
Aura Quotes

There are 528 quotes

"Sending good vibes into the atmosphere, people would just want to be around you if you are happy, positive, and enthusiastic."
"His presence, his aura, was just so wonderful."
"Gradually the vibration, it so cleans your field, cleans your house, cleans your aura, cleans your consciousness from all the dirt."
"Aura is the manifestation of our soul. It bears our burdens and shields our hearts."
"They have a light around them; they have a very positive aura."
"She definitely has like an evil aura around her in this design."
"It feels like it has an aura, has like a glow to it."
"Of course she can take the belt. She has been a world champion many times and she has an aura about her."
"I think people think he's still alive to this day because he just... had a different aura about him."
"Your aura is gonna be telling everyone how much you value yourself."
"You have an incredible aura and energy, honestly, I'm not just saying that."
"You need to make sure you're around your favorite things to clear your aura."
"She's got this beautiful soul that you can just feel."
"He radiated the energy of a very wealthy successful person."
"There's something about their aura here, I also feel like... their energy that is actually very potent."
"Raisa can generate exceptional quantities of aura condensed into a much smaller package that deals damage several orders of magnitude higher than gone could ever dream."
"Individuals who embody this High vibration possess an aura of confidence and positivity."
"Energy flows through you, making your aura a prosperity magnet."
"Surrounded by an air of fascination and mystery."
"You cannot hide your aura, and someone who trusts in their intuition and can feel sort of vibes they get from someone cannot be lied to."
"I think she looks cool, her aura is what I'm noticing."
"An aura is very powerful and real, and if someone is special and talented, they will have that aura about them."
"You have a strong aura around you; you're heavily protected and also heavenly protected."
"They have a definite childlike aura to them, which is common among all four the NP types."
"All eyes on you, people are noticing you, there's something about your energy and your aura which is drawing awareness to you."
"You have such a unique aura about you."
"They see you as someone who's very happy, someone who has this kind of light about them."
"You have this golden aura about you; it gives you that high status sort of appearance."
"You have a type of essence and a type of aura that people feel so comforted by."
"You have a powerful aura, a powerful essence, and people are intimidated by that."
"Your aura is sparkling, and you can make your dreams a reality."
"A daredevil who put his body on the line with a one-of-a-kind look and aura to him."
"He's surrounded by a furious purple aura, utilizing the power of alter ego."
"You are a wise soul and your energy, your aura, is bigger than life."
"You have an aura about you that is transformational."
"Freya seemed to be shining so radiantly."
"He had that swagger, you know when he walks into a room and someone's got that aura."
"The aura of being Michael Jordan."
"People may sense this healing Aura to you."
"...but it kind of gave this tank another one of those auras about it as well because it was the tank that other people wanted to know about."
"You see a slight color around this person, an aura, especially if you've been doing spiritual work."
"Your energy just naturally removes negative energy from people's lives, people's auras."
"Appearances are everything, right, and you sort of have this aura about you that you create by how you let the world perceive you."
"I always think of someone's aura, someone's life, what they mean, and you can't take DTI out of Skepta's life."
"Our aura can begin to somewhat merge with the auras of those around us."
"Harness the loyal and protective Aura of the lion, charge ahead magnificently."
"Your aura, your magnetic field is literally one that creates a very particular experience for every single person that you encounter."
"There's actually a softness to your energy as well."
"...they could see that it drastically increases all of their properties: their speed, their strength, their durability—everything."
"...when they attack, it leaves behind purple flames from their aura."
"You are a healer, a light being, and a protector of love. Your aura is filled with love."
"Obi-Wan Kenobi's aura was described as luminous and he could match the might of Darth Vader."
"Ultimately, no matter what though, they are someone who has a lot of light in their aura and their energy."
"Your aura, your vibration is going to be really high."
"They're going to have such an aura of magic around them that you're going to be mystified."
"They finally see the fighter standing there with a brilliant fiery and godly Aura."
