
Supernova Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"I love imagining what it would look like if we had a galactic supernova right here in our own Milky Way."
"Once they explode, stars aren't supposed to come back to life, but some zombie stars somehow survive the great supernova explosion."
"On September 18, 2006, Quimby got his big break. He found the brightest supernova ever."
"Supernova explosions are powerful events that can have far-reaching consequences"
"Every time there's a supernova explosion, it's producing the raw materials for life."
"A supernova is a massive explosion generated by a dying star."
"Never before have experts been confronted with a supernova lasting years."
"Supernova explosions occur when supermassive stars run out of hydrogen, seeding even heavier elements into the interstellar medium."
"Black holes come from the remains of large stars that exploded in a supernova."
"Stars form and burn and die in glorious explosions called supernovae."
"For Earth to be completely safe from a supernova, we'd need to be at least 50 to 100 light years away."
"White dwarfs can survive Supernova explosions, becoming 'zombie stars.'"
"Type 1a supernova represent one of our most important standard candles because they are so bright we can see them from very far away."
"Black holes are born through the death of massive stars in a cataclysmic event known as a supernova."
"Visibility doesn’t particularly indicate proximity."
"The sound of a supernova: a fascinating discovery."
"It turns out that type 1A supernovas are the best suited for this purpose."
"A supernova is the colossal explosion of a star at the end of its life. It just goes kabam."
"Supernova are remarkable events. They go from being fainter than the sun to being brighter than a billion Suns over the course of just a few weeks."
"Supernovas, unlike ordinary stars, can create elements even heavier than iron."
"Gold is made here in a supernova when stars explode in the ultimate spectacular death."
"Apart from everything else, the matter released in the course of a supernova event contains products of thermonuclear synthesis."
"Every single second a star explodes in a gigantic supernova somewhere in the universe, and we have to go and find it."
"Supernova are ridiculous, they can outshine the rest of the entire galaxy."
"Supernovae are exploding stars super massive stars that are at the end of their life and they go out with bangs."
"Should we start ranking the supernova and if so what's your list?"
"Having a supernova in our hands has helped us answer so many questions about the physics of space."
"The amount of energy released in a supernova explosion is so enormous it's equivalent to the energy that our sun would radiate over its entire 10 billion year lifetime."
"Beetlejuice could be the next star in the galaxy to go supernova."
"Witness the birth of a supernova In Our Lifetime."
"...that shock wave kicks out about a huge amount of energy, 10 to the 44th joules, which is the equivalent of about 100 billion suns."
"...for just a few months, and that's what a supernova is. And this has a name, 1994D because it was seen in 1994 and it was the fourth one observed in 1994, so that's why it's called supernova 1994D."
"There's another one supernova rhymes 132 d and possibly a supernova that'll occur in our lifetimes which is eta carina."
"Now all of these massive stars these supernova massive stars can be iron rich supernova."
"There's huge numbers of core collapse uh stars in it and at least 200 supernovas in less than 3 000 years have happened in this galaxy."
"Beetlejuice is likely to explode at any time in the next ten thousand years, but some scientists say it won't happen in the next 100 Millennia."
"Now you have probably heard that Earth was created by a Supernova causing our solar system to form and most of our heavy elements are thought to have come from that Supernova."
"Long gamma-ray bursts tend to have supernova counterparts, appearing as glowing afterglows."
"Just like the star was before it went supernova, the black hole will now still be spinning."
"A supernova is responsible for the creation of life as they spread the elements essential for life throughout the universe."
"If a supernova had occurred 2,000 years ago, it's easy to see why people would have taken it as an omen of great events happening here on earth."
"Once these massive stars explode, they once again produce another beautiful dust cloud."
"One thing I'm really hoping to see before I die is a star going supernova."
"The energy released by a supernova is equal to the combined energy released by the sun during its 10 billion year lifespan."
"Astronomers studying Betelgeuse suggest it's much more evolved than previously thought and will explode in a supernova any century or possibly any decade now."
"It's never a question of if Betelgeuse will go supernova, but when."
