
Debugging Quotes

There are 637 quotes

"Error analysis in machine learning is what debugging is to actual programming."
"There is some fall in the debug time with date, and this may be due to learning effect."
"The process of debugging is seen to be well within the UCL and LCL and shows little variation, thus the process can be seen to be stable at the moment."
"I wrote my first program and I discovered debugging. Debugging is like watching miracles happen."
"You never fix a bug you don't understand... follow the bug, understand it, get to know its family, and then kill it in front of its family."
"We can actually make these tools even more powerful than what you now have for debugging."
"I have this old-fashioned belief that debuggers make for worse programmers. If you don't understand the problem at a source level, you shouldn't even try to fix it."
"Redux DevTools are integrated right from the get-go, providing powerful tools for debugging and state management."
"There's something called log, and you can specify the severity level. There's actually even a log.WTF, and it doesn't stand for what you think. It stands for 'What a Terrible Failure.'"
"If it compiles it means something so when it runs it actually does something."
"It allows us to catch bugs as soon as possible before going forward with the rest of the actions."
"You only have to debug this one thing once, and then you can use it multiple times."
"This allows you to keep your code clean and avoid those print statements and log statements."
"The greatest source of delays in your code-working is bugs."
"Maybe that's not the best method to check for this collision."
"Programming is about problem-solving, and with experience, you'll get better at debugging."
"Debugging in VS Code is very powerful. It's one of those features that is highly underrated and very, very useful for you."
"Debugging right inside of your editor, not having to go to the browser, doing breakpoints and walking through files."
"If the comments and the code disagree, both are probably wrong."
"PyCharm is really nice for development, allowing step-by-step debugging and breakpoint setting."
"When running in debug mode, the server automatically updates when you save."
"You don't have to spend the whole rest of your programming life just putting individual print statements everywhere."
"That's an example of the graphical expression that you just can't really get when you're debugging with GDB from the command line, and it's all running locally on WSL."
"Debugging is one of the parts that is half done."
"Needless to say if I had to pull out the debugger it was a pretty big bug."
"Write a bit of code, run it, make sure everything works before going further."
"If you just, kind of, want to print out variables, value or some kind of text so you know what's going on and you don't necessarily want to deploy debug50, you can do that."
"It's going to help prevent any weird issues."
"Rubber duck debugging: sometimes talking it through helps."
"Rubber duck debugging: explaining your code to an inanimate object."
"In hearing yourself vocalize what it is your code is supposed to, very often that proverbial light bulb goes off."
"Printf is your friend if you want to understand more about your own program."
"Turbo console log: makes logging a lot easier."
"Utilize debug tools to gain insights into game mechanics and interactions."
"Debugging is a big thing that you're doing your day to day work it's like 90% of programming at this."
"React Strict Mode helps find unintentional side effects by double-invoking certain functions."
"Despite your best efforts, your functions will very likely have some bugs."
"Cohesive code makes debugging and modification easier."
"During the livestream it's all just like straight from brain to mouth."
"Rubber duck debugging works better with a teddy but it does work."
"Final Fantasy 16 was now in its polish and debugging phase reigniting hopes that we may have let's see a 2022 release for this."
"The fact that a passionate programmer was able to discover this bug using disassembling and inserting hooks is incredible."
"Every time you run your application, you are going to get 200 plus symbols and 200 minus symbols."
"Task Manager: A debugging tool written by a developer that even end users ultimately found useful."
"Crashes actually save you time during development; it's better than silent failures corrupting your data."
"Nothing is beyond fixing. You make a mistake, you correct that mistake. That's the debugging procedure."
"Let's just run the code, check for any errors."
"Time travel debugging allows us to see how the application state changes over time."
"We're tribalizing based on those temperaments, and that's an existential crisis."
"If you're ever troubleshooting a sequence and you can't figure out where things are going wrong, you can attach this debug node to the sequence and see what's contained in the message object passing through that node."
"They even used some of these debug like, appliance items to look like the stove is broken."
"The moment of truth: let's see if the state is actually showing."
"Debuggability is... more important than correctness by construction."
"Chrome DevTools - essential for debugging, powerful tools."
