
PlayStation 5 Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"It's basically flawless. It's really stable 60 frames per second."
"It's a recurring theme. It just does not shift from 60 frames per second on PlayStation 5. It's just flawless."
"PlayStation wanted to make it really easy to chat with your friends on the PlayStation 5 console."
"Parties take on an expanded role with PS5 and they now provide persistent spaces to connect with groups that you play with."
"Marvel at the incredible graphics and experience new PlayStation 5 features."
"The Unreal Engine 5 is real, and that was the first real-time footage of something running on the PlayStation 5. Such an amazing day, I think, for gamers to get a glimpse of where games are going next."
"The best part of the PlayStation 5 right now is the controller. It is the DualSense controller for sure."
"I loved it like an Unreal Engine demo got us more excited about PlayStation 5 than a PlayStation 5 event did like such a bizarre console generation like launch period whatever you call it."
"This is gameplay captured on PS5. This is cinematic. There's no shame in doing this, I think it's absolutely fine."
"Being able to be a launch title on the PS5, you know, being the team that delivers a genre defining title."
"The PS5 is actually a killer media streaming center device machine."
"It's more limited on PS5 because the games have to specifically support that."
"That is the PlayStation 5. That is a tall but also kind of nice console."
"It kind of shook out it kind of did it this time it looks like 2023 is going to be the big year for the PlayStation 5."
"The PS5 has RDNA 3 features in it, it's looking extremely likely."
"Honestly, this is a tour de force for both the artistry and design work of Gorilla Games and the power of the PS5. If you have a PS5, you are low-key crazy if you are not picking this one up. It's genuinely unmissable."
"They have made another leap here specifically in that ray tracing mode exclusive to the PlayStation 5."
"Looks like there's a report coming out from DigiTimes that Sony is looking to redesign the internals of PS5 in 2022."
"There will be no mention of a next-gen PSVR or backwards compatibility beyond PS4 for now."
"There's still more unique elements for PlayStation 5 to come that separated from previous consoles." - Jim Ryan
"PS 5 and PS 5 xx sound like a pretty good deal."
"Sony did it. The PlayStation 5 is saving gaming, bro."
"The recently released PS5 roguelike shooter Returnal delivers one of the most impressive developer glow-ups in recent gaming history."
"The content was curated for today's event showcases how PS5 has inspired developers."
"If you have a PS5 and you haven't played this it's free play it it's an easy Platinum and it's a fun game."
"For PlayStation 5, our goal was not just that the SSD itself be a hundred times faster, it was that game loads and streaming would be a hundred times faster."
"I think we can say with a little bit of comfortability here that this will be a big key part of PlayStation 5."
"This presentation made me very excited for the PlayStation 5."
"The PS5 is a major, major go if you can get your hands on it right."
"We have been quietly but steadily investing in high quality games for PlayStation and we will make sure that the PlayStation 5 generation has more exclusive software than ever before."
"Bloodborne would be another game that I would buy a PS5 to play."
"Spider-Man Miles Morales... it's going to be the true next-generation PlayStation 5 title."
"Are you going to risk it all for that PlayStation 5 at Burger King?"
"When playing Horizon 2 on a PlayStation 5, then you're offered two choices: a resolution-focused mode and another focused on performance."
"Even if you bought a PS5 purely for PS4 titles, then you've just bought the very best PS4 out there."
"Just like I always tell you guys, I'll have this drive and every other compatible drive with the PS5 link down in the description."
"This is next-gen. This is on a PS5. This is running in real-time on a PS5, and it's gameplay, man."
"The proof is in the pudding. Sony realizes that this isn't a demonstration of next-gen tech, of what we could see, right? This isn't on high-end PC hardware, this isn't smoke and mirrors, man, like this is the real deal."
"PlayStation 5 sales performance has been dependent on the company's ability to supply the demand, with the console sold out globally."
"Insomniac Games has done absolutely phenomenal work on PS5 so far."
"Faster loading times are a thing. Yes, here's me fast traveling, and here's me recovering from a death. As you can see, load times are pretty much gone. Thank you very much, PS5 SSD."
"I loved it. So yeah, Sucker Punch really put a lot of effort into getting the most out of the PS5 controller, and I think their work paid off."
"If you're getting a PS5, Spider-Man Miles Morales is an absolute must, must purchase."
"What a PS5 surprise, was this a good treasure hunt? Yes!"
"At launch, the PS5 is an excellent console that paves the way for a promising future."
"PlayStation 5 is single-handedly saving the entire gaming industry."
"Why PlayStation 5 is better than Xbox Series XPS 5 is saving gaming."
"At least Playstations trying to innovate and change and try to go a future risk they're really pushing the standard expect not in just what they're not just with their design their controller but the games the SSD."