"He wasn't on fire, man, he was going supernova."
"The star brightens to 100 billion times the Sun. That's nearly as bright as all of the other stars in the galaxy combined!"
"We owe our existence to supernovae but that doesn't mean we want to be anywhere near one of these things when they go off."
"It’s estimated that the energy contained in this ocean of electrons is equivalent to that released by 100,000 supernova explosions."
"Iron therefore sets the stage for a dramatic climax: massive stars that have consumed their nuclear fuel and accumulated an iron core eventually collapse under their own immense gravitational force, leading to a spectacular supernova explosion."
"Some of these super-heavy elements aren't formed in supernovas."
"A unique Supernova Remnant discovered by an amateur astronomer in 2023."
"The most dramatic supernova was observed in the year 1006; it appeared in May as a brilliant point of light visible during the daytime, perhaps 100 times brighter than the planet Venus."
"Supernova explosions have a significant impact on the state of the interstellar medium."
"The Crab Nebula represents the expanding shell of gas created by the supernova explosion seen in 1054."
"The progenitor star is the one that exploded into a supernova and formed the nebula; it was a massive star."
"It's almost like the supernova explosion turns the star inside out."
"He has been compared to a bursting supernova, illuminating the darkest, most profound corners of mathematics."
"A supernova explosion is an incredibly powerful explosion."
"Neutrinos immediately escape from the star as it's exploding, fly off into space, and then the light arrives minutes or hours after the neutrinos."
"Spellbinding supernovas... stars don't last forever and when they die, they go out with a real bang."
"Our creation story begins 4.6 billion years ago with the death of a massive star, a supernova."
"I've never seen a supernova blow up, but if it's anything like my old Chevy Nova, it'll light up the night sky."
"Supernova my guide, release your energy."
"When you look up at the sky, if you were to see a supernova, your normal thought is, 'Gosh, that star just exploded.' And then someone says, 'No, it exploded millions and millions of years ago, and the light has been traveling to us ever since.'"
"Like a miniature supernova, the ball of energy continued to swell."
"I'll be blowing up like a supernova."
"Only stars massive enough to permit silicon fusion into iron can go supernova."
"Supernovae do vary in strength but during the month or so they shine brightest they tend to be on an order of 10 billion times brighter than our Sun."
"The last visible Milky Way supernova was in 1604, known as Kepler’s supernova."
"It's kind of interesting to know that this piece of germanium right here was actually made in a supernova."
"About a tenth of the mass of the collapsed core was converted into pure energy, emitted in neutrinos."
"If you let's say correlate a supernova with a slight burst of neutrinos, then you've got a pretty significant astronomical event."
"Larger stars explode with greater intensity after a longer delay."
"A literal wave of nuclear fusion contributes only a tiny fraction of the entire energy released from a supernova."
"Core collapse supernovae are the most energetic events known to science."
"A single supernova can release around 10 to the 46 Joules."
"For about a month, this singular supernova was producing more electromagnetic energy than our entire galaxy."
"You can actually go ahead and look at previous galaxy images and see the difference, perhaps you'll discover a brand new supernova, maybe you'll see a star being born."
"Not every massive star will form a black hole at the end of its life; however, they do almost always produce a supernova."
"Whatever you think you know about supernovas, it's unlikely you've seen the full picture."
"These Halloween-ready catastrophic supernovas waiting to happen produce X-rays at levels more than 100 times the peak levels ever recorded from our own Sun."
"This is a supernova, a stellar cataclysm that is one of the most energetic phenomena in nature."
"The most massive stars explode in a supernova, ejecting enormous amounts of matter and energy."
"A supernova... depending on the size of the star, it will leave to form a neutron star or, if it's very massive, a black hole."
"When it runs out of fuel, it will turn into a huge event supergiant, and then a huge explosion occurs called a supernova."
"Once iron starts to build up in a core, the fusion reactor kind of shuts down, and the entire star collapses down on itself and explodes in a giant supernova."
"A supernova is the largest explosion that can take place in space."
"After the core collapses, a tremendous amount of energy is released in a supernova."
