
Data Protection Quotes

There are 564 quotes

"If you've been watching what's going on with social media, you might be thinking to yourself, should those people have my data? The answer is of course those people should not have your data."
"It's putting the customer in control of your privacy."
"Cybersecurity is paramount. We have a well-designed and tested cybersecurity program. Data is encrypted at every stage."
"A system that protects you from the Chinese, also protects your data from the FBI."
"Having your personal data shared and sold without your permission is one of the biggest issues we all face on a daily basis."
"It's terrifying to see exactly how many brokers have our data, and it's really fun to watch Incogni get them to delete that info one by one."
"Online anonymity is not something that just for criminals or persecuted individuals; it's important if you don't want a record of your interests, preferences, searches, emails, messages, contacts, browsing history, and social media activity stored indefinitely on remote data centers."
"Stop handing over your data to big tech companies."
"Floridians should have the privacy of their data and personal information protected."
"Privacy is increasingly this topic of conversation. People are becoming aware of how valuable their data is."
"Remember, the moment you exit the secure folder, the phone gets locked down immediately."
"There is a solution to stopping the tracking though, and that is to take matters into your own hands and start protecting your data by changing habits and using the correct technology to enhance your privacy and anonymity."
"It's down to you and you alone to protect your own data."
"In four months, we will treat data from anyone watching kids content on YouTube as coming from a child."
"When you leave your internet connection unencrypted, you might as well be writing your passwords and credit card numbers on a giant billboard for the rest of the world to see."
"One of the other fantastic tools that works really well with the macro recorder is cell and sheet protection."
"Azure Key Vault encrypts at rest, encrypts during transmission and isn't even visible to your web server administrators. It's super locked down."
"Privacy is something that's slowly slipping away from us day by day."
"Be proud of your achievements, but make sure you're scribbling out any identifying information."
"Privacy should always look at the downside to not having privacy."
"There's nothing you can do about it except of course to install Backblaze. Backblaze is the unlimited cloud backup for Macs and PCs for just $5 a month."
"Beijing wants to prevent at all costs China's corporate, industry and technology data from leaving the country to be used by rivals in the rest of the world."
"Your data is not to be traded on with everyone. That's something to think about."
"Be careful with what you share online. Be careful with your personal data."
"Air gapping is a foolproof method to keep your data safe."
"The real reason that you should be making backups if you don't care about your own personal self."
"Protect yourself from cyber criminals." - ExpressVPN secures your internet browsing and protects your data from hackers on public Wi-Fi.
"Every time I talk about this, 'cause this is the explanation for why you should care about privacy. This is the why."
"App Tracking Transparency: a simple new feature that puts your data back in your control."
"NordVPN is kind of like the doctor of the internet, shielding you and keeping your sensitive data safe."
"Going online without ExpressVPN is like using your smartphone without a protective case."
"Secure your online data today by visiting expressvpn.com."
"Protect your personal data and your beans. Mm, beans are so good."
"A VPN is an important tool for keeping your data secure and encrypted on the internet, and I don't dare connect to public Wi-Fi without first enabling my VPN."
"So your definitive opinion privacy is not dead. It's still alive and it's worth fighting for."
"Securing your internet traffic and browsing data is essential to ensuring your privacy is respected."
"You can't use my data in any way without my permission. I own me, not them."
"Having our information collected or straight up stolen online doesn't have to be one of them."
"Incogni can do all that long, messy work for you automatically, and Incogni helps you protect your privacy and take your personal data off the market by reaching out to data brokers on your behalf."
"Encapsulation protects data, ensuring it's accessed and modified safely within classes."
"Incog removes your personal data from online data brokers. They reach out and make sure it's taken down if these data brokers object."
"Always be using a VPN provider when using the internet."
"Anybody can be a victim if you use a device on a public Wi-Fi network. Your data is up for grabs from hackers."
"Nord VPN helps protect all of your personal data."
"ExpressVPN will save you from this horrible horrible predicament."
"For our privacy, now I'm one of those people that advocates privacy."
"Having a safe and secure VPN allows you the peace of mind of knowing your data is secured shopping without fear of anyone stealing your personal information, your passwords, your IP address, your banking information."
