
Relationship Expectations Quotes

There are 327 quotes

"When there's something in it for you, you answer the phone. I'm not seeing that you're demonstrating that what I want out of this relationship is important at all."
"Standards and an awareness that we have standards should dissolve that feeling of desperation."
"I absolutely loved when he said to Raven that he's not looking for a simple girl; he wants someone complex, someone that can challenge him, someone that's interesting."
"For me, as a female, I plan to be making a certain amount at a certain age, and the man I expect to be with, I want him to be a hustler and a go-getter too."
"What sort of partner do you want? Do you want an overgrown child, or do you want someone to contend with?"
"Probably one of the biggest reasons why so many people die alone is... you want something that is percentage by percentage unlikely."
"These women... are not looking for the 10,000 million dollar guy; they're willing to settle for somebody that is stable, too."
"If you are confident in yourself, you can have certain expectations out of a relationship and you will inevitably find someone who also is fine with those expectations."
"Men need to address their deficits to meet healthier relationship expectations."
"Most people want to find love, but the truth is you think you know what you want, but you're wrong."
"We have a stupid idea of how adult relationships are supposed to work, largely promulgated by the media."
"If he wanted to marry you, he would have married you."
"Why women are so offended when men ask, 'What do you bring to the table?' I'm just being honest. What is so wrong about a man wanting you to add value to his life instead of sucking him dry?"
"Why are we having sex with people that don't want to commit to us?"
"Expecting a man to always be in honeymoon mode after work? That's unrealistic and unsustainable."
"You deserve to be courted, to be treated with respect, to have security and safety in your life, and to be spoiled."
"Already thinking we together I can understand that I can understand how everybody's going to come at it you know like yo but you can't be mad you can't worry about what people going to say."
"I'm talking about very minimal Christian things and we have people that say they are Christian but they don't possess the fruits of the spirit or the attributes of Love they don't have that and that's what I'm looking for."
"Casually dating can be cool, but if it implies that I want all the perks of marriage except for the title, then it's commandeering dating."
"Desiring a partner who can be there for you when you need them is the barest of the bare minimum."
"A lot of times women have kids thinking it'll make him want to be with me. Like, facts."
"Let's just show reality TV of people dating and let's not impose this artificial deadline on these relationships. Let them date and if they get married then they get married if they don't they don't, you know who cares."
"Men tend to want to date outside of their league, but they don't want to spend the money."
"Love yourself as much as you want your soul mate to love you."
"It's so true. My dad said it would make me have unrealistic expectations for what girls would do in bed."
"We're holding out for something long-term and real."
"They see you as someone who could bring them satisfaction and bring them contentment for the remainder of their life."
"They're meant to remind you of what it is you stand for, what you do want to see in a commitment, not what you're willing to live without."
"It's borderline insane to think that you're going to be able to sustain a so-called relationship with a person that's not meeting your needs."
"Expect that same accountability and honesty as well."
"I want my man to be very devoted to me... I want him to show me that like there's no other girl and he's an eyes for no one else other than me."
"Expect more than the bare minimum, expect respect, abundance, and support in your relationships."
"Don't settle for less than a relationship that makes you drop to your knees and worship the Lord."
"You're due for a half a man instead of a whole man."
"It's a toxic and destructive idea that there's going to be someone who will come along and you'll just have an effortlessly good relationship."
"If what you were doing was working right now, you'd be married or at least engaged to a man of value."
"Why are you telling me I'm gonna die alone too if you are holding out for a high value man?"
"Once you start feeling that confidence and you know you're that [ __ ], a guy would be a [ __ ] fool to [ __ ] around on me."
"Telling someone that they need to be in a romantic relationship to be happy and fulfilled is weird."
"I know what I deserve... But in the meantime, boo, you're not even half the things that aren't."
"Be open, honest, and transparent. Lay it all out on the table with no expectations."
"Hold yourself to that standard and expect that if a man wants to be with you, he has to embrace that."
"Do I actually have a realistic outlook about it?"
"He don't care how good you think you are if he's not already feeling you."
"Normal people don't assume their partner will cheat. Dysfunction isn't normal."
