
Leap Of Faith Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"In order to move up, and this is crucial, you must make that leap of faith."
"Now is the time to take this leap of faith because they've been waiting."
"With great power, the heart of Spider-Man has never been captured as well as it has been in those movies and this one. When will I know I'm ready? You won't. It's a leap of faith."
"This is your sign to take that leap of faith towards the end of this month, for sure."
"Eventually they're gonna take a leap of faith toward you because I do see your value as the queen of Earth here but I think you're gonna be like oh no no no."
"You take that leap of faith and just believe in yourself."
"This is a huge risk, that's a huge leap of faith for you."
"There's a new beginning taking place with you. There's a leap of faith that has to be taken here."
"Now's the time to take a leap of faith and start your own thing."
"Take this leap of faith... there is huge prosperity coming up for you."
"The fool is the soul of the tarot, the moment before the leap of faith, before the new beginning."
"Somebody here needs to have the courage to take that leap of faith."
"There's a new beginning, it's about taking a leap of faith."
"The obstacle in this relationship is taking that leap of faith and trying again."
"They're intending to take that leap of faith and build something together with you."
"They want to leap with you, they want to leap with their heart off the cliff on hoping that they will land on you."
"This is a new beginning where you just have to take a giant leap of faith. Perhaps some of you are trying to make a decision."
"Advice for Sagittarius: it's gonna require a leap of faith, emphasis on the faith."
"This person wants to take a leap of faith, they have not lost interest in you."
"If you're looking for perfect timing it's never going to exist, at some point you've got to take just like you said that leap of faith."
"You take that leap of faith, you dive straight into this relationship."
"They want a new start with you, they want to take this leap of faith."
"Somebody wants to take a leap of faith towards somebody else or somebody who they are not with."
"For once in my shriveled little life I'm going to take a leap of faith and have some optimism."
"There's gonna be a new beginning, somebody's gonna want to take a leap of faith and they're gonna shock you."
"Essentially, the common theme here is that this person regrets not taking a leap of faith with you."
"They're telling their friends that they're ready to take a leap of faith when it comes to you, and that they have so much love for you."
"It's a big leap of faith that you're gonna take finally."
"Just take that leap of faith and you have to be willing to follow the process."
"You're taking a leap of faith toward your dreams, toward your goals, toward your wish fulfillment."
"You feel like you want to take a leap of faith towards them, you feel like you want to let go and, you know, trust in this, but you're afraid."
"I'm so glad that we kind of took that leap of faith, so to speak, and how our lives have changed."
"This person wants a new beginning, a fresh start, and they're willing to take a leap of faith towards you."
"This person is going to take a leap of faith towards you."
"You can do this, Pisces. I don't know what it is, let me know in the comments, like what sort of leap of faith are you hoping to take?"
"A major risk will pay off, take that leap of faith, take that huge risk."
"The full card indicates that you are on the verge of an unexpected and exciting new adventure which can require a leap of faith."
"You've taken a big risk, a leap of faith towards a desire you have."
"You just gotta take a leap of faith honestly, you just gotta put, like, this a lot of people waste a lot of money doing crazy stuff you just gotta be willing to risk that money to say hey if I lose it, cool, if I don't, even you know, I don't lose it even better."
"This all started for me taking that leap of faith to say let me start Youtube and believe you me, on the other side of the lanes, I never knew that all of these opportunities were open to me."
"It's like the universe is saying, 'Just go, man, just make a jump,' you know what I mean?"
"The first step over the edge is always a little bit of a leap of faith."
"I feel like this leap of faith, whatever this is, this new journey, this new beginning, in a way I feel like this has to do with heart-centered energy."
"For her to take that leap of faith and leave her comfort zone at Louisville, you don't see many players do that."
"Life is too short to not take that leap of faith and share your vision with the rest of the world."
"There are many talented people who haven't fulfilled their dreams because they overthought it or were too cautious and unwilling to make the leap of faith. I do not want that for you."
"a leap of faith it may require someone to really take some type of risk"
"I feel like fate is trying to send me a message and I took a leap of faith and it was the best decision of my life."
