
Soldering Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"The worst thing that can happen is it doesn't work the first time. With soldering, you can always unsolder, re-solder, try again until you get it right."
"Now before proceeding I strongly recommend making sure that all the solder joints are solid by using a multimeter to confirm continuity."
"The flux burns out, it smokes, and then eventually the flux is all burned up."
"When the iron is super hot, it puts the heat into the PCB super fast."
"Wet the soldering iron tip just a little bit with a little bit of solder."
"That's how I try to keep from getting the solder wicking up the wire."
"I want the insulation to go right up to the puddle."
"Make sure your soldering tip is very shiny... that'll allow the heat to transfer better."
"Increase your temperature, it'll make your life so much easier."
"What we're looking for is nice clean solder joints that are lovely and shiny peaked not beaded and with enough solder to slightly bead through to the component side of the board."
"Soldering is the process of using a low temperature melting point alloy to join two higher temperature melting point metals."
"A good soldering station can make your life so much easier on the bench."
"The most important part is making sure that you heat what you're wanting to solder and then you melt the solder to the component or to the part you are soldering rather than onto the iron."
"You want to be as quick as you can when soldering because you don't want to heat up the components in your board."
"Once you've prepped though, the soldering itself is really easy. You just gently heat up the piece and wait for that beautiful moment when the solder just goes."
"So guys, I hope you will now lose the fear of SMD soldering. It's not that difficult, and with a little bit of practice, you can get very good results."
"The solder that we use in electronics is different from the solder that is used in other professions such as Plumbing or jewelry."
"Maybe the previous owner used solder paste as liberally as flux on this board."
"If you can conquer these Simple Rules, your soldering is going to be super smooth and super easy."
"Those are some good-looking solder lines."
"Once you know the principles and understand how and why the solder flows... you'll find soldering will become very, very easy and simple for you to carry out."
"We're going to be doing that with flux, with heat, and with new solder."
"Start by applying plenty of flux to the pads."
"Soldering is best. You don't have to do it but if you can, it helps a little bit."
"Good soldering technique, contrary to popular belief, is not hard. In fact, it's incredibly easy."
"If you don't have the right tools, you're not going to be able to solder properly."
"Solder wick just pulls right up in there, perfectly."
"Safety reminder: Always turn off power before desoldering to avoid accidents."
"Knowing how to solder can also help you repair damaged cables and even create your own."
"In any kind of soldering, the primary requirement beyond the solder itself is the use of heat."
"Crimp it or solder it, or why not both?"
"Soldering is more about technique than it is about equipment."
"This is not particularly super difficult if you're good at soldering small stuff."
"...so I think I'm just going to take this s so off of this production board so this s so right here and I'm just going to solder it onto this board."
"Soldering irons shouldn't really be melting plastic."
"Solder smoke is pretty but you shouldn't breathe it."
"The reason I use leaded solder is that it flows way easier than lead-free solder."
"Now remember any time you heat a piece, it's good to have a solder pick in one of your hands just in case you need to move it around a little bit or reposition it."
"In soldering, cleanliness is next to goddess."
"It's an absolute piece of cake. Use the basic techniques you did last time, few more little tricks, and you can solder really first-class stuff with not much experience at all and some very basic tools."
"The 1206 up here is an absolute monster. Stevie Wonder could solder this thing, it is so damn easy."
"That's how you get broken solder joints."
"In my previous video about soldering iron care, I talked to you specifically about how to prepare a new tip and also how to do some cleaning and how to tin an existing tip that you've been using on your soldering iron in order to keep them working well."
"You want to make sure that it's a nice shiny solder."
"So you just want to make sure that all of your solders soldering joints and everything are really good um you can use a you know an inexpensive soldering gun but make sure you've watched videos on how those work."
"Never again. I'm never soldering anything ever again in my life. We're done. I quit."
"Get yourself some good solder, my friend."
"I cannot stress this enough, get yourself some good solder."
"I do need to flow them down into place with some flux though."
"So now I'm gonna go ahead and apply some flux."
"Thank you to our sponsor of today's video, Solder Stick."