"They need to be proving themselves to you bro cuz they're the expense in your life not the other way around"
"Love should never be withdrawn when a person fails to live up to our expectations."
"Love is incoming, it will come, and it will go the distance."
"I want a woman who has something going for herself career-wise... and cares about herself enough to want something out of herself."
"I'm looking for somebody that's genuine, respectful, loyal, honest."
"This is going to be like a very ideal romance."
"Everyone deserves better, too. Padme deserves better."
"You shouldn't feel weird about being 22 and not having a relationship."
"Women seem to really want commitment and investment and attention and time."
"Fair would've been you wanting to marry me then! Or fair would have been Chandler wanting to marry me now!"
"His first reaction was concern about protecting me. That is how I want the father of my children to respond."
"If you don't know exactly how you feel about me, you're not the person the universe picked for me."
"Men want relationships where they're not a liability and they don't have chaos."
"Every time a woman says that they need a man in the top 15 top 10 top 5 percent of earners they are telling the rest of me you're not good enough."
"You just deserve a relationship right off the bat. You deserve a ring. You deserve to be treated like a queen."
"Kindness isn't synonymous with weakness... plenty of the so-called nice guys are robust, authentic men."
"They really do be feeling entitled to a dude's money though after the breakup or during or whatever like you should be taking care of me this is how I came into relationship this how it should be."
"If you want a traditional man right as a woman, that man should be able to demand a traditional woman from you."
"You cannot be mad at a man leaving because you have standards."
"Marriage doesn't necessarily make everything better. Won't fix everything. Marriage arises from happiness, not the other way around."
"Can we just bow our heads and have a moment of silence for every man who tried to turn a hoe into a housewife."
"A man takes you seriously when he takes care of you, puts a house over your head, food in your stomach, and raises the child."
"Your mama didn't teach your grandmama, then big mom and them the kind of men you talk about you want..."
"Inability to provide for your woman is a huge deal."
"A woman doesn't have to bring anything to the table other than herself."
"Your next partner is quite romantic, almost dream-like."
"You never want to be in a situation where you're doing wifey duties for guys who are not serious."
"They just want someone who's a good partner, someone who can keep up with them."
"I know you would treat me like a king or a queen."
"Your person wants to come back to their lover, that's what you could expect next."
"If a woman is used to something the size of a baby leg and you come in with a pinky toe, there's nothing you can do to please her."
"If you require traditional values from your partner, you also have to be a traditional man."
"Love equals pain for some, but it shouldn't."
"You deserve someone who's gonna love you at the level that you love them."
"They're just not capable of loving me or being loyal to me the way that I would want them to as a man."
"I want someone who can match my energy, my hustle."
"I want a man who treats me like a queen. Usually code for, 'I want someone to live and die for my happiness so I can be selfish forever.' No thanks."
"Maybe they'll say, 'You know what? I don't need Captain America over here at six foot two with muscular and all this other stuff. That guy that's got a good stable job who's a loving man, maybe that'll be enough for me.'"
"It's putting your foot down, you know what you want, you're not settling, you already know everything you need to know."
"The kind of woman I want is the kind that's going to be great without me."
"There's something being inflicted in the modern lady today to not only be okay with treating a man like a king but then even knowing how to do it."
"Strong in the gospel, priesthood holder... I wanted someone who would respect me."
"There's an emptiness in me that Mom didn't fill; if things went right you would be a therapist with like a nice androgynous husband or wife."
"It's dreams of the future and thinking oh this is the one like this is my wife or this is my husband."
"I just want the same respect I gave you I got I got you I ain't asking too much."
"It's a completely unrealistic expectation to think it will always continue like the honeymoon phase."
"A man is supposed to protect his family, bro, you ladies got to get with a man who understands how the streets work."
"Commitment and fidelity are here, so the problem is not their commitment, it's just that they didn't act to your standards when you were dating them."
"We need to start approaching this as if these men are only going to get support or even an honorable mention from us if they have a clean track record of supporting us."
"Actions speak louder than words here. A man can tell you anything he wants… but if he is not willing to put in the effort… to go out of his way to show you how special you are… well, then something is wrong."
