
Exceeding Expectations Quotes

There are 394 quotes

"Sometimes when you go into a tournament with that mindset... you can really outdo yourself."
"It did everything it was supposed to do, and then it went above and beyond."
"Beyond boundaries is something different. It's about inspiring us to go beyond the call of duty, to do more than we have to, not because we are told, but because we want to."
"It's way more awesome than they ever needed to be."
"He met the moment, not only met the moment but exceeded it."
"Exceeding expectations, that is a good thing to do design-wise."
"You're gonna end up with more than you can even imagine."
"But it was really just so nice that they actually exceeded those expectations. You love to see it."
"casino royale proved its preemptive haters wrong it went above and beyond the call of duty and exceeded its supporters expectations"
"He exceeded my expectations in so many ways."
"Sarada exceeded Sasuke and Sakura's expectations in every possible way."
"Dead space more than lives up to its own hype and that is a very rare thing in this industry."
"I give it major points for going way beyond the bare minimum."
"Some of the most beautiful malicious compliance stories are ones where they ask you for one hundred percent of something, and you give them 250 percent in return."
"In business, it comes from delivering more than anybody could imagine."
"Be like Joseph; he always did more than was expected."
"Santa Monica Studio achieved with God of War 2018 was so beyond even our loftiest expectations."
"You gotta push it to its utmost limits and beyond."
"You've out-kicked the coverage significantly here."
"Always do more than you're asked because one of the best forms of marketing is word of mouth."
"Dog, you surpassed all expectations... you become such an amazing person out of yourself."
"Why is this so good? It consistently exceeded my expectations."
"It exceeded my expectations. It was everything and more."
"Remember, God does exceedingly abundantly more than all you can imagine."
"They surpassed the Wall Street expectations."
"We're already over 500 and I haven't even done anything yet. That was my upper expectation of what we were going to be able to do."
"We keep defying the odds, we keep exceeding expectations."
"Now unto him who's able to do exceeding and abundantly above all I could ever hope or imagine."
"Better than I ever expected, better than I thought was possible."
"Just imagine, you might bump into an experience where you're like 'oh that exceeded my expectations.'"
"The minute the song started it was just like I knew it was gonna be special."
"It not only exceeded my expectations it gave me what I didn't know I wanted until they gave it to me."
"It's not just fulfilling player expectations, but exceeding them."
"You made it look easy. You're breaking all expectations. What's your secret?"
"Fry never imagined that the team's potential would far exceed his wildest expectations."
"Walk out exceeding expectations, and silence the voices of doubt."
"To actually have my expectations met and then exceed it with this device is truly quite incredible."
"Obviously it has already exceeded any expectation we had as far as the response goes."
"I'm the type of man that exceeds expectations."
"The strategy took the company to new Heights of success that surpassed Milton's expectations."
"You guys have absolutely smashed all expectations."
"Oh my gosh guys, 12 rares! I think I guessed four, so we literally found triple what I guessed."
"The animation on display here is just constantly overachieving."
"Curtis Samuel is a good wide receiver. He's pretty much always beaten everybody's expectations."
"Impresses us and then surpasses our expectations."
"In 2015 to 2018 I would say my career exploded, I was doing crazy unheard of things that way surpassed my vision board."
"This exceeded my wildest expectations about how powerful and impactful this could be."
"Clearly you know after talking with you armchair like you've put your heart and soul into this game and just went beyond you know the Call of Duty when making this."
"I kind of actually exceeded my expectations here, you know I never really thought of myself as somebody and somebody who was tough."
"It's a home run so if you want to be critical of it now okay that's perfectly okay but before you close the book on it forever maybe give it a try who knows it might just exceed your expectations like it did mine."
"This person is going to be everything that you want and then some."
"That one actually went a lot better than I'd initially anticipated."
"He absolutely smashed their internal expectations."
"Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above far beyond you can ever ask or imagine, according to the power that's working within you."
"Be ready to have your expectations blown out the water."
"The Comedian's death at the beginning of Watchmen was the first domino in a chain reaction that not only changed how his fellow superheroes saw themselves but how readers saw superheroes."
"It's so above and beyond what I even thought."
"That video could have been so boring but it surpassed my wildest dreams."
"I think they've gone beyond the call of duty."
"Their debut concert surpasses all expectations, becoming a tremendous success."
"One element of the originals that exceeded George Lucas's expectations from its inception was John Williams's score."
"You're doing an amazing job. You can tell she definitely has exceeded my expectations."
