
Weirdness Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"Hollywood is a weird place. How weird is it? It's more weird than wood."
"It looks like we're being asked from the very beginning to unwrap our brains, to let go of our inhibitions and embrace the weirdness we're about to dive into."
"It's like a trumpet, like a judgment trumpet...That's so damn weird."
"Stay low-key, stay away from all the weird-ass people."
"On a weirdness scale of 1 to 10, he rates about a 13."
"Some people said Lawnmower Man a lot, and a lot of people said Dreamcatcher, which is one of the strangest, weirdest, most bizarre movies."
"There's some pretty weird stuff, so have a good time. It's really great."
"What's your opinion on the photo Vanessa Hutchins meeting Kaya Gerber on the carpet when she's a child? No comment, I think it's weird."
"Certainly the weirdest thing I've ever experienced."
"Regardless, I think that Karen is going out of her way to be overly nice. It's weird, sure, but it is better than her like going the other way and going nuts and becoming hell-bent on like destroying your life."
"Funny is embarrassment, kids being weird, pets being weird, and illustrations."
"This on the weird scale definitely a nine definitely a nine is it a 10 I would give it a 10 okay it's it's a certifi 10 It's So Random and weird."
"We're following a girl named magpie already a little weird and she is going through a lot of terrible stuff."
"It's real weird like what we decide is okay and what we decide is not okay."
"It didn't seem real. It was really weird."
"Let's have fun, let's be weird, wear the weird thing, say the dumb stuff, let's be silly."
"The world in general is just weird bro we got storks that when they bend over people are mistaking them for farmers."
"I'm talking about something more than just a little bit of a weird coincidence."
"You know what? That [ __ ] was [ __ ] weird."
"Bunch of weirdos. Which I feel is a very truism."
"It's always a little bit weird when they get into Vehicles like you know Captain America wouldn't drive a tank."
"That was weird but sort of entertaining I'll take the creativity"
"Life's too short to not be weird. You want to yell at a squirrel, yell at a squirrel. Sometimes I do, I don't know."
"It's very weird because it does have all the elements of a good movie."
"What makes you weird makes you wonderful."
"It's okay to be weird. That is okay. And it's okay to be exactly who you are."
"It's a weird thing because I really feel like people should be watching this in theaters."
"Weirdness is everywhere and life is Magic."
"It's better to be unique and weird than to be just a normal plano person, you know?"
"Life itself is so weird and it's such a roller coaster of emotions."
"Is it weird that I love this? It's not weird."
"Courage has a lot to howl about, nowhere USA is a magnet for interdimensional weirdness."
"We're pretty sure it's some kind of glitch in The Matrix, but dang it was super weird."
"Weird was good, weird was good though."
"Folks drop us a comment send us the email what's the weirdest game and some of y'all are going to say that and posum ain't weird but it is weird."
"There's something universal about the appeal of the car because it is so weird."
"We want to see your faces, we want to see your pervert self in the audience, and we want to be weird with you. You get it?"
"But it makes me so happy, like, the weirdness of the music videos."
"I'm mostly gonna say, 'But also, I've been smelling like really weird things.'"
"There is a mystery at the core of experience itself that is so weird."
"I would go to all the places and look for the weirdest people and just take pictures."
"It's weird coming from somebody who ate bologna sandwiches like a lot."
"Never say I don't think I can get any weirder than this because something weirder always happens."
"A hallmark of any good comedy show, Sunny knows how to get real silly and weird."
"It's just like, 'Wow, what a weird but fun movie, man.' Like, it just hits you from everywhere."
"Gravity Falls has a natural law of weirdness, attracting weird things."
"This world has become so weird, especially, you know, we gotta protect our children."
"You and I were both weird. We're different than everybody else."
"But with weirdness comes creativity."
"Quantum mechanics is weird. It's incredibly weird."
"Weird is good for that reason. When something is weird, it means that you subconsciously feel like there's something more going on but you don't have a conscious explanation for it."
