
Compost Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"When you're looking at compost self-sufficiency, it's actually a good idea to look at the different types of compost."
"This is my favorite compost story in the world."
"No dig means not disturbing the soil, feeding soil life with organic matter."
"One dressing of compost a year - long-term fertility for summer plantings."
"I mean you never have enough compost, right?"
"Creating your first batch of compost is golden when it comes to the garden."
"You can run a farm completely off of compost as long as it's quality compost."
"Compost is a gardener's best friend; it's the absolute best thing you can use to fertilize flowers, trees, shrubs, vegetables."
"The nitrogen in ammonium form that's locked up in compost is very, very slow release."
"I like to let compost age for a year."
"I like to make my compost like a big supermarket for the plants."
"Between the biochar and the compost, you've got 90% of anything that you can do to benefit your garden."
"Just keep at it, like worst case scenario with this compost pile, it takes longer than 18 days, that's it."
"Even if you make compost with stuff that wasn't necessarily the cleanest source, it's still going to be light years better than anything you can buy."
"Go ahead and make your first compost pile if you haven't already, and if you have, go ahead and make another one because it's always helpful."
"...but that just that just smells composty incredible and you can still see a little bit of the fibers of the the wood chips that have been breaking down."
"Compost feeds our soil, while fertilizer feeds our plants."
"Add a compost layer to feed the soil microbiome."
"Soil health, right now I don't know of a better way to build your soil than put compost, other than maybe cover crops."
"You can get almost all the benefits of biochar by using organic matter, particularly compost."
"What I love about this compost is that I get it from a source that I trust, and it's weed-free."
"So in our Gardener's mix you've got bio-blended compost, which is compost manures and plant materials."
"We've hit our goal of 500 pounds. This pumpkin is only growing in compost. This is a giant pile of compost that we made from a million fallen leaves and probably a couple thousand pounds of coffee grounds. So really happy with that."
"There is no finished product that is 100 percent worm poo."
"Gather up the leaves, produce your own leaf mold, and your garden and its plants will love you for it."
"As long as you're getting rid of your waste consciously, then compost is a good way to go."
"The area is just too large for me to bring in 17 dump trucks loads of compost."
"So, we're just going to back fill that back in with some more soil and some more compost that I have here in the bucket."
"Soil is the biology in the compost that's gonna continue to break down the organic matter."
"Compost extract: you don't need to be growing the organisms, as long as you've got good compost. Just do an extract, you don't have to brew, you don't have to add foods."
"Vermicompost is highly concentrated organic matter containing beneficial microorganisms, bacteria, fungi, nutrients, and enzymes."
"The only people who didn't lose their homes were people who had put on compost and compost tea on their property; their neighbors burned."
"In a compost tea, we add air...more of an aerobic brewing."
"It is absolutely possible to replicate the effects of compost with inoculants and biostimulants and no actual compost application as long as you have cover crops, as long as you have good photosynthesis."
"Compost is a crucial component in how we grow vegetables here at Mondo Farms."
"How we use compost here at Mondo Farms."
"The compost really helps by being a slow release mechanism."
"We filled it with composted mulch which looks like it has stayed pretty nice and loose."
"All I do is apply a high-quality organic compost to all of my garden beds."
"We have a compost company where we produce biologically rich compost for people to use when they're regenerating their soil."
"That's the beauty of compost; it has organisms in it that are helpful to the soil and our decomposers."
"It's the cycle of a compost load, from basically more or less from garden to shelf."
"This is gold because compost is so expensive, and this will be better than anything you can buy."
"Both compost and worm castings are an excellent source of microbes for your tea."
"We're not going to have a significant amount of compost by any means, but what we will have will be ours because we made it."
"You get a really good high quality compost."
"It's free of any weed seeds, all those have been heated up in the composting process."
"We turn that food waste such as these banana peels into this beautiful compost."
"When you create healthy worm compost, that's the best thing to add to your soil."
"We refresh that potting soil with compost, that way the compost breaks down and goes into that soil along with the fertilizers."
"One of my favorite fertilizers is not going to be what you think; it's compost."
"Compost is a premium product; it is expensive, it is already ready to go, it doesn't need a long time to sit on top of your soil."
"It's really phenomenal, phenomenal stuff."
"Composted organic material supplies the carbs and nutrients soil biology needs to thrive."
"I consider Tim to be one of the foremost experts and researchers on aerated compost teas and microbial amendments in North America."
"Good quality compost is also loaded with vital micronutrients such as magnesium, calcium, sulfur, and even iron."
"As much compost and manure that we've put in this field, it is helping build the soil."
"The whole key to a great garden is compost, not that organic granular fertilizer or not even the water-soluble organic; you need organic matter."
"Seed heads are wonderful for compost; they're full of nutrition to give to your soil."
"All your compost will turn into the best soil, better than what you could possibly buy."
"Compost is king or queen if you have it."
"What you call black gold, it's so pretty."