"Because the customer servicing was really, I think, the biggest thing for me and that's the thing I've carried on this entire time is always giving the customer more than what they would expect even on YouTube."
"That was way more fun than I even expected it to be."
"London Spitfire really have blown their expectations out of the water this year."
"You control the moment. You decide how much you want to over-deliver."
"He proved it even greater than we ever imagined."
"Those aspects are all individually good enough to carry the whole darn thing on their own and yet somehow it is still greater than the sum of all of them."
"It's a good season because we're exceeding our preseason expectations."
"Ritchie Sunak has developed quite a skill at exceeding expectations."
"They really went the extra mile at this property."
"They put out something that... you always wonder, how is Everglow ever going to top themselves, and they do that by never doing the same thing."
"Bloodstained: Defying expectations and delivering quality."
"All our goals and expectations are to be beyond what we've done."
"This is coming up better than I could ever imagine."
"Tesla has just reported record profits, blowing expectations out of the water."
"This actually worked out better than I was expecting."
"Motherhood is so much more than I hoped for."
"Now I'm doing way better than I thought I could ever do."
"This is so far beyond anything I thought I would be able to own. This is absolutely incredible."
"Once they show you they're going to put the work in and they go above and beyond for you, Leo, oh hell yeah you're going to go for it 100."
"This book is absolutely incredible so far, has blown my expectations out of the water."
"Seattle Mariners continue to defy every expectation in the book."
"He defied expectations by achieving far more than what was deemed possible for an athlete of his age."
"I'm not already down or anything, but even though we did lose, I feel like this team 100% exceeded expectations this season."
"Exceeding expectations, triumphing over challenges, and achieving major victories."
"You can find opportunities to give people more than they can possibly expect."
"Honor occurs only when you do something you don't have to do. Until you go beyond what is expected of you, you have not entered the realm of honor."
"I do like that he's worked at some clubs with very low expectations and massively overachieved."
"You've already exceeded my expectations, Kenna."
"This honestly exceeded all of my expectations."
"My expectations were high and they were dramatically exceeded." - Jeff Bezos
"It wasn't just fine, didn't just deliver but it then excelled..."
"They would stand in just a short while from now knowing that they are witnessing infinitely more than they could ask or think."
"La Reid, he seemed in them, he gave us more than what we were even asking for."
"God is able to do exceedingly above and beyond all we ask for."
"Tesla has really over delivered on this by a significant margin."
"Anthony Smith gave his damnedest on this one."
"More than I can imagine because god has truly surpassed my dreams he has blown me already he has truly blown my mind."
"Everything we do embraces that change. Pushing beyond expectations at every turn."
"I really did enjoy the puzzles in the ancient ruins. They exceeded expectations."
"Guardians goes the extra mile in a ton of places that I did not expect."
"God is too big for your box. He's able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we ask!"
"I think we are going to go above and beyond."
"She has exceeded all expectations as she has grown quickly and become strong willed."
"Job growth smashes expectations, I mean it's fantastic!"
"Animal Crossing New Leaf is a work of art, one that surpassed and continues to surpass my expectations of the heights that video games can reach."
"Last month we created another 263,000 jobs, crushing expectations."
"This match was so much more than it needed to be, it delivered way more than anything that anyone was expecting."
"I was actually blown away by how awesome it looked. I mean it exceeded even my expectations."
"Give them what the fuck you promise, give them more than you promise."
"When you think they've reached a certain pinnacle, they do something else."
"The Zelda team just keeps surpassing my expectations."
"You're going to go further than you ever thought, sooner than you ever thought."
"If 100 percent wasn't enough, she actually goes all the way up to 130 percent."
"He had to make up for this lost strength so he would always go above and beyond his duties."
"Always do more than is asked of you always do a little extra something."
"You tick boxes that they didn't even know that there were boxes to tick."
"These robust little mammals seem to have defied all expectations."
"The Incredibles 2 goes above and beyond multiple times."
"Everything's just going better than expected."
"This is a lifelong dream coming true and it's coming true and happening and coming together in a way that is better than I ever expected."
"Navarro Bowman exceeded all expectations in only his second year in the league."
"Definitely exceeding my expectations right now."
"You are being called this month to exceed your own expectations."
"Sometimes you have to build more than just be good."
"Punching out of my weight class, scored big time."
"It's basic effective response to a sudden traumatic injury in order to save someone's life."
"You continue to go above and beyond expectations."
"I always prided myself on making sure that I could overd deliver for people who would bet on me."
