
Daily Enjoyment Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"If you understand how you manifested that honeymoon experience, then you should be able to manifest the honeymoon experience every day of your life."
"Every day of my life is fun because it's chock full of fun stuff that moves me forward."
"We don't really get a weekend... I like every single aspect of every single day."
"Enjoying each day on its own merit rather than as a stepping stone to something greater is vital."
"The ultimate luxury really is doing something every day that you love doing."
"The real magic is in the day to day of doing something that you really enjoy and working towards a goal you've always wanted to accomplish."
"I love the sense of smell because it allows you to enjoy the day even if you close your eyes."
"Imagine you approached every day as a Friday you would have a blast every day of the week of mine state of mind."
"It's a celebration! I feel like a queen every day!"
"If you go to every day going to job that your job doesn't feel like work and you enjoy it it's not really work."
"A watch should be something you look forward to putting on every day."
"Cherish every morning that we have, man. Enjoy."
"One of the best advice I've ever gotten was to make sure that you're enjoying at least 60% of every single day."
"You gotta enjoy yourself every single day, you know what I mean?"
"Really focus on enjoying the journey... we want to try and enjoy each day on its own merit."
"That's something I would enjoy every day when I drive this vehicle - to have this just as beautiful in mid light."
"Enjoy this beautiful day. I'll look forward to seeing you in tomorrow's vlog. Peace."
"No matter what you do today, do try to make some time for fun too."
"I highly, highly recommend you getting into a mindset of understanding that the best beautiful life, best life is doing what you want to do every day of your life."
"We all have our ways. I just try to live every day like it's my last."
"Every day is a real pleasure to see them out on the pitch."
"Just enough to make you excited and enjoy the day-to-day."
"Release expectations and enjoy every day; let worry go and choose love."
"Every single day is perfect. All I do is eat good food, play video games, and sleep."
"Everyday luxury: investing in items you'll use and enjoy daily."
"The car puts a smile on my face every single day that I'm in it and it's running good."
"I'm gonna drive the car, I'm gonna go have lunch, I'm gonna take the long way to where I gotta go because I love driving this car every day."
"Just having to be with him, laugh with him every day."
"Find joy in the simple things, like a cup of tea."
"I feel cool driving this car, I feel cool walking up to it in the morning and starting it up."
"A garden without carrots is like a day without sunshine."
"I certainly do hope that you guys are having a fantastic day!"
"Have a fantastic rest of your day and enjoy yourselves, guys."
"You can have something fun, you can have something good, you could have something that you can have on a day-to-day basis and not feel guilty for it."
"Give yourself a daily dose of pleasure, even if it's just for five minutes."
"Mindset shift: choosing to focus on the good and enjoying the day."
"Drinking warm drinks really teaches you to slow down and savor that one cup a day."
"This is what we're all about: having fun, being ourselves, every single day." - Real Wrecking It
"I feel like people say that your job and your work is supposed to be something that you absolutely love every single day."
"It's not about making money, the fact that I get to do what I love on a daily basis."
"Just do it every day and enjoy it until you die."
"Wishing that it could be like this every single day."
"Self-improvement projects, goals, those are the things that should give you the majority of pleasure each day in your life."
"Positive messages all around, gotta enjoy your day!"
"Enjoy this very day, and look, there's my lucky lottery numbers there."
"I always thought that would be fun to wake up every day and just like laugh all day with someone."
"It makes every journey the highlight of your day."
"This is something I can eat every day."
"It's always about sportiness with good performance and also how you can enjoy it on a daily basis."
"This wine is honestly the type of wine I probably want to drink every single day."
"Financial Independence and freedom... why not do it today where you can open your calendar and just enjoy every day moving forward the way you want to."
"Every day is fun, and it feels like a new life has started."
"Every single day I wake up and enjoy the work that I do."
"Practice gratitude, it really changes your outlook in life, it really helps you enjoy each day more."
"Enjoy your day, let the sun shine on you."
"I hope you had a fantastic day, whatever you were doing and wherever you were."
"It's possible to start over, it's possible to reset your life, and enjoy damn near every day of your life."
"Before you go before the Father in Heaven, find that peace in your heart and enjoy every day while it's here."
"We're just so focused on having fun each day."
"Tacos are one of the best food you can order and eat; I can eat it like every day of the week."
"I smile every day because there's always something to watch."
"Gyokuro can give you a long-lasting energy throughout the day."
"Those are perfect, I could eat those every day."
"Turn any day into a special day with a wholesome breakfast."
"There's nothing I'd rather be doing. If I could do this day in and day out, I'd do it every single day, I love it."
"I live in the moment and I enjoy the hell out of every day that I wake up."
"Make sure that you enjoy every day."
"Art is a big therapy, and it really is a great way of passing the day."
"Enjoy your day, enjoy the people around you, try to be a better person, try your hardest, and whatever befalls you, befalls you."
"What you need to do is you need to focus on making the enjoyment of every day the priority."
"I enjoy every day I can right now, that's awesome, that's how we all should be."
"We're staying true to our slogan, choose your day, we're gonna just live each day to the fullest."
"Wake up, figure out what you have fun doing the most, and find a way to go and do that every single day of your life."
"Do those little things that make your days fun."
"This is amazing, I love my job, I love doing this, I could do this every single day."
"I could eat Thanksgiving food every day."
"I watch your video every day with my morning coffee and I look forward to it as much as having my coffee."
"It's cold but the sun's out, so yeah, it's going to be a lovely day."
"I'm completely hyped on the Lego City right now, I love working on it every day."
"I could eat pasta every single day, Italian at that, pizza and pasta definitely my favorite food ever."