
CGI Quotes

There are 258 quotes

"CGI allows directors and people to tell stories that just otherwise would not ever be possible."
"Photo realism is the most important goal for CG artists if you're trying to get into the industry or even just get good as an artist."
"IKEA realized that switching from photography to CGI allowed them a lot more flexibility over the final image."
"Good editing or good CGI is invisible when it is done well."
"When you do CGI really well, nobody notices. You'll only notice when it's bad."
"AI Art is like CGI, CGI caused a revolution in making animated films and the computer does a lot of the work there too, just like AI."
"Practical advancements paved the way for even more integration between CG and practical suits."
"CGI's own distinct kind of magic takes advantage of the strengths of both mediums."
"That was so great dear lord I have missed attack on time for glorious moments such as these incredible animation mixed with brilliant use of CGI."
"Spider-Man 3 really took it to the next level, the CGI got better and the fact there were three villains meant each action scene feel very distinctive."
"That CGI glass breaking was straight out of the 1999 Batman movie."
"The music is Second To None, the cinematography is astounding, the CGI is treated with way more care and effort than anywhere today."
"The CGI in this movie is some of the most impressive CGI I've seen all year."
"I for one welcome our new CGI overlords and I submit to them fully."
"Simply remarkable, simply brilliant, innovative, and absolutely changed CGI and film for the good and forever 1993."
"Feels great the wonders of CGI provide us with something better..."
"I absolutely love it, the beautiful CGI even though they have very strange looking eyes against the realistic backdrops was something I hadn't seen before."
"I see what you mean but also he's basically saying his acting is completely discounted because the CGI so he isn't considered an actor even though he was acting."
"Do you not see why that's a bit see what that I can see why they'll see they should have a category for CGI definitely."
"For any of you who can get past its admittedly janky CGI exterior, Stab Life Great Escape offers a shockingly wide array of interesting, creative, if a little silly, scenarios through its getaway of the week formula."
"The idea of a CGI show predated the 2012 show by at least 10 years."
"that became more famous for its cgi than anything else despite a 300 million dollar price tag justice league isn't up to snuff with steppenwolf being a"
"Babylon 5 was a pioneer in the use of computer-generated imagery for its visual effects."
"The whole scene with all CGI but it felt like the two heroes were actually battling it out on the streets."
"Is this CGI, is it just a broken water main, or is it something else?"
"The CGI was well done and those kinds of battles in the water looked all realistic."
"Land of the Lustrous should win Best CGI. Let's be honest, they're so far ahead."
"I mean, this is so cool. This must be CG generated."
"I miss that just organic use what you have. And I totally respect and understand the whole use of CGI, but is it being overused in all genres? I think so."
"Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy 15 is getting a feature-length full CGI movie starring Sean Bean and Lena Headey."
"You're talking about ILM in conjunction with Pixar forging the way for computer animated CG characters in film."
"The fact that millions fell for this video really speaks volumes to how far CGI has come."
"Everyone's looking at, well, that's Gollum, I'm not looking at CGI anymore."
"Another really interesting thing about Gollum is the fact that he is so emotive."
"Visual effects and CGI that are almost completely indistinguishable from reality."
"She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is peak uncanny valley, but it works."
"Back in that era, the emergence of computer-generated imagery, or CGI, marked a significant milestone in the history of filmmaking."
"For all of the CGI's obvious flaws, they actually put a ton of creativity into its design and lighting."
"Every sequel we see... reflects on the impressive growth of their CGI, becoming more real than you could ever thought possible."
"All this is the power behind modern CGI, which when used well can pass for photography."
"...by using cutting-edge VFX technology to manipulate previously shot footage of actor Peter Cushing from A New Hope."
"That's the thing you always hear about CGI; CGI is a very useful tool, however, it is a tool a lot of creators become overly reliant on."
"I normally hate CGI animals. I love them. They got the balance right."
"The whole industry changed, the first movie that uses CGI to this extent."
"It still stands to this day, that CGI is so beautiful."
"The range of that is unreal, from Jurassic Park to Schindler's List."
"Remember that time a guy did a fantasy Trilogy filled with visual effects and everybody loved it and they wanted more but then he came back with a prequel trilogy filled with CGI and people were like 'nope'."
"When I saw Jurassic Park in 1993, I knew there were going to be some computer-animated dinosaurs but I saw nothing in the movie that reminded me of what I knew computer animation looked like, so my brain didn't understand what was going on."
"The entire CGI versus practical debate is something the audience has invented out of sheer ignorance about how movies are made."
"It's amazing look you can make fun of the lowbudget effects and star crash all day if you want and I certainly have but this is really the kind of stuff you no longer see in the CGI era."
"Just a little CGI love is love, baby."
