
Answered Prayers Quotes

There are 215 quotes

"Your prayers and positive expectations have been heard and answered."
"Like a thunderbolt out of the clear sky, God answered our prayers."
"He clung to the Lord faithfully following him, kept his Commandments, and ventured on an earnest prayer. God was pleased to hear and grant the prayer."
"Prayers get answered in good-looking packages."
"There's nothing better than knowing the Creator of the universe has answered your prayer."
"Your prayers are being answered. A new person is coming into your life. Romance is blooming."
"God noticed you. He rewards those who diligently seek Him. Your prayers are already answered."
"Her prayers have been answered. It's a dream come true."
"As you continue this extraordinary journey of receiving all you've prayed for, your narrative becomes intertwined with divine wisdom."
"Thankfully my prayers have been answered in the form of this movie The reconciler."
"Go for it, your prayers and positive expectations have been heard and answered."
"Your prayers have been answered. Your budget, relationships, and health will all improve."
"While you rest this night God promises to answer your prayers and bring about the miracle that has been causing you so much anguish and worry."
"The door you've been asking God to open is going to open soon."
"Your prayers are going to be answered, it's a little bit of a miracle."
"There's a situation that comes in...it's almost as if your prayers are being answered."
"Your prayers are going to be answered because of the star card energy."
"Jehovah answered my prayers very quickly," she said, finding solace in the scriptures.
"Isn't it just the most amazing thing when he answers prayer?"
"My prayers for healing miracles have been heard and answered."
"Your prayers are being answered, though perhaps not in forms you expected."
"Prayers being heard and answered, wishes being granted, having hope and faith."
"Allah hears, answers, and gives what is best for you."
"Feeling like your prayers are finally being answered."
"Your prayers have been answered, and someone's gonna be there to help you out."
"Your prayers will be answered, conscious contact with your higher power."
"Unexpected blessings and miracles are occurring in your life. All your prayers are answered now, unexplained wonder, beautiful, and it will take time. One thing at a time."
"Your prayers have been heard... an opportunity for great happiness."
"Isaac's prayer was answered—though not immediately."
"Your prayers have reached my ears, resonating as a harmonious sound."
"Your prayers have been heard and answered; you are being guided towards a new beginning."
"Oh my gosh, our prayers have been answered! It is a plain white shelf!"
"Entrust and have faith that our prayers, our intentions have been answered."
"We experienced a miracle, we experienced just the things that we prayed."
"He was saying everything that I had been praying for... he was answering those secret petitions of my heart."
"You really couldn't have asked for a lot more if you were praying on your knees for a good outcome than this."
"Their prayers had been answered three times over."
"Your wishes will come true, your prayers will be answered."
"I literally prayed for this and like I'm alive."
"I had just gotten an answer to my prayer."
"This is definitely answered prayer, so I'm so thankful."
"I thank you that you have already heard me and that you have answered me."
"There is victory; your prayers have been heard and answered. Have faith."
"It feels like a prayer has been answered for you, which is beautiful."
"Actually, I didn't see this coming, but this actually is an answer to prayers we've been praying for a long time."
"This birth, truly, every prayer I had was answered. It was... very smooth, it was quick, it was very hands-off."
"One thing, be prayers have been answered."
"Your prayers and wishes have been heard."
"Since I've learned how to pray, I've never had one prayer unanswered."
"I'm not a fool because I know the prayers God has answered."
"If you've been crying and you've been lonely, you don't have nobody, you don't know nobody look your way, oh my goodness, your prayer has been answered, you ain't crying no more."
"If you've been praying, your prayers have been answered."
"It's brilliant, an answer to a prayer."
"Many good things came out of that situation. Praise the Lord that situation was, believe it or not, an answer to prayer."
"...God had met every single prayer that I had."
"Whatever he carried to the Lord in prayer got answered."
"He was a man who prayed a prayer, and God answered his prayer."
"Many will give thanks for the gracious favor granted in answer to prayers."
"This is what I'm the most thankful for, that my prayers have been answered."
"Your prayers have been answered, and it's going to offer you a lot of fun in your life."
