
Void Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"When you have a vacuum that runs that deep, that is when poison begins to fill the void."
"In the beginning, there was nothing: the universe was formless, void, and in chaotic darkness."
"I don't think we can imagine our lives without him. It would be such a void."
"You stare into the center of this void, a cosmic eye staring back at you. And it's the emptiest thing you've ever seen."
"Sanctuary can very much be found in the void as well."
"The horror of the void is this unmoored wandering in hopes of finding something to cling to."
"Imagine something perfect darkness, absolutely pristine void. It wouldn't look like anything."
"Building over here in the void so there's plenty of space around us and of course, this is important for shulker farms."
"A void contract is a contract that is illegal and cannot be enforceable in the law courts."
"I overwork to fill in a void or something like that, where like, I don't know, a family should be."
"For life to reach its hand into the void and for it to be clasped in friendship, opening a new infinity of possibilities."
"The darkness outside the reach of my light was a void into nothing."
"Even though I'm on your side, yeah, I think, I think no matter what, there's always going to be a void that's missing in your life, yeah? And you're always going to feel it."
"This connection is feeling very intense... they're feeling a void when they're not talking to you."
"How do you visually portray a void, a place that's not even a place, just a prison of the mind?"
"You can't fill the void with all of these writings. If you erase those writings, something else is going to swoop in and write something bad on it."
"So far only 60 galaxies have been found in the Boot's Void."
"For some people, the void can feel like they're being abandoned by the universe."
"If you stare into the void, the void stares back."
"There is an emotional and spiritual cause for eating and not exercising. There is an emotional and a spiritual void that you are trying to fill with food."
"The defeat of a specific evil doesn't mean good will automatically fill the void."
"Death represents the void of nothingness after life ends, she is the opposite of Eternity and also embodies non-existence."
"Relationships - what are we looking for? Fulfillment. There's a void that people try to fill."
"Boxing is a business. You give everything, every ounce of your soul to it, and when it's over, there's nothing. There's nothing that can replace it."
"It's like there's a hole in the maker."
"The truth is no human being can fill that void that God creates in us. No amount of wars, no amount of being put on lists, none of that will ever fill that space."
"There really is nothing there, there are no villages, towns, or industries."
"You are in the forgotten, a void between space and time."
"There's nothing there's nothing there."
"There's this void that comes with passing."
"Your void is reserved for the presence of God."
"If emu has the power of the Void emptiness to erase things from existence... emu is the void, the darkness."
"It's so attractive to want to put somebody else in that void."
"I personally think that before the Big Bang there was a void with a sign saying coming soon but that's just me"
"You know that feeling you get when you finish like such a good movie or such a good book and you're like, what am I gonna do now that I don't have anything to fill the void? Yeah, this app is perfect for that."
"I always fantasized about screaming into a giant infinite hole."
"His departure left an indescribable void, a void filled with memories of his electrifying performances, his unwavering dedication to his craft, and his larger-than-life spirit."
"The void holds the infinite potential to become anything, to experience everything."
"There was nothing, there's no earth and of cooling waves, no grass, just this gap."
"You have in you a Christ-shaped void. Nothing besides Christ will fill that void."
"There's a void in all of us. I know you feel like something's missing, we all felt that. This is how I felt. What do you think about God? Were you raised in church?"
"It's like a void, it's absorbing all the light around it."
"What that does is to create a void, a kind of space."
"Async void doesn't allow you to track when work is completed or when operations are completed."
"There's plenty of things that can fill the void that can only feel it temporarily there's only one thing that will fill the void forever."
"They were out there for over 15 minutes, floating in that sinister nothing."
"I didn't know where I was going, it was nothing but endless void before me."
"If you look long enough into the void, the void begins to look back through you."
"There's a void reserved for God Alone."
"It's a show that is capable of filling in that void that The Promised Neverland left behind."
"The more accomplishments that I have, is really when I feel the void of not having my dad."
"The void exists as long as the Sentry exists, and the Sentry keeps on coming back to life every time he somehow gets defeated."
