
Support Systems Quotes

There are 400 quotes

"I believe in sounding boards. I think anybody who thinks that they have to make every decision by themselves is setting themselves up for eventual collapse."
"May God send you people who have eyes to see you, not just a heart to love you but eyes to see you and who will fight with you for what God has for you."
"For those of us who are sensitive, intuitive, or walking a spiritual path, it is our practices and the support that we have in our life that often is the key to how well we can walk through life."
"It's just amazing having the support group that I do have because these fools are like literally the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"You're not alone. When you hear that, that changes your mind of like, oh shit, this shit feels good."
"Get support when you need it and know that we all got here because somebody helped us."
"Create a solid support system. According to the Mayo Clinic, those people who have strong social support networks are not only healthier but live longer."
"You can't keep picking people up; you have to stop them from falling."
"Now, I don't know about you, but I find that having people that support you in your life to be super important."
"The treatment is not telling somebody to drink less alcohol, the treatment is support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, family help, social work, friends, church, religion."
"We need better mental health support besides involving the policing system."
"The people who are going to support you the most in life are people who are not your family, are people who are not your immediate friends."
"I know that I've had a good education, a secure home, and a loving and supportive family. So many young people, however, do not have these advantages."
"Disrespected by their bosses, abandoned by their government, where could they turn to?"
"Successful men usually have someone keeping the home fires burning, but this is just the truth of our world."
"The totality of the Great War meant that all countries now saw the need to do something to help veterans, especially the disabled."
"Working with someone in the process is essentially putting on thick gloves and picking up all those splinters. And putting them back together into a marble as best you can until you roll it away."
"Chuck Schumer says that there are five basic things: first, we beefed up unemployment insurance in a huge way that has never been done before. You can call it unemployment on steroids or employment insurance."
"It's dangerous to set these precedents and make these laws because we don't have the support mechanisms in place for the after effect."
"Take care of yourself, you are not alone with all the resources available."
"You deserve to be happy and comfortable... please reach out to the resources."
"Just surround yourself with people who love you. It makes sense."
"However, with the hate she also received a lot of love and support."
"If I was going to be a real blessing and help and support to others, I would need to prioritize me."
"These three pillars working together offer stability and create a system that takes care of the average person."
"It's important to have a very good and strong support system to back you up."
"You might not can control all the things that life will hand against you but if you've got a little group of people right that's got your back no matter what you can just about go through anything and land on your feet."
"I don't think it's being talked enough. I don't think there's that much support and it all starts from home."
"Surround yourself with people that are supportive and good to you."
"One young man that I met when I visited a crisis center in a very poor area of Leeds looked at me and he said the internet saved my life."
"In the end, I hope that Jack gets the help and support he needs and I hope that people become more open and understanding to male victims."
"One of the standout features for me... was that GPU support bracket."
"Absolutely vital that we work together to get the right package of support."
"I'm thankful for my friends and family for supporting me. I'm super thankful for my life." - Omar Hashem
"Every individual in American history who has succeeded has had a combination of people who help them out and their own capacity to bootstrap it." - Ben Shapiro
"If we hadn't have had that forum, if we hadn't been born a generation before and our whole eating disorder had have gone by with no forum, I think a lot of us would be dead from suicide."
"When you are on the ground, you're part of an incredible infrastructure and family and you have so many resources and so much help and support with finding your character."
"Looking after your loved ones is a key factor for maintaining mental stability."
"You have to keep your people around you that really got your back and really got good intentions for you."
"I could not do this work without that support."
"The Creator Code provides stability for full-time content creators."
"The trajectory of their health would have been significantly different had they had more support... Psychological."
"The main thing is to understand that this is something that they can do, that people have done. It's just a matter of getting the right information and the right support."
"His story is so moving and hurtful and it was a happy ending with a support system."
"The most we can hope for is that when it's time to face it, you don't have to go through that door alone."
