
Depreciation Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"Only fools buy totally new off the lot cars."
"Poor people always invest in things that depreciate... Rich people invest in things that give them a return."
"Real estate depreciation... is one of the best ways to avoid taxes."
"New cars on average lose 60% of their value in the first five years."
"Your car's worth more today than it will be tomorrow."
"Leasing a car: financing depreciation over time."
"Depreciation is not something that normal people think about as often as they should."
"Rise of Skywalker does almost nothing but depreciate the films before it."
"Your home is not making you rich; dollars are losing value."
"It's reassuring to know that residual values on this third-generation model are expected to be very reasonable."
"Older vehicles can be money pits and newer vehicles can be extremely expensive and they depreciate quickly."
"A growing number of car buyers have loans worth more than their vehicles."
"Let's leverage bonus depreciation on all this."
"A tractor like this is not going to depreciate at all honestly."
"The best value for a used car is when they're only about two to eight years old and have 24 to 96 thousand miles on them."
"It's basically worth less now. This will keep happening more and more."
"Depreciation is ignored in a purchase decision making."
"Depreciation is such an insidious covert car ownership cost and here's how you can cut it in half."
"Yes, depreciation therefore truly is the sandpaper dildo of car ownership costs."
"Time plus depreciation equals car enthusiast respect."
"Added together these cars when new would have cost more than 120,000 pounds but now I could acquire the whole lot for 20,000."
"Gold doesn't go anywhere, it just sits on your desk. It's a big lump of metal. What happens is the money around it becomes more and more worthless."
"Eventually like an old used car if you don't put maintenance on it even if you do it's still going to be an old car you're putting miles on it eventually it's going to die on you."
"I bet you anything that's freaking 10 to $15,000 worth of crap if it was sold brand new."
"If you're smart and you're able to get a TRD Pro version of the 4Runner, it simply doesn't depreciate."
"Over 7 years it's lost £3,000. Name me another car that depreciates that slowly."
"Sometimes depreciation can be your friend so long as you're buying used."
"I'm not buying something that costs three hundred thousand dollars that's going to depreciate $50,000 as soon as I drive it off the lot."
"External obsolescence means outside the boundaries of your property, it's bad, and it can't be fixed."
"It's too bad loaded half tons don't hold any of their value like 3/4 tons just seem to hold their value forever."
"The F30s are the perfect combination of cars that have already depreciated, the ability to modify, how available they are, and good looks that makes 99% of every car enthusiast out there happy."
"Take the money that you're going to save in depreciation, maintenance, and maybe repair costs with the other two and put it into some really good driver training."
"The only way a car depreciates at a slow rate is because it's in demand, and I would say these cars are definitely in demand."
"According to industry experts Cap, a typical A435 TFSI S-Tronic Sport petrol model would, after three years and sixty thousand miles, be worth thirty-five percent of its original value."
"When you go buy a new Gold Wing and you ride it off the dealer lot you're gonna take a three to four thousand dollar depreciation hit just right up front."
"A huge amount of money difference in a 51,000 mile car versus a 49,000 mile car but as the cars all age they all sort of get driven that matters a lot less 20 years from now nobody cares."
"Depreciation of human capital occurs over time, influenced by usage."
"Time and use depreciate the value you're getting older you're getting more use your value goes down."
"This is a car that I can buy and enjoy for a little while or a long while and not really lose much of any money to depreciation."
"What do you think? A year's use of a Porsche doing 1,000 miles, sitting in your garage, not looking after it very well, losing a load of stuff, to be deducted £5,000-ish. What do you think?"
"Your car isn't worth it's going to drop in price."
"From the day that you drive that car off the lot, you're causing irreversible damage."
"The Ford F-150 Lightnings take such a hard hit that you lose 30 or 40% in the first year."
"But at the other end of the spectrum, like a 2009, 2010 Disco, it's lost $70,000 of value in how many... years?"
"Shouldn't depreciate as rapidly as similar sedans or SUVs."
"No one wants to pay $300,000 and two years later their car is outdated... Rolls understands it better than anyone else."
"Most used luxury cars are depreciating to the tune of about 40, 50, 60% of the original value in the first five years."
"Depreciation is your worst enemy when shopping for a brand new luxury vehicle, but your best friend when buying one used."
