
Social Science Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"Economics is considered a social science, and although some other scientists from more 'rigorous' fields don’t always welcome it into their little club, it still follows the same processes to explore the world around us."
"Economics is something we all feel day in and day out."
"If there's a social science study and it seems to be a complete rejection of all conventional wisdom developed over millennia, you should think very seriously about whether it's valid."
"History is a social science but it's also a storytelling art."
"Pretty much universally, social science suggests that many of the institutions that we hold dear, that shape us, that provide us social support, a huge amount of this used to happen anyway inside of these traditional religious structures, and there really has been nothing to replace it."
"Scientists have found that the psychological and social aspects of committed relationships between same-sex partners largely resemble those of heterosexual partnerships."
"Social scientists have spent a long time looking at the effects of our body language or other people's body language on judgments and we make sweeping judgments and inferences from body language."
"The most robust finding in social science: when you get rid of the cops, people die."
"Diversity and divergence bring us closer to truth."
"The greatest social scientist who ever lived, Emile Durkheim, taught us to see social action, social activities, often as efforts to create group solidarity to strengthen our team so that we can fight that team."
"There are two types of love according to social science: passionate love and companionate love."
"As more and more information in this world of behavioral social biology, whatever it is we're calling this, as more and more of this has occurred, as we get more and more domains where we have to at least begin to consider there's a line in between the essence of and the abnormalities of-- at some point, this is going to stop being the biology of them and their disorders and is going to be the biology of us."
"Children with intact two-parent families do far better."
"We need to understand money as a social technology."
"Community seems to be the most important variable for happiness."
"What's quite helpful to us in our society is the fact that behavioral scientists actually sometimes lay their plans out in black and white at the moment."
"Life is filled with competition. It is well known by virtually every social science study that there is competition for mates."
"Mutual aid theory: profound theory of social science rooted in biology."
"Women are hypergamous, biologically wired to select sexual partners who are as competent or more competent than they are."
"With determination coursing through his veins, the player readies himself for battle."
"Men and women have struck an evolutionary bargain that women will sacrifice their physical abilities in order to have children and men will sacrifice their lives to protect and provide for those children."
"Imagine what we could accomplish if we were actually good at social science."
"Gender is something that develops over time."
"Any individual man is a mystery, but put them in the aggregate and they are a mathematical certainty."
"Every single bit of data... has come to the mass conclusion that transitioning massively helps trans people."
"Parasocial relationships: a one-sided relationship, the illusion of intimacy, a similacrum of reciprocal conversation."
"There's actually a science to this... several stages of a protest and how it develops into a riot."
"Almost every possible metric you can imagine is better for children to have married parents."
"The study followed 900 people from five universities before after the lockdowns who were instructed to initiate communication with a friend in one of seven types of conversation: catching up, meaningful talk, joking around."
"Leadership is intentional influence, so let's learn from social science."
"As you make your societies more egalitarian, fewer women choose STEM fields, not more."
"There's never been a better time for us to understand that we are literally wired to heal each other."
"It's usually thought of as the high point in the social scientific thought of the Enlightenment."
"Adam Smith founded mathematical social science; he connects our theory of society to our theory of natural science."
"How can we take scholarly methods and press them into service to difficult and complicated questions and social problems in ways that bring the public and various disciplines into conversation?"
"Economics as a true social science, not just a natural science."
"Questions that actually go right to the heart of what we mean by social science and philosophy."
"For the 'who cares' question which archaeologists sometimes receive, not in places as grand as archaea as Teotihuacan rather but you know, we can answer social questions, we can contribute to discussions that are in other social sciences."
"If you look at the research on social science, we actually should not put as much emphasis on these ideas as we think we should."
"Social science is an area of inquiry, not an area for laying down rules."
"Social science can produce universally valid laws, but those laws don't determine the course of events. Human behavior is unpredictable."
"The 21st century is not actually going to be the century of A.I or robotics or genomics. It's going to be the century of social science because all our problems are ultimately social science problems."
"At the core, we're doing research and really asking social science questions, but using computation and statistics to help distill information from data, to be able to answer those questions."
"Game theory is a part of social science that looks at a whole wide range of different games from chess to child rearing."
"...a story not just about Ella Fitzgerald but... about the invention of this whole realm of social science."
"Gay sexual behavior may contribute to establishing and maintaining positive social relationships."
"I would prefer a world with love, with intimacy, with empathy. But I have an obligation as a social scientist to the truth and to the facts, regardless of my preferences."
"There are many social scientists who are greatly attracted to this, and we see a re-emergence today of sciences and social scientists."
"The thing I'm going to talk about today is what a lot of my research is on, which is how do we extract information from within documents to answer questions in social science."