"Listen, I'm not saying that Stephen Jarrod is an automatic tactical genius, but some managers just have an aura about them."
"Your energy and your aura is too pure."
"Your aura is pink. You look like you need to be loved."
"You're almost like, um, it's almost like not vibrating but like your aura is like polarizing right now, you're glowing in a sense."
"People that pace themselves, that slow down, have generally more confident aura than the ones that don't."
"If Dak Prescott wasn't a quarterback, he'd be like the Secretary of State. I think he just has an aura. It's the owner, it's the head coach, it's the quarterback."
"Aura is literally always on duty looking to keep you safe and protected online."
"Dragonair lives in seas and lakes, and is said to possess a strange aura that allows it to control the weather."
"You create an aura of danger and chaos around this guy."
"Jimmy had an aura... he was terrifying." - Billy
"It's about how you view yourself... I've always been someone that's confident in my thoughts and what I want to achieve... once you've been honest enough to yourself, that aura shows."
"That kind of Aura needs to be spread to the world."
"PL watch your aura pass me by losing."
"Missouri stood up, sword in hand, and an indescribable aura emanated from him."
"You have a very nurturing and loving aura."
"Everything about her emanates this radiance."
"Automatically, without you even trying, you are already radiating this amazing Vibe and people can sense that about you."
"You have such an angelic presence and energy to you, you really are, you have this ethereal nature."
"You are always catching people by surprise, you have this mysterious aura to you."
"Beasts might have felt their aura, so they didn't dare to come near."
"Learning how to have a magnetic Aura can help stack the deck in your favor."
"...an aura is a field of energy that exists around you and can kind of introduce you before you speak."
"Your aura, this is your energy field."
"Your energy is comforting and radiating."
"You have a shine or a sparkle to you that can't be explained by anyone else."
"He wonders how she can be so skilled at hiding her Aura even after Awakening so recently."
"The universe sees you, spirit sees you, you have a very beautiful aura and you're understanding that and you're moving with that."
"By truly valuing yourself, you create an aura of respect that others can feel."
"When you walk into a room, does it seem like everything gets brighter right away? That's energy, not just your idea. Energy is a strong force that changes our lives in ways we don't always understand."
"He has an aura and he's got power. Now what?"
"There's a light inside you that no matter what, it just shines out. It's like people look to that and it's like there's this aura about you."
"Your voice may be described as sexy and your aura as ethereal."
"Magnificent! I can see your aura. You are certainly a chosen of the great Hub."
"Your aura, your energy just radiates even more when you're with this person."
"One thing that we haven't taken away from this painting is its aura as a work of art."
"Aura color symmetry serves as a visual manifestation of the profound connection and compatibility between twin flames, guiding them towards unity and alignment and the realization of their Divine Purpose."
"People see a magical vibe around you. Your beauty and grace, coupled with innocence, make you captivating."
"Your aura charged by the Holy Spirit disturbs the demons that reside within them."
"Razer has these Godly levels of aura quantity... he spends 20 units of Aura, multiplies it by eight limitations and that results in 160 units of output."
"Your aura is very intense, it's a lot. People are very intrigued by you as well."
"Your aura is kind of giving like a little bit mean, and I find that enticing."
"Your aura is very intense, but you have a good mask because those that are immature are just going to see themselves reflected back at themselves."
"There's something dreamlike about you and your aura is very dreamy."
"Your aura makes people feel warm and look at the way he's at the top of this hill and the wind is flowing again, there's a sense of this wind flowing through the air."
"Like, attraction for females is all about your confidence and like that's so overplayed but truly like your aura like if you are so self assured they have it's like it's an infectious attraction that that is felt by them."
"The mystery of the aura is endless, one could say that thanks to this aura Heaven and Earth were created."
"You have an intensity about you, an intense aura that's very attractive."
"Your chest, your strong chest and shoulders, give off an aura of power and leadership."
"This is your aura. People can feel that how happy you are within yourself and you just radiate."
"For thousands of years, people have believed that gods had a special glow like a halo or aura."