"You are the answer to their prayers."
"I'm actually in a season that I prayed for."
"I don't know of one prayer that I've ever prayed that was not answered."
"Every prayer you pray will be answered."
"The answer to prayer did not come from what the psalmist deserved; it came as a gift from the great love and mercy of God."
"Jesus is the one whose prayers were always perfectly heard and answered."
"The prayers of Jesus Christ are always heard and answered."
"We are all currently living in an answered prayer."
"Your prayer has been heard; your worship has been accepted."
"Blessed be the Lord, because He has heard the voice of my supplications."
"Your request has been granted. God is granting your request."
"Walk in faith that your request has been granted."
"Because the gracious hand of my God was on me, the king granted my requests."
"A small boy's prayers have been answered in her long life to reign over us."
"When we're together, our prayers are answered, and that's the secret sauce when Am is together."
"So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer." - Ezra 8:23
"Our prayers were answered, only because of the waiting."
"God has answered every one of your prayers."
"God answers prayers. I've been praying for a son, my wife been praying for a son, and God bless us with our son, our baby boy Shane."
"So we fasted and besought our God for this, and he was entreated of us."
"Your prayers have been heard and shall be answered."
"I am the answered prayers of my forefathers."
"Prayer is so powerful... it's just such a powerful thing when you start seeing not just your prayer, but you start seeing your prayers answered."
"God answered my prayers and I met Leah."
"And finally, Divine Dave has fallen to his knees, someone's answered his prayers though, he's the last man standing."
"Pray until the prayer is answered."
"Every answered prayer is a faith builder."
"Your prayers have been heard, your wishes are working."
"I pray that God makes a covenant with you of answered prayers."
"It looks like your prayers were answered."
"When I pray, my prayers are answered."
"She prayed, you've been praying and praying and praying, and God has heard your prayers."
"You're becoming the miracle someone's heart longs for; you are becoming the answer to prayer."
"You know when you pray for something, you get it better than what you pray for."
"Times I thought that my prayers weren't getting answered, but boy was I wrong."
"If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you shall ask whatever it is and it shall be done for you."
"Thank you, Jah, you answered my prayer."
"I'm pushing hard and praying, and I feel like my prayers are being answered."
"God has heard that prayer and he's getting ready to change your life forever."
"The key to answered prayer is praying according to the will of God."
"Like my prayers have been answered."
"I came to see prayers answered. I came to see power displayed. I came to see performance continued."
"So this is an answer to a prayer."
"Your prayers get answered, blessings are waiting on you."
"Seems our prayers have been answered."
"I have had in my lifetime over 50,000 answers to prayer."
"From the first day you set your heart to understand, and to chasten yourself before God, your words were heard."
"I was literally like all my prayers had been answered."
"All I can say is God truly answered your prayers."
"I want you to believe that your prayers have been answered."
"I prayed I told God that I wanted a man that will love me unconditionally, and he answered my prayers."
"Finally, I have been praying for this."
"Tonight you'll witness lives saved, loved ones reunited, and prayers answered."
"And I said my prayer was answered."
"Freeing, thank you, you answered all of our prayers."
"Thank God the prayers were answered."
"God answered so many prayers just specific requests I had about the birth and postpartum."
"Rodney's prayer that night would soon be answered in a miraculous and unexpected way."
"Your prayers have been answered; here is your biological daughter."
"Lord, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear."
"More tears were shed from prayers that were answered, than from prayers that went unanswered."
"Thank you, Father, for hearing from heaven and reassuring us that you are working on the answers to our prayers."
"I started praying and then from the prayer came my family."
"I have heard your cry, I have heard your prayer, and even though you might not see it right now, you better believe that it's on the way."
"God answered your prayer the moment you prayed it."
"I prayed for a best friend, and I feel like I got my best friend."
"It was just everything that I had prayed for and more."
"Have faith, trust that your prayers have been answered."
"I truly, truly think the Lord just heard my prayers."
"Your prayer is being answered and you have unexpected help coming."
"This dog is a miracle. That was the answer to those prayers."