"Social sciences often agree on answers more than philosophy."
"We are the social scientists, we are not conducting our research in the labs, so we conduct the research in the fields."
"You need to define what you think social and cultural values are."
"Social media has been a goldmine for social science analysis."
"Economics isn't simply a relationship between things but it is a relationship between people."
"The digitization of everyday life has led us to want to think about the core issue in social science."
"We can now do that with more specificity instead of just saying that there's this array of people, unsorted and incoherent in some way."
"It's a flexible framework for testing sophisticated social theories."
"Social and Behavioral Science has the power to improve Society."
"The key to a systematic approach in social research is the idea of design."
"When social questions are discussed from a spiritual scientific point of view, this is not done out of any subjective motive or impulse; everything is based upon observation of the evolution of humanity."
"If you want to get attention, study human nature."
"Game theory is also a way to do social science, a way to understand how the world is."
"Evolutionary psychology provides the only cogent metatheoretical framework for all of social science."
"There's so much potential and there's so much that we know in social science that's not being applied at all."
"I study humans; that makes me an anthropologist."
"The fundamental concept in social science is power, just as energy is the fundamental concept in physics."
"He is, to my mind, the most influential social scientist of our time."
"Society could be studied scientifically."
"What we need is a social science and a sociology which is value free."
"By looking at first names and how that process works maybe we can learn about all kinds of things having to do with inequality with race with the way social change occurs in the world."
"Good economists will realize that economics is a social science and that science, history, politics, and religion all have an impact on the economy."
"Marx is among the first researcher to study their interactions to try to discover their secrets."
"It takes 90 hours to make a new friend."
"History students study patterns, we study human social formations, we study government, we study laws, we study social and cultural changes."
"We are driven by the belief that social and behavioral science has the power to improve society."
"Driven by the belief that social and behavioral science has the power to improve society."
"The clustering coefficient is another important statistic of network analysis."
"The fundamental concept in social science is power, in the same sense as energy is the fundamental concept in physics."
"There's plenty room for useful productive interaction between philosophers and social scientists here, that's the hope."
"Taking a cognitive approach to social systems is the first key idea of your paper."
"Validity assesses whether research reflects the reality of those being studied."
"Economists try to explain the world; they are social scientists."
"Theology, in his opinion, has a better story; it out-narrates social science and social theory."
"I'm a social scientist, so I just like about social studies how people from the past... how things are made and how people from ancient times were able to stuff together in their lives."
"Epidemiology is a lot about figuring things out, so curiosity... the willingness to think broadly... and an interest in big social questions are essential."
"I'm a social scientist and I study the social dimensions of climate change and climate-related disasters."
"Focus most of it on the theory that is named."
"There are truths to be discovered about social situations, personal interactions, relationships."
"The concept of intersectionality is when you are a part of two minority groups and it is the specific experience that you have when those two groups intersect."
"There's enough studies already to show the importance of human connection."
"The kind of simulation that I'm talking about is the idea that you can build a computer program that models the behavior of some social phenomena."
"Kindness reminder was premised on the social science of slowing people down."
"Testing is actually a Social Science, deserves to be thought of as a Social Science."
"Fertility, family, and fatherhood are issues that go much deeper than a lot of the social science I normally focus on."
"Financial Security, Health, quantity of social interactions can predict life satisfaction."
"Thus, the silliness of this controversy further promotes the point that trying to anticipate, let alone label what may offend others, is quite a murky science."
"Demography is the study of populations and their characteristics."
"My mission is to just give you guys an overview of our research on stereotype threat and social identity threat."
"Social science, the science of human beings living together and of the historical life of humanity, will have to be imbued more and more with a spiritual science."
"IQ has the most predictive validity of anything ever discovered in the social sciences, period."
"Qualitative research is about views, attitudes, opinions, and beliefs."
"The evolution of friendship is profound and very interesting."
"Generative models can provide us insights about what kind of processes take place in social science."
"It's a research for my dissertation on the adoption of empathy and the role of rage suppression in social cohesion."
"There's a neglect of the intersection of social science and tech in thinking about the future."
"Economics is classified as a social science."
"Being a social scientist is rich because you get to discover all these things that most people don't notice."
"Sociology is basically the study of human life, the groups, and the societies that you live in."
"Game theory is a branch of originally applied mathematics used mostly in economics, political science, a little bit in biology, that gives us a mathematical taxonomy of social life."
"Marriage has lots of benefits. A lot of studies say you're happier in marriage, live longer, have higher income."
"Social network analysis is focused on uncovering the pattern of people's interaction."
"The variability within groups of males and within groups of females is much bigger than the tiny difference between them."