
Good Deeds Quotes

There are 563 quotes

"Sarah said, 'I had a good day of tips waitressing for once, so I gave a homeless man 20 dollars on the walk home.'"
"Once in a while we make a good call, we behave with generosity and charity towards others, maybe even to ourselves, and that's enough."
"Good works are not the roots of salvation; they're the fruits of salvation."
"Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."
"Spread love, do good, and it'll all come back around, for real."
"Command those who are rich... to do good, to be rich in good deeds, to be generous and willing to share."
"The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, 'So Allah allowed him to enter paradise because of that good deed.'"
"Many times in the life of a Muslim, a place in Jannah may finally be reserved for him or her due to the smallest of actions in our eyes."
"Every morning when you wake up, make an intention in your heart, a firm resolve that I am going to carry out at least one good deed today that I hope will please nobody with it except Allah, hoping that this will be my moment of Siddiq (truthfulness), when my sins are forgiven and access to Jannah is granted."
"Allah does not let the good deeds of the believers go to waste."
"There are no days in which good deeds are more beloved to Allah than these 10 days."
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."
"The Prophet said, 'Allah loves a good deed that is done continuously more than he loves a large deed that is done once and left.'"
"Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."
"You inject good in this world, things coming back."
"Every person who prays there, every kid that learns about Islam, every youngster that memorizes the Quran, all of this and so much more can be on your scale of good deeds."
"Jesus went about doing good, healing all that were oppressed of the devil."
"The most beloved deeds to Allah are the most consistent, even if they are small."
"Every little atom weight of good deed you've done will be there. And imagine you see a mountain, and Allah says this is for you. For me? Yes."
"Earl's Good Deeds create new friends wherever he goes, helping shape the community into one where everybody helps each other rather than compete against each other."
"You don't have to be religious. These are good people, thoughtful people, moral people, and they're just not religious."
"Your good deeds are what you own. If somebody wants to transfer his good deeds to you, the verse does not negate that."
"If you engage in a good deed mashallah you deserve a good deed and you deserve the multiplication if you bring it with you on the day of judgment."
"We are saved for good works, not by good works."
"Jesus said, 'Let your light so shine before men that when they see your good works they'll glorify your father which is in heaven.'"
"A good man's actions set him up for a better future."
"Your spirit guides are conspiring to bring you blessings because of all the good you do for others."
"We're not saved by good works, we are saved for good works."
"Sharon writes a wrong by helping a neighborhood woman keep her 23 cats."
"There's nothing wrong with being a good neighbor."
"All you really need is a desire to do good and a belief about what is good."
"You don't need God for morality, you need good for morality."
"I'm trying to talk about something that helps us tell when someone doing good for good's sake is actually good versus doing good for the wrong sake."
"Good works are a reflection of the God in you."
"We go around doing good, pointing them to Jesus."
"I'm just saying, all the good comes supernaturally."
"What does a child learn from this? That doing good deeds can make the doer feel good even if those deeds go unrecognized, that those to whom we feel closest will never fully know how much we care for them."
"Those who take God at His word are going to engage in good deeds."
"Muslims live their lives with the Hereafter in mind, striving for good deeds and righteousness."
"You know, all he's saying is you get up in the morning and you go around wherever you're going and you do good for crying out loud. How hard could it be?"
"I am your good deeds coming back to you, bringing you glad tidings."
"If you do good by other people, they'll do good by you."
"Just because you did a good deed doesn't make you a good person."
"A lesson drawn from this: Whenever you do a good deed, don't let it make you arrogant."
"So whoever does an atom's worth of good will see it. It might seem insignificant to you, but I hope from Allah that it will be something great."
"I may have done a homie move to a complete stranger, and I'm feeling pretty proud of it."
"God has already prepared good works in advance for us to do."
"If you are saved it will result in works because that's what salvation does to you."
"Living such good lives among the pagans that though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God."
"We're the good guys. We save everyone, even the jerks. That's what good guys do."
"So if you want to thank Allah, you can't just say 'Oh Allah, thank you', no, doing a good deed, that's what Allah says."
"By doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men."
"Time flies when you're doing good in the world."
"Christmas is a time of giving and of sharing, and you did a very good job of sharing with Rosie."
"Then one good deed, a child becomes an adult."
"The smartest thing anybody can ever do is to follow Christ."
"As long as people do good works without God, Satan will support it."
"Queen of Cutway was just inspirational, it's a movie about good people doing good things."
"Doing the will of God is a work, having true Faith because it produces works."
"We must not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don't give up."
"True faith will no more fail to produce good works than the sun can cease to give light."
"Faith and works are bound up in the same bundle."
"We are saved by grace through faith for works."
"You do good because you are saved, not to get saved."
"Make your light shine so that others will see the good that you do and will praise your father in heaven."
"Good thoughts do good things. If you can do one or two good deeds a day, at least that's fantastic. Have an open mind but don't have it so open that your brain falls out on the sidewalk."