"I'm so happy right now! Oh my god, this is honestly exceeded expectations. Wow, Jackfruit, give it up for Jack!"
"God give them more than they ever thought was possible."
"This session has far exceeded all my expectations."
"Everything past that just defies expectations. That's why original Naruto was amazing."
"Above and beyond the call of duty, we all know what that means. It means doing more than anticipated, exceeding your customer's expectations."
"Be open to things working out better than your imagination."
"Being a legend means exceeding every expectation."
"Well, he has nothing left to prove to me. He's done everything that we've ever expected of him and not only what we expected but exceeded it way farther than we could ever dream."
"You've got to deliver more than what's expected."
"Overall, this adaptation has outperformed expectations."
"We always want to overd deliver and surprise the customer with the amount of value that we've packed into our products."
"She succeeds far beyond anyone's expectations."
"Make expectations low for us, and then overdeliver."
"Wow, dude, that is ten times better than I thought it'd be."
"We always want to overdeliver and surprise our client with far more value than expected."
"This stream exceeded every single expectation I had, and it's all because of you guys."
"This just every time it just exceeds what I'm thinking you use the word magic a few minutes ago"
"The texture is absolutely perfect. I don't think I've had skem here in South Korea yet, and this just exceeded all expectations."
"This is exactly what I wanted and more."
"Overdeliver and that's a fight of the century."
"The UFC is taking over, I'm telling you that 300 was over the top, they delivered and over-delivered."
"He's about to blow your mind exceedingly, abundantly above all you can ask."
"Better than we could have ever imagined so far."
"It was a lot better than I would have ever anticipated."
"This bag has exceeded my expectations by a long shot"
"Lexus did an excellent job with this, and if there's one thing that I will say about Lexus every time I've driven one, is it blows my expectations away."
"This is much better than we expected."
"My expectations were high and they have been exceeded."
"They just absolutely hit the nail on the head, exceeded my expectations once again."
"This was better than expected, literally lit."
"That was just way more than I could have ever expected."
"That's way above any expectation I had."
"God, you have a plan, so do exceedingly and abundantly above what I could dream or imagine."
"...it has in so so many ways exceeded them as well."
"You both gave more than anybody expected you could possibly produce in this fight."
"They have gone so far above and beyond the stuff on my list."
"Absolutely exceeded my expectations."
"Honestly, this is better than I ever thought it would be."
"He loves giving people more than expected."
"I feel like it's everything and more."
"They blew my expectations. I just didn't think that would happen."
"This movie blew all my expectations out of the water."
"So guess what our aim at all times is to ensure that we exceed guest expectations right now and the reason for this so what we did we selected persons with extraordinary talents persons who are able to put the guests first to ensure that they're on vacation."
"When you come to Barbados especially Windam Grand Barbados that one best thing you should expect is that you will be entertained nothing less throughout the entire day it's most likely you will have too much cuz that's what we do we give you more than what you expect."
"Carrie is one of those people who kind of raises it and then overd delivers."
"Alistair is blowing my expectations out of the water."
"I genuinely blown away. It's 20 million times better than I thought."
"I think what you want to aim for is a life that exceeds your expectations. That's you want to go beyond what you think is actually possible for yourself, and that's how I think about it."
"This thing has blown my expectations sky high."
"Allah loves the ones who excel, who exceed expectations."
"We over-delivered because we under-promised throughout this entire service."
"The Rock truthfully exceeded anything I ever dreamed he would come back to do."
"Man, this thing is just over-delivered. Everything I buy lately is just over-delivered."
"I always was so excited to be able to go beyond what they expected me to do."
"This is actually very fast, yeah. This is exceeding expectation."
"You're exceeding expectations, that's something else that's coming through people's minds when they see you, you're exceeding expectations."
"God loves outdoing himself; he always exceeds expectations."
"So it actually powers up! Right off that bat, that's a lot more than I expected."
"This really exceeded our expectations."
"Once you actually exceed those expectations, that's when the magic really happens."
"Even more than that, we want to make sure that your experience not only matches your expectations here with us but exceeds them."
"It far exceeded my expectations, and I think it far exceeded everyone's expectations here."
"This exceeded every expectation I could have possibly had."
"We need to make sure that we always deliver more than what we charge."
"...it exceeded every expectation that I could have possibly had."
"...it just far exceeded anything I could have dreamed up."
"The performance always is bigger than what you would expect."
"This has been much much better than expected."
"Greater than I ever dreamed, spoken, or believed."
"This is more than I could ever imagine."