
Relationship Red Flags Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"When you feel yourself censoring what you say and do to avoid making them angry, it's a sign to reevaluate."
"When they lie about the smallest things or are unable to feel accountable for their actions, it's a warning sign."
"The minute that I catch wind of that, like, I know what that looks like, and if I'm having issues a month and a half in... I'm not gonna stay."
"Why are toxic guys always so manipulative? Warning bells are literally ringing all over this guy."
"If they start asking you for any types of money or gifts or anything like that, it's probably time to run."
"If you find a guy who hates his mother, it's gonna be hard for you."
"The signs are cautioning you, pay attention to the red flags."
"That's a huge red flag, they don't respect you, anyone who respects you, they ain't gonna roll up on you in a group and they're not gonna be playing these shenanigans with you, that's just how it is."
"If a guy cannot relate at all or empathize at all with what the movie says about women's experience in the modern world, I think that's a huge red flag."
"One of the first warning signs of a manipulative partner in a relationship is when the party in question begins their attempts at isolating you from the rest of your loved ones."
"As soon as you can see that they are making it about them, run."
"If you're dating someone and they don't want you to have independence, run."
"If a girl doesn't even want to like try, oh yeah, then that's a red flag to me."
"If you lose your peace around a person, it is a sign that God does not want you to be close to that person."
"Jealousy early on in the beginning is toxic."
"If they ever show you crazy eyes you're out."
"Learn your people again. It's about taking a moment to get to know someone. If red flags are coming up, pay attention and hold back."
"If the man you're dating is making you look like his ex, something's wrong."
"If someone doesn't respect your boundaries when it comes to something like this, what else don't they respect?"
"I'm really sorry for not recognizing the red flags that this person gave off to me."
"If someone isn't fully working on the partnership with you, that's your sign."
"If you ignore red flags it's very, very possible to end up in a situation like I was in."
"The minute you suspect somebody trying to kill you, the relationship is over."
"Recognize red flags, even if it means addressing uncomfortable truths."
"Sometimes when you wear rose-colored glasses, those red flags just look like flags."
"If all the women in your life are saying this man has red flags, get out of there. Just saying from experience."
"When you see it coming once, even once, to see an expression of rage should be a major red flag to you that something's not quite right."
"Nicole makes so many contradictions and there are just so many red flags."
"Red flags are not pretty decorations for you to admire; they are warning you for a reason."
"If a guy is constantly telling you and reminding you or coming up with ways to explain to you what a great guy they are, run."
"If you're not emotionally available, that's a big red flag."
"That's not romance, that's a hostage situation."
"He would disguise it as, 'I'm just looking out for you.' It doesn't look good, it's not a good look."
"Aquarius, your intuition will be picking up red flags. You'll see people revealing themselves."
"The signs were there, the red flags were there."
"If they keep doing the same thing over and over again to you and you're not seeing any kind of change... that could definitely be a red flag."
"That's a red flag, maybe not in other people's worlds but in my world, that's a problem."
"You're meant to live on the wild side and be free... if somebody restricts you from being yourself, that's a big red flag."
"Recognize when you shut down on somebody, pay attention to the red flags."
"if you [ __ ] with a guy and he to his kids like [ __ ] or he act like they never said that's not somebody you should be with"
"Don't get in the habit of collecting red flags."
"When you meet a woman, you've only known her for three or four months and she's talking about taking a year off on your dime, that tells me she's desperate."
"Hiding makeup purchases was a big red flag for me."
"We all have red flags baby and those two were like in my face."
"The Playboy should have been all the red flags you needed to get out of that one."
"Honestly, it's kind of a red flag if she doesn't accept that."
"Love is not enough if you're not listening to my concerns and what's on my mind and what's bugging me and the things that I don't like and the things that I do like, and you're only close-minded to everything besides what you want. That's a red flag to me."
"If a woman is posting provocative sexy photographs while in a relationship, then that's a red flag."