"God has answered every prayer that you've ever prayed that was based on a promise of God's word."
"Live as if your prayers are already answered."
"I did. Can you believe it? I can. The Lord answers prayers, and I've been praying for you."
"I know it's done, I know that God has answered us by fire."
"Victory! Your prayers have been heard and answered, have faith."
"Their hearts just dropped, they cried with joy, their prayers had been answered."
"God answered one of my prayers, and he did it in a very profound way."
"I received the long awaited answer to my prayers; I was rescued."
"I am truly blessed, I am living in several answered prayers."
"God heard my prayers, and I really thank God."
"Isn't it wonderful how your grandmother's prayers have been answered?"
"Your prayers are going to be answered here, Scorpio."
"Your prayers have been answered, now all you have to do is be open to receive."
"You're probably living in your prayer."
"Keep hope alive, keep wishing; your prayers are being answered."
"My mother's prayers are still being answered right today."
"Don't be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard."
"Have faith that your prayers have been heard and have been answered."
"Your prayers have been heard and answered."
"Your terrible times are over, and God is about to shower you with all your prayers answered."
"I have heard your prayers and I will bring new blessings into your lives."
"It's crazy when God actually does what you've been praying for."
"If we don't feel guilty, we can come before God with bold confidence and we will receive whatever we ask because we obey Him and do those things that please Him."
"My ear has heard your prayers, and tomorrow I will bring new blessings into your life."
"You're about to get a prayer answered through a human being."
"God is amazing; He has heard your prayers and He has answered you today."
"Thank you for the doors you open, thank you for the prayers you've answered."
"This is like the cat's pajamas, this is really our prayer answered."
"Your prayers have been answered, so just act like it."
"God promises that this week will bring you favor, breakthroughs, answered prayers, and great news like you have never experienced before."
"It just seems that all my prayers all of a sudden got answered in a way."
"The star represents wish fulfillment, prayers being heard and answered, wishes being granted."
"Your prayers are being heard, and your prayers are being answered."
"It's filling my heart up to be here and we're just remembering how very much these little desires and these little prayers been answered."
"Expect a miracle, have faith your prayers have been heard and are being answered."
"We just have to take a breather for today's video because the day has come, my prayers have been answered."
"It's like a prayer being answered and you're going to be so happy."
"Your prayers have been heard... your miracles are showing up."
"Your prayers have been answered, surrender the how, be bold with your requests for the universe."
"Earth Stars, Earth Angels, your prayers have been answered."
"There's moments that you once prayed for that are coming true."
"Your prayers have been answered, what you have been praying for is heading your way."
"Have faith because your prayers have been heard and they are being answered right now."
"Your messages, your prayers have been answered."
"Have faith that your miracle or your prayers have been answered."
"Your prayers are about to be answered because you've been doing the right thing."
"Spiritual blessings, your spirit guides, God, angels, universe hearing your prayers and giving you an answered prayer."
"Have faith that your miracle is on its way, and your prayers have been answered."
"Your prayers are always heard, your wishes are always granted."
"Your heart is pure again, your heart has been cleansed, so all of your prayers and manifestations they're being granted to you."
"Your prayers have been answered by the cosmos."
"I'm grateful to God that my prayers were answered."
"Your prayers are answered, your hope with a star card is here."
"God literally came and answered all those prayers."
"I am proof that God answers prayers."
"Your prayers are answered, a spiritual awakening changes your perception."
"You're going to feel as though Spirit has answered your prayers here."
"God has blessed you with something that you asked him for."
"All your prayers are being answered for the highest good of both you and all life."
"The gods favor you, now is the time your prayers have been heard."
"Spiritual blessings coming to you, an answered prayer or an answered wish."
"We cast up a prayer and it was answered."
"Somebody's prayers are definitely answered here."
"Some of you been praying, and your prayers have been answered."
"The abundance that you prayed for is here now."
"You're gonna finally feel like your prayers have been answered and you're no longer misunderstood."
"Have faith for your prayers are being answered."
"If you keep praying and you keep believing, there's gonna come a day when you'd bring the answer home with you because you've paid it in full."