
Logical Thinking Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"Bringing such biblical and solid and logical thinking to so many topics."
"Thinking logically and deeply about the future means that where you want to be five years from now, and five months from now, and five days from now should inform what you do today."
"Introverted thinking is a logical process. How do I put the puzzle pieces together for myself?"
"The best financial decisions are not made out of panic or fear, but decisions that are made out of logical thinking."
"By being ruthlessly logical in regard to one's own introspection, willing to admit when mistaken regarding a belief system, one enables inner growth."
"The stronger our brain is, the worse the depression is, because if you have a really powerful logical ability but something in your brain has changed to always blame you, it's going to leverage that brain against you."
"I'm here supporting science, I'm here supporting good science, I'm here supporting logical conclusions, I'm here supporting the things that make good logical sense."
"When you're grounded in the present, it's a lot easier for you to see things differently, more logically."
"NTs are gonna care about logical systems and outcomes related to their conceptual interests."
"Understanding the logic and rationale is key."
"What do you gain when you stop believing things that aren't true? You start believing things that are."
"Tim's very logical, down to earth... he's only going to espouse what he feels he can reasonably prove."
"Some people are able to overcome their bias if they use logic."
"We indulge in them guided by logic and reason."
"I care less whether someone is religious than whether they have the capacity to think logically."
"Building logical, well-structured arguments."
"I thought I did think about this, Rob, and if there had been anyone who'd said volcano, I would have put them together."
"Only logical, you get the blood sugar up and running."
"You're approaching this in a logical manner and that's something that you haven't ever done before."
"No man wants to be with an insecure girl because insecure women and insecure men literally they think off of emotion and not logic."
"I'm trying to appeal to those logical thinkers in the middle."
"Every community should have a Paul helping out using clear logical thinking."
"Selective logic... people like to be logical but only selectively when it suits the players that they like."
"So many people make horrendous decisions resulting in them getting financially wrecked because they make buying and selling decisions rather than based on logic and data."
"Stay grounded, be logical, and don't get overwhelmed by what you don't know."
"You're using logic and discernment. There's closure, stability, and victory coming."
"If I wasn't self-aware as to my strengths and weaknesses and couldn't approach them in a logical way, then I think we wouldn't be where we are today."
"Humans are very emotional, not completely logical beings"
"This is somebody very wise, they do a lot of thinking, this is a kind of think logically kind of person, keep their feet on the ground here."
"Is it worse to be prisoner of the moment or is it worse to be a prisoner of faulty logic?"
"This is someone who thinks with their head first, they look at all the facts of the situation."
"I'm a firm believer in Occam's razor: the simplest explanation is the correct one."
"Logic rationality the intellectual process for everybody now is the one that can save the day."
"You need to embrace everything when it comes to your personality, including your skeptical mind or a more logical mind that likes to look at the worst-case scenario."
"When you're in a highly emotional situation are you going to think emotionally or logically or some combination of the two"
"It's like a drug, this was really a case of logical thinking versus emotional reasoning where logical thinking loses terribly."
"Learn your fallacies, learn how to use language."
"If you start with the wrong assumptions, you'll likely get the wrong conclusions."
"Sometimes things may seem logical but this is the reason we press for evidence-based medicine even though something may seem logical or it may seem like it makes sense."
"Logic and reasoning are a core part of being able to cope with society, our thoughts, our emotions, and our jobs."
"Anybody can get it. So you better move the right way. Stop being emotional and just be logical."
"Finally, the Logic Dive has the player snowboarding down logical routes in order to arrive at a decisive conclusion."
"When we isolate one part of our lives and compare ourselves in this one area to someone else in this one area, we commit a huge logical error."
"You don't start from facts and work your way to Crazy, you have to somewhere along the way put a wall up."
"Never invest emotionally; always invest based on facts, logic, and methodical thinking."
"Unohana actions and decisions are very logical and strategic."