"Protect your personal data in this new age of information."
"Protect your personal data, surf shark makes online privacy simple."
"Protect your personal data... it's paramount."
"Aura does all of that for you. They navigate through all of the challenging, confusing mind fields that are opt-out requests and data brok."
"Protect your IP address from the bad guys with a virtual private network."
"We need a digital highway system for the 21st century that protects the data of the American people."
"Given the amount of data breaches we see in the press, it's only a matter of time before someone finds a better way to keep our information safe."
"Privacy is a fundamental human right and at the core of everything we do."
"Strong data privacy protections will be necessary to shield the US from this new phenomenon."
"Don't have to share any information, including your email with them."
"Completely makes you anonymous if you don't want people knowing your information."
"Your problem with security is not brute forcing; your problem with security is either the theft of the mnemonic or inappropriate operational security that causes it to be leaked somehow."
"We live in the information age which means that the protection of our personal data and information is of the utmost importance."
"Americans' privacy and rights should be protected so that these systems are not used against people unfairly."
"As long as I'm doing it on the server side, no one's gonna be able to put bad stuff into my database."
"I'm stepping up my game this time, heavier encryption, more security."
"They never told the parents that their children's data would even be compromised."
"When you use NordPass, it makes it easy to generate unique and complex passwords, identify weak, old, and reused passwords, and store your password securely in an encrypted Vault."
"I think absolutely, folks do have a right to privacy, and that we work very hard to make sure that that right to privacy is protected."
"ExpressVPN utilizes the best-in-class encryption standard whenever you're connected to it. Every piece of data going in and out of your devices goes through a secure encrypted tunnel and cannot be seen."
"A VPN such as Noor VPN... keeps your connection entirely secure by channeling you through an encrypted tunnel."
"That's our information, and if I can control that being put out there, that would be, that would make me feel a lot better."
"ExpressVPN is an app that funnels your data through a secure encrypted tunnel... Protect yourself with ExpressVPN."
"Fortunately for us today NordVPN provides users with the kind of data protection that puts the Enigma machine to shame."
"You'll need to be more Vigilant about protecting your personal online data now more than ever."
"If you don't want to have your government watching all of your data flows we're going to talk about some of the things that you could do."
"The NSA basically is looking at everything and if you don't want to have your government watching all of your data flows and information flows we're going to talk about some of the things that you could do."
"Privacy is not negotiated, it should be built into all the systems we use."
"FBI seizes notorious marketplace for selling stolen SSNs."
"How important it is to protect your privacy and to protect your information as much as you possibly can."
"If you're going to go and regulate something, you should be regulating privacy and data laws."
"Privacy is a human right, and we follow stringent rules on it."
"Protect yourself and your information when in public while traveling or using unsecured Wi-Fi. Your data will be safe with double data encryption and no data logging."
"Mainframes come equipped with robust security features ensuring that data remains protected and that system disruptions due to security breaches are minimized."
"The word is [DATA EXPUNGED]. Unless it got redacted already, don't repeat it."
"Protect your data privacy and crypto investments."
"I use Nord VPN... to have the extra peace of mind." - Protect your data with Nord VPN.
"Virtual private networks help keep your data safe as well as providing a host of other uses."
"Security and privacy are of significant importance."
"Backups! Do this immediately. Do it. You will regret it if you don't."
"Protect your data, especially since many of us don't even realize our data is being sold."
"If you want to keep them, you've got to be willing to change."
"Your data as much as you're trying to protect it right now unfortunately could be compromised."
"Your data is not secure when you're browsing the Internet."
"Protecting your online information has never been more important."
"Cambridge Analytica's parent has pled guilty to breaking a UK data law."
"I'm so happy to hear about the mail privacy protection."
"The onus is on them to guard that private information, absolutely."
"Data security issues are also very important, especially in distributed environments."
"This is why privacy matters and you can't take it back."
"Dashlane uses AES 256-bit encryption for security."
"Protect your data, it's your business." - Sponsored by ExpressVPN
"If you don't use a VPN, you're inviting companies to collect your data and sell it to [ __ ]."