"Every good deed generates another good deed... never let you down."
"If somebody gets rewarded financially for doing something good, that doesn't mean the good deed is revoked."
"Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good."
"I think we're going the right direction and good people are doing good things."
"Every good deed is a mysterious power to carry as further on the great growth problems of life."
"When you do a good deed, you get the mega bonus."
"Do some good today, don't tell anyone about it, just between you and God."
"God didn't save you to put you on a shelf. He saved you for his purposes of good works." - Ephesians 2:8-10
"We're not saved by works, but we were created for good works." - Ephesians 2:8-10
"Paul's hierarchy of good deeds: Loving people. Muhammad's: Dying while slaughtering in the name of Allah."
"If you do good, you will have praise from the same."
"This is the month of Ramadan so try your best to do a good deed for someone."
"You're getting a lot of good karma lately because your heart is in a good place."
"Enjoin the good, be patient and call to that which is good."
"If you can affect one or two lives, you've done a good work."
"The best deeds are those that are the most consistent ones, even if it's small."
"Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."
"If something invites and entices to do good, it comes from Christ."
"We're not saved because of our good works, but we are saved to do good works. There's a big difference."
"Do something friendly, honorable for someone out there today."
"Do something nice for someone; that would be cool."
"It's easy to do good, but it's hard to do good well."
"It doesn't take much to be an angel today."
"If you really want to have a good day, find something kind that you can do for somebody else."
"We're really trying to do a good thing here, not only with the wrestling."
"Just keep doing good deeds and they will automatically wipe them away."
"You have been doing good deeds and taking care of yourself viewer. This is your reward here."
"He realized that he had done such a good deed today and even got a wife."
"I just want to be remembered as a good Muslim, as a good person that someone that helps the Next Generation."
"Ramadan's a race to good deeds, run towards every single one, grab whatever you can."
"The greatest overall category of what saves a person from the fire is doing good deeds and keeping away from what Allah made prohibited."
"The best feeling of getting to do something right and something good is the satisfaction that you get from seeing your parents proud."
"God would rather go for somebody that has a heart that matches him then somebody who does a lot of good deeds but their heart is away from him."
"People do good things, you should give them credit for the good things they do without making them your hero."
"If we do harm to another, we do it to ourselves; if we do some good to another, we'll do it to ourselves because we are all connected."
"Hopefully not only am I doing good for the environment, it might give you a bit of karma as well."
"It's only the good deeds that you're going to carry with you."
"You gotta just think about it, bro. Whenever you put good into the world, that [__] is always going to come back."
"Consciously increase in your good deeds."
"I just want this to do some good."
"Gratitude is one of the best motivations for doing good deeds."
"Your light must shine before people in such a way they may see your good works glorify your father in Heaven."
"To be fruitful and effectual, we have to supplement our faith with virtue, with good deeds, with good works."
"Destined to do good things with her life."
"If you do good, try as much as possible to do good and good will follow you."
"Even if you have a habitual sin, don't let that stop you from habitual good deeds. Good deeds extinguish bad deeds."
"The reason you enter is Allah's mercy. Good deeds play a role, of course, but the man said, 'I want to enter paradise with my good deeds,' and God said, 'Okay, if you want to enter by a good deed, we have to be just.'"
"Allah gives them the ability to do good deeds."
"When you do good things, it feels good."
"That's one of the laws Allah places: if he does good, he will receive good in this life."
"Every sin you commit, follow it up with a good deed, and come back to the house of Allah."
"The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 'Don't belittle any good deed, even if it is greeting your brother with a smiling face.'"
"For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men."
"And you know what he's done with those sins? He's converted them into Good Deeds for you. Subhan Allah!"
"Just do good stuff for people, that's all that matters."
"Nothing causes the lifespan of a person to increase like his Good Deeds."
"And there's a great hadith about that. It says if you intend to do something good but then you change your mind for no bad reason, Allah will still write it as one good deed."
"Whoever wants to meet his Lord, let him work good deeds."
"Those who are saved because of the grace of God are transformed into agents of good works in this world."
"...whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it, either will appreciate it. They'll be happy that they did it. Whoever does an atom's weight of bad will see it, and they'll be really sorrowful that they did it."
"You are created to do good works which God prepared in advance for you to do."
"I just want to do something good for the soul today."
"The more good that you do, the more mad that they get."
"When you do good things, you can take all the glory."
"The currency of the Hereafter brothers and sisters is simply good deeds."
"When a traveler at last comes home from afar, journey, with what gladness his family and his friends receive him! Even so shall your good deeds welcome you like friends."
"We are saved by grace, through faith, in Christ, for good works."
"There's so much good that can be done and people have such willing hearts."
"The label of your good deed guarantees the pleasure of Allah and Paradise."
"Paradise becomes more beautiful when you do good deeds."
"I still meet good people and see Good Deeds Done on a daily basis."
"You want to know a true Christian? Look at their works, the people that help them actually do work in the house."