"If you are struggling with addiction, the substance isn't the problem... the issue is actually that there is some kind of intense void or fragmented part at the subconscious level."
"When you don't know yourself completely... you have a void within you at a subconscious level."
"It was a war waged on the edge of the black, and the whispers of that war were not permitted to drift from the very edge of the void."
"The Earth had become without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep."
"You have to fill the void with action."
"And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep."
"In the cold embrace of the void, we find true warmth."
"Minimalism doesn't fill the void, it narrows it and it has really helped me accept it."
"The void isn't bad, and we've been told that the void is bad and therefore we need to fill it with things."
"Void dragons are outer dragons that are born and dwell in the darkness between spaces."
"The recent study quite thoroughly investigates and more or less definitively proves that this cold spot... represents one of the biggest voids out there."
"If you stare into the void, it not only stares back... it welcomes you with open arms."
"The lack of God has left a hole in our hearts, and we're trying to fill that with a wide variety of things."
"What comes up for you when you hear the word void? Is it liberating or scary?"
"A function doesn't actually have to return a value, and that's when we have 'void' as the return type."
"It's almost as if it was cut out of reality or like the physical space that it occupies exists in just total voided out negative space."
"With one final blink, I found myself in an inky void."
"Kassadin and Malzahar... they are really just people touched by the void."
"The void is not a place; it's a state of being that's the energy that creates and sustains worlds, The Source Consciousness."
"Looking back at this from far away, it's just like this void in my garage."
"Void is the keyword for no return value."
"I have carried the concept of the void like a weight on my shoulders. I could not seem to avoid its humanoid grip. It is like some inevitable question I cannot answer."
"He places behind the painting a black gauze so that, as it peels open a bit, you have this void."
"Even the most seemingly empty regions of the cosmos are teeming with quantum activity, challenging the notion of a true void."
"The void is not absence; indeed, nothingness is an infinite plenitude."
"You look into the void and you are terrified by what you see, which is nothing and everything."
"The struggle to make use of your strengths and talents is something that's emblematic of the void aspect."
"It's not a girl-shaped void or a guy-shaped void; it's a god-shaped void."
"I'm going to go yell into the void."
"He's the only one who can fill the void in your heart that you've been trying to fill with everything other than him."
"After this, there is nothing. Void. Emptiness. Oblivion. Absolute nothing."
"Void and heart share the theme of subjectivity and feeling."
"The moment that I have a desire, I have generated a void, an incompleteness, a gap within myself."
"They're bringing somebody into your life that's going to help fill that void."
"We are truly in the void, but thankfully, the lights from the nearby city give us some sense of direction."
"You've entered the place void of time and space."
"Like a rising tide, the void came up to greet him, laughing and screaming."
"When a method does not return anything, it is considered void."
"The world was comprised of only atoms, indivisible tiny particles, and the void."
"As I drift through the great empty darkness of the Void, awaiting my Quarry, awaiting my destiny."
"Existential terror of staring into the literal void of space."
"What the real solution is, is to understand what that void is for you."
"Soon nothing was before me but pure blackness. I was gone."
"I was just an essence, a leftover floating in this void of nothing."
"And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep."
"It's just this void, this empty void, and in this empty void, you've got this moment where you feel like, 'I accept whatever I do now, and I have no regrets.'"
"The clear light of the void, that one is called a good description."
"We're so hungry for purpose and meaning, and identity that when the things that used to fill that void from Faith to patriotism to hard work to family when those things disappear, that leaves a moral vacuum in its wake."
"Who can fill that void that feels like a huge opportunity to me right now?"
"The Dark Dimension is a void within the multiverse."
"In that void, new life is birthed."
"They were tumbling through the void without their wings, and this was one nightmare they couldn't wake up from."
"Unfortunately, Jeff would never be happy; he's just filling a void that will never be filled."
"The more you get, the more you want, and none of it satisfies because there's a hole inside of you that was created for the spirit of God."
"We all know there's something not quite right; we all know that there's something missing."
"You want to live such a great void that inspires generations of men and women of God."