
Fossil Fuels Quotes

There are 270 quotes

"In order to stop climate change, fossil fuel extraction must end."
"You can't just levy restrictions on developing countries, saying you can't utilize fossil fuels the same way all these other countries did to reach the level of sophistication."
"You cannot have seven billion people burning oil and gas and coal indefinitely."
"When we run out of sufficient fossil fuels, some people are going to start freezing. We will be much, much more worried about cold waves than heat waves."
"Fossil fuels today are almost universally understood as a major problem for our world."
"Fossil fuels are expensive. The price of extracting, refining, and transporting fossil fuels represents a significant portion of the household budget for billions of people around the world."
"The only technology that we currently have today which can replace fossil fuel generation is nuclear energy."
"Fossil fuels continue to be the primary source of energy for factories precisely because burning them is a quick and easy source of heat."
"Fossil fuels are basically just plants and animals that died millions of years ago."
"We're going through an incredible transition that is taking place that God willing when it's over we'll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels."
"More than half of the carbon exhaled into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels has been emitted in just the past three decades."
"This is what happens when politicians try to eliminate fossil fuels with a Molotov cocktail of regulation, taxes, and renewable mandates and subsidies."
"Ninety percent of this energy today still comes from fossil fuels, and ten percent only from others—greener, possibly—sources like nuclear power and renewables."
"Observations about the finiteness of easily accessible, local, secure fossil fuels...is a motivation for saying, 'Well, what's next? What is life after fossil fuels going to be like?'"
"We need to begin the transition as soon as possible." - Barrister discussing the need for a shift from fossil fuels
"If the world were less dependent on fossil fuels, who would be the biggest losers? The Iranians, the Russians, Venezuela."
"The fossil fuel industry continues its fight emphasizing doubt is a critically important speed bump to ambitious policy."
"If we could make green energy cheaper than fossil fuels everyone would switch."
"Is fossil fuel the most desirable type of energy? No, in my opinion."
"We are working to transition away from Russian sources of energy and fossil fuels entirely."
"Take a look in your house, take a look at your workplace, take a look at the hospital. Try and identify something that was not made with fossil fuels."
"One of the main environmental effects of generating electricity using fossil fuels is air pollution."
"Our Sun offers a more reliable and long term power supply than fossil fuels."
"If we’re going to transition away from fossil fuels towards renewables, new energy storage techniques are essential."
"We're banning Russian imports - petroleum, petroleum products, LNG, coal - mostly all fossils coming into the United States."
"We will no longer allow the fossil fuel industry to put their short-term profits ahead of the future of our planet."
"93% of plastics are produced using fossil fuels which has terrifying implications for climate change."
"Secretary Clinton cannot ignore the voices of activists asking her to reject fossil fuel money."
"A delicate balance, especially when you have a global economy still powered largely by fossil fuels."
"BlackRock remains the largest investor in fossil fuels."
"I don't think we should be taking any steps to get rid of fossil fuels for example."
"Climate change is here, it's a crisis, and it's caused by fossil fuels."
"We must become independent from fossil fuels."
"We have to get off of fossil fuels completely. We have to stop investing in fossil fuel infrastructure."
"If human beings are going to sustain our civilization long into the future, we have to cut our addiction to fossil fuels. It's a given."
"Think of how violently the nations of the world compete for fossil fuels."
"Ending the fossil fuel industry is necessary."
"When you eliminate government subsidies... it becomes more difficult for fossil fuels to compete in the market."
"If you want to escalate the climate struggle, go after fossil capital—target the companies that invest in fossil fuels."
"We can start talking about ending fossil fuel expansion."
"Universities should not be doing harm to the planet by providing money to the industry that can then be used to finance further extraction and burning of fossil fuels."
"I would say no, universities should not accept coal and oil and gas money."
"As we tap the soil, suck it out, and burn it, what happens is that we reunite the oil with the rest of the planetary system."
"We need fossil fuels until we have something else, and they should say that."
"Every day in the UK, 80 people die from air pollution directly caused by fossil fuel emissions."
"They fundamentally want to change our society, yet they ignore the fact that fossil fuels and petrochemicals have provided immense benefits."
"The carbon fuel carnival will continue indefinitely into the future."
"Fossil fuels are way more than just what's in our car, what's in our home heating. It is the products that we use, it is our livelihood, our quality of life."
"Follow the science, no more fossil fuel licenses."
"So please don't tell me that we cannot take on the fossil fuel industry."