"The existence of zombie stars has significant implications for our understanding of stellar evolution and the diversity of supernova mechanisms."
"The deadly explosions of supernovas are endlessly fascinating; they are the violent screams of aging stars outraged at having to grow old."
"There's been a supernova has gone off in Messier 61, so one of our Messier objects is putting on a show at the moment."
"Never underestimate the power of a supernova."
"Astronomers refer to this blazing demise as a supernova explosion, and in Betelgeuse's case, it will be a breathtaking sight for observers on Earth."
"Our body also consists of stars; we may be part of some gigantic supernova that exploded billions of years ago."
"The great brilliance of an exploding star, the nimble dance of space dust through a nebula."
"When the super red giant doesn't have any more fuel left, it ends up in a gigantic supernova explosion."
"These stars run out of nuclear fuel and explode in dramatic events called supernovae."
"In 1604, a star exploded, creating the Kepler supernova."
"The Assassin 15lh is the hottest and most luminous supernova astronomers have ever found."
"A supernova... had become as bright as about 250 million Suns."
"In a supernova, the star's core collapses and then explodes."
"A supernova may outshine an entire galaxy."
"The star explodes in one of the largest events that happens in our universe: an exploding star."
"Magnetars belong to the family of neutron stars, remnants of massive stars that have undergone supernova explosions."
"The supernova goes off and within a few million years... you've got the rocks forming and trapping the decay products."
"It's most likely that these are magnetic in nature and very likely are the result of something extremely powerful such as a supernova."
"The great brilliance of an exploding star, the nimble dance through a nebula."
"The supernova was 570 billion times brighter than our sun at its brightest."
"Such massive stars usually go out in an extremely bright supernova, but astronomers noticed nothing like that in this case."
"Supernovas... old lighter elements like hydrogen, helium are forged into new elements, for example, iron or even heavier elements."
"And like a pair of cosmic hands clapping together on a pesky gnat, the twin stars collided on the last two living Sorbarians, collapsed and went supernova."
"A supernova can actually make elements heavier than iron."
"A supernova is one where the entire star actually blows up and the star is completely gone."
"As a result of a supernova explosion, every human being on earth was bombarded by a hundred billion neutrinos."
"As the most massive stars die off and turn into supernova, you're only left with the redder, cooler stars, lower mass stars."
"Most scientists agree that a supernova's interstellar shock wave caused even the solar system to form."
"When they run out of hydrogen, they swell up massively to become a red supergiant... and an enormous explosion occurs, called a supernova."
"Elements heavier than iron are formed in a supernova."
"...nuclear reactions occur and the star explodes dramatically."
"...these are elements originating from exploding white dwarfs."
"Everything that we are was made in a supernova."
"The supernova is a standard candle but it's a much brighter standard candle than the Cepheid; it can be used at much greater distances."
"Ultimately, the star will collapse under its own gravity and then explode in a violent event called a supernova."
"A supernova is the sudden death of a massive star, and one of the most violent events in the universe."
"Live fast, die young, often in spectacular supernova explosions."
"Any gold you might have with you basically was produced in a supernova."
"Hopefully, sometime in your lifetime, you'll be able to see a supernova in our galaxy."
"Supernovae are bright enough to be seen at distances of billions of light-years."
"Stars that are massive enough to produce supernovas sometimes become black holes."
"Years later, a supernova explosion is detected. It is assumed to be from Goku and Vegeta's final battle."
"The era of great Pirates has come, and now the Pirates may have a new Supernova."
"It's how large stars start to form, supernova that make the elements and the heavier elements in the periodic table."
"The Crab Nebula is the remnant of a supernova explosion in the year 1054."
"Beetlejuice is showing signs that it might be about to explode in a celestial event known as a supernova."
"We think that all the gold in the universe was formed in explosions of this kind."
"A supernova... induces fusion reactions that result in nucleosynthesis, which is responsible for the creation of most of the elements that are necessary for the formation of new planets and for life itself to exist."
"You shine so bright and during this 88 Lions Gate, you are a supernova."