
Resume Quotes

There are 272 quotes

"Half the battle in getting a job in IT is just having enough stuff on your resume that it can be scanned and it shows up on someone's desk."
"If you want your resume to be seen and noticed by these companies, by these hiring managers, you have to know how to present yourself as a superstar on paper."
"If you have a really strong resume, you can send it out to a handful of jobs and get a good number of interview calls back."
"Don't just load your resume with bullshit, though; make sure you can actually talk the talk."
"For me, it's like a CV. Somebody can look at it and be like, 'Okay, so this is what it's about. It's impressive, right?'"
"A good resume doesn't go far without a great cover letter."
"Graduate with some internship experience on your resume."
"It's experience guys you're adding to a resume understand that."
"One of the reasons that you might not get a job offer or a job interview guys is because your resume is not in accordance to what they are looking for."
"This will look mighty good on a lot of people's resumes."
"Better Canva skills, better resume skills."
"You need to tailor your resume very differently for these job descriptions."
"Your resume is basically guiding the reader."
"If you list things on your resume and then don't talk about them in your experience, that could also be another reason why your resume gets rejected."
"It's not about what's on your resume, for example, that necessarily matters. It's really about what you can create."
"You have a template that you can use for all your future adjustments to your resume."
"You only need to put the city and state; you don't have to actually put your physical address in there."
"If you have a LinkedIn URL, it's a big bonus to have it on your resume."
"People that are looking at your resume may not be looking at it for too long, so you want to make sure you're capturing all their attention as much as you can."
"Finding some form of mentor... you need somebody to take a look at your resume that you're sending in."
"Every single square inch of your resume has to have the highest impact."
"There's so much pressure lifted off of you because when you have that glaring hole in your resume, it's all you ever get asked about."
"Even those who are able and have had good qualifications prior to turning to influencing sometimes have such a long gap in their resume that it's not even plausible to go back to the workforce."
Career advice found in the bed of an old pickup: "My resume is just a list of things I never want to do again."
"By the time you finish watching all the projects, you can just put in your resume saying you have at least three years of experience."
"Even if you earn the CCNA and you don't currently have a job in technology, make sure you properly build your resume to match the job that you are applying for."
"Tweak your resume for each job you apply to."
"Customizing your resume for each job application is a game changer."
"Redesigning your resume isn't like the most fun thing... but I'm proud of you for taking the time."
"The brain dump... is going to save you so much time and it's going to help you make much stronger and more effective resumes."
"If you have this one section on your resume and you do it right, it will supercharge your chances of getting the interview and the job."
"Ideally everyone wants to pick a job that has something to do with what they want to study later so that it looks good on their resume through like a paid internship or anything that's just like in that sector."
"I don't think many employers would mind if there is a gap on your resume filled with a business that you started."
"Go beyond just providing a resume."
"Should I be putting my home lab on my resume? Absolutely."
"You want their eyes to go to your resume."
"What's more important for an actor Bill, their resume or their IMDb page? IMDb is your resume okay it's everything."
"Your customer experience and your maturity and how you handle people is a valuable experience that you need to put in your CV."
"So basically I want you to regurgitate your resume, with a little bit more details and a little bit of personality because we all know that looking at resumes they're pretty boring."
"If a man had that resume, they'd be SC, they'd be screaming Cody for them."
"I'm asked a lot of times about resumes, and I probably pay less attention to resumes than most people do."
"Do not add anything else to the career goals section."
"The project will be great for your resume as well as for your learning."
"Your resume, cover letter, and interview guidance successfully helped me to receive two job offers."
"Creating Go code, bundling it up, and deploying it to AWS, that's one of the best things you can add to your resume right now in my humble opinion."
"Even if you don't bring these projects to production, they look really good on a resume and show that you understand business needs."
"Your resume should be well-formatted and clean, just like your portfolio."
"Your resume is essentially the first impression you give employers."
