
Asymmetry Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"There's this asymmetry here, and we have to recognize it."
"A little bit of imperfection and a little lack of symmetry isn't the end of the world."
"Regulatory agencies...can have a bit of an asymmetry where they are punished a lot for something going wrong but not rewarded enough for something going right."
"Everything we see in the universe — the stars, the planets, the galaxies, the plants, the rocks, the power of us — is what you call the product of a remarkable asymmetry of matter over antimatter."
"This is the perfect asymmetric weapon, information."
"I sort of like part of it to be right in the middle... and then to have other parts of it asymmetrical and not so balanced."
"Attraction is not symmetrical; it's asymmetrical. Men and women are attracted to completely different things."
"The next thing I want to talk about is asymmetrical multiplayer."
"There's a potential to be overloaded on asymmetry."
"My legs are still growing, I mean particularly the left leg."
"Bitcoin is a very, very asymmetric opportunity."
"The asymmetrical balance is what makes this whole thing awesome."
"Just changing the surrounding color is going to make a big difference and you know let's say we gave them hair but just on one side of his face because it's cool like that now makes it bit more looks a bit more normal."
"Asymmetrical local multiplayer experience and my favorite one so far..."
"I’ve always enjoyed asymmetric games like this, and I actually think Project Playtime’s core design fixes some of the issues I have with similar games like Dead By Daylight."
"Asymmetric done correctly can absolutely help a smaller Falls Drive out a larger Force to the point at which for the larger Force the juice isn't worth to squeeze."
"Not every one is the same not everything is needed to do in a symmetrical way."
"It lends one of the first elements where asymmetry comes in where we don't have the front looking exactly like the back and that serves to give the house a bunch more character."
"Sometimes leaning into asymmetry is the way you achieve balance."
"Nature as a whole is asymmetrical, and I've come to believe that life, as it is manifest to us, is a function of the asymmetry of the universe."
"The world adopting a new form of money would be massively asymmetric for the holders of the currency."
"And if one side of the car is not exactly the same as the other, that's okay."
"Asymmetrical Independence generates power relationships."
"The beauty is not in perfect symmetry, the beauty is in the asymmetric experience."
"When somebody knows a lot about you and you know nothing about them then that's weird."
"Meanwhile, ponytail is going to be again the opposite, he's going to be pretty open and relaxed and have a lot of asymmetry in his poses."
"That's the probably the biggest information asymmetry that there is in the game right now."
"Most wars are asymmetrical in nature really."
"...your foot's asymmetrical it should the Footwear should be designed the same thing like you don't wear two right feet or two left feet..."
"The good guys are the rebels; they're using asymmetric Warfare against a highly organized Empire."
"Asymmetry can add so much to a character. I highly recommend not making your character completely symmetrical."
"Compounding is convex on the upside and concave on the downside, positive asymmetry. Few understand this but the day you do it will change your investing perspective forever."
"Every human being is naturally asymmetrical and there's really no way around it."
"The asymmetry of the game, I love asymmetry in games. I love interactiveness. Dwellings is so well designed."
"It's better to change things around a little bit, have things look different, non-symmetrical."
"I don't like it to be too round or too even, I like it to be full of life and movement."
"Climax Form from Kamen Rider Den-O... this form is very asymmetrical but that's probably one of my favorite aspects of it."
"I like odd numbers and I like asymmetry."
"It looks a little bit like it needs to be done a bit more of the bob, especially on this side with the longer hair. Asymmetry, you don't like that? I like it. I think it needs a little bit less symmetry."
"I thought about that and I thought you know what maybe it is asymmetrical."
"Being the only race to do something is not bad design, that's interesting design. It's asymmetric design."
"I kind of want it like off center like that the shell side is the top so I kind of want it like leaning to one side so I kind of have it leaning to the right."
"Relationism embodies the asymmetry that is fundamental for a relationist approach."
"Asymmetry is great when you have an architectural element behind your sofa and it doesn't allow for one large piece centered."
"You should present with asymmetries that represent the left side of the column."
"We wanted this side to be open so they weren't too matching, actually symmetrical really glad we did it."
"Using asymmetry is important... because it's personality, it's depth."
"We've seen matter-antimatter asymmetries in the B. This is really a huge accomplishment."
"The willow tree is so cool, and I love how it's not symmetrical."
"It's an asymmetric one, so you kind of lie diagonally across it, which makes life a whole lot more comfortable."
"However, the door on the audience left always, but always takes longer to reach its closed position than the door on the right."
"There's an apparent asymmetry in our responses to the bystander case and the fat man case, even though both of them seem arguably to involve killing one in order to save five."
"We can't have a brain that's formed in the way that it is without the asymmetry that allows a creature to do two impossibly difficult things at once: pay very narrowly focused attention to the world and pay very broad, sustained, vigilant attention to the world."
"The thing I like the most about this tattoo, I love the way it fits. I love that it's not symmetrical. I think it gives it a unique look."
"It's predicated on this information asymmetry between the service provider and the service receiver."
"Asymmetry always adds a lot more interest into your character."
"Something that I enjoy playing with is like it's an extremely irregular organic shape that's totally asymmetrical, and then you make part of it absolutely perfectly square and symmetrical."
"Make sure that it's not too symmetrical... you don't want a dungeon design that's boring."
"Cards that are not symmetrical are broken."
"It's longer in the back than it is in the front, and I also really like that detail about it."
"I think it looks so beautiful, asymmetrical; it's a little bit longer on one side than it is on the other."
"The fun part, which I absolutely love, is the asymmetrical hem. It has all these points."
