
Shortcuts Quotes

There are 276 quotes

"Mathematics is basically the best collection of shortcuts that we've gathered over our kind of two thousand, three thousand, years of exploring mathematics."
"Nothing will slow you down more than a shortcut."
"It's a real shame that companies are taking tremendous shortcuts. They're trying to do things that are easy rather than effective."
"No shortcuts basically. Shortcuts are cool, but they don't always work."
"The grappling hook skips all of that including the experience you would get from the movement."
"Stop taking shortcuts that take you on a road of damnation."
"There's all kinds of little things sprinkled throughout Windows too, like did you know that there are keyboard shortcuts for stuff like this?"
"You can cheat life, cheat the jobs. It's amazing."
"Quick settings: tailor your shortcuts for easy access to essential functions."
"The longest way to your destination is to take all the shortcuts."
"Apollo also has basically shortcuts to allow humanity to skip over centuries of technological discovery."
"A lot of people are always looking for shortcuts when it comes to achieving their body goals."
"Everybody wants a shortcut, remember that. Capitalism will end in the United States of America."
"The tendency today is to want things early, shortcuts to success, shortcuts to benefits in what you have not earned will cause you to lose it."
"It's a human tendency to look for shortcuts, but taking shortcuts often leads to trouble."
"One of the only shortcuts that actually works."
"Shortcuts rarely ever exist...if you're looking for a quick and easy fix you're soon going to be back to where you originally started."
"The really key hotkeys are holding down shift...or the alter option key."
"That's essentially what a shortcut is on your iPhone."
"Set up custom abbreviations for quicker coding."
"Quickly generate document structure with Emmet's shortcuts."
"Emmet provides shortcuts for common CSS properties."
"If you have a cheat code in life, take the cheat code."
"Did you know that every individual blend mode with the exception of just a couple of them has a specific hotkey?"
"Making a keyboard shortcut is going to make your life a lot more simple."
"Shortcut keys in PowerPoint: the key to a seamless presentation."
"15 hotkeys that every Mac owner should know."
"This is a big switch, it opens sort of a shortcut back here but we're never gonna come back here so we're gonna skip over it."
"Life is long, but why are people looking for shortcuts?"
"Espanso is a text expander app... You can define these very short key snippets that when you type they automatically expand into that longer snippet of text."
"It was kind of like if you Febreze yourself instead of taking a shower."
"Platinum is the best way to take shortcuts in this game."
"This is a massive shortcut if you guys were struggling with this."
"If you know the code, you can just skip all the minigames."
"These skips are called cheese, basically when you beat a challenge or a puzzle in an easier way than the developer wanted you to."
"It's going to be an easy project in the sense that I am cheating."
"It can be tempting to try and find shortcuts and use other people while hiding your intentions, but if you rush, you might trip yourself up and alienate others along the way."
"People want to do anything that's a shortcut and cheap. Most people want to do it."
"You can mask a whole lot of problems with drywall."
"Now, what is the fastest way to go ahead and level up? Well, actually, it's kind of a glitch in the game."
"Nothing will slow you down more than a shortcut. Rushing the process only puts you in a place you weren't ready to handle."
"That's so cool how they add something like that where if you notice that you actually can skip the boss."
"People always look for shortcuts, but using shortcuts to pave your own path is what distinguishes Jared from others."
"It's almost like getting the cheat codes to life."
"Surgery adapted to give people what they want without having to actually put in the work."
"Shortcuts never work in life in any aspect of your life."
"Don't be tempted by shortcuts—they're never worth it."
"A simple way to circumnavigate this, ladies and gentlemen, by just hitting the 't' key and fast forwarding time 24 hours."
"Create quick links to favorite websites on your home screen for easy access."
"Create custom keyboard shortcuts for frequently used phrases."
"Nothing will slow you down quite like a shortcut. Our disobedience, rushing, fighting, and resistance can extend the timeline from our human perspective."
"Don't take shortcuts. Some things in life you just can't take a shortcut on."
"The difference between the rich and the poor is that the rich can afford to pay people to get the shortcut to wealth, and that's through knowledge."
"Access frequently used folders with shortcuts...shift command and a letter!"
"There's a bunch of kinda hidden shortcuts you can do on the Steam Deck."
"If you have to do it fast, it's always going to be easier to steal it than to try to earn it."
"There's not a default shortcut for paste in place, but I assigned option V to it."
"If there's a traffic jam, I always know all the shortcuts."
"In video games, everything is cheating. If you can take shortcuts, that's usually the best way to go."
"Oh, that's why we have the Panama, it's like a shortcut."
"When you cut corners, you're only going to keep going in circles."
"No shortcuts! Real results come from real work."
"Let's build 17 new shortcuts for messages, reminders, and more to automate text."
"Shortcuts make delays, but inns make longer ones."
"Don't make it harder on yourself by wasting your time searching for shortcuts."
"There are no shortcuts to learning, but there are a lot of long cuts, and most people take them."
"I'm a big fan of keyboard shortcuts."
"Notice in parentheses there is a V and an escape. It's giving us two options for shortcut keys."
