
Social Control Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"I kind of regret that 1984 has been maimed into oblivion because I actually think it's a really intelligent work that lays the groundwork for a lot of interesting analysis of the way fascism takes root, the mechanisms of social control."
"You don't need prisons if you can turn people into their own wardens."
"There's something about it which one just has the impression that there's a certain kind of authoritarian that likes spoiling people's fun."
"Using elaborate deceptions and coercive tools of control, the North Korean leaders were able to indoctrinate and brainwash the vast majority of its citizens."
"Calories are an excellent example of what French philosopher Michel Foucault called a technology of subjection."
"What this social credit system has done is create a complete ecosystem of paranoia and self-censorship."
"Religion has always been a means of manipulation of the masses."
"The current book bans that are sweeping the United States are a symptom of a larger problem, one that's repeated itself throughout history wherever one group sought to impose religious, moral, or political control over the masses."
"We have to recognize how these systems of control get to where they are, affect things the way they do."
"We are in the process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy, who have always existed and will always exist, to get people to love their servitude." - Aldous Huxley
"You're an enigma and that brings with it a sense of fear. The last thing you or your masters want is a fearful populace."
"But for now, the population of China is trapped behind an impenetrable firewall of internet censorship and spying."
"If you want to know who rules you, see who you can't criticize."
"Religion was made up in order to control the masses."
"They really do want a society where disobeying their superior judgment results in severe restrictions on your life."
"Language is inherently a means for one group to dominate another."
"Shame then becomes a tool of societal control."
"It's not just about brainwashing; it's about telling people what they're allowed to talk about."
"Now, you've got incredible power to manipulate people."
"They've become the self-appointed nannies of the state."
"Memes have the capacity to possess us, they can bend us to their will and control our every action."
"This type of behavior, what is the purpose of this? It is meant to silence you. It is meant to send a message to you that nobody is safe."
"No one believes life begins at conception. No one believes embryos are babies or children. Those who claim to are trying to manipulate you so they can control women. Don't let them use this question to call them out. Reveal them for what they are."
"Money isn't even real to these people... it's used to control you."
"It's easier to kill a million people than control them."
"If you want to control a population, you better indoctrinate the kids."
"Racism is not about hate... racism is about power and control."
"Power is the ability to define phenomena and make it act in a desired manner."
"Stigma is how you peacefully discourage behavior that you don't like."
"When we control our institutions, we win. We win."
"A dumb population is an easily controlled population."
"It's a Brave New World now Nancy, they control the door at these points."
"It is pretty easy to see how social credit score type systems control of currency could lead to a situation where you're essentially in an open prison where you're essentially a slave."
"It really makes me angry that people can be controlled like that. It's almost like living in a dream or a nightmare."
"Our oppressors know that as long as they can keep us disconnected from our power, they can continue to control and manipulate."
"When you conceal knowledge, you only leave room to make slaves out of people."
"Bellows even says that the worthy shall inherit a utopia free of wild magic, organizing witches into particular covens, imprisoning anyone who refuses to conform."
"This world of Hollywood... I'm just getting the vibes that Adam Levine doesn't actually care that he's cheating on his wife." - Alessia Diandra
"Controlling other people's sexuality is actually a function of society."
"The more you humiliate... the more you take away from them their ability to organize and express that rage."
"The greatest problem today is just recognizing that we are being controlled by ideas that are somebody else's ideas."
"If you want to know who controls you, see who you cannot criticize. Wow, wow."
"We need to talk about the risks inherent in a CBDC system and push back against potential social control."
"How do you control people? How do you marshal them to the right place that you want them to be?"
"The way to bring them down is with satire, parody to keep these people in check."
"What do these hybrids want to do? That’s simple, remain in control."
"It's all being done by bloodlines and networks with the deletion of empathy."
"We need to start questioning the level of control that is in our society."
"They want you to give in so they can enact social credit systems."
"The potential scope of the soft social credit system under construction is enormous."
"Most religions have been created by people on earth to suppress and control other people."
"Morality is primarily used as a mechanism of control by the powerful to keep their subjects in line."
"Now the best way to enslave your people is to convince them that they are not your slaves."
"The policies they have, the mandates they have, and the systems of social control they've developed around this may not hold up."
"Overall, just try to avoid any aggression in all situations, and just let them know if you want to let them know at all, you are just there to use the bathroom, and that is all. And that is your right."
"If Matthew doesn't follow their control, he will be disposed of. Yeah, white man gonna get wrecked real quick."
"China's social credit system assigns a number to your every move, determining access to various services."
"There's nothing special American about this. It happens all over the world whenever some people try to control other people."
"Mass psychosis is necessary for totalitarian control."
"We spoke about that Ella David if people are divided from religion from race that is that they control the masses are."
"The only way to make the society easy to control is through chaos."
"They know that the control mechanism, that system broken down and people very aware nowadays so this is the last real opportunity or last chance they got to manipulate y'all again."
"For every thumbs up this video gets, one Karen doesn't get to control what someone else eats."
"What the vaccine enables people to go along with more easily is the idea of a health passport or vaccine passport, and that passport becomes a gateway to a digital ID that's connected to your ability to participate in society."
"The vaccine is not going to end the pandemic because the pandemic is being used to install social control."
"Give them bread and circuses and they won't care."
"he scared them to death he segmented them from their family and friends and at the end of the."