"When you have somebody that breathes life and possibility into your life dude I guarantee you and that stuff went down that went down in your life you've never been in a darker place."
"Do not fear. You must fight. People who love you will find you."
"We're gonna have to get on point to help these children."
"We have things that are difficult in marriage and they often revolve around infidelity we need the helpful people you are one of the helpful people."
"It's good to have that kind of safety net in your own family."
"If someone else is having a hard time, say no shame. There's a lot of us who've been there and there's a way out."
"You don't need more than one fan, somebody who will believe in you no matter what."
"You get to turn to your spouse. You get to turn to other people in the community."
"You don't want to do it alone. It's not about you riding solo."
"Identifying the primary obstacles and finding those appropriate supports while waiting for the evaluation."
"Support and embrace the uniqueness of females."
"You spend another three or four years at the University and with that comes a huge number of support structures... the university system allows you to meet people and do things which you can do outside, yes, but... much, much easier."
"In life, it's important to have someone nearby who believes in you."
"In real life, you have people who love you, accept you, and cherish you."
"We wanted players to have something aspirational to strive towards."
"As someone who has an amazing support system behind them and family and friends who have understood my journey, it means a bunch when you have people who support you."
"Just having some group of people that you can talk to so that you're not having to deal with this on your own will go a long way."
"We will be here to support you, and together we will get through this."
"Our support for victims has to match the courage they show every day."
"Can't do it alone... I realized I can't handle this by myself... invite more people into my life."
"Financial aid is money that helps pay for the cost of Education."
"I've never really met a person that's actually functional that struggled with depression that did it by themselves."
"The support that you receive buries the bad stuff."
"Cancel the mindset of thinking that you can do it alone."
"Know that everything will get better and some things that really helped me on my bad days is to be there talk to somebody or even just journal and write some things down just to kind of like get it out of your head."
"You're not alone in your relationships, just reach out and ask for help."
"Whoever stepped up, whoever took care of you, they back you up 100% in what you want to do. They're proud of you, they know you're capable."
"Behind every successful woman is a progressive man."
"I think the main thing is I don't think she ever had the support that you need when you're famous like great I think if your most famous people do better when they have a good support system behind them."
"You will be listened to, believed, and supported."
"The people who genuinely love you won't want you in this taxing system."
"Being there for someone is just talking and removing your judgment."
"I was bullied she was bullied you go down today everything will be okay so I'm gonna shout out that it does get easier and if you need help there's always help available to you."
"We really need better mental health support."
"If someone has to want to heal themselves, if they don't want to heal, then it's virtually impossible to help another."
"Embrace your insecurities because the people who love you are going to protect your insecurities."
"Cancer is all about just having the courage to fight it but having a support system to help you get through it."
"We need to ensure that we are supporting them... and they are not feeling alone."
"Jazz is everything you could possibly want in an older sibling–and being a good support system is pretty darn heroic on its own."
"Take your time with these things number one be mentally strong get some help talk to someone if you're already going through some things right now."
"Incentives, not even incentives, just taking care of people."
"It's just so important that you surround yourself with other people who can share the burden with you."
"Your family is the family you make for yourself."
"And I don't know if you have people supporting you or not but I do know you can win anyway."
"Lean on others that you trust... Don't try to do this on your own because you don't deserve that."
"It's always easier to deal with a bad situation when you have people there to help you."
"He wound up being hospitalized for the infection and then his fiancee brought his computer to the hospital so that he could read fan fiction out loud to him."
"If your value systems line up then you can figure almost anything out. You may need help, a pastor, a counselor, a really trusted friend that you can, you know, share stuff with that's constructive."
"I know that when I grow into the best version of myself, I will always remember the woman that supported me."
"Listen to the people that's gonna back you: your family, your white knights, your community, period."
"If one person falls, the other can reach out and help, but someone who falls alone is in real trouble."
"Having a baseline of comfort in that allows people to lean on you a lot stronger."
"Surround yourself with people who support you, who believe in you."