"What incog does is they reach out to all those data Brokers that keep your information online and then sell your information around to everybody without you knowing."
"NordVPN makes your online data unreadable to others. That's the top line stuff."
"Online freedom without the fear of someone getting your data or data as a very reliable encryption that protects all your assets."
"Everything you have and want to protect will be safe with NordVPN."
"Protect your data this holidays... unlock the full potential." - AJ's News
"Aura will identify data brokers exposing your information and automatically submit opt-out requests on your behalf."
"You don't get to decide what they do with this information. The only way to prevent it from being used against you is to prevent it from being collected in the first place."
"The less advertisers know about you, the less they're going to spend to get your attention."
"Now, if you have worked with any applications, specifically web applications in the past, you may already know that putting sensitive data like this in a file that's going to be in your GitHub repository is not safe at all."
"They don't track, collect, or share your private data."
"So what I would do here if I had some secret, well I would store the secret in my Key Vault."
"Your data is way more valuable than the device it's on. Protect it."
"A secret volume is used to make sensitive data such as passwords, OAuth tokens, and SSH keys available to applications."
"NordVPN is the famous VPN service which has been protecting your data since 2012."
"Make sure you're using some kind of full disk encryption."
"Excel provides good security for your data with features like password protection."
"Security controls around just the applications and data without interfering with the personal data and functions of that unmanaged device."
"With Confidential Computing, you can protect all of that data end-to-end in a trusted execution environment."
"Employers need security analysts, like you, to fill the current and future demand to protect data, products, and people while ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and safe access to information."
"Confidential computing solves for this by isolating sensitive data in a protected CPU enclave during processing."
"So if I am a US-based company doing business in the European Union and I have a situation where GDPR and the Cloud Act collide, I need to get my legal council involved."
"Nowadays so much of our personal information is online, and there's a lot of people trying to get access to it."
"...there's no app that has any business for knowing this information so if you turn off this function here they won't even be able to ask you or request you for a permission to track."
"You should always be using encryption both in transit and at rest."
"No U.S. government has asked us for U.S. user data before, and if they did, we would say no."
"Security policy controls data plane traffic filtering."
"DeleteMe protects your data from data brokers by reducing the risks of identity theft, scams, and those annoying spam calls and emails."
"It's kind of insane, but the good news is that DeleteMe can help you like it helped me."
"Instead of you spending hours of your time figuring out how to remove this data, DeleteMe does it for you."
"Apply flexible protection actions: Encryption, access restrictions, and visual markings."
"Encryption should be implemented for exchange of any sensitive data."
"Microsoft Information Protection helps discover, classify, and protect sensitive information across environments."
"No computer system commercially available today is adequately secure relative to the value of the assets of the information assets stored in them."
"Protecting your personal data... Nord pass is an essential cyber security tool."
"As the news has tightened on our ability to remain private, I'm glad to note that the solutions I've come up with are still working, and each moment we prevent our data from being collected, the better we can defend ourselves."
"...Azure database for MySQL offers a secure environment in fact data is secure at rest and in motion that means that data sitting in your database is secure but also data that traveling over networks to and from the database is secure."
"Limit access to data and systems so that users and other subjects only have access to what they require."
"...conducting regular risk assessments and tailoring compliance measures to local data protection laws."
"Delete Me found my information being sold by almost 100 different data brokers."
"You have the right to stay private and protect your personal data."
"Privacy is not about all or nothing."
"Sign up to the war on data brokers with DeleteMe by following the link in the description and deploy a solid defense of your online privacy!"
"What if there were a cheap and easy way to get faster performance, more storage capacity, and even data protection all in one simple Free Solution? There is, and it's called RAID."
"Preventing data exfiltration is very important."
"Secure Printing prevents inadvertent sharing of sensitive information."
"Privacy laws enforce data protection."
"Basically, it is a private environment that is locked down with a password or your fingerprint or your irises inside which you can store private photos, documents, videos, files, and more away from prying eyes."
"Your data and AI are protected at every step by the most comprehensive enterprise compliance and security controls in the industry."
"Good data protection: it's not a cage, it's a springboard."
"Absolutely do all you can do to insulate your phone numbers from general collection."
