
Love Philosophy Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Love shouldn't be difficult. Love should not be painful."
"You're not here to search for love; you're here to remember that love is within."
"Love is not a feeling, it's a choice, it's a decision."
"Love is not transformation, love is acceptance and understanding."
"True love comes without expectation, without condition."
"Love is the ideal because it's not mere biological programming, it is transcendent."
"Everybody's looking for love, and I don't think that dating marriage is where you first find love. I believe it's where you first share love."
"Love is walking in love, making decisions even if we don't have feelings at that moment."
"Love is not a feeling, love is a willing. We make a decision to love, we don't necessarily feel love."
"Love is not found, love is created through your actions."
"Someone who thinks of love passively asks 'How do I become loved? Someone who thinks of love actively asks 'How do I love?'"
"Love is not logical. Love is logical. We make love difficult. If you love somebody, you love them, but it doesn't mean that you have to be together."
"Love is not a feeling or an emotion, it's a way of being oriented to someone else."
"Love is not something that is a sort of rare commodity."
"Love should be easy, love shouldn't be a struggle."
"That is the greatest love that there ever is."
"Love does not come from the heart, it comes from there, down through the heart."
"We have to love the way we want to be loved."
"Love is not a practical reason to be with somebody. Love is a decision." - Mike Rasheed King
"Love is an emotion and you can experience love whether or not you and this person stay together forever or you stay together for six months."
"Love is willing to go to another if you're based in virtue. You're going to see the virtue of the person that's going to be the thing you're going to love about them more than the way they look."
"Think about love; let love be without hypocrisy, abhor what is evil, cling to what is good."
"Each of you is a thought, and that thought is of love."
"All things flow to you when you're in that state of being in love and around love."
"Love is an act of will; it's a choice. It's not merely an emotion. The fuel is the choice you both make to serve each other, sacrifice for each other, and remain loyal and faithful."
"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."
"Love is not to be chased, to be worked for, to be earned."
"You're not supposed to fall in love, you're supposed to walk into love."
"Love yourself, love your life, love is the energy to live through."
"Love is maturity and maturity is the ability for sacrifice."
"Love is acceptance... a complete acceptance of self."
"Love is waiting at the fountain, love is the middle, let people meet you there."
"Just trust that it's meant to be. Any thoughts, concerns, feelings, issues with yourself or anything that comes and presents to you, you should cleanse on."
"Love is not an existential reality, it is what's happening within you."
"Love doesn't even have to have parameters. Love is the most freeing concept in our world."
"Choose love... be proud of your own unfoldment and choose love all the steps of the way because love will be your guidance to your own inner guidance system."
"Love is inconceivable, not rational and yet fundamental reality."
"Love is the source of all things in the universe."
"If someone truly loves you, they should be happy for you, they should let you go. If you really love someone, let them go, they're meant to be, they'll come back."
"Love is about freedom, not conditional attachment."
"When you love from your overflow, that's the most responsible thing that you could do."
"Please don't think that actual ninjas looked like this."
"Love should be unconditional and free, sometimes letting go is an act of love."
"All of my mothers and fathers out there... Is love conditional?"
"Love is a choice, and that's something that a lot of people believe in. I know I do."
"Love for yourself and love for others is truly the answer to everything."
"Love should be easy, it should be like breathing."
"If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it's how you know."
"Love is not attachment right love is letting things be as they are letting someone be who they are it doesn't mean you have to be with them right."
"Love isn't just something that happens; it's something you shouldn't just expect to come to you. But it's also something that you probably don't want to just pass by when you think there might be a chance of it."
"You gotta love in such a way that the person you love feels free."
"Love heals many a wound, love bridges many a division, love offers itself as a possible activity and as a condition of being which is the very stuff, the very source, the very destiny of the entire creation."
"You don't have to chase love; you need to let that come to you."
"Love is the opposite of self-sacrifice, love is the antonym of dependency, and love and self-destructiveness are mutually exclusive."
"It is all love, I was born out of love, I am evolving through love, and I am ascending back into love, I am all loved."
"Love needs to be free to be true. If given under duress or obligation, is it really love?"
"Love is not something you find, love is something that finds you."
"Unconditional love: I give because that's who I am."
"You can't command love. Love is an involuntary happening that arises from within us."
"Love has to be unselfish, natural in order for it to last."
"Love is the floor, it is not the ceiling. That's where you start."
"Love doesn't have any labels and doesn't have any boundaries."
"Unconditional love is about seeing the whole and accepting the whole."
"Nothing can stand in the way of love, obstacles are just illusions, love is the ultimate truth."
"Better to have loved and lost than never loved at all."
"The answer to finding love is to simply eliminate the blocks to the love that's already there."
"True love happens when you let go of control."
"Love should be easy. It should be like breathing. Let me in, love out. Love in, love out."
"If we're living from love and broadcasting love in our frequency, that's what we're going to experience back to us."
"Unconditional love is the goal; it begins with self-acceptance."
"Love isn't hard, it's easy. Don't romanticize struggle, recognize true love's simplicity."
"Life is too short to waste. Adopt a loving attitude for love that will heal all things."
"Love is a fundamental need, but being needy is unattractive."
"A wise woman does not fall in love, she walks into love."
"Unconditional love talks about being at peace, sacred love."
"If you really love somebody, you set them free. You don't try to enslave them."
"Love is not about possession, it's about letting go and allowing the flow."
"Love is not an event, it's an intent, and it's something that happens over time."
"It's better to have loved and lost in many respects, and I totally get that."
"Love never says it owns something though it owns everything."
"When we shut ourselves off to love and we say no, we're kind of like shutting out a really beautiful part of life."
"I am love, because if you want to find love, you have to be love."
"Love is free in himself and never will be bound; for where he is bound, he looseth himself," replied the King.
"To love another is adultery; do not love others with yourself love, love the love itself."
"...to be loved, give love, and the world will give it back to you in a beautiful fashion."
"Love is not something to be chased, to be pursued, to be dreaming of, or to be infatuated with; it is not a concept that you dream of without experiencing the true inner equilibrium of your heart, mind, and spirit."
"Love should be everything or not at all."
"You don't fall in love; you fall into love."
"The concept of love has captured human imagination, contemplation, and wonder since time immemorial."
"Unconditional love is not pinned on self."
"Love is a strength, not a liability."
"Love doesn't place judgment on things."
"If you love something, let it go, and it will return to you, and if it doesn't, then it was never meant to be."
"Love should multiply, not divide."