"In some ways, the solution to climate is very straightforward. We just need to stop burning fossil fuels. Whoa, what? That's it?"
"Plastics and fossil fuels are inextricably linked."
"We will stop extracting fossil fuels and burning them pointlessly in rubber sheet old machines."
"99% of the daily usage that you experience will be better without the gas station."
"The scars left behind by these spills serve as a somber reminder of the risks associated with our Reliance on fossil fuels."
"Saudi Arabia sees the writing on the wall: oil is going away."
"The core science is the planet warming is the human burning of fossil fuels causing it is pretty clear."
"Fossil fuels have made the world unnaturally safe from climate, that's undeniable."
"If you want a livable human environment you need freedom you need fossil fuels."
"Recognizing how beneficial fossil fuels are for the world as a whole... is really crucial for people to get."
"The most important thing: we're far safer from climate than we used to be because of fossil fuels."
"We need to think about fossil fuels in the way we think of prescription drugs."
"The cause is us. It is the increase in carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels."
"No more subsidies for fossil fuel industry. No more drilling on federal lands. No more drilling including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill. Period. Ends. Number one."
"Fossil fuel corporations have no concern for the environment."
"There's no reason for us to continue a fossil fuel economy."
"This bill isn't about debt and deficits, it's not about limiting or saving or growing, it's about serving fossil fuel, the source of the money that keeps them in power, period."
"Fossil fuel driven economic growth over the past 30 years has pushed us to the brink of a global climate catastrophe."
"The burning of fossil fuels is destabilizing the very foundations of life on the planet."
"It is the year 2021, the fact that we are still having this discussion and even more that we are still subsidizing fossil fuels directly or indirectly using taxpayers' money is a disgrace."
"An age where fossil fuels and capitalism grow ever tighter."
"You've switched a million dollars off of dirty fossil fuel investments."
"We need to treat the fossil fuel industry like enemy number one."
"Denying the reality of ending fossil fuel production will not make your problems stop existing."
"Fairness is right because you should not be able to pollute for free, particularly like the fossil fuel industry is."
"There's a huge gap between what you can get from fossil energy versus renewable energy."
"With concerns around the world about our reliance on fossil fuels, there's now a greater push than ever to seek alternatives."
"And if we don't want this to become the new normal, the single biggest thing we could do is just get out of coal, oil, and gas as quickly as we possibly can."
"Where was this aggression in Games one and two? All of a sudden we're seeing chaos."
"Fossil fuels will continue to play a leading role."
"I think investing in energy and fossil energy right now is probably a pretty good bet at least in the next year or two."
"No future with fossil fuels, we're in a climate crisis."
"Our planet cannot be saved unless we leave fossil fuels in the ground where they belong."
"Even if you don't believe that carbon is being captured in the atmosphere and reflected back on us, shouldn't you accept the fact that fossil fuels are extremely detrimental to the environment and humanity at large?"
"Over the last 12 months as the price of gas has increased significantly coal has started making a comeback."
"The world had become addicted to fossil fuels, oil and gas, which was the lifeblood of their economies."
"Fossil fuels had reached their end and world energy consumption tripled in the last decade."
"Ultimately there isn't transparent, accountable pricing for all the impacts of the burning of fossil fuels."
"The faster you can reduce your use of fossil fuels and all the other things that contribute to climate change, then the lower the sea is going to rise and that's around about a metre in some high-end scenarios."
"The major message that's coming out of COP 28 is that the thing we have to do in this decade, between now and 2030, is to focus on eliminating the production and consumption of fossil fuels."
"Climate change is primarily the result of burning fossil fuels releasing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases."
"What framed the 19th and 20th centuries actually bears a very simple name: coal, oil, and gas."
"Mining and burning trillions of tons of hydrocarbons... we're sticking them in the atmosphere and running this crazy chemical experiment on the atmosphere."
"Fossil fuels concentrate a lot of energy in a small amount of space or in the case of gas in the small amount of mass. So gas takes up quite a bit of space but it's very light."
"If you take away freedom in general and the freedom to use fossil fuels in particular, you can have regression."
"The more we know that a systemic shift away from fossil fuel energy towards renewable clean energy is what is needed, the more these interests are going to claw and just try to control the dialogue as much as they can."
"Fossil fuel companies like Exxon knew about climate change for decades but spread misinformation about the issue to deflect blame and influence environmental policies."
"Even with the challenges of EV battery production, the carbon footprint of fossil fuels is even more destructive."
"Burning a fossil fuel releases sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which can cause acid rain."
