
Self-righteousness Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"There's no more evil that can come from humans than when they view themselves as virtuous and their actions as unmitigatedly right."
"Resentment really, really breeds a self-righteousness that's really, really dangerous."
"Moralizers... are often the biggest narcissists of them all. They love the sound of their voice as they point fingers and preach."
"It's amazing how easy it is to justify all kinds of abuse when you believe your righteousness is beyond question."
"The one thing about self-righteous people is I don't know how they're so dry; they have no sense of humor."
"Self-righteousness is the worst thing that God has to deal with because you cannot have his righteousness until you let your own go."
"When will people realize that self-righteousness keeps more people away from God than anything else?"
"Beloved, God cannot save the self-righteous because they trust more in their good works than in Jesus's sacrifice for us."
"We don't get right, we get righteous."
"This is all just such great news. I was proven even more right than I would have ever imagined."
"There's a level of self-righteousness that comes from these centrist positions."
"Why can't people just admit that I'm right about everything?"
"I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. He made me righteous. I'm a righteous man."
"The moment you try to be justified by your own Good Deeds you've already messed up."
"They think they are doing god's work of course you know this but the right correct moral people have finished."
"At the very least, can we ask the people involved in this debate not to be so self-righteous about it all?"
"Self-righteousness is not a good look, especially when you're a serial cheater."
"There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes and yet is not washed from their filthiness."
"Couples fight about one thing, and what they fight about is who's the better person. And the more determined they are to prove to their partner that their partner is the [ __ ] and the cause of all the trouble."
"I just thought I was better than the law."
"The great thing about having enemies is that you can pretend that all the Badness in the whole world is in your enemies and all the goodness in the whole world is in you attractive isn't it."
"The best thing about the show is that it completely validated that I'm always right."
"Self-righteousness feels good for a minute but only in a way that peeing your pants feels warm for a minute."
"I am ultimately proud of my decision. Even if it was informed by self-righteousness, I think I did something that was really hard to do."
"It is subtle. It creeps into our hearts in the American church and even in the Bible church, where we begin to think 'I'm righteous, I'm not like those guys.'"
"The ego wants to feel superior to other egos."
"Just because you don't come to the altar today, please don't think that you're better than anyone who is there."
"The biggest struggle is the constraints themselves, but the other more insidious and slippery part of that is that who we identify ourselves with is constantly wanting to sustain itself by being self-righteous."
"Trust in my self-righteous suicide, I cry when Angels deserve to die."
"The self-righteous man sets standards so high that not even he can reach them."
"The last barrier to our own inner Heaven is self-righteousness and to look at and to inquire within, who is the self that needs to be right about our experience and feel like we have the answer or the correct perspective on said thing."
"Some redditors are self-righteous AF, they act as if they're the second coming of Jesus and morally perfect."
"Religion breeds self-righteousness."
"Self-righteousness is way worse than drug addiction I promise in God's eyes Holiness is Holiness and Sin is Sin period"
"Let the self-righteousness go. Let it go. That high school be high school. Thank God I'm not judged on who I was in high school. Hopefully, I've grown up a lot."
"Self-righteous people do not want to look at themselves."
"You have to be willing to push forward, you have to prove them wrong and show the righteousness within yourself."
"The most dangerous thing about the Pharisees is that they believe what they're doing is right; they're justified by Scripture, their intentions are honorable."
"We cannot expect even the wisest of nations to escape every peril of moral and spiritual complacency, for nations have always been constitutionally self-righteous."
"Men have aimed at being self-righteous after quite a singular fashion."
"You know I'm so much purer than the common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd."
"The ideals of the White Cloaks are self-prescribed, they came up with them and they've decided what they are."
"The world is divided between humble people and self-righteous people."
"I'm glad I'm going where I'm going, I'm glad for being sustainable in this journey of righteousness myself."
"The first step to submitting to the righteousness of God by faith is to quit trying to produce your own."
"We are all infected and impure with sin; when we proudly display our righteous deeds, we find they are but filthy rags."
"I'm telling you, more powerful than drugs, more powerful than gambling, more powerful than money, the idea that you are the compassionate, savvy, morally righteous one is more powerful than anything."
"The point at which free advice becomes an act of self-righteous narcissism."
"You're never so dangerous as when you think you're absolutely right."
"The super ego is the moral compass, the self-righteous part of ourselves."