"PMP certification makes our resume more valuable. Having it on the resume will definitely help the interviewer recognize our skills."
"I think the number one mistake is not having the resume or CV come aesthetically pleasing to the eye."
"Do not underestimate the value of having extracurricular activities on your portfolio."
"That CV is the first impression they have about you is the first thing that draws their attention is the first thing that can make them to say okay can we just try and see who this person is."
"WordPress is great to have on your resume because a lot of businesses today use WordPress."
"Cannelli's resume will stand Testament to have lived breathed and suffered the broken knuckles in exchange for victory and notoriety in this brutal trade."
"That is something that you are going to put in bold italic underlined on your CV"
"Your resume is the first impression you make on the hiring team."
"Make sure you have extra copies of your resume especially if it's a panel interview."
"The only goal of a resume is honestly to land the interview."
"Creating a blog or YouTube channel can drastically enhance your resume."
"CV stands for the course of your life."
"Volunteering may be a valuable element of their CV when they're applying for jobs."
"The first step is a resume review followed by a chat with the recruiter."
"...crushing it with these resume templates."
"Has your resume just got a little bit something extra that makes you stand out?"
"What goes into an effective summary profile? Who you are as a professional, your main education background, your qualifications, your skills, your main experience, basically what's unique about you."
"The only thing that should go on a personal detail section is your name, your address, then we need to include your phone number and email address, and perhaps a link to your LinkedIn profile or any portfolios that you have. That's all the information we need."
"Do prioritize the information you share. If you have any additional qualifications like perhaps Six Sigma bulb or maybe professional qualification or CFA, make sure you include it. It's very very important."
"Only include things that are going to help you stand out as a candidate."
"Your resume should reflect your skills and experience with the job description."
"Your CV only has one job to do, and that is to get you an interview. Nothing else. Its purpose is to get you the interview. So think about that. Its purpose is to get someone to take you off the shelf and take you home."
"Nearly half of job Seekers use AI to polish their resumés."
"When you see these folks that say, 'I applied to 500 places and I didn't get the job,' it's because they have stuff on their resume that the recruiter is seeing in those six seconds and deciding to not move their resume to the next round."
"The resume template that I use is written for a human to read it and it is statistically proven to be pleasing to them."
"Generic resumes get generic responses. Generic resumes get generic responses."
"When your resume, which you're showing on your resume, if you're not giving enough in-depth, then they're gonna drill for more in-depth."
"Lead with your biggest achievements in the role, highlighting performance rather than just a generic list of duties and responsibilities."
"So whatever your situation is, whatever occupation you have, and whatever positions you've held before, or whatever activities you've done in the last 10 years, make sure to mention all of them in this section."
"If you've studied at multiple colleges or multiple institutes or if you've done multiple programs, then make sure to give the details of every single program that you have studied or that you currently are studying."
"Employers don't want to read page after page equally one or two lines that just wouldn't be enough so it's about finding that balance finding that happy medium and getting your point across."
"Make one awesome resume that works for you."
"Bullet points create white space and make your resume easier to read."
"Simplify your resume design – complex designs can hinder readability."
"Your resume has to be very very strong."
"And you probably wouldn't want to make another transition five or six years after that unless you had to. You do that, and people start wondering, you look at your resume, and they say, 'I don't quite get what's going on here.'"
"So once you've figured out kind of what kind of job you want to get, you got to really make sure you have a good resume."
"Your resume should look different. You're creative. Make sure that is shown."
"If you can get fairly recent high pedigree on your resume, it's kind of like rocket fuel for you."
"When you look at a resume and if someone hasn't put a lot of thought and detail into the formatting and how it's been organized, it's simply not worth the recruiter's time."
"Your generic resume is just not going to be a great fit for all those jobs that you're applying to."
"Your resume and your network are the two most valuable assets you have in your entire career."
"The resume is the most important document for us, it's going to directly impact how much money you earn over the course of careers."
