
Literature Appreciation Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"It's like, with Journey to the West, it's like no, this straight up slaps. Everybody knows it; this book rules."
"Mesut Ozil says, 'Such an exciting read. I love this book. Really opens up your eyes to the dark side of football.'"
"Your book, I could not put it down. It is a masterpiece. You are a brilliant writer."
"Books where I'm confused for 50% of the book...as long as they have a good payoff, those are the things that keep my brain working."
"The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath: 'I do not have words to describe how much I adore this book.'"
"I loved every waking second of reading this."
"It always helps to read a poem after you hear it a second, third, fourth time."
"This series is amazing. If you have yet to read it, go read it!"
"Appreciation for the classics is dead... not even enjoying the thick beautiful words of Shakespeare."
"Read The Count of Monte Cristo with an awareness of the first reader. Having some awareness of the original publication history only increases our appreciation of these great books."
"More people need to read this, more people need to check out Robin Hobb's world because her characters are intricate, the plot payoff is significant, it is an emotional ride from beginning to end."
"Night Film is one of a kind, totally unique, and one of my absolute favorites."
"It's a beautifully written story and something that I would like to see more of."
"I stand with the raos. I've never even seen the Star Wars movies, but I've read some banger books by the raos this year."
"I love Lovecraft, but I also love Star Trek."
"There's just something special about these stories and these characters."
"So is game theory a tool for us to hack our lives? To get what we want when we want? Or should we be cautious of how the games we play can change us to the core."
"There are many influential books out there that you could happily go to your grave without reading but Dracula is a cracking good novel."
"Chapter by chapter, I find myself more and more endeared to who he is. He shoulders the narrative extremely well."
"Books are such great gifts to give whether it's a traditional book, a magazine, a manga, a reference book, an art book."
"This book is probably one of my favorite pieces of theory or nonfiction I have ever read."
"I loved the characters and the storyline was incredible."
"I mean you had me at Agatha Christie but then just throw in Sherlock Holmes and Alfred Hitchcock."
"Books aren't Chic books aren't cute well first of all you're wrong because books are wonderful and we should all be reading but secondly it's all about how you actually display the books right."
"Monkey Beach is probably one of the best books I've read all year."
"I've never in my life enjoyed a book so much... I can't even tell you how much I love it."
"Every little detail in the book is brilliant."
"The most interesting parts are the non-sex parts."
"It's so brilliantly written amazing... if you can ever get the opportunity to meet an author or go to a panel where the author discusses their work drop everything and run."
"But I at least wanted to take this opportunity to throw my shield up in defense of this book because I think there's so much that it did right."
"I understand why people like it so much, like I get it fully."
"I adore Wuthering Heights, I really really really do, I can't wait to reread it, annotate this copy and just fall in love with it all over again."
"The old stuff is often underestimated; the quality of writing is something people vastly underestimate."
"JK Rowling really created the most beautiful world. Harry Potter will always be one of the best book and film series."
"I thought it was beautiful and it was deeper than just like 'oh meet cute and blah blah' because all Colleen Hoover books have this kind of like deeper emotional tug."
"The divine comedy is not so much a puzzle to be unraveled but a mystery to be experienced."
"From the first sentence to the last sentence, I am hooked the entire time."
"Some of the best books I've ever read in my entire life."
"It was one of those things that I read where I was like ah this is why I love reading."
"This book made me fall back in love with literature."
"All generations know and love... it's an undeniable modern classic."
"The relationships, the history, the amount of research that must have gone into writing this book - I can't speak highly enough of it."
"This is an extraordinary moment that we have here."
"I think it was such a well-crafted piece of literature and I think a lot of people will get a lot of enjoyment out of this book."
"Beyond satiating my own thirst for Warcraft lore of course it got me thinking about franchise novels in general."
"I believe this is one of her favorite books and it made her cry."
"It's so easy to consume... every single time I would read this book I would find something different to love."
"Nothing brings me more happiness than talking about books."
"It's definitely one that I will reread and continue to think on."
"You have to approach poetry with the understanding that this is someone's favorite poem."
"I read those first hundred pages all in one sitting and I didn't even realize it because I was that immersed in the story."
"There was never a point when I was reading a volume where I didn't feel like I was learning something new."
"thank you Wes 4.99 the novel Darth Plagueis by James lucino makes the prequels much better"
"Pride and Prejudice rises very superior to any novel we have lately met with."