"This 3D takes the movie to the next level the shark ship whizzes just past your head the Flawless 2005 CGI slime just barely misses your movie theater seat."
"Even your big CG, yeah, I don't know if a lot of people are talking about this, I'm gonna tell you something. I can't take a dinosaur movie. I can watch the dinosaurs run, fight, eat each other, eat people, you know, have sex."
"'Attack of the Clones' introduced fans to a fully CGI version of Master Yoda for the first time."
"For one thing, Godzilla 2014 looks exactly like a CGI version of the original Godzilla."
"Movie supports the fact that the ancient Egyptians were skilled in the art of building great cities out of terrible CGI."
"I love all of this. That was a great use of CGI. The like fluidity and motion of his mouth was so weird. It felt so like otherworldly."
"Chris Nolan's so anti-cgi that they actually grew the corn for the movie."
"I'm biased but I think they are some of the best CG work they've ever done in the movie for sure it just there's to see it you're just like my God you know."
"You obviously don't have to do nowadays. You can just CGI's arms out and you know it would look [ __ ]."
"Everybody did a great job. The CGI looked really good."
"This for me is probably one of the best uses of CGI I've seen in ages."
"Movies nowadays spend so much on CGI, whereas you can see hard work in this."
"It depends on how well the special effects CGI are done. If they're done very well, practical effects can't compete."
"It feels way less noticeable because Justin Lin and the stunt team did a way better job of sandwiching slivers of CGI."
"The Yoda fight was actually the greatest achievement in CGI history."
"...the use of CGI in his manga while it being way more subtle and less of a focus in him it was over here with zero one where Oku and his team would go hard and attempt to use CGI to fully create a manga."
"For a bunch of CGI, they gave that a lot of weight and I gotta give them props for it, right?"
"What film has got the best CGI in history? Avatar 2."
"It didn't look like a CGI recreation, like they did for, like, Princess Leia and Tarkin. It looked more budget than that."
"It's nice to see a blockbuster that doesn't look like it was all rendered on a computer."
"Jurassic Park to this day is one of the best pieces of Cinema out there iconic and awe-inspiring not to mention the groundbreaking CGI used for the dinosaurs and the compelling story."
"Why in god's name would you ever cover up practical effects in a horror film with [ __ ] CGI? Learn, stop doing that."
"The groundbreaking CGI in this movie is nothing short of incredible. It's stunning from start to finish."
"The CGI in this movie continues to top itself. It's perfect. There is not a single flaw with any of the visual effects in this movie."
"I thought the CGI in this movie has aged pretty well."
"You know something I was appreciated about this movie is that if you know your CGI is just not going to be completely up to snuff then why not make it stylized?"
"The CGI and the Flash isn't nearly as atrocious as people make it out to be. I think it looks pretty good for the most part."
"And again, CGI was horrible. It's not the best comic book movie in the world, but it was very entertaining for me and it's one that I could see myself rewatching more than not amongst a lot of the other DC Universe films, so I liked it."
"CG creatures like the cave troll still hold up shockingly well."
"The early primitive CGI and computer-generated images in this age very well because they were very subdued and they were very restricted."
"I thought Ted was really well done with the CGI. I didn't really have any spots in there where I was thinking this doesn't look good or I didn't believe it. It looked real to me."
"I think people are sick and tired of CGI lazy ass films."
"The Genesis device demonstration video was the first entirely computer-generated movie sequence in cinema history."
"Wow, cool. You know CG is getting so good that I can't even tell what's CG and what's real anymore."
"The creature animations and the CGI quality are really impressive."
"Well, you know, though, the really bad CGI in 'Black Panther,' the people who made that probably worked [ __ ] hard, and that's how it ended up."
"The cg is way better in this movie than it was in any other movie."
"This is seriously some of the best visual effects I've ever seen."
"To be clear, I'm only going to feature official characters who have confirmation that they're going to appear in CGI."
"The CGI series is such a mess when it comes to consistency."
"How to effectively mix hand-drawn animation with CGI to great effect."
"Absolutely impressive that the studio didn't just rely on easy to use CGI."
"A CGI Raccoon made me cry like I was a gosh darn baby. That’s how good this movie is."
"The Genesis effect was probably the first time that 3D CG work or computer Graphics work was used in a motion picture."
"Guys, every single second there's just new things being implemented and I'm losing my mind because it's so well done. The CGI is phenomenal."
"I think the CGI was a little bit better, the action sequences were great."
"One of my biggest concerns that this is going to be too cg heavy and there's gonna be like alright I'm a gamer I'm used to seeing you know CG and playing it this way and this way and that way but it's so seamless in this movie you really can't tell."
"Fox considered using computer-generated imagery to create the Apes, but Burton insisted on using prosthetic makeup designed by Hollywood makeup legend and Burton's frequent collaborator Rick Baker."