"A relationship isn't supposed to be 50/50, it's supposed to be 100/100."
"When a relationship isn't like this fantasy daydream, it means it's one of the realest relationships there is."
"You're getting premium dating from a premium guy."
"We almost want to see people who are of like sexual market value to be paired with one another at the very least."
"From the moment we crawled out of the caves, women always want a guy that's going to make them look better."
"Why are men not allowed to ask you what you're bringing to the table?"
"You're done with people who aren't serious, you're done with people who can't make up their minds, who are flaky. It's in the past."
"Marriage is supposed to complement you, not complete you."
"You deserve a partner who will cherish and love you forever."
"You can't expect for someone to trust you if you're not being fully honest."
"I'm trying so hard to be the person you want me to be."
"Expect them to treat you very fairly. Whatever you want out of this person is what you're gonna get."
"Guys, if you're gonna be investing in a large diamond rock to put on a lady's finger, make sure she does the right thing and get you a decent watch in return."
"I just want to meet someone that... well, maybe the less changed from the superficial to the more like actual, this is what I need from a partner."
"I want at least what least get to be the April that you're being right now."
"We want something more, we want the whole package."
"Proposals without rings, it's a No-No. It's not about the material thing, it says that he has intention for you."
"Respect yourself by setting the right expectations out of yourself and then you could expect those same things from your partner."
"I get commitment, some of your next relationship is that of commitment."
"Love yourself, demand that sort of love from others as well."
"Some women don't show enough gratitude because they expect too much from a man."
"Women want it all. We want to be loved and worshipped. We want to be sex lovely, okay? Worship everything. Y'all want one guy."
"Social media did not make it easier for men to meet women, it made it easier for 20% of men to meet 100% of the women."
"You expect a guy who's better than you in every regard to be 50/50 in the relationship, which doesn't make sense."
"Brothers don't want a woman who got it all hanging out."
"Never go into a relationship thinking that you could fix somebody or change somebody."
"You're never going to be happy with a mediocre girl like that... keep searching, keep looking."
"I couldn't be with a woman who don't want to hold my hand and kiss me."
"Men at our age want you to prove to us you're worthy just as much as you want us to prove you want us to prove we're worthy to you."
"Stop being mad at the women with standards who refuse to be your pump and dump come up woman and punching bag because you're mad that women like lori do not want you."
"Men, they are human beings too. They have standards too, they have things that they are looking for women to do for them as well. Just like we have our standards and things that we look for men to do. They have those too."
"You can want a traditional woman but you have to be worth submitting to."
"As a woman, sustaining yourself as an adult is again, you know, making sure your finances are right, you know, making sure your credit is okay, but you cannot expect that to give you a direct result with men."
"If you can't handle me on my worst, you certainly don't deserve me at my best."
"No female fantasy ends with 'we just became friends.'"
"A real man actually wants his woman to be kind of amateurish."
"Stop feeling like you gotta cook for a man, clean for a man, get on your bike for a man before he's even your man."
"You deserve a chick who wants and desires you, not a hoe who plays mind games."
"Most men don't want to deal with a deeply attached woman."
"I think that in a romantic relationship, most people have a reasonable expectation that what they share with their partner is going to stay just between the two of them."
"But don't fall into the trap of taking this for granted and assuming everyone has the same relationship structure goal as you."
"Emily wants Ross to take actions that actually demonstrate his commitment."
"You can use me as the prototype and say okay I need ab and C because you deserve the best."
"I live by the rules of what I want to make me happy. No one person is enough to fulfill all the needs that you have."
"I'm looking for somebody who's intelligent, common sense because it's hard to find, definitely got to have some money to take care of yourself, not just me but yourself."
"If this is the bar for communication, no, it's not."
"If you're expecting your love to consist of men being violent for you, you're on a very bad path."
"You're not looking for integrity, you're looking for a severance package from your chat dating."
"We want someone who loves us 'no matter what'."
"I want security in a relationship. Make me feel secure."
"I just want a guy that has similar values and yeah like I don't know how to be to be quite honest with you."