"So what you want to see is that it's nice and smooth. Careful to spread the solder around if you see there's way too much in the joints there."
"What we usually refer to as solder droplets... they're absolutely no good, no good at all."
"These are literally five pin buffer devices. They're a very, very common package for surface mount soldering."
"Soldering is pretty forgiving as far as these things go. It's genuinely one of the things I love about it. You can be really messy and really bad but it can still work because it's very forgiving."
"Wow, no soldering, just some shrink wrap."
"The preparation and placement of all the components ahead of time is key to a good solder joint in general for all of this stuff."
"I switched to my medium chisel tip which holds a little more thermal mass."
"The most important thing we need to do is put an equal amount of heat into both components."
"That nice glassy kind of bubble of solder that happens there, it looks all shiny, that means you have enough heat in it."
"Make sure the room you're in is well ventilated when soldering."
"Soldering irons are very hot, so make sure to use a stand when using them."
"Always make sure to wash your hands after handling solder because it contains lead."
"Excellent tool if you do soldering, get you these Helping Hands."
"Now when we see that flux start to bubble, we're getting a little bit warmer, we're getting closer."
"This hako soldering iron has been just fantastic."
"Getting into pedals is one of the easiest ways to get into like soldering techniques."
"So all you need is a good solder, this is Phil super solder, it's fantastic."
"And there is a nice shiny joint, you've got brands you're buying bang on joints, ain't going anywhere, is it? No."
"There's a myth about unleaded solder, you know, to be honest, it's as good as bloody solder if you've got heat and you've got flux."
"Don't give up. I still get them really wrong, but to see the difference of where I am with my soldering capabilities now compared to where I was this time last year... if I could do it, anyone can."
"If you want to solder, it's a good technique to learn because once you identify the sweet spots, you can go in there with a wire and solder a wire in place."
"Just do a good job, use the best quality connectors you can, solder whenever humanly possible."
"My newbie micro soldering job might not be the prettiest, but it actually works."
"It took me a good 20 hours or so, but I finally soldered up all the components for a program counter."
"The last thing you want is when you apply a soldering iron between two pins and there's a potential difference."
"We've got fresh solder on all these pins, we can go ahead and use a solder sucker and just suck all the solder from the holes."
"I'm just gonna put a little bit of solder on it."
"This is going to be an advanced and beginners video on soldering."
"Make sure you get some nice electronics grade solder... it flows really easy."
"If the solder looks shiny, then you've got a good joint."
"All I had to do was put a dot of solder on, and then it was all working fine."
"The FM 2032 is a micro soldering iron for use with miniature electronic components."
"The soldering kit is also ESD safe, electrostatic discharge safe."
"Every hardware design engineer, even software design engineers, they should know how to solder properly."
"This is something that I've had for quite a few weeks, have been using and really impressed; it's actually a wireless soldering iron."
"My rule with soldering is more flux, more flux. Did you use more flux? Go ahead and use more flux."
"It's difficult to describe the joy that you get from a good soldering joint."
"Turn these kind of big, clunky, breadboarded circuits into really nice circuit boards that we can solder components into."
"Flux is your friend in soldering."
"My preferred method is to use solder and heat shrink."
"This is going to be a beginner's guide. I'm gonna give you some tips and tricks into soldering, what tools I'm using, and how to get going as easy as possible."
"Mastering surface mount technology."
"If you get your technique down pat, then you should be able to do this in one pass."
"When this solder reflows, there will be surface tension on there and it will actually pull the chip directly into the center."
"If you're looking to really get into it, I would just... there are several good soldering irons out on the market for a reasonable price."
"60/40 solder... happens to be a nice magic combination to have a low melting point and work well with soldering."
"Invest in a good quality soldering iron; a good quality soldering iron will make it easy to do the soldering joints that you need to."
"Heat is the critical thing in soldering."
"Winner winner chicken dinner, that means our micro is soldered correctly."
"You can now solder practically any surface mount component quickly, easily, and flawlessly."
"Silicon is heat resistant, so when you're first learning to solder, you usually end up soldering for longer than you need to."
"They make soldering stations, rework stations, dispensing stations, all kinds of great stuff."