
Biohacking Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Biohacking is the art and science of changing the environment around you and inside of you so you have full control of your own biology."
"We are very close to the point when we have enough understanding of biology and enough data on people and enough computing power to really hack humans."
"It's like hacking the body, smart way to hack the body to upgrade the body to be at its best performance."
"If I lost my hearing I'd be first in line for a cochlear implant like let's go if you guys start getting into biohacking I'm in dude."
"Functional medicine is the ultimate biohacking tool."
"Biohacking really is, in my opinion, the future of human evolution."
"Functional medicine was the original biohacking."
"Personal development as kind of a form of biohacking."
"We're going to now write in on grinders and grinders are do-it-yourself cyborgs that are upgrading their bodies with hardware without waiting for corporate product development cycles or you know authorities to say it's okay."
"Why not plant a magnet in the pad of the little finger there so a little tiny magnet can go in there and now that person has a sixth sense they can actually reach out and feel magnetic fields."
"Biohackers consider it to be an art, optimizing your body and mind's performance and upgrading yourself."
"The biggest biohack in the world for anything... for disease or spirituality or anything..."
"That's the promise of smart drugs, a part of the biohacking trend that's blowing up around the world."
"The man trying to biohack his age, Brian Johnson, who lives now on a predominantly vegan diet."
"I let computers confuse my body so my body will change faster."
"Let's biohack our way, build up our resilience so that we don't feel so bad all the time."
"Biohacking is tweaking your environment to bring you closer to nature."
"One of the early biohacks I talk about using light in the book as a signal to get into your operating system."
"My goal is to live to at least 180. What? Yeah, 180."
"Part of biohacking is you get to change your biology however you want."
"This is like the frontier of where skincare is headed. It is all about the microbiome and how we can bio hack this with prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics which I'll explain in a second."
"There is a growing movement of people who are interested in this brain hacking phenomenon, this self-optimization where nothing is wrong, but you want more concentration and better cognitive power."
"Cold is like one of the tools in our tool belt to talk to the mitochondria to say make more heat."
"We can hack our nervous system by training ourselves to breathe through our nose."
"You can't cure jetlag. There are no cures right now but if you understand how it works you sort of can hack the system a little bit."
"It's optimizing the environment inside of you and outside of you to take control of your own biology."
"Cold exposure can increase norepinephrine levels by 200 to 300 percent."
"Intermittent fasting is important. The definition of biohacking is the art and science of changing the environment around you and inside of you so that you have full control of your own biology."
"The number one biohacking wellness tool that a person can have in their kitchen by a long shot is a digital food scale."
"I proceeded to learn new things in the realm of biohacking, harm mitigation because I'm dealing with an autoimmune disease, lupus."
"Sunlight is one of the greatest biohacks."
"Biohacking is just a term that we use; it means you're hacking your biology."
"The Trimex volunteers are extremely smart, they're very health conscious, they flood me with information mostly about themselves; a lot of them are biohackers."
"The art and science of changing the environment around you and inside of you so that you have full control of your own biology."
"The ice bath, aka the cold plunge, a biohack that has swept the world by storm."
"Brain plasticity in many ways is the ultimate biohack."