
Standing Out Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"Sometimes, the best way to fit in is to stand out."
"It's better to stand for something and have 50% of people hate you and 50% remember you, than to stand for nothing."
"To stand out, you have to be a little unusual, a little different."
"You gotta be different. You gotta stand out."
"You have to stand out in some way... creativity really stands out... even if it's bad."
"Sometimes it can be better to just stand out than to blend in."
"You're gonna have to stand out, you're gonna have to be exceptional."
"When someone worthy wishes to stand out, they just stand taller than everyone else. They rise to the occasion."
"Be different, that's all I can say, be different."
"Stand for something different, stand for something better."
"To be a contrarian, you're gonna stand out a lot."
"You're standing out from the crowd, above the competition."
"Just make sure you find a way to stand out from the crowd."
"What are you going to do differently to stand out it's easy to stand out amongst everyday people and be a big fish in a small pond it is a much more difficult task when you are a wolf Sur rounded by Wolves."
"Just be unique, that's how you'll cut through."
"You're standing out among the crowd because you're unique."
"Everything's dysfunctional, but you're standing out in the middle."
"They stood out from the pack, absolutely."
"Different is usually a good thing in my eyes; you want to stand out."
"Understanding how to design graphics and logos is intense work, but standing out requires something a bit more different."
"She kind of stand out like a unicorn."
"Quality of your video matters if you want to stand out and get monetized."
"There's a reason why you stand out from the crowd."
"You're not here you're here to stand out you're here to be yourself."
"Somebody has to be original and somebody has to stand above the rest."
"Continue to stand apart. Continue to stand out."
"You stand out amongst the rest and especially amongst the Matrix energy."
"It's still unique. It still stands out even today."
"Like, you gotta stand out. You gotta be very special."
"You can't fit in and stand out at the same time."
"You shouldn't want to fit in, you should want to stand out."
"She doesn't blend in, a girl that doesn't blend in come on."
"You kind of have to be a little bit different."
"If you have the Majesty of a brachiosaurus with wings You're Gonna Stand Out."
"You were made to stand out. You can't be trying to fit in right now."
"Own your uniqueness; it makes you stand out."
"You cannot fit into places because you were meant to stand out."
"If you're born to stand out, you wasn't meant to fit in."
"It’s important that yours stands out!"
"Watchmen worked because it was the exception to the rule, it stood out because it was different from the regular dime stories you'd get from Marvel."
"if you really want to be unique you've got to find out something that makes you stand out"
"You're different. You're meant to stand out. You're not meant to be the same as others."
"It's actually really fun to watch him perform the character because all of the other actors are all seated and Mark has to stand to do it."
"what can I do that's just going to stand out"
"They just see you out from a crowd. It's like you stand out in some sort of way."
"You're not meant to just be in the crowd; that's boring."
"Be someone that stands out, speaks up for themselves."
"Peacocking is when you spice up your look with something that pops so that you stand out."
"Recognize your own value. Stand out and present your vision to a larger group."
"Daring to stand out in an internet world."
"...in my opinion I think this is what helps students Stand Out honestly having a research experience in your profile something to do with volunteering and lastly an academic or leadership skill..."
"Never look back in regret, never look back and wish... your position as a young person for me is really important that when you whatever you do whatever you're in, make sure you stand out from the crowd."
"It's really going to stand out compared to just a whole field of cows."
"You stand out so much in your truth and in your authentic self."
"Miami is a hard place to stand out from the crowd; this thing most certainly does."
"I was definitely standing out, personality-wise."
"You have a very unique vibe and personality, and there's something about you standing out in a way that is so unique."
"If you want to stand out and get ahead of most people in whatever area of Life."
"When you're interviewing for a job, you want to stand out from the rest of the other candidates."
"I wanted to stand out amongst the best."
"If you talk like everyone else and sound like everyone else, you will never stand out."
"We want to be different from them. We want to be separate. We want to stand out."
"You're someone who is meant to stand out."
"An antidote to the disease of blandness is learning how to stand out in a good way."
"If you're in either one of those categories, keep on standing while everybody else is seated."
"If you're not in shape, you're going to be like everybody else."
