
Community Space Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Smart Funny and Black was created because we need to have a celebratory space for black culture."
"The best way for everybody to think of this is to think about your local town square public square and think about what was lawful there and what was not."
"I knew that people of color, black people, needed space to be unburdened. I knew that they needed space to feel seen and heard."
"We really just want to create a space that, much like The Escapist, that you can escape to, to discuss your favorite hobbies in a place that's fun, it's civil, it's respectful."
"At her core, Goober Town Hobbies is a fun place for painting toys and absolutely..."
"Teach them what it means to be a citizen of the place they live in."
"Just want to have a place where bros can do workout comedy, somewhere to work on material to an actual audience."
"It's kind of a weird uh thing to think about if you I've thought about this before on Melrose like all the most successful stores there are ones that have cultivated an area where people can come hang out and chill."
"What a great idea! They've made it into an area where people could come and check it out to make it a feature at the area."
"A picture of a repurposed underground car park in the Netherlands, complete with coffee and cake store."
"No matter what it is you love, you now have a place to interact with others who also share those similar interests like sword art online."
"We need a place for people to hang out. We need people to feel pride and satisfaction from each other."
"Headquarters... a living space where fans can hang out compete be rewarded."
"Hey, you want to put an event, uh, you can do it in our space."
"It should feel like an extra room in your house where your friends hang out."
"No haters, no [__], just a cool place to hang out."
"Honestly, I didn't expect the park to start coming together like this so soon."
"I think it's been a home to a lot of wrestling conversation."
"We need a nice space where we can hang some of our fan art and do our own little gallery."
"It's nice to have physical places that many people can visit."
"Let's hope that they come out when the cafe opens up."
"Her dream has been to run a cafe where the neighborhood can just feel at home."
"The barbershop can function as a third place where men can hang out and chat... even if they're not there for a haircut."
"This is frankly the dream setup... plenty of parking for friends and people to come and hang out."
"We're so excited, we made a spot in the room here for the play button!"
"It's like a busy area... but it's all purposeful, it's thought-out."
"We're really looking at just creating a great space for people to have fun and just enjoy themselves."
"It was more than a mall; it was a community space, a place for anyone and everyone to go and do whatever they wanted."
"It's a kind of a place where everyone walks in and as soon as they come into this space I always hear people exclaim 'oh my gosh look at that.'"
"That's a concrete. This is going to be... this is Finn Central right now."
"It's just a really, really positive space right now that is super cool to hear."
"The lakefront has become a critically important place over the years."
"Designing gardens is my job, and sometimes they're just the raised beds, but my favorite ones usually have kind of a gathering space in the middle."
"Whether we like it or not, this is about to be the safest place on the internet."
"The principal Plaza provides a beautiful area for people to hang out and enjoy the vibe of the city."
"It's just a welcoming and safe space."
"The open-air Sky Plaza provides a communal space as well as views of the city and the mountains beyond."
"It's a great space to have community."
"We wanted to create the space for people to hang out, come together."
"The green space is designed as a shared park space for residents and also as a lookout point for viewing the nearby Mount Rainier."
"It's also a place that will have gatherings, there's a place for tables and chairs where we can have gatherings."
"It's just so much fun being able to have this space where I can connect with you guys."
"This is our place we can talk to each other."
"It was a perfect space for young people and people of all interests to gather and have a good night out."
"So this big green space here, yes, do you allow like ball play and that sort of thing or is it... so this is a common area park, whatever you want to do you can do here."
"Just to kind of a hangout and a space that everybody can enjoy alongside us."
"I think it's going to make this whole area such a nice place to hang out in on a cold winter's evening."
"The Wang theater is a small theater-like area where they're going to do cooking classes, cooking displays, all kinds of cool things like that."
"We want the repterrarium to be kind of a really cool place for all kinds of people."
"If you've been watching our channel for the last couple of years, you'll have seen two complete amateur DIYs take a rusty old unloved narrowboat and turn it into a floating coffee shop."
"Crowder Courtyard... it's still such a beautiful space. I come here to study, to talk with friends, to eat my food, to wait for glasses to start."
"It's kind of a cozy little spot. It's become a really great community hub, and it's fun."
"We are all in this together, and I want you to know that we are safe here in this space."
"I really wanted to emphasize that there was these gardens and whatnot out so people could garden and do their thing out in the space."
"We take that green center, we turn it 45 degrees, so you create an urban space, a street corner that people can gather."
"Thank you for your patience and grace, and for giving us the space to exist on YouTube."
"My space will always be primarily for black women who enjoy being traditionally feminine."
"Every street, every alley, every square, it feels like a place for people to come and enjoy and sit and just relax and chill out."
"It's the perfect place for everyone to catch up."