"After three years and thirty thousand miles, independent experts reckon that an LC 500 will still be worth around 51% of what you originally paid for it."
"The government is recognizing that hey this asset that you bought is slowly falling apart over the years so you should get to write off the part of the asset that fell apart."
"The QX60 will retain 46 percent of its value after five years."
"Kids are a bad investment. Talk about depreciation."
"Miles are cheap. Whether you make money or lose some money or whatever, the actual miles you've put on the car for the most part are cheap."
"The longer you have the bag, the less and less that you are going to be able to recoup from that purchase."
"If you want a car that doesn't depreciate in value, you have to get a low production, high demand car."
"...that pound on your desk is now worth less than a chocolate coin."
"The easiest method of depreciating any fixed asset is what we call the straight-line method of depreciation."
"X5: Worth around 41.1% of its original MSRP after 5 years."
"So nobody knows where depreciation is gonna go in the future it's very possible that this car will appreciate and if it does great if not I have a decision to make when it comes to my ownership."
"Why after two decades and nearly 200,000 miles would a truck owner think that his truck is worth more than it was new?"
"$88,000 off but what is the cost of this Navigator $105 and it has the door guards so you want to protect your $105,000 depreciating asset that in 5 short years will be worth up to $40,000"
"You'd argue that that depreciation has already happened."
"Old Dixie's a rust box... She's not meant by any means."
"The average price of popular used EVs has fallen by up to $5,000 in just one year."
"Depreciation's there and it's coming out of your pocket no matter what."
"After three years and 36,000 miles, the Nero hybrid model would still be worth 56 percent of its original value."
"I just cannot come to terms with buying or keeping like a 50,000 Mi truck like this and devaluing it."
"Most of these trucks are rotten... It's a million-mile engine and 100,000-kilometer truck, and the bodies just are not worth fixing anymore."
"Bonus depreciation is still 100% in 2022."
"There's just a certain type of car which always depreciates quickly."
"This evokes exemplary residual value showing depreciation is one of the biggest costs of running a new car yet it's also the easiest one to forget in the excitement of buying one."
"But as you can see, that certainly does not detract the value of the car because when you use a car, things happen once in a while."
"I think it's a great opportunity to buy one now without worrying about losing too much more in depreciation."
"But what I mean, literally, you throw the car away. It's 30 grand. It's a question mark for the future for sure when these batteries start to come out of warranty."
"Definitely very low for a Mark 5 R32. That would have been worth a lot of money today if it never was previously damaged."
"There's no such thing as return value anymore."
"Buying a brand new property is like buying a brand new Mercedes GLC out of the dealership. As soon as you come out of the dealership, it depreciates; it's lost its value."
"Depreciation is different; it's one of the few deductions that can put you in a loss while keeping you in positive cash flow."
"4.3 million is what we're able to depreciate based on the cost segregation, we haven't got our 45 L yet."
"Depreciation has done its thing. Good examples are starting to appreciate."
"If he sold his hand at an auction right now, he couldn't get a Wooden Nickel for it."
"In a footnote on page 315, Marx mentions calculations of depreciation of constant capital, and this made me think of companies claiming depreciation for their machinery and other means of production."
"I just think cars that were automatic as well will not appreciate the same rate as manuals."
"Your money is losing value every day."
"...a typical variant will still be worth between 52 and 59 of its original purchase price after three years and 36 000 miles."
"Money decreases in value, so if your money is sitting there and it is not appreciating, is not going up, you're losing money."
"Independent experts reckon that this traveler mpv will retain between 38 and 39 percent of its original value after the usual industry standard three-year 60 000 mile ownership period."
"...if you stay the same, technically speaking, you are losing money year over year."
"The average new car loses 60 to 70% of its value in the first 3 years."
"You're systematically destroying the vehicle in value anyway."
"...it's just nice though that it has been a good investment and that you know I've driven it for five years and it's maybe lost ten thousand dollars in value if that probably last you know so..."
"Sometimes I look at things like old cars or old furniture and I picture it being new at one point. Like, I'm sure somebody paid maybe $1,000 or more for that at one point and now it's just sitting here in the garbage."