"For the occultist, this fact is visible in the aura."
"Your appearance is a really big factor in what people admire about you... your aura comes through, your spirit comes through... you just have this maybe ethereal Essence."
"You have this unapproachable energy to you, you seem to be very deadly confident that you embody, and people can feel it."
"You start to develop an aura about you."
"You want to become aware of your energy and know how to cleanse it, because we all have like energy bubbles, and when we are with other people, their energy becomes our energy and everything gets intermixed."
"It just has this Aura of being so fresh, elegant, and extreme luxury."
"Your aura is naturally cleaning out and transmuting any negativity that's being thrown your way."
"There was something we all felt wash over us among the gorges of upstate New York, a shared emotion or an aura. I'm talking about good vibes."
"Your energy and aura are too pure for them."
"Your energy and your aura was pure, something was magically meant to be."
"There's a select group of people who are just cool... they radiate cool energy."
"Blessed with the vibe the world should know."
"Blake has also unlocked her aura, the manifestation of one's soul, similar to the eastern concept of chi."
"I feel like you have very intriguing Aura and an intriguing soul."
"There's this inner strength to you. You know, you have like a yellow aura."
"The color red in their Aura represents sexuality, courage, desire, and confidence, and that is this person to a tee."
"It's mad... you were always my favorite... you had that kind of aura about you."
"People look at you and they stop and stare at you with the soul I'm feeling especially children you may get a lot of children or animals there at you because your Vibe is so magical."
"The prince of the saiyans with the power of his purple hair very similar to the aura of destruction."
"You come across really well, really in charge of yourself, and just a beautiful energy and air."
"Her Aura had noticeably changed the minute she got to the Bahamas."
"Some women have a touch about him some women got a feel to them some women got a Vibe they set a Vibe."
"I always felt when he walked in a room the atmosphere changed, even as a little child."
"It's amazing. There's no one else on the roster that can elicit that sort of aura, that sort of pop. It's just... It's what The Rock does."
"An aura of mystery around you will enhance anything you do and give you God-like aura that most people in today's society have forgotten how to do."
"Linking yourself to the spiritual naturally gives you a mysterious aura."
"So, if you learn to embrace your feminine and your masculine, you will emanate an aura of mystery unwittingly. Even if you're not trying to, you're gonna get it."
"Your energy is very beautiful, you know, it's not very congested, it's nice, it's good."
"She mentions that she fell in love at first sight when she saw his dignified aura."
"Your energy just vibrates differently."
"Hisoka doesn't need to project his aura in any way to be intimidating, all he has to do is smile at you."
"Your physical traits can carry their own energy."
"There's something about them that's a little unique. There's something about them that's not like the rest. Their Aura is like pop."
"There's something about this person that feels a little Immaculate."
"...there was such a pole and such an aura about that chapel and about that place and whatever I wasn't feeling spiritually in that in that chapel in the nondenominational church was everything I was feeling in that chapel."
"there's very few players in the NBA that have ever seen have this special like this Aura"
"Can you measure emotional impulses? It may not be able to say like that is love, but they have the ability to show Aura of like an energetic signature of something."
"I think it's your presence, your aura, it's always so positive."
"You guys are giving off luxury, you're getting, um, getting off, you're giving off taking care of, maybe some of y'all sexual energy is popping."
"Sunlight created a glow around her."
"This person could have been poisoning your aura."
"I met the lady on the bus... she just had this aura about her that just seemed like she was a cool person."
"That's what I'd be telling people, like, it's not about what's in your pants, okay? Thank you. Thank you. It's like, it's an aura. Like, I got big dick energy, okay? All right. All right. Okay. Okay. Not wearing no gray sweatpants."
"The fifth stage was called Aura, achieved by those with outstanding minds and great talent."
"Your aura speaks for itself as well, even with people that don't read energy and aren't connected to spirit in that way."
"His aura, a deadly weapon as he effortlessly dispatched members of the Accord Guild."