"Stop filtering your nutrients through somebody else's body. It's illogical and irrational."
"Here's a tip: keep an eye out for logic traps when you're chatting with a person."
"Programming basically involves listing all the things that must happen to solve a problem."
"Sometimes simple is better, Occam's razor, right?"
"Your intuition is your guide, don't let your logical mind interfere."
"What about ism is a logical fallacy, it doesn't matter."
"Most of us have a hard enough time with basic logic and reason."
"Men that think emotionally and not logically are doomed for failure."
"It's about working out what seems like it's a reasonable."
"The truth needs no help, the evidence mixed with common sense will give you all you need to know."
"Reality or the evidence must come first before the interpretation."
"Expecting self-hating men to represent you is not logical."
"Sometimes an explanation for something is usually the most sensible and logical and simple explanation right there in front of your face."
"They're very intelligent, logical, and decisive, bringing a sense of reality and justice."
"Mathematics is a concept... it is the greatest logic; it is, I think, the only truth in the world."
"Just because somebody thinks and cares very much about it, just because somebody has very strong feelings does not mean that it's true."
"Queen of swords is very discerning, very logical, very clever, witty."
"The simplest answer is usually the correct one."
"I need the chill... we all need as much chill as we can get so that we're operating logically and righteously, not out of fear."
"If you really think that webcam was closed, I'm not being rude, I'm just thinking logically for a minute."
"The simplest answer is usually the most correct."
"Logic is one of the most important skill sets you can develop... and Brilliant is my absolute favorite way especially for those who may not be the most scientific or mathematically minded to start breaking into this head space."
"Your fears are nothing more than false anecdotes, claims that can easily be refuted, claims that are not based off logic."
"Two plus two simple mindset, common sense in life, logic. That's what will wake up this world."
"Deductive reasoning isn't a conspiracy theory."
"The bulk of these puzzles obey one of only a few different logical rules."
"Guys that are very logically sound, guys that are geniuses, guys that are good with numbers, it's difficult for them to process it."
"Do you want to get a lying android to tell the truth? Brilliant's logic course is just awesome."
"Understand logically what is going to be the best thing for you."
"Logic is the foundation of all problem solving skills."
"Chizuru is the support beam that keeps this show running."
"We need to think logically, we need to be careful with our words, and we really need to think about the effects that some of the things that we say in this community can have an effect on the entire community."
"Allow your emotional mind to have a little bit more of a good relationship with your logical mind."
"You can't avoid logical thinking by saying 'I believe' or saying someone else said that. If someone else said that it doesn't make it true."
"Most importantly is to be guided by the evidence and not have logical inconsistencies in the interpretation of the evidence."
"Any system that you can sort out through hypothetical deductive method is a good place to train your mind to think about these things."
"Focus on what we do know: the facts, the logic, the problem-solving."
"It's about merging the logical practical with the spiritual."
"If you start applying that logic to everything you do in your life, you'll find that there's nothing out there that is too difficult to be done."
"Stick to something logical, stick to something that interests you, and don't be afraid to make that upfront learning investment."
"Your plans are on target, allow your creativity to be gently guided by logic."
"Think about what is the most logical explanation."
"A question must have potential answers and should be free from internal contradictions."
"This is one of those times when it's crucial to pause and take time to reflect on the situation logically and then respond rather than react to what's coming up internally and externally."
"The logic here is irrefutable... it is surely something that in the reverse direction, that is something you are not now doing, that will turn the trick."
"And it kind of makes sense when you think about it."
"You can be confident in your logic and still make mistakes."
"Soon we're going to see weather events unlike anything we've ever witnessed thus far."
"They knew they were moving, they knew they were going at night because that's the most logical set, that's the way to do it."
"Logic after logic after logic, things start to make sense."
"Everything you can break it down into logical thinking."
"You thirst for life and try to settle the problems of life by a logical tangle. Then how persistent, how insolent are your sallies! And at the same time what a scare you are in!"