"They're afraid of making wrong steps, but willing to take a leap of faith."
"Jump off the ledge. Otherwise, you'll never get there."
"They want things to be out in the open. They don't want to be shady. They don't want to keep things from you. They don't want to do wrong by anybody. They want to be able to start fresh, they want a fresh start, they want to take this leap of faith."
"If you feel a pull towards something, take the leap, there's always room for everybody."
"Thomas decided to take a breath and take the leap of faith."
"I just took a leap of faith after asking a bajillion questions."
"Somebody about to take this leap of faith."
"It's a leap of faith. That's all it is, Miles."
"Your girl has finally done it, taken the leap of faith. Everything that I wanted to happen happened."
"It is essential for you to take this leap of faith when it comes to some sort of vision that you want for your life."
"Maybe taking a chance on a situation, somebody could be thinking about taking a leap of faith in a new direction."
"Once the person just makes that leap, it could be the best decision they ever make."
"There's no looking back, I guess, once you make the big leap of faith."
"There's just a blind trust that whatever I'm jumping into, I know everything's going to be okay because I'm trusting my intuition."
"It's about having the blind faith to just say screw it and leap off the cliff and let's worry about how to grow wings on the way down."
"Once she had built up enough wing strength and confidence, she was supposed to take a leap of faith."
"Take the leap of faith, don't care what everybody else is thinking, what everybody else is saying."
"To ask for such help is to take a huge leap of faith, to truly place ourselves, our futures, and our actions in the care of God."
"I decided to take a leap of faith and get in touch with Jessica."
"You're getting ready to take a leap of faith."
"Once you take that leap of faith and you go for it, you're gonna be successful."
"Do you trust me? Then I jump anyways."
"God, if you're there, I'm trusting you and I'm jumping in this direction."
"It's time to trust my instinct, close my eyes and leap."
"The meaning of the word Pesach to pass over is explained as to leap over the houses upon which the blood of the lamb was placed."
"You took a huge leap of faith to put a spotlight on musicians."
"This was the biggest leap of faith I've ever taken in my life, and it grew my wisdom."
"Someone's taking a leap of faith towards their happiness."
"You marry her, brother. It was a leap for me when she leaped."
"Someone's taking a leap of faith, taking a risk."
"You're taking a leap of faith. This is going to really prove to be successful for you."
"The Fool is having the confidence and the willpower to take that leap of faith."
"You're ready for a new beginning, ready to take some sort of leap of faith."
"Take a leap of faith, take a risk, and put your heart's true desire into action."
"They're stepping out on their own taking a leap of faith toward their happiness."
"Making a final decision to take a leap, take a risk."
"It's like the fool card is someone who takes a leap of faith towards another direction towards new ventures in life."
"Take that leap of faith and just see what happens."
"It's like choose freedom here, you're gonna want to take a leap of faith."
"It's preparing you for a huge leap of faith."
"If we tell ourselves that it requires a leap of faith, we come out of our comfort zone and we just take action, then all of a sudden things start coming into place."
"It's time for you to take a leap of faith on building something new."
"Success is gonna come quickly once you take this leap of faith."
"There could be this opportunity to take a leap of faith here and to start fresh."
"Opportunity is going to knock, so you may need to take a leap of faith. Good fortune and enlightenment are on the horizon."
"Someone's ready to take a risk, a leap of faith."
"They're taking a leap of faith and just doing something that they would not normally do."
"That leap of faith sequence is just so, so good."
"Somebody's about to take a leap of faith here to have this new beginning."
"It's time to take the leap of faith; all the energy is supportive of you doing it."
"You're ready to take this leap of faith, a whole new path."
"You have to take that leap of faith to go on a brand new journey even if that means you starting over completely by starting over having a fresh clean state."
"Somebody's about to take a leap of faith to do something."
"Should I take this leap of faith? It's a risk."
"It's like you're being presented with a new offer, something you're going to have to take a leap of faith on."
"They want to take this leap of faith because they see someone else taking it."