"Hang tight brother, rip bugs underway again."
"Eclipse will allow us to set breakpoints and step through line by line."
"Programming with Flutter - it's like you do something daft in your app, and then you fix it and you do hot reload."
"That's the way test-driven development works, you basically run it until you run out of errors."
"Nothing is better than debugging these type of statements."
"Bar code generation can help you debug your lines of source code, explain your code to you line by line, craft SQL queries for your database, translate code from one language to another, and generate documentation and tutorials for source code."
"It makes the code lighter, but also because it helps us to debug faster and to have some code cleaner."
"I personally like saving things as strings generally because then it's readable and it's more easily debuggable."
"So this should just be okay, we just re-represent that view and then we uncomment this line here and hopefully... yeah, so the derivative of M is correct."
"Just that simple bug fixed everything."
"Now if I collide with a fly, the game stops, and now it starts again with no sprites in there."
"You can debug, you can change things instantly."
"Writing tests for so many reasons, but one of the advantages they give us is the ability to expose problems in our code."
"If you're in a typescript file and you come across some type error usually it's just a whole lot to parse and a whole lot to figure out."
"I love the fact that you didn't want to just keep running the code for an answer. You're noticing bugs before even running the code."
"We wanted to have our call only one time but it was called two times."
"Every time you ask any group of programmers what is the most common bug you run into, it's a null pointer exception."
"Debugging with logs aids in identifying issues efficiently."
"Frame debugger is a super useful tool, use it whenever you're confused about what's happening."
"You will be able to figure it out, but it's gonna take you like 20 minutes instead of you looking at the debug which can you can fix things in like two or three minutes."
"Debug crypto ISCHIKAN, no like heavy debugs, no. Again that depends on how much traffic is flowing what's your CPU utilization what's your throughput it all depends on that."
"A single typo, single one instead of zero or anything like that, you get wrong answer and it will be very hard to debug."
"Hopefully this video provided some valuable insight about debugging code."
"That's how you can easily start debugging your application."
"Start without debugging: the express lane to faster development cycles and smoother workflows."
"Debugging your application is like being a detective in a digital world."
"Start without debugging: a shortcut to faster development and smoother workflows."
"Debugging sessions: the playground for developers, where code meets reality."
"From breakpoints to play buttons, navigating a debugging session is like orchestrating a digital symphony."
"The Flutter inspector allows you to go directly from an error message to inspecting the error-causing widget."
"...we're just gonna do out equals self dot let's you suffer drop out..."
"You can see that just by looking at this for a couple seconds in renderdoc I'm actually able to immediately find a bug."
"You know the rallying cry of programmers: 'It's not a bug, it's a feature.'"
"The compiler can look at this and be like okay you freed a, that means that a is nothing."
"Debugging is an open problem. Fundamentally the problem is that debuggers want to have access through the network to stuff that we don't want to have access through the network."
"Then we will move to the intermediate concepts like debugging your first API application."
"Mutating state directly in React can lead to logical bugs and make components hard to optimize."
"We know the bug, we want to fix it right."
"Char can analyze code, identify the bugs or errors in the program and further help resolve them. It allows developers to fix errors more quickly."
"If you don't set it up, then your code is just going to bomb, you know?"
"If something like this gets used in code bases, people are going to weep when they look at a log file and see a regular runtime error given the information."
"But that's exactly what exception pointer is for so I can do catch dot dot dot I can get the exception pointer and then I can Marshal that exception to whoever can handle it correctly."
"The debugger system all ready to go."
"So now that this function is inside this variable, let's actually console.log it."
"The next step is to fix up any of the other little bugs in our model."
"Having techniques to debug code-- that is, eliminate bugs, is super compelling."
"Debugging it is a rare thing to write a program and get it 100% right the first time."
"Rubber duck debugging is indeed a very effective technique."
"Malloc is returning the address of that chunk of memory, not the last address."
"So now if I go back to my terminal window and rerun the exact same command, 'make hello'-- maybe crossing my fingers-- now nothing in fact goes wrong because the compiler has been brought up to speed with all of the functionality it needs."
"All the main part of the program does is meow three times."
