
Localization Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"Localization is about regaining efficiency and reducing waste by locally producing as much as possible."
"From Japan to the world: how to translate a game behind the global success."
"It's a complex process that's come a long way since the wild west of the '80s and the '90s."
"We're now able to be more faithful to the cultural and emotional content of Japanese games more than ever."
"Localization is now more integral to the design process, with international gamers in mind from the start."
"It's important to differentiate between adapting for cultural understanding and altering content to cater to a vocal minority."
"The artistic vision should be paramount; altering it for localization can dilute the original intent."
"Cardcaptor Sakura went through a number of changes when being dubbed in English, so much so that the show almost feels unrecognizable."
"There is simply no reason why the blades for wind turbines can't be built in Pittsburgh instead of Beijing."
"The lip flaps in the ending hide within the code that has been made aware to me. So in the English version, the lip flaps don't change based on who was saying it or in any other circumstances."
"In a progressive society, to meet our common economic, social and cultural needs, we must move from globalization to localization."
"The name behind the poker float stage was itself born out of the localization process."
"The idea of the Pokemon being balloons was completely made up by the game's English localization team."
"Localization efforts extend to promoting inclusivity through language and representation."
"Players also got an inside look at how much games changed during the localization process."
"When something is localized, the original and the localization must be considered different pieces of media."
"The true joy of localization really is seeing what you can get away with."
"It’s also important to mention that the English version of the game excels to even greater heights in regards to the writing."
"Politics complicated... simplify it smaller and less centralized... more localized."
"Thorium is a lot less exciting. Can they be deployed in India?"
"Atlas USA was one of those companies that would localize all the Japanese games that the other bigger publishers wanted nothing to do with."
"The term 'pre-loaded' is exactly the same term I'm using here in Manila."
"For many games, things like cultural relativism, localization, and global community management play a bigger and bigger role in gaming."
"Governments will push businesses to be more resilient, which really means they'll have to insource a lot more work and do things onshore."
"I guess my thing is like if you're localizing something did you read it before you brought it over here?"
"Particles are localized not only in physical space but also in branchial space."
"We need production of this increasingly important technology in the United States."
"Decision making should be as localized as possible, if only local. That's where the knowledge is."
"It's not like a coal mining company coming in, extracting the place, and all the money goes to New York City."
"Wouldn't it be great to do like what Gerber does where they have pretty much everything made in China or Taiwan and then one tool that is genuinely USA made?"
"Globalisation has been our economic paradigm for the last half century. But things are changing and countries and regions are deglobalising and localising for all kinds of reasons from more fractious geopolitics to environmental concerns and labour standards."
"Localization testing is crucial for international success."
"We want to embrace the local sensibilities."
"You can tailor your ad copy and your messaging to that local market."
"And I think that's a pretty cool thing about it because, of course, that's why we wanted our stuff to be locally made in U.S made to begin with."
"Segmenting your email list by geographic relevance can be a very useful method of implementing marketing localization or tailored content to a specific place."
"Jeff Nimoy, the person in charge of the American Digimon localization as well as the lovably dorky voice of Tantamon, got to work on both cutting the films down into one 90-minute movie while trying to make all three parts narratively fit together."
"English versions of course right after the Japanese release of the games."
"Suddenly now you can be doing them locally and you can write your code to take advantage of these things locally in here."
"ADV dedicated themselves to raising the standard of localization in America."
"...remember this vehicle was designed in California, it's built in Georgia, and really the United States is that prime customer base for this SUV."
"The future of energy is going to be very local."
"Battle for New York, gotta love it."
"PKA is localized by kinase anchoring proteins."
"If you run everything locally you can be absolutely sure that it will stay working and if it doesn't then you can always fix it because it's in your control and it protects your privacy and we think that is really important."
"'Main Street' is becoming much more important in this Century, where products have become commoditized and services become the new place of innovation."
"You're exactly right. Accepting local payment methods can provide a massive uplift to your business."
"Cardcaptors seems to have signaled to western distributors that people really do want to see the original versions of these shows."
"Next is the removal of english text from the police scanner map thing of eggman's base every time they show it it has the english text detailing different segments of the bass removed."
"You need to enable the French language pack in the Power Platform admin Center, and export the localizable text for custom fields and import the French label translations."
"When you make the knowledge local, you can solve the problems."
"Sound sounded like it was coming from the front of the room from the screen."
"We're now so much more focused on Australia-made than we ever have been before."
"One of the reasons many Digimon fans know nothing about Millennium is because he has only appeared in the Japanese games."
"Choose a resource that is close to where you are, close to where your users are likely to be."
"I think moving forward, brands are thinking more hyper local now and they're thinking a little more granular."
"Streaming services typically have different catalogs for different countries."
"Find something native in your area."
"Our technology can be built locally and industrialized right off the bat."
"These guys are just not bred in this country whatsoever. If we can produce our own, then it's got to be better in the long run for everything, for the hobby, for the centipede, for all of us."
"...there's probably only a handful of markets in the US where courses like yours make sense. You can't just drop a course in Atlanta and be like, 'Oh, this is gonna be super successful.'"
"Now because my vehicle is out of the US, I'm in Canada. I'll be clicking this bottom option. But if you have a regular street car and you live in the States, you'll click this one."
"Numbers are still available, but it's a one-man operation and it's got to be in an ethnic neighborhood."