"I'm not gonna be weird, but please be weird. It's a well-known fact you're my favorite person in the world."
"It's so weird when people tell you what you will and won't be talking about."
"What does weird even mean? It's all about a conversation piece."
"Sometimes we like to give into the dark and weird simply because it's dark and weird."
"Why are you being so weird? Maybe the fact that I was trapped for two years inside of a monster made me a little weird."
"This is them doing all the doing that and then [ __ ] starts getting weird."
"It just feels so weird that I'm gonna be an adult in a year."
"Remember to stay weird, fam. If you made it to the end, click one of these two videos which also will definitely get me canceled."
"It feels so weird but I love it so much."
"The best thing in quantum is discussing it with people and getting over the weirdness."
"I guess this is probably the weirdest trip we've had so far."
"...just enjoy the weirdness, the scariness, and the squishquish."
"I think that's just everywhere and parents are just weirdos. I know, like because they, they can't let."
"It's time for the weird part of the internet: clay cracking."
"It was one of the creepiest and weirdest things that I've ever seen in my life."
"The only weird thing about it is just doing it on your family members. That's kind of weird to me."
"The world is definitely Enchanted enough and weird enough to allow for something like a dog man."
"Actually I do got some weird-ass stuff, a crazy-ass story someone DM me and asked me for a picture of my socks bro."
"I don't know what I would do if I heard something like that. I heard something weird out here."
"That's some weird [ __ ] bro, that's some weird like I need to be able to sit down chill relax watch TV."
"If you revel in the ancient world, you know it's full of the good weird stuff."
"'They're Coming to Take Me Away' is a weird song, but it hits the nail on the head with its message."
"I love being a weirdo. Why have I been suppressing my weirdness all of this time?"
"Things get very very weird very Twisted very gross and uh it definitely leaves a mark on you."
"Oklahoma is already turning out so much more wonderfully weird than I had even hoped."
"I said, 'I can't tell you, but it's going to get weird.'"
"It's so weird seeing bf like normal bf."
"We live a very weird life, I think."
"It's the creepiness, it's this is abnormal and this is weird."
"It makes me feel less weird to be reminded that everyone's weird including the Prime Minister."
"there's never a point where I wasn't intrigued in how much more weird and absurd and strange this thing was going to get"
"It's so weird to me, man, that like you describe things and at every turn I'm like, I kind of see Gonzalo's point, man."
"It's always great to look at the unique and weird."
"When you allow yourself to be weird, you indirectly give people the permission to integrate even their shadow more fully because they see you embracing more shadow parts of yourself."
"Something I love about the internet and having been involved in fandom culture at various points over the years, is the sheer weirdness of that particular pocket of society."
"Sometimes your body can do some weird and creepy stuff that even professionals go 'eh' about."
"It's kind of weird and it's kind of cool at the same time."
"I want to do some deep dives into the weird world of Halloween costumes because there are some weird companies there are some weird costumes and just Halloween in general tends to bring out some weird things."
"It just looks weird to me you feel me okay this weirdo caring [ __ ] that are the violators motherly nature right."
"That's just my nature, so you know also get used to weirdness."
"I enjoyed this but in a weird kind of way."
"If it's weird then it's important."
"Holy, this is some of the weirdest thing I've ever had happen in the woods."
"It’s nice to be married to someone who is equally as weird as you are."
"That's weird, comedic, I guess. Oh, I found an Easter egg, literally an Easter egg, dude, check this out."
"Grab your favorite beverage for this one, because it's gonna be a fun and very, very weird ride."
"We have this ew sense, a gut feeling like ew something's weird about that."
"Being weird is actually good. It makes life interesting."
"Lucas told Selena that she was the weirdest one here at the moment."
"That has got to be the weirdest thing I've ever seen."
"The world is weirder than my first thoughts."
"Humans can be super weird sometimes, right?"
"That's funny because it's someone doing a weird thing but other people react realistically."