"It absolutely pays to learn how to write your own resume."
"It just so happens that I'm writing several resumes as we speak."
"If you hire a professional resume writer, it can get you up to the baseline but you still want to learn how to customize your resume going forward."
"Just understand what you're getting into, try to vet them properly, and make sure that they've got the credentials that could truly help you."
"That stuff just isn't important enough to put on your resume."
"...having the perfect resume is not the solution. You need to have the knowledge, the information."
"Yes cover letters are still a thing. A cover letter an intro email should accompany your resume."
"Resumes should be different truly although it's been 10 years since I've applied for a job probably longer than that actually since I actually applied for a job you should have different versions and formats of your resume."
"Don't stress about the size of the resume."
"After you've gone through and you've overhauled your resume and tailored it to the position you've done your summary and you've done your cover letter the next step is to walk away from it all for 24 hours and then come back to it and then go through and read it again."
"If you are looking for jobs or if you're looking for any way of getting into the market, definitely would suggest you to upload your resume to that database."
"Your resume should not have errant spaces, extra tabs, or formatting issues."
"Perfection in your resume is important because it shows attention to detail, a vital skill in many jobs."
"Remember, a great resume gets you in the door. The interview is where you seal the deal."
"This would actually be big for Aldo's resume in general."
"You need a resume that can pass through those initial systems and pass those tests."
"You can actually learn a skill; it still would count as a skill to have, you know, put on your resume: I can sharpen a knife."
"Missing from his tremendous resume is one thing and one thing only, and that's Player of the Year honors."
"There is also a chapter specifically dedicated on how to land a job where we will cover on how to make your resume appealing, organizing your GitHub profile, and how to build confidence as a developer."
"If you build these unique and cool projects, they're going to look amazing on your resume."
"Build that resume and then also alongside it build your LinkedIn profile."
"Making yourself more desirable on your resume... is definitely going to give you a leg up."
"The best thing you can ever have on a resume is mobility."
"This is a very good resume overall, well done."
"Your resume is going to be the roadmap for your interview."
"I really was impressed by your resume, so I look forward to our conversation today."
"Make sure your resume is good and you have a lot of decent projects on your portfolio."
"Keep your resume short; if you don't have a lot of experience, one page is more than enough."
"The quality of your resume is basically a force amplifier when it comes to getting a job."
"If there's a way for you to be more specific with your supplement, to tell us more on your resume page about what specifically you do, that's what we're looking for."
"A live chat application... using sockets is definitely a really impressive thing to put on a resume."
"Save the final copy of your resume as a PDF document."
"Make sure that your resume is targeted and focused on your desired career."
"Your resume is going to be your employer's first impression of you, so you need to make sure that it's eye-catching but also loaded with good content."
"If you have a good CV, you stand a chance of getting a job that you applied for."
"I can't believe it; it's on my CV forever."
"I feel like you should judge somebody based on their resume, based off their track record."
"You do have something to put on your CV; you've been working hard for all these years."
"If you have a resume made in advance, it makes that part of the application process go much more smoothly."
"Choose a font and font size that are easy to read."
"A resume is a way to be honest about what you've achieved, and that's not something to be ashamed of."
"Use very active verbs but also be as specific as possible."
"If you are fluent in a second language, you could add that under languages."
"On average, a recruiter spends six seconds on every resume they look at."
"Your resume is probably one of the best resumes I have seen."
"If you have exceptional achievements, mention them at the top so that it catches the attention."
"It's crazy how this piece of paper right here can make such a huge difference when it comes to getting job interviews."
"Remember, recruiters go through hundreds, if not thousands, of resumes, so your goal is to make your resume stand out."
"Highlight achievements rather than duties."
"There's nothing more vulnerable than walking into a shop with a resume."
"Dress for the job that you want to have... decorate your resume for the job that you want to have as well."
"Think of your resume as your sales piece; you're trying to sell your experience, your profile."
"A good resume template is clear even at a first glance."
