
Cognitive Biases Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"If everybody was at least familiar with a list of logical fallacies and cognitive biases, they could recognize it in the other person's arguments but also in their own."
"Cognitive biases are systematic patterns of deviation from normal rationality and judgment."
"Just because you have a thought doesn't necessarily mean it's true."
"It eliminates what I believe to be one of the greatest tragedies of mankind, and that is people arrogantly, naïvely holding opinions in their minds that are wrong, and acting on them, and not putting them out there to stress test them."
"Social media algorithms exploit a variety of cognitive biases that we all have."
"I tried to make the point that the narratives of this company were identical to those used by harmful cults and simply preyed on the innate heuristics of human cognition in order to manipulate people."
"It's hard, it's hard, it's easy to have the negativity bias of Doom."
"Our brains are so far above everybody else's that sometimes we overuse them when we overthink."
"Anxiety is all in your head, so it's honestly just like a bunch of lies that go through your head."
"How much of it is you playing with your mind, how much is your mind playing tricks on you?"
"If you approach your decisions more rationally, then you will have better outcomes overall because these biases limit you in pursuing what would otherwise be your end goals."
"Even if she gives you a nasty look, even if you get totally rejected, don't take that experience and then do a cognitive bias and overgeneralization."
"Every healthy relationship has the same core ingredients."
"That should thinking is actually a cognitive distortion."
"Social media is distorting all of those signals all of those heuristics all of those vulnerabilities of the human mind at every single level."
"Your thoughts are not reality. You are not your thoughts, and just because you think something does not mean it's true."
"Motivated reasoning: we don't look out at the world and say where's the weight of the evidence."
"The optimism bias, there's also the way things have always been biased. People hear about the potential for civil war and they think, 'No, it'll never happen.'"
"Your mind becomes a propaganda machine which amplifies the negative and decreases the positive."
"Most people cannot think Beyond first order effects."
"Extraordinarily instructive with regard to confirmation bias."
"It's easy to end up in a spiraling path where we only seek and give credence to that evidence which supports our preconceptions."
"You can't think your way out of bad thinking."
"Contrast principle: our perception can be influenced by previous information."
"You can't reason a man at position he wasn't reasoned into in the first place."
"Most people don't hold opinions because they were reasoned into them, they hold them for protective coloration."
"Teach them about the deceptive nature of the mind and how beliefs work."
"The hardest part is to remove our biases it's mostly in us we create all these indicators and all these things because we want the narrative to match what our bias is."
"It's a cognitive bias at the end of the day, it comes from what you read, what you see, what you watch."
"Confirmation bias or survivorship bias in that, right? Because we don't talk about the people that don't get forgotten."
"Do the opposite of what your brain tells you." - Justin Williams
"Celebrities and experts influence our decisions - the halo effect."
"Is it worse to be prisoner of the moment or is it worse to be a prisoner of faulty logic?"
"These assumptions, these stories create our reality."
"Women have an innate need for magical thinking."
"Normalcy bias and Stockholm syndrome both epidemics of a willfully Eyes Wide Shut mentality."
"Don't assume your feelings are factual evidence, recognize when emotional reasoning occurs."
"Fortune-telling error is thinking you can predict the future, recognize when you're doing it."
"Magnification and minimization magnify the negatives and minimize the positives, be aware if this is you."
"Have you ever wondered why your mind seems to fixate on and even exaggerate negative events but not do the same thing for positive ones?"
"Remember that quote, 'This is not an easy task because for most people it is difficult to admit to being wrong.'"
"Checking your biases and whatnot absolutely."
"Implicit biases affect your decision-making process at least a little bit."
"Never ever ever believe in the sunk cost fallacy."
"Weakness is thinking you don't need expert advice and only listen to sources that confirm what you want to believe."
"They put on our psychology hats for a minute. You know what this is? This is a perfect example of black and white thinking. These two are so stuck in black and white."