"It might just be the culture that's based around supporting the hist."
"Do you have one person that you can call? That's really all that matters."
"It's nice to have someone who can wake you when you sleep through your alarm."
"We are finally providing some of those things to give people a soft place to land."
"Hang in there, keep thinking about those who battled through."
"We're all struggling at some point in our life, and to be open and honest, you do get wonderful support from other people."
"Strong loving relationships are the cornerstone that supports the structure of our lives."
"Establish your tribe, establish your clan not for good days but for the bad days."
"Please open up and let someone know, whether it's a therapist, a good friend, or family member."
"With the support of those who love, anything is manageable."
"Work is possible because there are people who support us."
"If I'm needed by everyone I care about, I want to keep playing that role."
"This is a great time to connect with your friends, especially those who feel like family, loyal, compassionate, and supportive."
"It's okay to ask for help, it's okay to lean on others even if you are a superhero."
"Come what may, you can always rely on your friends."
"I have a beautiful support team around me. I have some great people in my life, and they're really the key to my humility and my groundedness. Thank you."
"For many others who are still suffering from abuse, we urge you to contact the national domestic violence hotline. It's completely confidential and they can help you find a way to safety."
"Making time for your friends is so important because your friends are going to be the support system in your life."
"Don't fear the unknown. Lean on your circle of supernatural support."
"It's critical for kids to recognize when they can't help someone, and that talking to and being honest with someone they can trust can provide extra support."
"Surrounding yourself with people who understand you, who care about you, who love you, is probably the most important message."
"From now on, I will fight this disease together with you. You won't be alone anymore."
"You can be there for someone when they need you, who do you respect more?"
"Life is good. I love this. I couldn't have come back from the stroke if it hadn't been for her."
"Better know people that are here to support you."
"Though just like all things in life, they're only temporary. As long as we have people we can rely on, it's possible to build ourselves back up and make the most out of a bad situation."
"But at the same time, they can be so, so helpful for so many people in various situations."
"You're operating out of a pseudo-self, find support during this vulnerable stage."
"Be with people who can be supportive of you during this vulnerable stage."
"That support system is not overlooked. Even if it doesn't seem like it at that moment, it means something."
"Behind every successful man, there is a good woman."
"Ultimately you're seeing that you're not alone, you have energetic support, you have connections that maybe you can't fully grasp or understand but they're real."
"You don't have to do things alone this month; you can lean on others."
"You pull me up when I'm falling down, and I don't know what I would do without you."
"Being sober is easier when you're in an incredibly structured environment."
"You cannot rise into your greatness if you don't have people around you that are supporting you."
"Remember what I told you, you ever feel lost? Just look into the eyes of the people that you love."
"Don't suffer in silence. Don't sit there thinking that there's nobody that can help you. There will always be people that can help."
"Surround yourself with other believers. It's so important to surround yourself with other believers."
"This is way too big for you to carry this on your own."
"Lean into that support team and know that you have a lot more potential."
"It's not as bad, the fallout is not as bad as you think it is, and there are so many other support structures there, there are other whistleblowers and other insiders that are there to support you and give you the advice that you need."
"Socialism for rich people is a terrible way to help the American families that are actually struggling."
"Behind every front man is obviously people behind them with either money, power, or resources."
"Dialogue between your loved ones... set up a plan to help them to help you."
"Behind every great man is a great woman" - well, it also applies to men who are the exact opposite of great.
"The nuclear family is great, but not having an extended family makes it harder to do stuff like homeschooling."
"Having someone who's got enough continuity on your life to be like hey I have observed a change in you about how you deal with situations very similar."
"As you walk into a room, know that every person there is there to support you unconditionally."
"Getting the right advice, getting the right group of people around you, the right surroundings, that is all super critical."
"Support from patrons allows me to hire folks to assist with research writing editing and everything else."
"Characters with a can-do attitude in an environment that supports them."