"Every Dua that we make, every good deed that we do, there's a benefit from it."
"The motivator towards the doing of good deeds is the heart."
"If each of you does a good deed for someone before sunset, your fragments will fly up into the sky and become golden stars."
"I believe in myself, and if I do good things, okay, that's the reason why."
"Don't grow weary for doing good, but for improper time he will reap a harvest if you do not give up."
"Do the good that I can do. If I spend all my time getting worried and freaked out and anxious about all the evil happening in the world... and I'm not saying it's not evil, it's real evil, real."
"But nothing actually matters. The most important thing is just doing good deeds, I guess to help your argument because that's literally God doesn't care if you're like a prime minister, you have money, all he's actually going to care about is your Deeds."
"Every good deed is a mysterious power to carry us further on the great growth problems of life."
"If he had just bought a normal car and then donated the rest of the money to charity, he might have done something good in the world instead of indulging himself like this."
"...you're going to be rewarded for all your good works."
"Most of the good that's done in the world is actually done by people who are not intending to do good, but they do it anyway."
"Remember this hadith: 'Start a good deed, a good sunnah, a good action, and you have the reward of it and the reward of everyone who does it.'"
"To him that knows to do good but does not do it, to him it is sin."
"People do good things, people do bad things, but when it's time, the best people do the right thing."
"As long as it's for a good cause, it doesn't matter."
"Good deeds by their nature they eliminate sins."
"Good deeds count for extra tonight."
"Make sure you're keeping up with doing good deeds. It really does pay off. It really pays off guys and it makes it I thought easier to have your duas accepted if you increase the amount of good deeds that you do."
"You have to stand out some way, stand out by doing good things."
"You'll never truly conquer the sin until you replace it with a good deed."
"The good thing that you are doing is what is gradually projecting you."
"If you know to do good to people and you don't do it, then to you is sin. That's a pretty easy definition, isn't it?"
"This is the concept of Christian doing good. It isn't just being good."
"Yeah, it's a great one, and The House Always Wins because if you're doing good things, then people praise you. If you're doing bad things and people are criticizing you, well, that's just a prophecy fulfilled."
"Alhamdulillah, you should feel good when you commit a good deed, that I feel good, may Allah accept it."
"If you ever try to purchase salvation by your own good deed, you are slapping into the face of our heavenly father."
"Maintaining a sincere trust in Yeshua demonstrated in our fruit, our good works, and deeds is the path to an eternal relationship of good with God."
"Remember, God didn't do something good for yourself and for others as well."
"We don't work for our salvation, but if we are truly saved, you cannot have the heart of God and not want to do good things."
"Good news is no news yet there is a lot of good news and some wonderful things are going on in spite of the frightening headlines."
"You could just do a good deed by smiling at someone or telling someone they look good."
"People just want to do good because they feel it's the right thing."
"We are not saved by our good works but we are saved to do good works."
"Always make intention for good deeds, and there is no good deed without an action pleasing to Allah."
"You can't earn your way to Heaven by your own good works."
"You order good and forbid evil and you believe in Allah."
"Good things should be done in such a way that even you forget that you're doing it."
"James is not denying that faith saves or that faith is the key through which we experience the saving grace of God, but he emphasizes that real faith issues forth in good works."
"We believe that all people who live good lives, no matter what their religion, have a place in heaven."
"He loves to do wonderful things for people."
"The best people of the vicinity said I did a good thing."
"The world knew that we were doing something good, Mother Nature, God, Call It Whatever You Like, knew that we were doing something good."
"We're created for good works. God wants us to do right things, but we're not saved by good works. We're saved for good works."
"Every good deed you've ever done is about to return to you."
"Normalize this kind of behavior and practice. Whenever someone does something good, we say to them: Allah acknowledge it."
"Do good unto thy friend before thou die."
"The creator does not allow good to go unrewarded, and the rewards far exceed minimum wage."
"These verses Matthew 6 1 through 4 are an admonition to humility and doing good works."
"I'm not gonna do all this good stuff in hopes that it will be enough, I'm gonna do all of this good work because I'm already secure in Jesus."
"But I think if you do one good thing before you die, I don't know if it makes you a great good person."
"I'm thankful that God is using us to do good things."
"I'm glad I at least did some good."
"You never know where your blessings may come from for what you're doing."
"As from a great heap of flowers many garlands can be made, even so should many good deeds be done by one born a mortal."
"Don't grow weary in doing good because at the right time you'll reap a harvest if you don't give up."
"From being stranded in the snow to having trouble crossing the street to even just leaving a door open, little by little, good deeds are capable of changing the world."
"As long as being a good person is all that finally matters, then why are we worrying about doctrinal differences? Why can't we just live and let live?"
"This is when all the good people get to come in."
"Little by little, good deeds are capable of changing the world."
"Knowing him in truth to be the wise Lord of the good mind and of good deeds and words."
"I am God's workmanship, created to do good works."