"Remember what we said about the clustering illusion? He takes one example out of this kid's whole event and says look any new skill player can topple ICS."
"Echo chambers trap you in a linear form of thinking."
"You're gonna have to master the 25 cognitive biases or else people aren't even gonna listen to you."
"False authority is a well-documented psychological trap that humans frequently fall into."
"Confirmation quickly becomes cope formation."
"Our brain keeps coming up with excuses to not do something."
"We tend not to be the best, most precise rational fair-minded objective thinkers."
"The biggest risk as an investor is getting trapped in confirmation bias."
"Our choices are influenced by simplifying heuristics."
"Humans are really the masters of underestimation."
"If you have a theory or a thought that's wrong and you stick with it too long, that's why a lot of people get stuck or lose all their money or whatever."
"Availability Cascade: Repeat something long enough and it will become true."
"They exploit cognitive biases and human psychological weaknesses."
"What I want to avoid is thinking one is right and the other is wrong because that sets me up to have a battle in my own mind."
"Ruby came to the Stark realization of the errors in her thinking patterns."
"If you don't see the world the way it is, it's like judging something through distorted lenses."
"If your mind and your brain is inefficiently programmed, then that inefficient program will misdirect your eyes, will misdirect your senses, will create for you then a reality that is in a sense unreal."
"Loser think isn't about being uninformed; it's about unproductive thinking."
"The pyramid scheme seems engineered to take advantage of cognitive mistakes."
"Understanding and addressing cognitive biases are crucial for critical thinking and decision-making."
"People who are less susceptible to the classic cognitive fallacies and biases have better outcomes in life in general."
"When we start to do things that are out of consensus, when we get signals from the world that what we believe to be true isn’t correct, then it becomes very hard to change our mind."
"We can listen to all of these discussions of cognitive biases. I mean, I can actually look at Alibaba and say, Okay, I’m down 59%, here are all of the biases that are making me stupid, and I still can’t decide what to do."
"We’re just talking really about the difficulty of thinking rationally given our cognitive biases."
"One big weakness that I notice is paradigm lock. When Ni and Ti get in that kind of loop, there tends to be a sense of being caught up in one point of view and one perspective as though it were the absolute truth."
"Bias, irrational decision-making, urgency, and need—all play a role."
"Our brains are wired to play tricks on us sometimes. That's just part of being human."
"Because of those types of biases in the way that we think, that's why social psychologists rely on scientific methods and not just common sense."
"The psychology of human misjudgment: understanding cognitive biases."
"Cognitive style that he talked about was active open-mindedness which he gets from Jonathan Barron and this is the idea that what you should do is cultivate a sensitivity and an ongoing awareness of the presence and effect of cognitive biases in your cognitive behavior."
"That the firehose of information aimed at our brains is amplifying the cognitive biases we've always had in all kinds of harmful ways."
"Examining cognitive biases these are mental mistakes we make such as the one I talked about with social media."
"Once emotion enters the chat, these are where these cognitive biases kind of kick in."
"Primacy and recency refer to the phenomenon in which when remembering a list, people tend to remember the first items and the last items the best."
"We're creatures of cognitive biases no matter how smart we are."
"It's important to be aware of your own biases."
"We're starting to understand the ways that our minds are poorly designed for our goals as people."
"Eight cognitive biases that are creating the way you experience your life."
"Mistake theorists believe that we can improve the world through increasing education and reducing cognitive biases."
"Magic teaches you about these consistent blind spots, these things that all minds don't see."
"Trying to talk to people about being skeptical and rational and understanding where the brain makes mistakes and why it makes mistakes."
"Understanding these distortions is crucial as it sets the foundation for positive change and personal growth."
"If you find that you have a tendency to jump to conclusions sometimes, you can address it. You can engage in reality testing and use a method called Socratic questioning to objectively evaluate whether your conclusions are reasonable or not."
"The mind is an interesting thing, and we're subject to all sorts of different biases and misinterpretations of reality."