"So, make sure you are putting the println call outside of the loop; otherwise, this will be printed every single time the loop iterates. Let's run the code and see what happens."
"If you have a rock-solid suite of tests, then you don't need to debug your entire application."
"The earlier in your program that the error occurs, the easier it is to find and the easier it is to fix."
"If you have an error and you run your tests, you can see which ones failed."
"Remember computers compile things down to ones and zeros we don't read ones and zeros we read C sharp code and that's why it's meanty read by humans because we're gonna be the ones debugging it we're the ones that try to understand it and to improve it."
"And now if I hit refresh, now you can see that nothing shows."
"Rust's use of immutable variables reduces debugging time."
"V8 stack traces are the engine level trace of how your JavaScript Ran."
"Let's just catch error console error any errors just so we can see."
"You're like a debugger, trying to fix the corrupt files and install the right ones."
"The take-home messages for you to be familiar with: the tf3, the tools that tf offers for us to debug these different transformations and understand how data is getting passed from one transform to the other."
"GitHub co-pilot isn't necessarily the best when it comes to fixing errors. Nonetheless, I commented out all that different code that we had here that was causing the error."
"Devon actually decides to add a debugging print statement, reruns the code with the debugging print statement and then uses the error in the logs to figure out how to fix the bug."
"The hardware has a remote debug interface that actually allows you to split your MCC library between your host and your target."
"The aim is to have a processor that you can debug even when your operating system code has gone bananas."
"It will save you a lot of time later on and it will prevent a lot of bugs in your final product."
"our test failed so that means we're testing the correct Behavior"
"...small bugs like this that pop up and you need to do a small bit of detective work to find out why your spider is failing at certain parts or not able to extract certain pieces of data from the page."
"If you find yourself and you say I have to use the global keyword, re-evaluate the way you're trying to solve this problem."
"Just run it. Put breakpoints in. Use the debugging like code flow commands."
"As you can see, our breakpoint is hit and a number of panels are opened up."
"Developing good debugging techniques is really, really good. You learn a lot about the program. You probably are a lot better at the program. You know, you can always do better, right? We learn a lot about the program."
"Now that I have this interface, let's just assign it to null for now just to make this test go through."
"If debugging is the process of removing bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in."
"You can also if you don't want the debug APIs you don't have to compile the debug vests directory."
"Stack Overflow is still around. I don't use it too much, honestly, like ChatGPT is my debugger as well."
"This is clearly non-normative. I mean, this is a bug, not a feature."
"...debug and dry run gives you a upper upper hand actually to debug and to know the issues associated with your Helm chart."
"As it was the case with debugging, the kind of first-order approach that a lot of people have experience with already is 'oh, let's use just printf profiling, so to say, like we can just take...'"
"Printf debugging works pretty well. Like, I have to be honest, I use it a lot of the time because of how simple to set up and how quick the feedback can be."
"Charity can generate code snippets or even fully fledged programs, saving developers time and minimizing errors."
"Using Chat GPT, you can easily debug your errors in the code, making it very helpful for your project building."
"The lifetime rules often feel very helpful. They're catching real bugs that we know we shouldn't be writing."
"Charity can analyze code, identify the bugs or errors in the program, and further help resolve them."
"You're writing the tests not because they'll catch all of the bugs that you might get, but rather it changes the way you think about debugging."
"Changes the mentality that you use to look for the sources of defects."
"if you had a typo and a label it just resolves it to zero."
"This gives us a pretty good starting point to make sure our code compiles."
"Once you've got everything working, you should go break your code and make sure your units have failed the right way."
"The process of removing an observed fault in our software is like finding the root cause and fixing it."
"A single wrong character can completely prevent something from working."
"Learn debugging early; it's important to understand how to track down bugs."
"With printf debugging, you get to observe actual values, but it can take time to iterate."
"Delta debugging is like a binary search for where a bug occurs in your code."
"I hate doing this. This is awful. This is ebugging. This is worse than the alphabet in that it's embarrassing."
"This also means that it's much easier to debug problems as each state's logic will be self-contained."
"Is the increased performance worth it when it makes it significantly harder to debug? That's a question you have to answer for yourself."