"The race to supplant fossil fuels with an efficient source of clean energy has never been more critically important."
"We can't reduce fossil fuel emissions by increasing them."
"With fossil fuel prices soaring all over the world, more and more people are turning to all-electric vehicles."
"Fossil fuels aren't cheap; we only think they're cheap because we don't see how we're paying for them."
"If we are to hold planetary temperatures below dangerous levels, there can be no new fossil fuel extraction."
"Fossil fuels are the largest single driver of climate change, and they're so inherently dirty and toxic that they require sacrificial people and sacrificial places."
"Alternatives for fossil fuels include renewables, but renewables also have consequences."
"Pretty much everyone agrees we need to stop using fossil fuels."
"The existing highly fossil-fueled, highly globalized food system is the recipe for starvation."
"Essentially, we are eating fossil fuels. Industrial agriculture... is the use of land to turn oil and gas into food."
"We can actually make ourselves energy independent now without fossil fuels."
"We're committing to go all electric by 2035, saving billions of gallons of fossil fuels."
"The trick is to try and do more renewable less fossil fuel because the world cannot afford to go through that's all what you're asking for."
"There's only one cause of this crisis. It's the unmitigated burning of fossil fuel."
"The only way we're going to get on top of this is by stopping the burning of fossil fuels."
"Excess carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels disrupts the carbon cycle."
"President Trump also reduced environmental protections and aimed to help stimulate the U.S. fossil fuel industry."
"...alternative energies are starting to become more affordable and they are starting to eat into that fossil fuels dollar for the first time..."
"The looming question for ExxonMobil is how it will navigate the global shift away from fossil fuels."
"This is a fantastic conversation. It clarifies so many things that have been buzzing around in the discussions around the transition away from fossil fuels for the last 60 years."
"We need to commit to a complete phase out, an orderly phase out of fossil fuel production and utilization."
"Capitalism has always been powered by the large-scale burning of fossil fuels."
"If you look at the people sitting on top of fossil fuels, they generally aren't very good people."
"This is all about innovation. If we can innovate green energy to be cheaper than fossil fuels, we've won."
"We live in a world where electricity from Renewables is cheaper than electricity from fossil."
"The clear and immediate implication of this is that existing fossil fuel infrastructure must be either phased down or decommissioned outright."
"At every stage in the evolution of the fossil fuel-based economy, there have been humans who resisted it."
"There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that human activity, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, is to blame for the rise in global temperatures."
"...we pay for it with fossil fuels..."
"We will have to switch from fossil fuels to sustainable energy."
"Our scientists are now telling us we are in the sixth extinction of life on Earth because of the fossil fuel civilization."
"We've materially changed the dynamic of the climate by burning fossil fuels."
"It's God's little joke that the areas on Earth that are richest in fossil fuels are run by some of the worst people that have ever lived."
"By far the most harmful human activity on climate is the use of fossil fuel: oil, coal, and gas."
"Plastic is derived from fossil fuels and is not biodegradable, taking a heavy toll on the environment."
"Being able to transition our electricity system away from significant use of fossil fuels and carbon emissions is one of the defining challenges of our time."
"Every time you fill up your car, you support the notion that the Earth is quite ancient indeed."
"These trees getting buried formed a lot of the coal that we still mine today."
"The real denial is the huge benefits of fossil fuels which provide 80% of the world's energy in a world that needs far more energy."
"Sulfur dioxides, which is SO2, is a corrosive gas that comes really from the combustion of fossil fuels such as coal and oil."
"Fossil fuels are replaceable, but will we make the transition to non-destructive energy solutions in time?"
"Oil and coal will and should disappear."
"We have to transition away from fossil fuels, we have to accelerate in this decade."
"For the first time ever, 195 countries have said we have to transition away from fossil fuels."
"The vast majority of reserves are unburnable if we're to meet our two-degree commitments."
"The way of stopping that's to keep the ground frozen, so stop burning fossil fuels."
"The IEA recently called for an end to new investment in fossil fuel infrastructure."
"The energy crisis that is pushing people into poverty in cold homes at the moment is caused by fossil fuels."
"If we don't curb our emissions from fossil fuels, we will reach these tipping points."
"We are burning fossil fuels and we are cooking or heating up the planet."
"...we need serious fossil fuel nonproliferation treaties to get this just out of you to change direction..."
"It provides an opportunity for the traditional fossil fuel sector to play a major role in the transition to a low-carbon economy."