"Your resume is on a website, you can make a very cool portfolio."
"So let's start building our interactive resume."
"So that's a really cool way of bringing that collapsible element into a resume design."
"That's how you create an interactive resume in Adobe InDesign."
"Professional Organization affiliation and certification looks great on your resume."
"I'm going to teach you how you can send your resume and a cover letter to the employer."
"Making sure that the information is really clear and easy to find will put your CV at the top of the pile."
"You have to format your resume to Canadian standard."
"Your resume needs to be easily readable by both humans and application tracking systems."
"By doing projects, you can showcase that in your resume."
"Your resume is your first point of contact; you're basically selling yourself."
"There's nothing like a perfect resume as long as you implant the sort of keywords that your employer is looking for."
"The most important thing about what you put on your resume is that you can back it up."
"Glanceability is just like when I look at a resume, I should be able to get a pretty decent idea of what the person's about in the first five or ten seconds."
"You always want to check spelling and grammar at the very minimum."
"It's just essentially a game of having a good enough resume for them to want to interview you."
"This is my crown jewel of resume templates."
"Think of yourself as like a product on Amazon and your resume is the product page."
"You have to make sure that if you're doing a resume for yourself, that you do not have typographical errors, you do not have grammatical errors, you express yourself clearly."
"The resume is going to get you in the door."
"There are really only four sections that you need in an engineering resume: skills, experience, projects, and education."
"That's my resume, and that's why you have to make sure you continue to do the good and consistent work."
"This resume got me my first real paid engineering internship."
"Getting a master's degree is just one of those things that you can add to your resume or to your person that helps you to stand out and be better."
"It's really important to put in a lot of effort on your resume."
"He's undefeated, and his resume is ridiculous, crazy, bro."
"You could add this to your resume: Barber, Barber."
"Make it as easy as possible for hiring managers to keep your resume so they can look at it later."
"It looks fantastic on a resume, it looks really good hey I worked with Disney for this long because people really like the customer service aspect of Disney."
"I hunt monsters for a living; put that on your CV."
"Australia will pay you with your years of experience, so make sure your CV is up to date."
"The trick is setting up your resume in a way that is going to communicate all of your background."
"Find your transferable skills and place it on your resume in a way that communicates how you align well with this position."
"Use numbers, show your achievements, these are great ways to improve your resume and get a chance at getting called back."
"If you do such kind of projects, you can showcase them on your resume and you will have better chances."
"It's a great way to earn some money and it looks great on your resume."
"Do not repeat the same information in your resume on your cover letter."
"It's given me a lot of opportunities to apply for positions to add to my resume."
"Really quickly we've been able to extract a whole bunch of insights from a single resume."
"Your resume should reflect your achievements first and foremost."
"Just finish school. It looks good on every resume."
"It's okay to put down on your resume that you have a chemistry degree."
"Are you looking for a real-life data analytics project that you can put on your resume?"
"Always trying to improve your resume and tailor it."
"Don't fill in too much information, just a few lines of each experience that you have, keep it short, crisp to the point."
"The three most important things of getting or securing a freshman internship, in my opinion, would be first a good resume, legal practice, and referrals which is optional."
"I think the most important step is getting past this resume stage or else everything else is basically useless."
"This is an amazing thing you can add on your resume."
"This is a great resume to hand to your employers: nice one-page, succinct, has everything that you need, the words speak for themselves."
"Keep track of all of the specialties that you're doing billing for so you can put that on your resume."
"Any experience that you can put down on your resume is good."
"It's always a good idea to make an extra copy of your resume for yourself to refer to during the hearing process."
"The strength of your resume and cover letter will determine whether or not you get an interview."
"Highlight your accomplishments and the quantifiable outcome instead of just listing your responsibilities."
"Neatness in the preparation of your resume and application will indicate that you are a painstaking person."
"It's good for your resume if you do make it to get some power and take some bigger players out."