"Maybe I didn't mourn all the previous times I'd read this because he'd never really come to life in those previous readings."
"This chapter was 100% a good chapter, undoubtedly."
"What they're talking about is so beautiful and deep and perfect like I love deep books."
"It's about Pirates, it's about a pirate city, nobody writes cities like maval if you want good City writing you have to read some maval it's incredible."
"I had a really, really good reading year, probably one of the best reading years I've ever had in terms of quality."
"I'm going to be reading his back catalog after this... I thought this was just amazing."
"I loved the writing, I loved the world, I loved the world building."
"This is the best book I have ever read by far."
"It is like a standout book among all others. It is a top favorite of the year. It is a top favorite of all time."
"They all have one thing in common and that is that they are absolute page-turners."
"I'm sure so many of these books have so many important things to say... so please don't take this for me putting down any of these plots."
"Adam Green Gables another stellar stellar pick just gorgeous I already talked so much about this one but this is such a beautiful tour through the seasons as well and it's just making me so happy."
"There's wisdom and Truth in Pagan literature."
"You know, you're my mentor and I highly recommend your books because my timeline would be totally incomplete without all the incredible research knowledge that you've done into your whole book series on the secret space program."
"If we fail, future generations won't have the ability to mobilize even if they wanted to."
"My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante: such a well-written and detailed portrayal of female friendship."
"The one I feel like I would say the writing absolutely is one of the objectively best books I've ever read."
"Words On Bathroom Walls, for me it was just all around a really great read."
"It's the fact that how much I can read in that literature."
"Moby Dick, if you're bored with that book, you're bored with life."
"This book is just so freaking good, I can't stop reading it."
"This book had me bawling my eyes out, like I think this book is the hardest that I've cried over a book this year."
"When we are reading a good novel, we leave our small cozy apartments behind, go out into the night alone, and start getting to know people we had never met before."
"So when you're flicking through this novel and I do hope that it is a when, enjoy the fact that your inner turmoil is given a poignant voice by Raskolnikov."
"Because even if you don’t go out and read Bone yourself, it is my hope that this video can make you at least be able to understand why so many people look to this unassuming comic as one of the greatest works that this medium has produced to date."
"Stephen King's books leave such a lasting impression."
"I'm really impressed by the writing, by the concepts, by the execution, the plot lines, the characters, it's all really well done."
"I think I've enjoyed all these books but just book five is just something else for literature, something else for philosophy, something else for my mind that I can't fully wrap my head around honestly."
"It was an extraordinary reading experience for me."
"I love knowing that my audience actually reads books. Thank you so much."
"I personally love Classics; I think that there's something to be learned about books that have stood the test of time."
"I've heard really good things about it, so I really hope that there are some kids within my friend's class that end up really liking it."
"Loving a book means that you accept it even if it has a ton of flaws."
"It's like reading a great piece of literature... each time we get something new out of them, we see something new in them."
"It's a love letter to literature."
"I'm so glad that I finally got to go back to some of the roots of vampirism in literature."
"It's a great book as well, if you don't have it."
"One of my favorite things to do with plays and books in general is to find some kind of screen adaptation."
"If you're gonna put your money towards something, let it be literature, let it be books."
"That's what makes reading so so beautiful."
"It's a masterfully done series, and I'm enjoying it more on the second read-through."
"The Ray Bradbury's The Halloween Tree is very good."
"It's one of those books where I'm reminded of just how much I love reading."
"...we're losing literature, we're losing the love of books and we're losing libraries as a center of the community..."
"I'm really eating this book up. I'm really really liking it."
"War and Peace and Les Mis... couldn't put them down."
"This was my favorite opening to a book so far."
"Read the book because it's a beautiful book."
"It's just good to have books like that, and they're actually so cool."
"From cover to cover I read it, and I put it down still hungry for more."
"I understand why so many people enjoy this book."
"I'm having a good time and I feel like this book is well written."
"The writing style, A plus. The characters, really liked it. The intrigue was definitely there too."
"It's my favorite of John Green's books and it's definitely one of those books that I always go back to, to reread passages."
"I thought, 'Genius!' So I decided to do it because I love books and I love books that have beautiful, pretty covers."
"This is genuinely one of the best things that I've ever read in my life."
"I've loved all of them but this one I just feel had so many wonderful quotes, so many beautiful lines."