"Legitimacy: the powerful social force that controls resources."
"Stay in your lane, it's a cheap shot, it works to silence you, it establishes the role of authorities to dictate from on high."
"Fear of the evil eye may have co-evolved in pre-industrial agrarian societies as a strategy of social control."
"Religion is a way of just controlling people."
"Debt has long been both a source of profit and a tool of social control and racial domination."
"A very innovative way to prevent gatherings."
"When you tell people you will be punished for saying what I don't want to hear, you basically get silenced."
"This isn't about unity. This is about subjugation."
"You have the capability of catering who you're exposed to and what you're exposed to, that is power in itself."
"This doesn't look like a protest to me no more said Anderson that just looks like they just took over and said we can take over whenever we want to."
"The scientific rationale for tyranny has always been attractive to elites."
"This is what it's all about and this is what it's always been about - the control of bodies, the exchange of women, and the violent enforcement of a hierarchy of genders."
"It's a bit like them saying, 'Oh, if it's not on the news then it's not true.' But maybe the whole system is weaponized against us to keep us suppressed." - Ben
"Being able to have power over an entire population is the ultimate currency and the ultimate, I guess again, power that you could have."
"Once you pledge allegiance to the colors, you know you're a part of that culture being controlled."
"This is new mind control, so now we are like Professor X off of the X-Men."
"Cult leaders use fear of ostracization to keep group members in check."
"As you're earning money because it's really really interesting the way the world works if you have enough money you control the police you control the government."
"The law was intended to prohibit dressing up as the opposite sex in order to intermingle with single-sex groups for illicit purposes."
"Totalitarianism is not a Jack boot in your face... it's quietly Shadow Banning."
"People who want to control you don't want you to critically think because they want you to take what they're feeding you and go with it."
"When it comes to controlling human beings, there is no better instrument than lies because you see, humans live by beliefs and beliefs can be manipulated."
"All they want is to silence people, to shut them up so that they can take their place."
"I think it's the first step on the road to fascism."
"Everybody's high. That's a great way to control everybody, isn't it?"
"My religious freedom is to tell other people what they can and cannot do."
"There are those who are committed to dominion over their fellow man who are committed to control."
"One of the first acts of violence that patriarchy demands is policing men and self-policing. Social surveillance and self-surveillance for sure."
"They're not trying to scare them. They don't want them to leave. Oh my God, they want the power."
"Speech is a representation of thought. When you police someone's voice, you place the vocalization of their ideas by forcing people to say or not say things."
"It's good to note that Napoleon believed in religious freedom because he thought it was a powerful tool to keep the poor from eating the rich."
"Perhaps it's better to see contemporary policing as something which aims purely at social control and maintaining immense inequality."
"They're tying it directly into these systems to monitor people, these new types of high-tech social control programs."
"Fear is an incredibly powerful intoxicant. It is the number one way to control and manipulate people."
"Religion to me is a means to control people."
"A population that's not firing on all neurons is far easier to control."
"Prophecy is not meant to scare us, it's meant to prepare us."
"I think they have lost the level of control and respect they've had over us for so many years."
"China's social credit system is understood in the west as a finished monolithic mechanism of social control."
"The adversary does not know how to love and it does not understand that it is not enough to assure a universal income or to cancel mortgages in order to subjugate the masses and convince them to be branded like cattle."
"The Amish shunning rules dictate what happens when someone breaks the community's rules, resulting in exclusion from Amish life and interactions."
"Order out of chaos: that's how you gain more control over a population."
"We don't want you to go vote, they don't want you to social distancing, y'all doesn't want to deal with that."
"It's about control. It's about disenfranchising people and disconnecting them from nature."
"The only reason that people give up their rights is because they are made afraid."
"We've totally flipped, and we talk about this idea of a social credit score and digital currency and the government having control over everything that you do."
"Gender is a made-up thing that's now being used to control the way we speak."
"Poverty is the tool of control, social control. It's a choice in wealthy countries like ours."
"Students leave in a debt trap. When you have a student leave college with a big debt, they don't have many options. Indoctrination is working. That's true of social control generally. It's also an important feature of international policy."
"If you think about a belief in God or a belief in a particular religion and the purpose is those two things serve on a society-wide level, religion is a genius anthropological construct designed for social control. It works really, really well."
"Women's Liberty is one of the first things people try to curtail... it's an easy way to feel that things are being better controlled."
"...themes of social control, commemoration, and how violence works hand in hand with other forms of political legitimacy come into focus..."
"Disciplinary power aims to make people docile, compliant, and useful."
"The Panopticon is a way of thinking about surveillance, it's a way of thinking about examination, it's a way of thinking about this normalizing hierarchizing aspect of disciplinary power."
"It's not based on force; force is too expensive, it's too inefficient. Instead, it's built on careful conditioning, on creating consent."
"Milieu control, which is where the social culture is used to control people even beyond what the church itself is explicitly and overtly controlling."
"Slavery may have legally been over, but the South sought to maintain white supremacy in every facet."
"Achieving social and economic equality means people having control over the circumstances and decisions that shape their lives beyond voting."
"Durkheim would have said that social controls become ineffective when people have or feel or experience high levels of anomy."
"A vast new system of racial and social control has emerged."
"Social control is making sure that you do what you're supposed to if you don't stick to the norms and values and the culture of society."