"Who needs a logic analyzer, when you can do a visual debug with neon bulbs?"
"You can check different conditions with the debug simulator."
"And so there is an error here and I can just click clear like a good developer does."
"When you're debugging, you have to trust nothing, including yourself. The only thing you should trust are the debug logs that you see in front of you and the data that you have in front of your face."
"Otherwise especially with lightning web components it's going to be considerably harder to debug them."
"Debugging errors is a really important process to get to grips with when you're working with your code."
"If you write a function that returns 'none' along multiple separate paths, that probably means there's more than one reason you're returning 'none'."
"You can see that the code execution actually paused here. You can use the debugger mode to inspect the details of variables and the current state when the code gets to this line. It's a really useful tool for debugging."
"That's how you set up Visual Studio Code to be able to use the integrated debugging tools on a Django application that is running in Docker."
"Nullable reference types: catch this before it becomes a problem."
"A null reference exception often occurs when you try to access properties or call a method on what you believe is an instantiated object."
"Using gdb enhancements like jeff can make the debugging process a lot easier and more effective."
"The rust team considers unclear error messages as bugs."
"Don't panic just because you encounter a bug; each bug is different and presents a new challenge."
"Identify the purpose of the code where it broke figure out what breaks that code and then find a new solution where the code doesn't break."
"Do those five steps over and over and over again until you have no more bugs."
"The better you can debug the better you will grow as a developer."
"What if our malware detects that it's being debugged? Are we doomed? Are we condemned? Are we destined to leave it in the hands of the analysts?"
"In the case that our program finds out it's being debugged, we're gonna have the self-delete function run over here."
"If we just type in, for example, console.log(deck.cards), you can see we have an array with 52 cards."
"Great. And if I inspect the page, this will allow me to get up my console log to carry on coding."
"If you hit a problem, there's always the chance that the problem is a bug. But it's much more likely that the problem is because you have made an error."
"...weird driver loop... changed the bridge and everything worked flawlessly."
"Pretty cool, great tool for debugging."
"Don't worry about if you see that pop up it just means that no value was returned and it just so happens that console.log will also output the value hello because this is what we gave it."
"Catching errors early in development... TypeScript is going to tell us right away that, 'Hey buddy, there's no dot underscore firstName on this name variable because this is a string and not an object.'"
"Cyprus offers automatic weights for elements... helps bring down flakiness because it handles all that for you behind the scenes."
"...Cyprus also provides detailed error messages pointing to the exact line of code causing the issue."
"The timeline feature in Cyprus GUI lets you travel back in time to see what your test was doing during execution, aiding in debugging."
"When tests fail in Cyprus, you get detailed error messages, possible solutions, and even the exact line in your code for quick fixes."
"Cyprus automatically records videos and takes screenshots upon test failure, aiding in debugging and fixing issues efficiently."
"Types are great, they can help us to catch bugs before they become a problem."
"Understanding why it fails is the key to debugging and fixing the problem."
"So, even though we're raising the exception which we do catch here, we should find that the end popup will be correctly called and we won't get a crash."
"...most of my time has been spent debugging Linux, working with kubernetes and fighting with distributed systems...those kind of fun things."
"If we see these log messages we can assume...that those I O Copy go routines are done."
"So maybe there's a little bug somewhere but the important thing is now you can see look I'm in as Jim Jims garage. co.uk and I've got administrative access to my painer awesome."
"Debug and display traits make types printable, but sometimes we want to customize the output appearance."
"A debug trade can be implemented by simply using derivable trade."
"Manual implementation of the debug trade allows us to control how the results look."
"Here's an example of a really common error."
"Debug and display traits can be manipulated to customize the output of custom types."
"...this function will not be recomputing, and we'll basically be able to see that by the fact that we're not actually getting this console log again."
"It's totally fine because we will just solve the error step by step."
"Now, if we just apply DevTools, I expect to see them there."
"Permission issues are a really good place to find bugs."
"Just imagine you're writing an application, and each time you modify the code, you run the test, and it throws an exception as soon as you break the behavior."
"Breakpoints are a critical tool in our debugging toolkit."