"...this world is way weirder than people like to give it credit for, that much is for certain."
"History's filled with weird [ __ ], all stuff that any rational person would swear couldn't possibly be true, except that it was."
"It's good to be real with yourself, you can be weird and it's okay, this is your permission to be a weird freak, freaks, where are we at, come on freaks, love you all."
"It lures you in innocently and then gets progressively weirder."
"Buckle up, it's gonna be a weird show."
"Keep it as weird as Teresita for sure."
"Sometimes I like things just this much...this, this much weird. Because I'm weird."
"I finally come to terms with just the fact that people are weird man."
"Weird old guys are basically hilarious."
"The weirdness goes beyond the realms of imagination."
"It just goes to show that if there's one thing weirder than weird, it's a parody of weird."
"Welcome to the top 10 weirdest animated films."
"It's weird right out of necessity comes creativity."
"You know, it's so weird the things that you get in your head."
"I think it's fantastic and just insanely weird which I love."
"Some literary fiction is incredibly weird. The whole point of literary fiction is that there is no convention about story or character."
"Weirdness works. It serves you. Be weird."
"2019 was the Triumph of the weird."
"Better to be weird than normal. Nobody normal ever accomplished anything meaningful in this world."
"Either way, it was strange, it was weird and strange."
"I always see you. You may think that I don't see you. But I do see you. That is [__] weird."
"This is a pretty weird problem and that's kind of why I like it."
"That is so weird. Not half as weird as the fact that there was a rave and I didn't know about it."
"Life does get weird sometimes that you're like you wouldn't even believe this [ __ ]."
"Life is an everyday-sized manifestation of the weirdness of quantum physics."
"Yeah, sometimes you just want to get weird."
"The excitement was mad. It was weird, but it was refreshing to see."
It's a film your average moviegoer can look at and say, "Yeah, I like weird things sometimes," but also die-hard weirdos like myself can enjoy for its spontaneity and unique visuals.
"...we're all a little weird right i mean no one's really let's be honest..."
"The kids' toys are so weird. There's legit toys that, like, you've put like jelly in them and you can squeeze [__] out their [__]."
"Life is weird. Existence is weird. You gotta be weird."
"Quite honestly, it's one of the weirdest and creepiest experiences that I've ever had."
"This is one of those stories that might not really seem too scary more weird and creepy."
"I embrace weirdness, some of the best people in the world that I've ever met have been weird."
"This is one of the weirdest, most unique books from a storyline point of view I've ever read."
"Belief Hole is your safe space, your strange safe place."
"Thanks for making all of us weird kids feel well, comfortable with our weirdness."
"Being weird is awesome because you don't want to be like anyone else."
"There is a lot of weird stuff going on in New Mexico these days."
"It's not quite as weird; the scientific concepts are definitely weird, but the story itself feels weirdly rooted in reality."
"From September until October 25th of 1985, I was stuck in one of those miasmas of weirdness."
"Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness is weird, but it definitely could have been weirder."
"Things are about to get weird, so when they do, we're not gonna need a Captain America."
"You can't make an inference from weirdness to falseness."
"We all agreed that it was weird, and maybe we should have simply taken it as a sign to leave."
"This book is one of the weirdest, creepiest, disturbing books I've ever read."
"The world needs a little more weird."
"I freaking loved it, it was so weird."
"Definitely one of the weirdest things I have ever seen in my life."
"It's not that weird. It is weird. It's not that weird. Yes, it's very weird."
"Being a little weird could be dope."
"I love weird things, I love unique things."
"This is literally ten times weirder than I thought it would be."
"Just lay back, relax, have some fun, and just be [__] weird."
"Everyone's kind of weird deep down, we all just have to admit it."
"This is the weirdest one I've heard in a very long time."
"There's a lot of weird people out there just like you, and they like me because they feel the similarity."
"We're going to do something fun, we're going to do something weird."
"The Night of the Mannequins, this book was really cool, it was really freaking weird, and I just loved it so much."