
Hoarding Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"There seems to be a fine line between prepping and hoarding."
"I'm an extreme cleaner that specializes in hoarding and Biohazard."
"Someone who can't throw anything away will never be able to change anything."
"The battle with hoarding can be a lifelong struggle, but today, help is on the way."
"Living with hoarding, you just want something normal."
"Lockdowns are prompting just about everybody to hoard."
"That's a common thread I thought that I've noticed in hoarders like they assign value to things that have no value."
"Sports is like the only thing that gives us hope and gives us life."
"Janet is an extreme hoarder, she's living in absolute squalor. I've actually seen homeless people live a cleaner lifestyle than her."
"I am a makeup hoarder, this is literally confessions of a makeup hoarder."
"Throwing away stuff from this house would be the same as somebody throwing away her pets or in extreme cases her children."
"Don't be a dickhead and steal all the things off the shelves when you don't need all those things."
"This is Filch's happy place I guess where he took all the stuff probably the most significant thing he ever took the marauders map."
"What makes this place one of my favorite locations right now to explore is the fact that one, it's a hoarder's house."
"Don't become a hoarder, it's easy to happen."
"It was said that his house was full of things, everything from antiques and collectibles to downright garbage."
"According to the Institute of Psychiatry, as many as one in 20 people in the UK are hoarders."
"If you saw him on the street you'd think he was a perfectly ordinary 79-year-old. But behind his front door, it's a very different story."
"It turns out that Karen is an extreme hoarder, like to the point where her bedroom had stuff packed all the way up to the ceiling."
"Hoarders happens because traumas happened, something bad has happened to them."
"The upside is that it's extremely rare in a hoarding situation for them to take action before I even get there. That means that this family is highly motivated, and that is a really good thing."
"Hoarders generally do not become wealthy."
"Hoarding is contrary to the virtue of simplicity."
"Hoarding is an isolating mental illness."
"Compulsive hoarder Barry Phillips was struggling to part with his possessions."
"The miser, it's really about fear, isn't it? Because they fear poverty or they fear, very often, they come out of impoverished circumstances."
"The real fear that we could go back there. Now, of course, we've never known nothing like that. Nothing like that. So it's hard to appreciate why they would be so scared and why they would err on the side of hoarding."
"The doctor's personality lends itself very well to hoarding trinkets, so yeah, a big double thumbs up to this one."
"Treasure is just for hoarding, and economy is fluid and transactional."
"Affectively, hoarding and clutter can both increase and decrease anxiety."
"But the real hoarder mentality is that even though I know I have all the stuff that other people can use, the next thought in my head is, but it's mine."
"The town's inn is much worse than I expected. The owner not only has a hoarding problem with her clothes but she's doing the same with her food."
"When I say hoarding or when Preppers talk about hoarding it's more along the lines of if you have a bank account you are hoarding cash."
"People are literally starving to death because the wealthiest have hoarded so much money."
"I mean, even if you just want to hoard it and hoard some stuff in the back, I mean, you could start a moving company if you want."
"The difference between hoarding and collecting is the illusion of organization."
"Almost every single hoarder is a perfectionist. That's why they're struggling. They're terrified to make a mistake and they can't even sleep in their own bed."
"So hoarding... Or is it collecting? What's the difference?"
"Well, hoarding takes up way too much space."
"Organizing is well-planned hoarding."
"Emotional clutter isn't about scarcity; it's about abundance healthfully expressed. Hoarding is super-abundance dysfunctionally expressed."
"Hoarder's jackpot: when keeping random scraps pays off."
"I'm a hoarder. My name is Gemma Louise Miles and I'm a general... I'm not even any old hoarder, I'm a Christmas hoarder."
"You don't realize how obsessive you are, I didn't realize I was obsessive about hoarding."
"That's how you end up on My Strange Addiction, Hoarders edition."
"You saved all your old school stuff? Are you a closet pack rat?"
"If you did a montage with my last 20 years, it's me hanging out with a bunch of hoarders, hugging each other. And that's how you get to be really, really, really good at cleaning houses."
