
New Creation Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"If anyone is in Messiah, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."
"A new heaven and a new earth wherein dwells righteousness."
"Jesus is going to come and he's going to conquer all the kingdoms of this world, and he will ultimately create a new heaven and a new earth."
"According to his promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwells righteousness."
"Seven is the number of covenant where God brings us into relationship with them, but eight is the number of perfection, the number of the new creation."
"Once you are in Christ Jesus, you are a new creation; all things have passed away, and God has made everything new."
"Christianity is not you trying to be something you're not; it's you being what you are: a new creature in Christ Jesus."
"Then I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth, for the first Heaven and the first Earth had passed away, and there were no longer any sea."
"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation."
"God does not want to make us into a better version of our old self, He wants to transform us into an entirely New Creation."
"The new Heaven and the new Earth... there will no longer be any mourning or crying or pain; the first things have passed away."
"We're creating a new world without time, without God." - Adam
"So the resurrection is bound up with the idea of the new creation."
"The world we currently inhabit is an old Earth marred by the effects of sin. However, there's a promise of a new Heaven and a new earth that is just as real, physical, and tangible as our current world but infinitely better."
"Satan has no power over those who are in Christ because they're a new creation."
"God is set to transform Creation ushering in a new reality."
"The resurrection of Jesus Christ offers you a new body in a renewed perfect world."
"What we're building, that's revolutionary. The revolutionary act is creating a new system that sweeps away the anti-human ones, the anti-life ones, the anti-future ones."
"Heaven, now I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth."
"Creating a new space in media I think is crucial."
"No longer will there be any curse; the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city."
"How awesome is that when we are able to just have a relationship with the one true God through Jesus Christ and we become this new creation."
"To make it more fun for myself, development-wise, I decided to use the original games just as a template while creating essentially a new game."
"The love of Jesus that is your strength, your root, and your strength in life to live powerfully as a new creation."
"The Holy Spirit is the agent of God's New Creation."
"...they also don't recognize the magnitude of what's being offered to them in the new creation."
"The early Christian vision, Paul's vision, is of New Creation."
"God Will Make A Whole New Creation new heavens and new earth and my dad and lots of other people will be raised to life to share in that new world what Jesus is saying to the brigand on the cross is today you and I will be in that intermediate state."
"God has begun the new creation. We are people of the new creation, looking forward to the completion of the new creation and responsible in the present for bringing bits of that future to birth here and now."
"If any man be in Christ, he's not only a new creation, but he is freed from condemnation."
"The church is to model the new creation in the power of the spirit, bringing genuine signs of life to birth in the present world."
"When you got born again, you are a new creation. God has anticipated everything you will ever need."
"When you see New Creation going on in a community or in a person's life or whatever it may be then that creates a context in which the message of Jesus is much more readily believable and acceptable."
"It's the great unveiling of Jesus Christ in the midst of His body, showcasing Himself and the new creation reality called us."
"In the same way creation came about by his word and his Spirit In The Same Way New Creation comes about by the word of God applied to our lives and empowered by the ruach hakodesh by the spirit of God."
"Jesus, the second Adam, is going to lead us into a new creation, a new garden life that's going to be even better than Eden."
"Live in the present as if the new creation arrived when Jesus rose from the dead because it did."
"You're new before him, a new creation, a creation that never existed before."
"In Christ, you have been redeemed from the curse of the law. You are dead; your life is hidden in Christ, and now you're a new creation."
"How can you preach generational curses and preach New Creation realities?"
"Come into my flow, into the continual conversation. You are limitless. For if any man be in Christ, there is a new creation."
"It's a new cannon made from old parts."
"The kingdom of God and that the new creation, it's here it started two thousand years ago."
"It's about embracing and expecting to find new creation and hope now right here in the midst of the old one."
"...there will be a new heavens and a new earth, a new redeemed universe."
"You will have a child by the virtue of the spirit. This is literally going back to Genesis 1 and saying you will be like the new creation."
"God's going to change the whole universe, new heaven, new earth, praise the Lord."
"He is the second Adam to the fight; he is the one in whom there is life and there is light."
"Body and soul living with Him forever in a resurrected, renewed earth."
"I saw a new heaven and a new earth; the former things were done away with."
"I am saved by the blood of Christ. I'm a new creation; my past no longer defines who I am in Christ today."
"Being a new creation in Jesus Christ, that's what it is to be a follower of Jesus."
"We... look for new heavens and a new Earth in which righteousness dwells."
"To create a new and better world."
"Jesus has won the victory over the dark powers, he has dealt with sin and launched the new creation."
"The early Christians really did believe that Jesus had been raised in a transformed physicality, launching God's new creation on earth as in heaven."
"...the new creation is not a matter of us being taken away to a different sort of place but by Jesus coming back to transform the present world into the place he wants it to be."
"I identify as a new creature in Christ; I'm a new creation in Him, old things have passed away and everything has become new."
"You are not the same person when you become born-again; you literally become the sons of God."
"Jesus coming out of the water, the Spirit comes down on Jesus as a dove, connecting the initial creation and the new earth that was destroyed by flood with Jesus's work of ushering in a new creation."
"Do you see how everything is pointing to Jesus Christ? The flood waters, the ark, the dove, the new earth points to the work of Jesus Christ and the united Holy Spirit in bringing about a new creation."
"We are the heirs of the new creation, inheritors, and we are heirs of God, fellow heirs with our brother the Messiah."
"The story is about Jesus' resurrection beginning a new creation right here in the midst of this one."
"But we are looking forward to the new heavens and a new earth he has promised, a world filled with God's righteousness."
"You've been born again and you're a new creation."
"When you were born again in Christ Jesus, you got everything in you that you need."
"The greatest blessing of the new creation is to be established in righteousness."
"As God never ceases to work His work of love and blessing in us and through us, so our working out what He works in us is our highest proof of being created anew in His likeness."
"God accepts you based on who you are in the spirit, and in the spirit, you're a brand new person."
"In himself he might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace."
"You are a new creation... it is true for you."
"From creation to new creation, He is at work reestablishing His reign."
"In Christ, your shame is being washed out; everything that was sin in you, in Christ, is a new creation."
"Human nature is assumed by the Word of God and Christ is the new Adam, renews creation."
"You have royal DNA pumping through your veins; you're a new creation."
"Sunday is the day of the resurrection, the first day of the new creation."
"When our bodies will no longer hurt, when our hearts will no longer break, when He will create a new heavens and a new earth."
"Until everything is subject to him, until there be realized new heavens and a new Earth in which Justice dwells."
"Christ lives in you now; you've got the new heart now."
"God wants a world when all is said and done where there's no death in it at all."
"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth... Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God."
"When I say greatness, I'm talking about you're just moving to your own rhythm, creating a whole new world, a whole new existence for those behind you."
"Grace is tangible Holy Ghost empowerment to live and be the new creations that we are."
"We, according to his promise, look for a new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness."
"The Kingdom of Heaven is going to be on new Heaven and new Earth."
"We will live forever in a new earth and in a world without sin."
"For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision or uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation."
"There's going to be the river of life in the new creation."
"In the new creation, there will be no more death; there's not even a potential for it."
"What counts is whether we have been transformed into a new creation."
"But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells."
"If anyone is in Christ, she is a new creation," or "he's a new creation."
"There's a certain feeling that comes with that where you feel so much about whatever it is that you are now moving on to create."