"It's clearly product placement, which is why it's CGI."
"Absolutely imperative. It's about knowledge. We've got top CGI artists using our photography education platform to understand lighting better and how to light products."
"Smooth racism is still racism it doesn't matter that you've done it with really good CGI it don't matter."
"How did they do the CGI for Scooby? It offered so much more than every other cartoon."
"Speed Racer is the kind of movie that doesn't even feel like it was made; it had to be summoned from the deepest, darkest pits of CGI hell."
"That's CGI again, why is that girl basically a dog?"
"Even if the storyline is not great and the CGI sucks, it's still going to be a fun movie because it's about vampires."
"The main performances are good, and it’s got heart — you just have to wade through a swamp of smeary CGI sludge and monotonous multiverse shit to get to it."
"The CGI used to visualize the multiverse looks terrible."
"You probably can't even pick that up because you don't see that, you're not distracted by the dog's CG mouth."
"I despise badly done CGI and really appreciate the effort you put into the UFO connection to achieve seamless results."
"This movie looks like a bunch of cut scenes from a video game. Everything is so CG, it's shiny. Even the explosions are shiny."
"CGI Toby is not all bad, just mostly bad. He has his moments, but I never really felt like any of the writers from any of the CGI eras fully or truly understood the character."
"The CGI series really came in swinging."
"Jurassic Park was revolutionary for a lot of reasons, they revolutionized how CGI would work."
"...between the use of amazing state of the art CGI, the Practical effects, it's 30 years later this movie is still incredible."
"Most of the animation is 2D as God intended, of course, but there are objects and locations that are clearly made with poorly rendered CG 3D."
"...whether we like it or not AI is going to continue to change everything in our lives and I gotta say CGI is just like the tip of the iceberg it's just the most visible part of this technology right now."
"It's crazy to think that as bad as older CGI can be, everything else in a show has the potential to hold meaning a lot closer than we think they do."
"The CGI in Aquaman is on the level of Avatar. The underwater ocean makes Wakanda seem so insignificant and small in comparison."
"I can't remember the last time I saw so much CGI in an action scene that felt so right."
"The CGI is stunning like next-level magnificent."
"The CGI is super realistic and the voice actors for the orcs are almost completely unrecognizable as humans."
"The alien in Covenant is more or less entirely created out of CGI, and it looked good, but it pales in comparison to the practical alien in parts of the first and especially the second film."
"Big [ __ ] you to killing the original predator with a CGI predator."
"The effects are really impressive, the CGI used to great effect, and the sets and locations memorable."
"The more I see of it, the CGI looks terrible, it looks cringe."
"Jurassic Park had a giant impact on films, mostly in regards to computer-generated imagery."
"It's so jarring and horrible to look at, and, you know, I'm like... I've been told by too many people now that I hate CGI too much, and I... I don't."
"I thought the storyline was pretty entertaining. It does not bother me at all about the use of the CGI as much as they did because I felt like it looked believable."
"I think it's great that there's a medium between practical effects and CGI."
"The CGI moth is his dead wife's soul, I guess."
"Before the Fast and the Furious and before widespread CGI abuse, there was the Wraith."
"Dude, Davey Jones in CGI is so good that I don't think they could ever have done better with practical."
"A beautifully animated sequence with fantastic CGI leading to a lovely scenery shot"
"Is there a lot of CGI and stuff? Is that why?"
"Movies where they had an unlimited budget to make that CGI perfect, it blows some of their work out of the water, and that's no pun intended."
"As I said at the start of the video series 19 is like the black sheep of the CGI series and I find that such a shame because I honestly think this is one of the best CGI Seasons."
"...even movie scenes are created in unreal engine because of the high quality and detail you can pull out of it..."
"Some Arrowverse shows are infamous for their bad degrading CGI quality however Black Lightning is one example of the CW show or the VFX quality relatively improved over time."
"It's all handrawn so everything that you see in this hand I understand that there's little to no uh like animation CGI any computer effects it's mostly all handdrawn so that is very interesting to me."
"There's a step with lighting and rendering that is just unnervingly magical when you get it."
"Wow, that's amazing. That looks real. No CGI."
"I have no problem with the fact that they use CGI. It's just not something you can compete with as somebody, no, as an American Creator."
"God, I love big, horrible CGI Dwayne Johnson."
"CGI has changed so many things the fact that CGI is available to everybody else things that used to require you to think about it and spend millions of dollars now can happen just on an avid within seconds."
"The fact that both the old film and the new one use miniatures and real props instead of CGI makes the movies look better, be more grounded, and puts them at a higher league compared to the CGI green screen movies that we have today."
"That's CGI that's like marvel level CGO."