"Your aura reflects your current state and your overall state of consciousness."
"There's an aura around chefs, especially ones that are known as a genius."
"Olivia emanates a motherly sweet and compassionate Aura deeply rooted in her religious beliefs and Devotion to her family and home."
"There's light being put into your auric field here, quite literal Angelic healing."
"There was this aura about her that just said you have to treat this lady differently."
"I just want my pits to match my aura."
"I like his Aura I like I think that guy's talented I want to be around him."
"You definitely have to have like um an intimidating Aura if that makes sense all right? People have to look at you and say like I ain't approaching him I ain't approaching him he don't look friendly."
"They carry a genuine and authentic glow."
"He radiated love, it came out of him in waves."
"It was cool to guard him... it was like seeing his Aura."
"Naruto: Just the aura coming off Naruto, that's enough to make someone have difficulty breathing."
"There's something very warm about your aura, and that draws people in."
"Your energy gives an air of luxury naturally."
"Water is very powerful at helping us to clear our Aura, our energy."
"I'm keeping it to myself, I don't want anyone coming into my aura."
"It creates a mystical kind of magical aura around you."
"There is a spiritual scent that is following you also."
"But he just seems to have a bit of a sort of aura, a fart aura, wherever he goes."
"I cannot remove my eyes from her. I was so fascinated by her aura. Apparently, it was the shekinah."
"You seem to have a very magical energy to you, people look at you and they view you as very magical."
"You might seem like you weren't always like this, like maybe you've come through a big, big transformation, you've come through a lot to be here, but I feel like people just see you as very enjoyable to be around now, you have a very light war, I feel like your aura is blue."
"Maybe it's just an aura, it might not be power."
"Your aura is beautiful, it's like something electromagnetic and healing."
"Auras play a crucial role in maintaining peace and combating dark forces in The Wizarding World."
"The intensity and strength of this manifested Aura become the benchmarks that determine an individual's rank."
"Alcohol pokes holes in your aura."
"People just like your energy, your healing Vibe and aura."
"The beard is so good, it's tall as well. And you know what? Someone's got an aura."
"It's crazy. Ozzie Ozzie is like one of those dudes you get around him and like holy [ __ ] you feel the aura."
"Your presence brings a sense of calm, and people feel at ease around you."
"Once aura breaks, I know they won't get hit anymore... and that's boring... Trading blows is exciting... deflecting attacks is exciting... Suddenly becoming untouchable is boring."
"If you are a beautiful person on the inside, you have an aura, you have an attraction, and people will come to you because there's something about you."
"Some people just have a certain aura, a certain presence. It's just something about them."
"I think Ria has the greatest and biggest aura in wrestling right now."
"...the less you love yourself the smaller your energy field but the more you love yourself the bigger your energy field."
"Jade Cargill has the most aura in all of women's wrestling. I mean, not just women's wrestling. She's up there in conversation with some of the biggest aura in just professional wrestling in general."
"Luffy doesn't have any flaming aura around him at all."
"You are what you consume and everything that you invoke around you gets absorbed into your aura gets absorbed into your energy system."
"This patient had seizures with aura that looked a lot like a psychedelic experience."
"Aura was protecting the rest of cinder's body every single human cell in her body was protected not only from attacks from opponents etc but from the grim arm and the corruption that it would provide to the human tissue itself."
"Robin is a living lie detector, whereby holding a person's hand she can ask a question and if they are answering truthfully her aura turns green."
"Aura is used to activate the dust and create that elemental burst when the dust bullets hit anything or, in Hazel's case, the dust that he's injecting into his own body and firing outwards through his hands like friggin Iron Man."
"Their first impression of you might be that you have a very warm aura."
"The aura will be a balance of the rainbow."
"If grim are actually attracted to aura more so than emotions, then people like Jean are going to be more of a magnet for grim."
"Let Aura do the hard work of keeping you safe online while you can focus on other things with peace of mind."
"Even science admits that energy is all around us."