
Jellyfish Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Jellyfish have mechanisms of self-repair... They've come up with some remarkable ways of living."
"Some jellyfish... have the ability to revert back to its juvenile stage."
"The immortal jellyfish... has the ability to go back to a previous developing stage whenever it's endangered or extremely hungry."
"The largest known specimen of lion's mane jellyfish stretched a whopping 36.5 meters."
"Jellyfish are some of the oldest and strangest creatures on the planet."
"With no brain, eyes, bones, or blood, these bizarre animals have survived for 500 million years."
"The immortal jellyfish: Biologically immortal, it can revert back to its juvenile form after reaching sexual maturity."
"Rojo jelly: it's actually a new species of jelly that was discovered by scientists."
"Gigantic lion man jellyfish: 'Rare indeed, just take a look at this thing.'"
"Gigantic lion mane jellyfish: a rare and disrupting find."
"Phantom jellyfish: A new jellyfish has been discovered so vibrant that its unique vivid red body was a stark contrast to its marine environment."
"Immortal Jellyfish: a species of jellyfish that can age backwards when threatened with death."
"Imagine a jellyfish that's five times the size of a man! Insane!"
"The sessile giant jellyfish seems very familiar to the smaller jellyfish at first glance, but its body structure is actually pretty damn different."
"Jellyfish are over half a billion years old."
"Jellyfish are deceptively simple animals with surprisingly complex everything."
"Jellyfish are able to reverse their aging process whenever they want... jellyfish are super chill, just floating in whatever direction the current takes them."
"Jellyfish are mostly free... I've never been stung by a jellyfish, but I hear they hurt like hell."
"Jellyfish are amazing creatures, they're tough and have been around for eons but with their foreboding tentacles equipped with venomous stings, it's no surprise they aren't many people's favorite animal."
"Box jellyfish kill people far more often than sharks."
"Excitement has been stirred among marine biologists by a scuba diver capturing stunning footage of a magnificent jellyfish off the coast of Papua New Guinea."
"My first pick is an animal that, yes, my friends, is immortal. It is a jellyfish that when it is physically attacked, it can revert to its polyp stage and then regenerate all of its cells."
"The largest jellyfish species as many of you loyal listeners mention was the lion's mane jellyfish."
"I don't like jellyfish, they're not a fish, they're just a blob."
"The immortal jellyfish... will age until it's an adult, then it'll go and mate with another jellyfish, and after it does so, it'll actually revert back to its younger form."
"The atolla jellyfish boasts an interesting appearance and in addition, it glows in the dark if it senses danger."
"Death comes for all, except for the jellyfish."
"Jellyfish consist of about 95 percent water."
"By 2080, jellyfish may be all that's left in the ocean."
"Green fluorescent protein... glows green under UV or blue light and was first extracted from a type of bioluminescent jellyfish."
"There's really kind of no wrong way to do this because we're not doing anatomy of a jellyfish."
"The idea of those long triangles, making these tendrils, suggested to me at a little later time, a jellyfish."
"I don't remember what you call a school of jellyfish, it's not a school, but it has another special word."
"The secret of immortality may have been floating in the ocean the whole time, in the form of the immortal jellyfish."
"The immortal jellyfish just says 'Nah' and then reverts back to its sexually immature stage."
"Jellyfish almost caused mass nuclear explosions in 2013."
"Jellyfish can glow in the dark... they've got bioluminescence organs that emit blue or green."
"What's the scariest sea creature? Well, the most deadly is actually a box jellyfish, and the second is the blue ring octopus."
"The Jellyfish Dream Theater is a circular piece of art that has over two thousand moon jellyfish and is considered to be the largest jellyfish display in the world."
"Jellyfish are known to be the oldest multi-cellular animals in the world, they're older than the dinosaurs."
"The immortal jellyfish exhibits a remarkable capability that challenges our understanding of life and death."
"It's so fascinating to watch jellyfish."
"There's a species of crab that will kidnap jellyfish to use them as protection against predators."
"There are real immortal animals on Earth, and they are the jellyfish Turritopsis dohrnii."
"This is the star jellyfish. The star jellyfish is said to have nine arms instead of eight."
"It's a Jellyfish, you can see why, 'cause it floats with like dangling appendages."
"That is the completed glowing jellyfish."
"It's jellyfish time, and they are quite mesmerizing."
"It's just crystal clear; it's just amazing to know that you're about to go somewhere where all these jellyfish are at, and none of them can sting you."
"Jellyfish populations have been going through the roof because of climate change."
"This is a type of jellyfish typically found in fresh water, and this one has a natural gene that makes it glow."
"The jellyfish are not just boneless; they're brainless, and they have survived for a billion years."
"The jellyfish were our favorite exhibit; it was so magical to walk through watching the jellyfish dance with the music and changing colors with the lights."
"It's been over a year or so since I've made a jellyfish."
"You see the jellyfish will be the center of attention; it'll be floating in this glass."
"I like to put different backgrounds just to give some variance to your jellyfish."
"Jellyfish are plankton because while they can move vertically through the water column, they cannot swim horizontally faster than currents."
"This jellyfish is the only jellyfish pattern that I found that is actually quick."
"Jellyfish don't have brains or bones or hearts!"
"Some jellyfish are in fact immortal."