"Avoid chaotic thinking and try to think logically."
"You know how to sensically or logically... make things happen."
"It just requires a little bit of logic."
"Put yourself in the driver's seat and think logically; what's the safest outcome."
"Pushing the question, thinking through things logically gets you to the right answer."
"If you can understand the difference in what's happening here, you're going to be able to make so many more logical decisions."
"An investor should always run the numbers out to their logical conclusion."
"Any creative activity requires a slightly scientific approach in that you have to think in a logical manner."
"Philosophy might be literally meaningless, how unclear ideas can waste your time, and how we can all learn to be a bit more logical in our thinking."
"What we're doing in logic here has only really scratched the surface of what our minds are already capable of."
"We've got to come up with some logical explanation."
"The idea that you can't use reason to discard a belief if you didn't use reason to gain it is demonstrably false."
"I am a fan of facts and I am a fan of logic."
"Try to think logically when you're doing these problems, and I know you guys are going to do well."
"This person had a powerful experience the last time they saw you where they realized that their logical mind was getting them nowhere."
"Stop and ask yourself, what is the one logical part to insert first?"
"By looking at this logically and thinking through possibilities and narrowing down possibilities, it helped us."
"I was not being stubborn, I was being logical."
"We're just gonna do this in a logical sensible way."
"Scorpio men are extremely logical, gifted with strong listening skills."
"Just because you might believe something doesn't mean you've thought it all the way through to its logical conclusion."
"The Adolescent is in the formal operational stage; they can plan for their future and understand cause and effect."
"Logic is the name for the method of guiding our minds to knowledge and correct knowledge, real knowledge."
"Understanding your fears logically is going to mean that you're going to start reframing some of the challenges and thoughts that you're thinking."
"Business schools don't care whether you're a genius mathematician; they care, are you a logical thinker?"
"You just need to think logically because we're being asked to calculate a number of rooms."
"For pyramids, cones, and spheres, the best thing you can do in the exam is to slow down and think logically about things."
"This question is not really a question of programming; it's more of a question of thinking in a logical way."
"Thinkers are more logical, more objective, more impersonal."
"Occam's razor: if that rash is probably just eczema, it might turn out to be some terrible virus from space, but I think I would definitely trust the doctor over my own diagnosis."
"Normal Sudoku rules apply and between any two connected dots, the numbers in between must be literally in between those numbers."
"Having a logical mind, Gabriel investigates the scene almost obsessively."
"Just play chess for chess, right? I just play chess logically."
"Logic and reason and the ability to apply those things to situations is not an ability that everybody possesses."
"Let's think step by step to be sure we get the correct answer."
"What Frege's new logic opened was a whole set of concepts by means of which to think more clearly about the logical relations between concepts."
"You can't really think clearly except under the condition that you understand how to think conditionally."
"Pittas are very logical and tend to be quite linear and able to execute a plan in a very effective manner."
"But at least I can do my part to make things better for my students and to really teach them logical thinking."
"My first instinct was always to find a logical explanation for it, but it doesn't always explain everything away."
"The computer does exactly what you tell it, nothing more, nothing less."
"And you keep updating and updating, hopefully, in a coherent, consistent, logical manner."
"It's very easy to understand if you just try to think about it logically."
"For the best solution, you have to explain logically how you got your solution."
"Algorithmic thinking, how you approach something logically and stepwise and draw pictures and analyze it."
"Surrounded by really good co-founders that are logical thinkers and have very high levels of integrity."
"The science is at least sound, and it makes sense."
"We think in sequence; we don't think out of sequence."
"Logical fallacies are useful shortcuts for recognizing invalid arguments out in the world and in your own arguments."
"You're very true to yourself, making logical decisions and facing problems honestly."
"We all have a logical mind and an emotional mind."
"I'm trying to think logically... for some of them I've gone with my heart."