"One of the best things you can do if you're going to succeed at anything is figure out how do I stand out? How do I differentiate myself from everybody else?"
"Definitely worth doing to stand out from the crowd."
"Nothing wrong with standing out, but you won't stand out alone."
"You're very different, you stand out from the crowd."
"You're different, you don't truly fit into these things, you'll stand out anyway."
"If you want to stand out from the crowd then you should join the program."
"You can't just be a face in the crowd, why not be a face that stands out?"
"You need to stand out, sell yourself, and show how passionate you are about patient care."
"Why fit in when you were born to stand out?"
"You need to separate yourself from the pack. The easiest way to stand out is with a website."
"This may allow you to stand head and shoulders above the crowd."
"I don't want to fit in like that, I like to stand out."
"We're not meant to be fitting in crowds."
"If you want to stand out from the crowd, if you want a car that is enjoyable to drive, if you want a car that is fast and fun, then maybe this is the Golf GTI you're looking for. And Cupra all over this."
"If someone stood up in a crowd and raised his voice up way out loud."
"I wanted to stand out. I'm not here to sort of blend in."
"Even if you're just a beginner, so you can stand out."
"I don't want to just get lost in the crowd."
"You stand out, no matter what group you're in."
"You stand out in a world of too much optionality."
"You're bold and you stand out from the rest."
"You're quite eye-catching; you stand out from the crowd."
"Different but yet you still have to stand out."
"The Outlander stands out without really standing out."
"Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons."
"You gotta stand out, you gotta be extraordinary, you gotta be the one in the room that everybody wants to walk up to."
"You really have to have a unique Point very standard to stand out."
"You cannot be a gray man, it's the opposite of that."
"I know we don't say competition but it stands for itself."
"It's a great way to stand out from a pack of other would-be key account managers all applying for the same job."
"If you stand out, who's gonna stand against it?"
"I wanted something different, something more out there, something that stands out."
"You're not supposed to blend in, you're supposed to blend out."
"I think the hardest part is just, you know, standing out as much as I do."
"This part: if you want to stand out from the crowd, you need to do something original."
"What's the point in fitting in, if you're designed to stand out?"
"Learning a big data framework is a fantastic way to stand out from the crowd."
"The goal should be to make yourself stand out."
"You have to stand out some way, stand out by doing good things."
"Why fit in when you were born to stick out?"
"You're different, you stand out, you're different."
"You're gonna stand out amongst the rest that kind of just went through life, kind of let life happen to them."
"You're here to stand out and do things in your own way."
"Your aura is glowing, you're standing out right now."
"It's a way to peacock, it's a way to stand out from the crowd and to be able to separate yourself from everyone else out there."
"Having an air of sophistication... helps you break out from the background."
"...what I did was very unique and that allowed me to stand out."
"It's getting harder and harder to stand out."
"If you're different, you show out from the rest."
"You will never stand out by fitting in."
"she stands out in a crowd which is very important"
"We're all gonna have to fight to stand out."
"Why fit in when you were born to stand out? Yeah, exactly."
"You gotta stand out from the crowd somehow."
"You really gotta make yourself stand out."
"...truly embraced what made both stand out from the crowd."
"We should not be blending in with the world, we should be sticking out."
"... when it comes to owning a vehicle, you want to stand out, you want to be unique."
"You are like a star, you stand out in the crowd."
"I always felt like with this entertainment, you got to go the other way because you got to stand out."
"You gotta be original and stand out."
"When you stand up, you stand out."
"They stand alone in the world of rock."
"They see themselves as not being qualified, not being able to step up or stand out."
"It's the best way to stand up your home care agency."
"Sometimes you can't just wait for the handout, gotta go against the grain so you can stand out."
"Make sure you do a good job so you can stand out from the rest."
"We were never meant to blend in; we were meant to stand out as light in the midst of darkness."
"Distinctify yourself from the herd."
"They offer you a seat when you stand out."
"You have to stand in front of everybody else; you have to be different."
"We're not gonna fit in, but we're gonna stand out. All three of us, you wait and see."
"If you're raw, you're gonna stand out."
"It makes you stand out from the rest of the crowd."
"Don't try to fit in when you were born to stand out."
"This is a game that you don't want to blend in; you want to stand out."