"Most people have 10 to 15 keyboard shortcuts they use all the time."
"It just makes this entire process a lot quicker."
"You're going to be cutting a lot when you're editing and you're going to get really used to command T."
"The second app, which I think is probably the most underrated Apple app of all time, is Shortcuts."
"There are no shortcuts. There is no easy button. There is no quick way to learn this content."
"Copy and paste clips or use shortcuts like control D."
"These websites are particularly good for little shortcuts here and there."
"I guess the moral of the story is there are no shortcuts."
"There is zero shortcut for building the type of warrior that you need to be."
"Tip number nine: use new shortcuts."
"Stuff like this is really valuable because it gives us an option for kind of cheating our way and getting some fancy techniques."
"Don't try to find any shortcuts because it simply won't work."
"So don't worry if it's a bit confusing. All of these are just shortcuts for an IF statement."
"All the stuff that Arthur Benjamin talks about in his course yes they are all kind of tricks right they're Mental Math shortcuts ways of making problems easier to do in your head but as you learn these tricks you're also seeing patterns that you weren't seeing before."
"And finally, last but not least, hack number 10 is to use keyboard shortcuts."
"Learn shortcuts, master shortcuts, they will save time."
"People that use steroids are people that are trying to look for the easy way and there is no easy way."
"Now, if we give a piece of footage a click, let's go with this one here, and then we use the full stop and comma keys, we can actually shift this footage forwards and backwards on the timeline by just a single frame."
"These keyboard shortcuts really, really do save you time."
"Sometimes it just doesn't pay to cut a corner it ends up taking you longer."
"They're a shortcut to meaning and understanding."
"The problem with taking the easy way out is that the enemy has already mined it."
"So, one button, I have like 150, 100 probably about 150 hotkeys, so it's one button, 150 hotkeys."
"Hotkeys are a must. They're going to get you in, they're going to get you out."
"Effort then reward, and many people are looking for the tools the hacks and the tricks that are going to take all the effort part out."
"I love shortcuts and I love how you can code things to make them work the way you want it to."
"If you have a really long class name, you don't even have to type the whole thing out."
"Don't be scared to use shortcuts like this."
"I need a shortcut to get easy meals on the table for my family."
"There are no shortcuts to a healthy diet. There just aren't."
"Skipping the process will always cause you to trade the supernatural for the superficial."
"Companies who shortcut that almost always regret it."
"A lot of people are trying to shortcut everything, like in this James calls it the Amazon of miniature painting."
"In this moment, where you are given shortcuts, are moments you become wise."
"Your operating system does have hotkeys."
"These are keyboard shortcuts to execute commands."
"But I don't know how not to use the cheat code."
"It's like the equivalent of in sports, like the temptation to do steroids or take a shortcut in that element."
"...great things happen when you cut corners guys."
"When you hold the command key and use the arrow keys, you can go all the way to the start or end of a line or all the way to the top or bottom of a document."
"And that's when command Z, which is the undo shortcut we just mentioned, can really come in handy."
"One of my favorite preview shortcuts is command R, which rotates the image you're looking at."
"So many corners were cut in building them."
"Hack number eleven: use shortcuts."
"Most of you will lose because you're trying to take shortcuts." - [Gary]
"There are no shortcuts, that's how you get frustrated in math if you're trying to take shortcuts."
"Quickly access atem macros with a keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+M on Windows, Command+Shift+M on Mac."
"Use PowerPoint with a mouse, ctrl + shift are your best friends."
"How you choose to do that is the issue. Like doing drugs, it's artificial. It's a shortcut that leads to side-effects."
"I'm not saying it's easy but I got a few tricks and shortcuts that'll save you some frustration."
"Human beings like to sometimes take the easy way. Sometimes they like to, instead of doing it the way you're supposed to, they like to cheat a little bit or take a little shortcut."
"Learn the keyboard shortcuts. It'll save you a lot of time and it's a lot easier."
"You're not cheating a system by taking a diet pill and losing the weight magically."
"Shortcuts are really, really helpful in After Effects."
"I'm the king of easy, if there's a shortcut that I can take, I take it."
"Shortcuts, in my opinion, are one of the secret weapons when you use your DAW."
"I hope this video helps you get an idea of what cool things you can do in Cubase with shortcuts."
"...now there's two different ways of getting images and setting them as your wallpaper via shortcuts."
"Shortcuts is one of the most interesting applications built into iOS, iPadOS, and now macOS."
"...what we could do is we could just tap on the icon and select copy, and then we're going to tap on that icon and do paste below."
"Simplify your calculations and save time by using spreadsheet shortcuts and formulas."
"There's no shortcuts there... often takes the greatest effort."
"Shortcuts help you eliminate large portions of the universe."
"The shortcuts equal instant gratification... and long-term dissatisfaction."
"...lots of shortcuts and you will still have a wonderful pot of soup even if you take shortcuts..."
"...shortcut it save your money times are tough and I understand and it's still going to be warm homemade soup and everybody's going to love it..."
"Those who know the most shortcuts or those who know the most macros and tricks to speed up their processes are always going to be absolutely the best workers."