"Residual values are predicted to be strong with industry experts cap predicting that this e-hybrid variant will retain 63 percent of its original value after the standard three-year or 36,000-mile ownership period."
"The dollar has depreciated enormously against goods and services."
"Not everybody can afford 350,000 of a GT3. Well, today I'm going to make the strong argument that you should in fact be going older, not newer."
"...when something depreciates in value, we start at a hundred percent and then it goes down from a hundred percent."
"...if I make 200k a year and that's how I was able to afford this on this million dollar building, I can do what's called bonus depreciation and you can write off 20% of this building the first year."
"So, could we depreciate investment real estate? Of course. The only things we can't depreciate are raw land and anything owner-occupied."
"The extent of expected depreciation for example; the good news here is this fifth generation model hangs on to its value impressively."
"A loss in value from any cause is a common definition of depreciation."
"Depreciation is any loss in value over time."
"A mature depreciated product that has a stable market value."
"These cars take a real beating for the first three or four years... by the fifth year, three and four series cars in the BMW world typically drop down to less than 50% of their original value."
"Never buy cars new off the lot; they devalue so much."
"It's the best thing to buy used. I mean, you talk about depreciation; it's crazy."
"The Tesla Model 3 has the very lowest depreciation percentage of any other electric vehicle."
"This motorcycle brand new was fifteen thousand and right now it's like twelve thousand."
"Historically, Tesla's vehicles have way lower depreciation than other cars in their class."
"Under IAS 16, companies are required to depreciate assets unless they have an indefinite useful life."
"When did the price of a used vehicle ever go up in price? Cars usually depreciate in value. This is absolutely crazy."
"David bought a new car for $30,000; its resale value will depreciate by 22 percent of its current value every year."
"Your car loses about 10 to 20% of its value the minute that you drive it off the car lot."
"You're also going to need to check accumulated depreciation is being recorded appropriately."
"Engineering economy is where you essentially look at project economics, depreciation, when to replace machinery, and how much it's going to cost."
"How much will the car be worth at the end of three years?"
"Depreciation is a non-cash expense that approximates the reduction of the book value of the company's long-term fixed assets."
"We add back depreciation because it's a non-cash expense."
"The residual value of gasoline cars bought today will be much lower than people think."
"With older exotic cars, they really don't depreciate."
"Cars depreciate substantially in the early years of their life."
"Cars are a depreciating asset, actually not a good investment."
"A house is not an investment if you don't continue to spend money on it; it depreciates rapidly."
"Capex is going to be equal to D&A, so once again flat, no changes in networking capital."
"Saving your money is way better; cars are definitely depreciating assets."
"All fiat currencies historically have all depreciated by at least 90% over time."
"They always say buy cars at three and sell them at five because that's when you'll suffer the least depreciation of the car's life."
"This Land Rover clings on to its value with class-leading tenacity."
"Six years ago this thing sold for north of fifty thousand dollars, now you can pick up a fairly low mileage, well-optioned one for around 20 grand."
"This car was 60 or grand new, it's only ever lost 50% of its value, and it ain't losing any money now."
"You initially record it at present value, then depreciate the cost as normal."
"We depreciate the revalued asset less its residual value over its remaining useful life."
"So if you're okay with that, then the next one is very similar, it's just MACRS, Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System."
"These foundation models are the most rapidly depreciating asset in human history."
"Residual value is the estimated value of the asset at the end of its useful life."
"The straight line method provides for the same amount of depreciation expense for each year of the asset's useful life."
"Every year we are going to depreciate the asset for our initial cost minus residual value divided by the number of years of useful life."
"Depreciation is ultimately a good thing; it's how you grow your business."
"The purpose of depreciation is to spread the estimate of the loss in value of the vehicle over its useful life."
"Most vehicles drop off a cliff after a few years, and this vehicle was doing that, but the cool factor started kicking in, and the scarcity of them started kicking in, so the value started coming up over time."
"The asset has useful life of five years."
"As the age of the car increases, the price of the car seems to decrease."
"Depreciation is an example of the accruals concept."
"The hundred rupee which we have invested today will not be same as hundred rupees after one year."
"These cars depreciated hard, almost as hard as it is to use a turn signal in one."
"If you sitting on cash or you buying a diamond chain, then that means that you're depreciated, right? The value of your stuff is going down."