the people, I could hear them now and then, murmuring and whistling as if behind a wall of cotton."
"We don't need to see everything, sometimes mystery works even better."
"It's like the curtains have been closed, and behind the curtains, everything is being shifted and moved."
"A loving heart will go out to everybody, even when they don't know it."
"Focus on the unseen, the world that we cannot see, the spiritual realm."
"It's really tense and more about what you don't see than what you do see."
"Though unseen to the corporeal eye, this invisible world exerts a profound influence upon the material plane."
"God's plan involved far more than Paul and his men were able to see."
"The last letter I write to you that you'll never see, I love you."
"In the unseen, in the eternal, there you will find me always by your side."
"I met a cat on a tree and it talked to me about things we don't see."
"Faith is the assurance which men have of the existence of things which they have not seen."
"While we look not on the things that are seen, but focus on the unseen."
"The unseen world and what's over there are permanent; they are eternal."
"We only see what happened in the end... we didn't see the original plan."
"Faith is a confidence in things unseen, right things that you hope for that you haven't seen yet."
"Blessed are you who has believed in me without seeing me."
"For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
"If you want to change the visible, you must change the invisible."
"Walking by faith means believing when I don't see it."
"Focus on the unseen, for these things are eternal."
"The things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal."
"We are not fighting against human beings; we're fighting against spiritual forces and powers of darkness in the unseen spiritual world."
"Even in the seasons where you can't trace Him, you can trust Him."