"Zero knowledge proofs enable proving statements about private data without actually revealing the data itself."
"The best way to prevent storing a password in plain text is to Hash it."
"The privacy impact assessment will be shared, but also reviewed and ensured by the data privacy oversight panel."
"Encryption enables data-at-rest security by encrypting your data volumes, boot volumes, and snapshots."
"So as a data subject, we have a lot more control under the regulations of GDPR."
"It would be much more in the interest of data subjects and if we really do want to see changes make the information security it would be worthwhile it would be valid for us as a nation to look at adopting a federal standard like GDPR."
"The confidentiality principle ensures that data is protected from an authorized access and disclosure."
"ZFS snapshots: nested data sets for varied retention policies."
"OpenBSD is widely considered to be the most secure operating system in the world."
"A remote wipe command can be sent to the device."
"...that's why I use Incognito to protect my personal data."
"Data privacy and security are crucial in the digital era."
"Whether I'm making YouTube videos, streaming online, or just surfing the web, I wouldn't want some random nerd across the country to just leak my private data."
"It's been a huge year for confidential computing which promises to protect data while it's in use, which companies data protection at rest and data protection in transit."
"Security by default: podman runs without a root user. By not running as a root user in podman, it means that once a container is compromised it can only access data within that container."
"The short answer is yes. In my opinion, the cloud is by far the safest place to store and run resources."
"Blockchain is a solution that makes sure your data is protected from tampering and improves cybersecurity."
"Another way that we can protect our data is by creating redundancy in our hardware to provide the best uptime possible."
"...Synology manufactures routers that are going to be a great way to not only protect your data but protect your actual Network itself."
"NordVPN is going to protect our personal information from being taken and sold for profit to these companies."
"The onus for data protection is on the organization."
"We will never sell your data, we will never advertise on it."
"It's crucial that teachers and other users have oversight over how their data is being used."
"Cryptography is a way we can really protect our data and we can also get some assurance that the data is initiating from where it's supposed to be coming from."
"The customer ultimately remains accountable for the protection of any data and services they outsource to the cloud."
"Encapsulation can be used to protect our data from unwanted outside access. It simplifies maintenance of our code by keeping it organized and easier to understand."
"Homomorphic encryption helps us protect data in use or data resident in volatile memory."
"...start using tools and services online that don't collect your data."
"...the government isn't going to give you privacy but you can take it."
"If you value your online privacy... sign up for a delete me account today."
"Integrity is an important part of security. We want to be sure that data never changes."
"Always compartmentalize sensitive data and computing away from the main computer."
"Protect your data wherever you go with surfsharkVPN on any of your devices."
"If we can find this before they get the data, before they get it out of the organization, before they kick off that ransomware, the organization's gonna be in a much better position."
"I think companies sometimes allow too much personal info to be accessible. It's scary if the wrong person sees it."
"Turn on multi-factor authentication... it's a no-brainer."
"Your files stay safe... 99% of companies do not have multi-factor authentication."
"Authentication, authorization, and audit are throughout the service stack at every level."
"So, there you have it, combining data loss prevention policies with information protection sensitivity labels super powerful and very cool."
"Encryption helps protect data confidentiality by converting data into a coded form, making it unreadable without a decryption key."
"Make sure that your data is encrypted at rest wherever it lands."
"You need to ensure that your users do not have access to anything that they should not."
"We have these two key technologies that protect the cloud and protect your data: impenetrable barriers and autonomous robots."
"Aura will identify data Brokers housing your information and then on your behalf call them and remove that data from their servers."
"A new solution that makes it simpler to classify and protect information even as it travels outside of your organization."
"We're about helping you protect that small set of data. The confidential data or even the secret data. So that you can feel safe with that."
"Decentralized identity gives us technology to enhance privacy hand-in-hand with privacy data protection is increasingly a concern as breaches and misuse become more commonplace."
"The entire UI, the whole product is running inside Snowflake securely. Your data doesn't come out."
"Aura shows us which data brokers are selling your information and automatically submits opt-out requests for you."
"This is a particularly powerful feature because it's not a hammer that locks data inside of your account, but rather it's targeted at preventing accidental exposure."