"The fossil fuel industry relies on its accuracy for finding said fossil fuels to the tune of around 250 billion dollars annually."
"The aim of a carbon tax is that you would start to fully integrate the cost of burning fossil fuels into the price that you pay on the market."
"I'm a free market evangelist, and I believe if we charge the true cost of our fossil fuels... we would find that switching to any other source... would be far cheaper."
"Emergency future events can be best prevented by reducing our demand for and our reliance on fossil fuels."
"By burning fossil fuels, we've actually changed the chemistry of the atmosphere."
"The intensification of convective storms is an unforeseen consequence of burning fossil fuels."
"The whole world seems to be moving towards a future without fossil fuels."
"Its energy power could exceed that of all other known fossil fuels."
"The major task is to stop using fossil fuels completely."
"Germany is attempting to become environmentally friendly with a goal of abandoning fossil fuels entirely by 2050."
"The simple fact of the matter is burning fossil fuel is an unsustainable short-term business."
"We have to behave more responsibly than the fossil fuel industry has done for the last 120 years."
"Real energy security comes from reducing our dependence on fossil fuels."
"We are running out of fossil fuels; we need to find new, cleaner ways of powering our homes and vehicles."
"Non-renewable energy is things like fossil fuels: coal, natural gas, oil."
"Fossil fuels came from diatoms... dying and being compressed deep down in the earth over millions of years."
"Paying the monthly bills for a solar panel is actually cheaper than using fossil fuels."
"Inside of what that was called plants, those are called organic debris, but inside of that, it's the same atoms that we make up fossil fuels."
"We've got to phase out coal and oil... and use natural gas as a bridge fuel to when we're completely reliant on solar, wind, and perhaps some geothermal and biofuels."
"Beyond short-term gain and thinking that somehow the backing of the fossil fuel companies will keep them in power longer, I don't know what's motivating them to do that because empirically, evidentially, what they're doing is just stupid."
"The 'hard reset' here is when this really does take over fossil fuels."
"Most rationally minded people have at least recognized that the major causes of our current predicament are over consumption and of course the burning of fossil fuels."
"There is no safe landing for humanity on 1.5 only by phasing out fossil fuels; we need to keep the natural processes intact."
"If we could convert our economy to not running on fossil fuels, that would be huge."
"But our reliance on fossil fuels has polluted the planet and endangered human health."
"When we found fossil fuels, that was a dramatic change because it has a high density of energy."
"We finally have the momentum we need to not just say we got to fix climate change, but no, we need to phase out fossil fuels."
"Globally we're subsidizing fossil fuels directly by something like a trillion dollars a year; there's really no justification for that."
"Climate activists are sometimes depicted as dangerous radicals, but the truly dangerous radicals are the countries that are increasing the production of fossil fuels."
"Investing in new fossil fuel infrastructure is moral and economic madness."
"It's a cruel irony that the fossil fuel industry supplies much-needed jobs, but the industry's greenhouse gas emissions are the first link in the chain of climate change."
"A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next 5 years."
"We need to focus investment on creating capacity to replace the fossil fuel sector."
"The burning of fossil fuels is literally changing the chemistry of the oceans and adversely affecting marine life."
"The lion's share, roughly about 2/3 of the carbon emissions, are from the burning of fossil fuels for energy and transportation."
"Our craving for fossil fuels could change one of the distinct polar caps of our planet."
"Two centuries of burning fossil carbon at ever increasing rates is not just tickling the dragon's nose; it's hitting it over the head with a sledgehammer."
"Air conditioners are heavy electricity consumers and it's mostly fossil fuels powering that electricity."
"Burning natural gas actually releases significantly less carbon than burning other fossil fuels."
"When we burn traditional fossil fuels, we're releasing carbon that's been locked up for millions of years."
"Fossil fuel burning is quickly returning to the atmosphere carbon stored for millions of years in crustal reservoirs."
"Burning fossil fuels can pump CO2 levels so significantly that humans can cause global warming."
"The burning of fossil fuels has contributed most to the overall warming of the Earth's atmosphere."
"Fossil fuel is critically important for a long period into the future as we transition."
"Big banks have invested over 3.8 trillion dollars into the fossil fuel industry."
"We have to stop fossil fuels from causing global warming."
"Saving and displacing fossil fuels can work better and cost less than buying and burning them."
"The majority of carbon dioxide accumulating in the atmosphere today has the exact signature of the burning of fossil fuels."
"The sensible way to do this is to move slowly off fossil fuels to renewable energy."