"why is this so like it was given such little time like you look at the CGI of this you know they've got the Disney money behind them now you look at how immense the Tardis set is and everything like that this feels so ludicrously out of place to look this bad"
"It's phenomenal just to see the CGI of a really early '90s movie just be that good that it's actually better looking than a lot of the CGI we see nowadays."
"Yo, the CGI issue in this movie though, this [ __ ] really shot 500 blasts in the [ __ ], the [ __ ] came on yourself. Yeah."
"The CGI for the way the Wings come out of the laces is magnificent like wow that looks so freaking good."
"Henry Cavill Superman was in the form of a CGI abomination."
"You can't be this much of a slave to your visuals when this is the CGI you're working with, okay?"
"We're seeing Marvel's quality of CGI on television. I think this is a monumental moment."
"The rig though, about when it's puppeteering, yes, and mostly when it's CGI. It's good."
"The CGI was when the Melabolgia, the big satanic thing, comes up."
"It's like days gone or The Last of Us. Fantastic looking examples of perfectly mixing together hand-drawn animation with CGI."
"There was so little CG in this movie."
"Oh, that's a neat trick. Damn, the CGI looks good in this."
"The action sequences were amazing, even if they were CGI, they held up really well."
"The fight scenes were well choreographed. I think the CGI complemented the practical stuff really well."
"I think this is one of the best looking water sims I've ever seen."
"It's so good. It looks like a real plate."
"...a moment where early CGI and horror meet to terrifying rather than unintentionally hilarious effect."
"The images of giant trolls stomping through the forest and towering above our protagonists are so convincing it almost doesn't even look like CGI."
"The CGI is all too convincing; that bloody dangling tongue is enough to make anyone decide to skip lunch."
"Star Wars has some of the most beautiful landscapes and CGI I've ever seen in any series."
"The CGI in that sense, little off-putting. But the movie as a whole was so phenomenal and I think it just amplified Grace's love of Little Mermaid like tenfold."
"Overhead bird's-eye view at the capital city with some nice CGI clouds makes for an incredibly detailed view of the large city below."
"The CGI does not look bad at all, and like the scenery, it's pretty dang good."
"Although sometimes unfairly dismissed by some, Anderson, and simply for being made in CGI, as if a CGI series somehow requires no work to create, many more who have since discovered the show have been surprised at just how well it holds up."
"His robot mode, while not really all that identical to the CGI model, I really think it's the best-looking representation of Ironhide in robot mode that we've gotten so far."
"People thought it was CGI. People didn't think it was real."
"CGI is like seasoning for a movie in that if you use too much of it, it can turn the whole thing into an unpalatable mess."
"CGI is really good when used sparingly and in tandem with practical effects."
"Between his uncanny CGI face and his Tim Curry vocal performance, Forte is a truly unforgettable villain."
"It's a beautiful piece of CGI slapstick but also the humanity is necessary."
"Studio 8bit are utilizing CGI in ways that are definitely beneficial for the production of the show, and honestly, I can't even complain about it."
"The barrier to entry for learning how to render is actually incredibly low, but the possibilities are so vast that even Hollywood level CGI is still evolving."
"Technology hitting a point where it's possible to create lifelike looking CGI people."
"It's also worth pointing out that the CGI has greatly improved."
"This almost looks like this could pass for TV quality."
"They should remake Congo with Planet of the Apes type CGI because that is good."
"It was so realistic, you couldn't even tell it was CGI."
"Between one and two might be the biggest leap, it is insane because the first one is the first CGI film of all time."
"The Terminator grew to iconic status before its sibling, 'Judgement Day', heralded the CGI revolution."
"I see no flaws on the CGI, nothing."
"This is cool, so this is the CGI effect here where you will see a velociraptor eating a real person."
"Goodness me, that CGI is still as awesome looking as the first time I saw it."
"Bifrost liquid is used to create all types of fluid effects including open water, fast-moving water, turbulent liquids, as well as semi-solids such as lava, mud, or gels."
"It's all about the muscles when creating the lifelike otherworldly CGI creatures."
"Think about something like Game of Thrones that is so involved when it comes to CGI and everything; it all has to come together perfectly for it to be believable and look realistic."
"I think they did a really good job with the CGI with the demons."
"The likes of Avatar and Avengers Infinity War and Endgame have shown what is truly possible when it comes to the world of CGI."
"It's all worth it for those sweet, sweet CGI cutscenes."
"I loved every minute of this film from the stunning CGI."
"It's a chance to work with CGI and a lot of stuff that you can't see that you have to have in your imagination."
"You see the CGI? That was the greatest looking CGI baby ape I've ever seen."
"I feel like it relates more; people were good at acting with CGI."
"Its use of CGI was carefully considered and its inclusion of practical effects made it feel real."