"Hoarding, in my opinion, is like a quiet killer."
"I think my mother hoards because she's lonely and depressed and she just wants to be surrounded by things because she believes that they will never leave her."
"If I get myself back into the hoarded up state in some ways it's a fate worse than death."
"We tend to hoard, we tend to cling."
"It's about helping them find benefits that she is going to experience from letting go of that hoard."
"Capitalism is on the verge of collapse, and I think hoarding is a virtue."
"Is it worth saving all of these tiny pieces to do this kind of thing? Probably not, I probably should just throw those pieces away but I just can't."
"Although his hoarding was the result of seeing value in the things others threw away, the Junk Lord still took the concept of collecting and scavenging to a whole new level."
"In terms of their hoarding habits, silver dragons have a penchant for collecting relics of humanoid history, including coins, art objects, and exquisite jewelry."
"I keep everything, yeah, it's a problem."
"After watching about 15 minutes of that show you will become convinced that you're a borderline hoarder yourself."
"This won't fix the problem at all and two, that can actually be dangerous to a hoarder."
"At the end of our hoarding work together, Tami actually said, I think I want to try and keep living. And you know what? That itself is a nod to success and all I needed to hear."
"Hoarding always impacts the people around the hoarder just as much, or maybe even more, than the person doing the hoarding."
"Finding a new way to make decisions helped Ann move through the hoard more quickly."
"So we're just checking into the hotel downtown and so far, yes, it was a hoarder's house, there's no denying that. But there is all kinds of cool stuff inside and already some of the things I've found have been really neat."
"So I'm glad I did that, that's one thing I never really throw away is ribbon because I figure as a crafter that's one thing that you'll probably end up using unless you have a ridiculous hoard full."
"This is like a hoarder's house, and yeah, it's filled with stuff."
"Paul is a hoarder. Absolutely no question. A collector that turned into a hoarder."
"I was able to go into my stash and find all the brand new things that I have purchased."
"My hoarding tendencies kind of paid off."
"We tend to hoard our pattern paper because it's too beautiful."
"Hoarding is a common, chronic, and debilitating problem. It negatively affects the individual, the family, and the community."
"I'm just a stationary hoarder so I just buy it."
"You could rationalize every single piece of garbage in your house and that is not meant to be rude but you really really can and that is where the sickness of hoarding and keeping clutter in your home really can get you."
"...there's a fine line between hoarding animals and also having a lot of animals but taking really good care of them."
"There's a shortage, causes hoarding, or does hoarding cause the shortage? Well, the answer is yes."
"This is how close I am to being a hoarder."
"Can our hoarders bear to part with their possessions? I want to keep that, it's priceless."
"You're not a collector. You are an elite hoarder."
"What's my philosophy? If I bought it, I'm going to keep it because I might use it someday."
"I hold on to things that I know I'm never gonna wear."
"I mean you know Walmart's a big place because or a big problem because there's hoarders literally ammo hoarders that will go to Walmart like 7:00 in the morning and they'll talk to the people that work there and stuff and find out when they put out the ammo and stuff."
"I'm a professional hoarder which would be really useful because I have things that you may need."
"Hoarding both relieves anxiety and produces it."
"It has to be like the craziest hoarding mansion I've ever explored."
"Please show solidarity and think of your neighbors; refrain from stocking up unnecessarily."
"Compulsive hoarding is now considered a mental disability and is therefore protected under the various disability-related laws."
"This series will teach you the signs of compulsive hoarding and the strategies to help your loved one."
"Let me help you clean the anxiety of hoarding and take you one step closer to decluttering your home and mind."
"There are benefits to never throwing anything away."
"Much like any mental disorder, hoarding carries a certain stigma with it that can make life more difficult for those who suffer from it."
"My next pet peeve is people that hoard food they're never going to eat."
"I have a tendency to hold on to things that I know I'm never going to use."
"Like a magpie hoards baubles, the tech lychee covets untruth."
"I grew up with a family of hoarders, and not only do we keep things for its sentimental value, but we also feared that maybe one day we might need these items."