"It's a difficult situation, man. It's not simple, right? And don't get me wrong, I got a support system."
"They feel like you're a really good support system and very understanding, very empathic."
"Don't discount the value of such a crazy awesome Community."
"Seek support during times of change. Friends can make a big difference."
"I think having a support system definitely helps."
"If you need help, find someone you trust, someone who loves you no matter what."
"If you have a thousand true fans, that's really all you need."
"Surround yourself with people who give you that encouragement."
"You don't have to carry that burden that massive pile of chains that has a choke hold on you you don't have to carry that alone."
"Pride is strong. I do it for y'all. I know God got me, my family got me, close friends, and um, yeah man, I'm just gonna keep going."
"Janet Jackson is an artist that always had a massive career because she had what you call a machine behind her."
"Sometimes the biggest part of anyone's problem is finding a safe place to be able to admit that you're struggling."
"Guard your independence but also allow yourselves to connect with others and reach out and receive help and support in navigating your decisions."
"Everyone deserves a support system and everyone deserves to be heard."
"There are people out there... they'll allow you to be flawed and they would support the crap out of you."
"He helped me bounce back from just my postpartum... my support system."
"I love you guys because the fact that I can talk to you guys and it's like being on a phone call with my buddies and it goes on for hours."
"Three years clean from heroin, and people like you helped me survive. I love it."
"You won't make it on your own. You need to open up your eyes and see that there are people all around you that care."
"Philip’s armies would be joining the war next year."
"Everybody needs to be given a chance if it's a matter of training transportation whatever the the case is."
"The right people will be there rooting for you, even if you have haters."
"The black network only works because you are here and because we're working together."
"You're going to need people and love to support you."
"Recognize that you've got a whole body of ancestors and loved ones who were actually with you at every point."
"One of the most important relationships women will have, especially in their 20s, are with other women."
"How does advantage work in your life? It's not a question people ask, 'What help did you get? How did the government help you? How did your family help you?'"
"It's crucial that we continue to explore ways to support the rehabilitation and recovery of individuals with mental illness."
"People in your life are going to be playing a very, very important role."
"Sometimes one of the reasons many of us share our plans with others is to find support. However, you must make sure that those surrounding you actually care enough to support you."
"From this point forward she would push through the dark clouds, and having the support of her friends has made all the difference."
"If they're not supportive, then you probably just need to let them go."
"Remember, you don't fight alone, and victory is yours."
"You need people in your corner who can push you when you hit the walls and this can be your partner it can be your family maybe your friends even strangers on the internet."
"Let the suicide be connected to mental health or whatever, but people don't realize those people that god forbid is doing this they don't realize that there's help out there."
"Try to make sure if the harassment continues that people around you and in your audience know that it's serious."
"In any difficult situation, we always turn to our closest friends."
"Realize your brothers and sisters are always going to be with you."
"You're being supported, there is an end goal of happiness and well-being."
"Transitioning basically saved my life. I've never been happier, have an overall supportive environment, and I'm glad I'm finally true to myself. It was the best step I took in my life."
"Always remember to take care of yourself and reach out when you need some help."
"What makes us drag family is... our goals and how we support each other."
"The infrastructure that has met them, as any refugee immigrant or asylum seeker in the UK will immediately recognize, is mostly informal, voluntary, and in the long term utterly unsustainable."
"Who will help me get through, who do I turn to, who do I look to?"
"It's okay to pay for help, it's okay to ask for help, or pay for it, or both."
"Having a system that actually functions to give people the support they need is a much more effective way of preventing crime."
"Most people do not know this but they both looked after him and were his closest associates."
"Thankfully we never saw him again and no the police were never called not to my knowledge anyway my mother watched the house for me for the rest of the weekend as I was too scared to return until the house was no longer empty."
"Guilds provide invaluable support across various facets of an adventurer's journey."
"I'm extremely grateful for where I'm at in disc golf, I'm extremely grateful for the people that surround me, the support system that I have in my corner."