"This is the particle filter at work in the adaptive Monte Carlo localization approach."
"People are really trying to look for ways to make the stuff that we need locally out of local materials."
"They put elves on the end of everything in Bristol."
"For us in Australia, we're so used to V8 utes, here it is, it's kind of here."
"How do I differentiate myself from National franchises or what's happening in most nationalized hotel chains is access to local micro producers."
"Instead of exporting raw commodities we should find ways to process these Goods locally sell to our people first and then export the value-added products this is the path to self-sufficiency."
"...you can literally find the Spanish version of these products to promote and sell to those people as well."
"...depending on where they were bought, there were also some Regional differences in the LPS."
"Localization is about being connected to the ecological umbilical."
"Which was actually published in Weekly Shonen Jump but it's not in the Shonen Jump line in the U.S."
"Native plants really help to establish a local sense of place."
"You really want to look for plants that are naturally found a little bit closer to your backyard."
"Kirby's Avalanche in PAL regions instead has the name Kirby's Ghost Trap."
"Localizing is more than about just translating your words. So instead of just saying 'Hello World' equals 'Hola Mundo,' there's more to it than that."
"That's the American [ __ ]. So that was the American dub of Asterix and the Big Fight. Let's talk about the British dub."
"...God's got his call on somebody to reach French-speaking people in the capital city of New Brunswick, and no, you don't have to go somewhere else."
"The Sims is always up to the interpretation of people watching. It's quite a good look. It means they don't have to translate it for other markets."
"The English dub version of Dragon Ball Z had to be edited in order to be approved to run on American TV."
"99 Dots is an example of really taking into consideration the local region when you're designing these sort of low-cost computational methods to help patient healthcare in say rural India."
"Our economies are going to get smaller and less complex and more localized."
"The good news, at least according to the radio, is that the issue seems to be confined to our general area."
"Localization is really important in neurology."
"With localization, we're putting the power to quickly create development grade localized experiences in all of your hands through the magic of visual development."
"Connectivity plays a strong role as well as localization in different brain areas involved in language."
"Identify the largest non-English speaking market to begin selling into and localize the product for it."
"This helps to localize dysfunction to specific parts of the nervous system, making it an invaluable tool for diagnosis."
"This is what robot localization looks like, we're using a combination of our Dynamics model of the world and our emission model of the world."
"The experience is now that the voice should appear in front of you instead of inside your head."
"Knowledge must also be localized in order to respond to the realities of a particular environment."
"We are going to move from the template of a global economy back to a local and regional economy."
"That's right, Drake and Josh has an official Japanese dub, guys."
"Place labels is a great way to quickly see the local language option."
"Localization of function in the brain suggests specific areas are responsible for certain functions."
"It's also designed to locate where a sound is coming from."
"To localize this, the global average pooling can be very, very helpful."
"I think life is the image of a localization process in consciousness."
"International business grew because companies understood that it was very important to be more local and try to address the local problems."
"A localization strategy focuses on increasing profitability by customizing the firm's goods or services so that they provide a good match to tastes and preferences in different national markets."
"...the Dhamma should be taught in the local language of people, so that people can understand what the Buddha actually taught."
"Lymphomas tend to localize in lymph... and it's often disseminated to other sites when it's diagnosed."
"The leukemias are more often going to be found in blood and bone marrow whereas the lymphomas are going to be more often localized to lymph or other distant tissues."
"Localize your application, don't just translate it."
"Localization is the kind of translating your texts, your strings, into that language or that preferred locale that the user has."
"All these fancy methods like fMRI are just telling us where cognition is in the brain, not how cognition works."
"Obstacle detection is a basic way to perform localization for robots."
"Localization is the ability of a robot to know where it is on the map."
"We need to be able to localize objects not only in the image domain but also in 3D space."
"We can use the toLocaleString method to get the actual names of the months and days."
"So there you have it, guys, we've taken a look at localization and built out this language switcher in a Laravel app."
"Localization of function is the idea that certain functions, for example, memory and language, have certain locations within the brain."
"This is how you set up a localized coordinate system."
"Search engines in those countries will start to rank your content that's in their native language."
"Design the process global first and then localizing them."
"We want to support the locales DE and EN for German and English."
"We've successfully completed the fourth exercise to introduce localization."
"Wrapping our strings in the translation function now allows these strings to be translated."
"In Microsoft Teams, meetings will be served local to end users, which means that a meeting will always be home in the data center closest to the first user joining."
"Localization just means that different areas of our brain are responsible for different behaviors, processes, or activities."
"Glocalization is when you have a product and you change it to suit a certain location."
"They did change Lara Croft's name from Laura to Lara because they thought that Americans wouldn't be able to pronounce it properly."
"In robot localization, you have a robot going around a building, but even though we can see where the robot is, for the robot itself to know where it is, it needs to use some sensor information."
"We recently localized so now suddenly the users in Japan, for example, can read our web pages for the first time."
"Video game localization has changed over the decades."
"We use these level differences to localize sound objects as well."
"Remember we have the ability for you guys to locate in your area which store has the best price."
"Localization, yes, it's built-in."
"The reason that humans have two ears is to give us sound localization."
"A particle is localized, that means it is confined in space."
"Internationalization is the process of adapting a software application so that you can start localizing the application."