"I'm always after a sense of like imperfect symmetry."
"He places this Madonna which is asymmetrical but looks at you as you come into the room."
"I started creating this kind of asymmetric vibe which I really liked."
"You will even notice that here on the sample, the front edge of this one... they do not match identical on both sides at all, okay, and that is alright."
"Your lungs aren't twins; they're siblings because they aren't the same size or shape."
"An absolutely incredible balance achieved through asymmetry on this pair."
"Sacred art is never perfectly symmetrical."
"All of us have asymmetrical qualities which give us lots of character."
"I'm always looking for things that are not symmetrical... this kind of asymmetry will make your thing look much more interesting."
"Asymmetry is quite characteristic of Japanese architecture of this class."
"Asymmetric information means that one side of the market knows more than the other."
"Don't worry too much about having them perfectly symmetrical on either side."
"Our drive towards asymmetrical beauty is informed by Dionysus more than Apollo."
"The aesthetics of symmetry and the aesthetics of asymmetry feed off one another."
"What makes particle life interesting is those forces are not symmetric."
"Starting to break symmetry and get some more life in there later on is definitely very important."
"Cloning is a great mental model, another great mental model is doing things which have asymmetry."
"A little asymmetry at the end can go a long way, in particular with your expression."
"Just add a bit of asymmetry to make it more interesting."
"It's funny how an asymmetrical piece, when mirrored into a symmetrical design, can feel like a nice contrast."
"Just notice any difference in the sensations from the right side to the left side, notice if one side feels tighter than the other, or if there is any other part of your body that's lighting up with a stretch sensation."
"That is our Ace in the Hole, being innovative, non-traditional, asymmetrical, and doing things in a very different way."
"Nobody's face is symmetrical; get over it."
"We need the asymmetry of symmetry and asymmetry; they're not symmetrical, but they're both needed."
"Nobody is perfectly symmetrical; there's not a human being on the face of this earth that their left side is exactly the same as the right side."
"I just like that little bit of asymmetrical versus smack down the middle."
"Age is reflected in asymmetry, youth is reflected in symmetry."
"Generosity is massively asymmetric; the cost to The Giver is far less than the benefit to the receiver."
"Most people's faces are asymmetrical, often becoming more so as we get older."
"My plan, the picture I've got in my mind, is to make a design that's a little bit asymmetric."
"Not quite as asymmetrical as I imagined it was going to be when I thought about creating this design, but you can see how that lovely cascading movement on one side really emphasizes the forward movement of the design."
"The main tenets of its aesthetic are something uneven, asymmetrical, movement driven, evoking nature."
"That's pretty much your overall shape done; that is your asymmetric design."
"Leaning into the asymmetry and the slight chaos of it and finding a balance between order and chaos."
"It's almost like a teacup style, but then it has this asymmetrical cut that is done so well."
"A few aspects of experience are as striking as the asymmetry between the past and the future."
"How do we get from laws that are symmetric in time to appearances that are so very asymmetric?"
"The symmetry of the asymmetry going on here, there's off-center hours and minutes, the moon phase, the month along the side of the window plus the double date disc."
"Our ships were so asymmetric, I just thought that was very well done."
"I didn't want everything regimentally lined up in rows; I wanted to offset and give it a bit more movement."
"I kind of love that these are off-center too; it adds a really nice kind of fun element to it."
"I'm a big fan of the asymmetrical designs."
"I love the asymmetrical as well because it does kind of give off a little more of a Feminine Mystique."
"Everybody's lips are slightly asymmetrical, everybody's face is slightly asymmetrical, so you're always trying to create balance in your face."
"Asymmetry is associated with motion, loosening, arbitrariness, accident, life, play, freedom."
"Asymmetry is a surefire way to add some visual interest to your figures."
"You are as a human are asymmetrical; that is not a theory, that is a fact."
"Skew is a measure of the asymmetry of a probability distribution."
"I love asymmetry in games... it's something I really admire when a designer can pull it off and make interesting choices, make players feel special, create replayability."
"Two-player games have an interesting potential for asymmetry... it can really lead to some interesting dynamics."
"You see how you'll have this beautiful center. You see how you get this nice edge; it doesn't look too symmetrical."
"The leptons have a 15% left-right asymmetry."
"Don't make it look symmetrical, that's quite important."
"I love the asymmetry in it; each faction is completely unique."
"The NARDL can be used to study the short run relationship and the long run relationship of variables that have different asymmetries."
"Just by doing this, although most of the model is symmetrical, as long as we break that center line and make it asymmetrical, it will give you the effect that the rest of the model is actually asymmetrical."
"The body is not straight, even the parts of the body where it looks straight, it's not."
"It might be a little bit more interesting if there's a little bit of asymmetry in your poses."
"Cell membranes are asymmetrical; they have different faces, a forward exterior face and a reverse or interior face, and they are two-dimensional fluids."
"A molecule with a tetrahedral asymmetric center is generally chiral."
"Asymmetry is better than symmetry because it kind of stands out as to make it unique and different."
"We could easily start to do asymmetrical designs and break out of this totally symmetrical thing."
"I'm going for a kind of this asymmetrical industrial looking vibe."
"Asymmetry is kind of the key to effects animation."
"I love the asymmetric style of a one-shoulder dress or one shoulder top."
"I didn't want it to look too symmetrical, I wanted it to look natural."
"And a little bit of asymmetry is cute, I think, on little puppies."
"This beautiful pink floral dress... it's a midi style asymmetrical shirt dress."
"These butterflies do not need to be symmetrical."