"The PlayStation 5 offers blazing speed and remarkable audio and visual technology."
"The PlayStation 5 is an incredibly powerful and sophisticated piece of gaming hardware."
"With the PS5 we've already had a taste of some top-notch exclusives."
"Our goal is to put the player at the heart of the gaming experience." - PlayStation 5 Blog Post
"One and a half years in, I think the PlayStation 5 is in a great spot."
"The PS5 was just announced not that long ago, dropping November 12th in the US."
"I'm definitely enjoying the PlayStation 5. Got a couple criticisms but as like a daily-ish machine I've really been having fun with it."
"We will get our PlayStation 5 news eventually, we're gonna get the games, we're gonna get the console, it's still launching holiday 2020."
"PlayStation 5 has the best console architecture in history."
"PlayStation 5 is a very efficient, developer-friendly platform to work on."
"Not just a welcome return for our favorite Lombax-robot combo but a real showcase for PlayStation 5."
"PlayStation announced last year that they are making a profit already on the PS5."
"Now, yes, PlayStation 5 for all intents and purposes is thick. It's really big, so yes, be mindful of where you place it."
"Speaking of which, here's a really good tip right now: your PS5 out of the box comes with roughly 667 gigabytes of SSD storage."
"One of the coolest things going into PlayStation 5 is that a lot of developers are offering free upgrades to your existing PS4 games."
"We believe that the overwhelming majority of the 4000 ps4 titles will be playable on PS 5... we're evaluating games on a title by title basis to spot any issues that need adjustment."
"PlayStation 5 games already being dumped to the internet."
"Here we go! The world's first PlayStation 5 tablet edition. That's pretty cool."
"This is going to be a popular choice for people picking up the PlayStation 5."
"It looks quite a bit better on PlayStation 5."
"Gamers will fully appreciate that the PlayStation 5 is one of the most revolutionary inspired home consoles ever designed."
"PlayStation killed it, 399 for PS5, let's go!"
"I think the digital edition was the original PS5 concept."
"Bugsnax, the game that has turned into its own little PlayStation 5 meme, will be a launch title."
"Sony are planning a significant PS 5 game reveal for June 3rd."
"Congratulations for finally finding a PlayStation 5."
"Your old PS4 games will work on the PlayStation 5."
"Remember, this is a feature of the PS5's UI for PS Plus members where when you're playing a game, you can suspend it."
"At the end of the day, the PlayStation 5 is still a pretty decent console."
"We finally got a big missing piece out of the PlayStation 5 puzzle, and that's the disassembly video."
"This thing is ridiculously simple to take apart... wow, that's it for screws."
"The PlayStation 5 arrived with huge upgrades over the PS4."
"That event made me want to go out and buy a PlayStation 5."
"I really don't believe that the PS5 has hit its limits."
"I think PS5 is the only console you'll need in the future."
"We've got the PlayStation 5 going, and man, it is a lot of fun."
"With a new generation console comes new generation tech, and on the back of your PlayStation 5 is an HDMI 2.1 port which allows for more bandwidth."
"Value for money, performance, the game catalog, PS4 backwards compatibility, PSVR2, and the upcoming games... the PS5 is a solid buy."
"I'm very, very disappointed, not only in myself, but this PlayStation 5."
"This feels exactly like a PS5, guys."
"This is probably the best sounding and performing gaming headset for PlayStation 5."
"'Carl, would you buy it?' 'No.' 'Why not?' 'I was like, PlayStation 5. It's easy. That's it.'"
"Let's take a look at one of the newest PlayStations, this is the brand new PlayStation 5 Spider-Man 2 limited edition console."
"Thank you for joining us, we're launching later this year, and we have tons more to share. Welcome to PlayStation 5."
"PlayStation 5 marks the biggest generation our industry has yet seen."
"Inter-dimensional adventure, built from the ground up for the PlayStation 5."
"Thank you again for coming in and giving us your business, I really appreciate it, and I really hope you enjoy your PlayStation 5."
"The PS5 will definitely feature backwards compatibility."
"When I hit a game that I really look forward to in the PlayStation 5, it feels like I'm gonna watch a movie in IMAX."
"Make no mistake, the austere and unceremonious nature of the box and packaging is in stark contrast to the PlayStation 5 itself."
"The PS5 is rumored to have removable cartridges for storage, will boast a solid state drive for virtually no loading time, include backwards compatibility for all past Sony consoles."
"I would personally love it if there were a version of the PlayStation 5 that could play fully native 4K games at a full locked 60 frames."
"Take the PS5, that way we could both play."
"It's the one that PlayStation makes, and it is optimized to work with your PlayStation 5 console."
"We're gonna be giving away a one-of-a-kind customized PlayStation 5."