"There are one or two shortcuts and time-saving tools that are really quite useful."
"If you hold down a modifier key, there's all kinds of ways to do the same thing."
"Anytime you could press command Z on a Mac or Ctrl Z on a PC to undo something that you've done in the past."
"Don't be afraid to try different shortcuts for something because a question I commonly get is how do you know if like Command Option O is in use by something? Is there a list somewhere? There's no list because each app is separate and it has its own set of shortcuts."
"As far as keyboard shortcuts go, J will rewind by 10 seconds, K will pause and play the video, and L will fast-forward by 10 seconds."
"Next up is solo. Now this one, like a lot of the more basic Logic Pro key commands, is just a letter. It's just the S key."
"You better believe that Benny starts sweating when you hit the F5 key."
"I like using shortcuts and easy ways to do things."
"It's a shame, so I just want to give you a few shortcuts."
"This is probably the best example of why keyboard shortcuts are fast."
"Whatever corners you cut, trust me, it's waiting for you."
"If you have difficulty finding that, type in keyboard shortcuts."
"The only keyboard shortcut you'll ever need."
"Everyone always wants to shortcut their way to success."
"There are no shortcuts. You're going to have to go back and strengthen the things you don't understand."
"And it took five minutes for us to make with a bowl and a spoon and a scale. Shortcuts like this allow me to make a chocolate meringue pie start to finish crust to meringue in less time than it would take for me to just make a butter pie pastry."
"A shortcut will cut your life short. It's not the best path of life."
"I just wanted to give you the good news that if things line up perfectly, if you spot a certain pattern, then you can sometimes take shortcuts straight to the answer."
"People want a shortcut to these results, and they want it fast and with little to no effort."
"The rush to urbanize meant corners were being cut."
"Memorizing the shortcut keys will really speed up your workflow."
"Really, the possibilities with shortcuts are endless."
"Learn the most common keyboard shortcuts that Pro Tools has."
"Saved Windows layouts... I'm doing this with a single keyboard shortcut to move between all these."
"You can load the remote up with tons of shortcuts and commands."
"Vim provides super useful mnemonics."
"If you just click the middle mouse button, it will automatically open it in another tab."
"Instead of just hitting Ctrl V for your paste, hit Windows V and it opens up your clipboard."
"An easy way to pull up your quick actions is to use a global hotkey."
"I wasn't a fan of shortcuts, usually."
"I'm all about shortcuts because it dramatically increases your efficiency."
"Everything that I have learned throughout life is that we all love a good cheat code."
"If you learn the basics of Emmet, you can very quickly write a lot of HTML code with simple shortcuts."
"Wormholes might essentially represent shortcuts through space, caused by the warping of space-time."
"If space can warp and curve, you can have shortcuts going from one location in space to another through a wormhole."
"I taught myself very quickly how to take a few shortcuts while still maintaining the integrity and the strength of the polymer clay."
"You can even add an icon to the home screen for a shortcut if it's something you use on a very consistent basis."
"This is a great way to expand what you can do with shortcuts and be able to access it really quickly without even having to look at a screen or even say anything."
"Don't always take the shortcut. Sometimes using all of the shortcuts available to you can suck the life out of a piece."
"Advanced New File is cool because we can do everything from the command palette; we don't have to leave our keyboard."
"Control Shift T will open the most recent tab that you closed in Chrome."
"We all should know the keyboard shortcut to insert a table, that's Ctrl + T."
"If you notice a perfect square at the end of a quadratic binomial or trinomial, it might be a special product that you can use as a shortcut."
"What if you just taught me those karate moves? Let me skip this step."
"This shortcut allows you to save time instead of having to drag the input all the way up to the top of your script."
"Find lifestyle shortcuts... they're going to save you so much more money."
"We can navigate to every function using a sequence of key presses following Alt."
"Finding shortcuts may actually expand your mind and innovate new methods, which is super important to this medium."
"For every problem, there is a solution that is fast, cheap, and wrong."
"Command B is actually a cool shortcut to make a slice in your video."
"If you cut corners, you often pay the price for it."
"I think I found my new favorite Excel keyboard shortcut: if you hit Alt-W-V-G, it gets rid of all the grid lines. Thank me later."
"Sometimes cutting corners just isn't worth it."
"When you cut corners, sure you may save a bit of time or even money up front, but you will pay dearly for it in the end."
"A residual connection is a lot like taking a shortcut, bypassing everybody else, and then getting back on the race track."
"Sometimes cutting corners is not the best thing to do."
"Create a shortcut, so you always have that quick reference when you need it."
"People are always looking for a shortcut to do things."
"Keyboard shortcuts really make you more efficient in anything you do."
"The shortcuts people are going to make for this are going to be bananas."
"Shortcuts really has become this totally core part of now all of the operating systems."
"Ctrl and Alt are your friends; use them wisely."
"Alt-click to delete points; alt click and drag to delete a group of points."
"This is one of my favorite keyboard shortcuts: you can collapse your entire design tree with this clever keyboard shortcut."
"You do want to learn shortcuts, honestly, it just really saves you time and you know makes what makes AutoCAD a little bit more fun."