"You need to keep in mind because you're a divine partner and the person that actually might fulfill you might not look like what you're accustomed to."
"I want them to enhance my life rather than just be, like, 'Hi, how are you?' I want them to make my life better."
"On this Raptors roster, everybody they bring in seems to maximize who they can be."
"Women like Kendra G, women all over the world, you want high value men but you don't want to accept what they come along with."
"Men are looking for women who are at the baseline self-aware."
"Love yourself, expect others to reciprocate that unconditional love."
"Fit, feminine, friendly. That's what men typically want."
"You want the best option you could possibly get which means you yourself have to be the best option that you could possibly be for somebody else."
"I really don't think there's anything wrong with going out in the world with a full heart and high expectations when you're looking to date someone."
"Fix me - having someone in your life that you think could fix everything."
"If they don't love my kids as much as that, I don't want it."
"Many people say I want love, I want that real relationship, and then when that amazing partner comes their way, they're like, 'What the hell's going on?'"
"Statistically, everyone gets three wishes when it comes to a mate."
"Do we want men to do for us while also them reading our minds of what we want to be able to do on our own or do we just want them to do all the things that make us feel good?"
"Men want very simple things: loyalty, beauty, and peace."
"Love yourself... if you don't even like who you are, how can you expect someone else to?"
"It's okay to want things out of your partner, I think."
"If you can't accept me at my flipping table, you don't deserve me at my walking man."
"This person wants to come off as a knight in shining armor. They want to be really romantic."
"It's harder to settle when you've been around more people."
"Kevin Samuels: identifying inflated standards in women's expectations for marriage."
"This new soul mate is arriving into your life... peace, love, and harmony."
"You deserve to have someone who's actually thinking like, 'Bro, I'm with Philly.'"
"Many modern romantic stories make people develop unrealistic views about real relationships."
"Romance is often one-sided... the man gets served up on a platter for the enjoyment of the woman."
"A man should always send the car for you, always."
"You can be tall, strong, fit, smart, the best guy in bed who she's ever had."
"Love will never come in a very conditional way."
"Women do want someone who is stable in their life though emotionally, financially, and possibly physically, and there's nothing wrong with that."
"She wants somebody who's going to stay on the same wavelength as her."
"There is no happy ending in being unfaithful. Your spouse deserves better."
"You will not take less than something that gives back to you what you're giving to it."
"The person you're destined to be with wants marriage."
"No girl that loves their guy would behave in that way."
"You have to have those conversations with the people that you are gonna be intimate with so that they know where you're coming from so that you're not locked down and all of a sudden got to change up how you're living."
"Setting the tone for how you want your marriage to go for what you want your relationship to look like especially from a financial perspective."
"It's like getting into a relationship and expecting only good days, and the minute that Jim Cramer says your girlfriend or your boyfriend smells, you're like, 'We're over.'"
"I feel like it's really important to learn how to love yourself so you could learn the way you want to be loved by other people."
"You deserve more than compliments, you deserve commitment, consistency, respect, and reciprocity."
"It's been a really good look so far for this old dynasty."
"If you want a top 10 percent man, you gotta be a top 10 woman."
"The only woman you're going to get from the church is a concubine, not a wife."
"Women want a guy who already knows how women work, they don't want you to sit down at the table and negotiate."
"One thing I asked for is respect, honesty, and to treat her really, really good. If you don't do all those things, man, I'm just going to break your neck."
"I feel like some of you picked this pile are already married or something... like the honeymoon period between the two of you is going to be very long-lasting."
"That woman is never going to be happy if that's the sort of standards she has on guys."
"Some of y'all need to have a eulogy for the expectation that you had as it relates to getting married."
"Men want women who are fit, feminine, beautiful, inspirational."
"I don't think it's a bad thing if she doesn't want to get with a broke man."
"It's a red flag if you do not validate her every day."
"Show me what you're going to add to my life. Show me that you're going to make my life easier. Dinner dates make my life easy."
"If you're a young man and you don't really got much going on for yourself, you don't really got any money, you really have no business taking women out on dates."