
Robustness Quotes

There are 370 quotes

"We're going to remake the world, and it'll be less efficient but more robust."
"Robust is like a rock, doesn't care, diamond is robust, perfectly robust."
"Shakespeare is robust... it's not so fragile and delicate but we have to stage it in this way or that way; it can handle it, it's powerful stuff."
"Democracy in America has never been more robust."
"It's easier for people to use and it's more robust."
"Science works because the method is so freaking robust."
"The healthier an individual is, the more robust their immunologic memory is."
"SpongeBob offers children something more robust than Disney's bland vision of childhood."
"All of these materials are robust; they quite simply wouldn't make it into production otherwise."
"It's not a perfect system, but it's very robust."
"The larger number of people we involve in the electoral process, the more robust it would be."
"The Viola-Jones face detector is actually very robust and works very well in images."
"Tibetan Mastiff: A real pain for any predator to try and take down."
"With all these things considered, we can conclude that the planetary formation mechanism, whichever form it may take, is robust and resilient."
"It's probably one of the best shooting experiences, probably still the best shooting experience, of any gun ever outside of the MP5 SD, which is the same gun."
"It just feels so solid and well put together."
"Typescript in Angular includes static typing and ES6 features, enhancing robustness."
"When it comes to hardiness we give the southern house spider the most emphatic 5 out of five in the history of this channel."
"Our system is by far the most robust and advanced anywhere in the world by far."
"You can just tell how beefy these things are."
"It feels like a beast, like it's built really well."
"Your work is assessed on the basis of how robust it is, not what you personally believe."
"The main aspect of the gameplay is as solid as a steel-capped boot."
"Robust gives you an extra constitution up to a max of 20 and it makes it so when you use a hit die to regain hit points you roll twice and take the higher value."
"Stomp bags, literally a hospital on your back, bro."
"Chainlink has a decentralized oracle system very robust. They're doing very well."
"I don't know how many thousands of rounds I've put through it but rob has."
"The median eliminates the influence of outliers by returning the number at the center of the dataset."
"Essentially, it scrambles our data set a little bit, which is exactly what we need in order to build robustness, so that we don't get the same input data every single time."
"When you're trying to go fast or just need something that is bomb-proof and robust, the direct drive motor always makes the most sense."
"With the 66sr, I'm routinely getting six feet, and that's whether I'm out in the open or in the Grand Canyon."
"Anything with 100 machines is difficult to kill."
"They are built like tanks, no question."
"Stress causes adaptations that make it more robust."
"The teratest package from gruntwork allows us to define the same thing in a more robust way"
"Beyond the price, some of the things I like about it are that its build quality is pretty decent, you know it's pretty robust."
"Robustness is the goal under uncertainty, not optimization."
"Your security, in order to be truly robust, should be airtight even if someone has the master key to your facility."
"Material selection is a critical step in ensuring the compressor's robustness."
"If you are looking for robustness, the sapphire screen as a trail runner is probably worth the upgrade."
"You may have indications of robustness but you've got no evidence... take an old idea... and see if it can give you any clues."
"It needed to be fairly lightweight, it needed to be really robust, and it needed to be something that you could tell tons of great stories on."
"Lifesaver for people learning on the acro aspect of it. I would actually recommend learning on something like this. It's more robust, it's not going to break."
"But it's a really really strong system."
"So, really, a slight decrease in the accuracy on the dataset that the model was originally trained on and a significant increase in accuracy for distribution shifts, as we would have expected."
"In some sense BQP is the much more robust and natural competitive, and it can be proven to be insensitive to those choices of like exactly which set of gates."
"Because we want to be resilient and robust to those types of modifications and still have a robust classification system."
"The advantages of nickel cadmium over nickel metal hydride were that it's a very robust battery technology, it's really rugged, has a very long life, and it will operate at extremely low temperatures down to about minus 20 degrees celsius."
"You can always point out that no policy is ever implemented exactly the way the architect of the policy had intended. All that tells me is that the policies aren't robust."
"A versatile and robust tool that streamlines bit changes and augments your work productivity."
"When you make things purposely simple and robust, the design space is very limited and the technological growth and upgrades tend to happen in layers on and around that very simple foundation."
"AI researchers must find ways to make AI systems robust and able to tackle everyday problems."
"For there are a few ships in space that are as robustly constructed as those of humanity."
"Using test-driven development methodologies ensures robust and reliable code."
"...just because I wanted it to be super heavy, really robust."
"Build extreme well-done error handling in testing."
"Error handling allows us to detect that something's wrong and handle it gracefully."
"one of the most robust portable ladder thing I think I've ever seen it's got really nice grippy surfaces"
"Machine learning has better methods that are more robust, more efficient, and identifying statistical significance."
"effect allows us to bring type safety to our error handling as well which makes handling these errors much more robust"
"The vintage sound is big, it's robust."
"Robust control techniques allow a fix such that the system is guaranteed to be stable."
"SNNs are generally more robust than ANs."
"As you incorporate more temporal information during the spike training process, you will be able to resist and bring in more robustness to the SNN."
"If we have a model that's really drawn to that top left point and really highly influenced by that top left point, then testing the model on a data set that doesn't include that top left point is a better and more robust way to see how well the model is doing."
"Once you realize your network is doing nothing but identifying dimension structures, subspaces, or sparse structures, you can potentially make your estimator much more robust."
"Such a robust interesting piece of French military history."
"Look how much beefier that looks. That's amazing."
"This is the green army pre-runner."
"Your body is a very robust piece of machinery."
"This pseudo-derivative plus additional filtering technique... is a much more robust way to implement derivative control in your system."
"Common sense reasoning in a way is more robust for the most part."
"These exercises were performed by a set of experts to ensure the robustness of the model."
"Trend following is maybe not the easiest thing to do but from a robust and profitable standpoint it certainly probably the place where most people should at least start."
"How robust and sustainable is a particular configuration of users, resource systems, or source units and governance?"
"The student T distribution will not be perturbed by outliers nearly as much as the standard gaussian distribution is and this is what makes it robust to these kinds of inhomogeneous samples that are under theorized with all kinds of unmeasured sources of variation in them."
"The notion of energy turns out to be very robust and survives all the quantum revolution."
"The most robust system has the fewest parameters."
"Titanis was overall very similar to forest rarchus but was more heavily built."
"A more robust way to do this is actually to use time series cross validation."
"It makes you feel something. It makes you want to go whack some tree down or something. It's just such a Big And Chunky knife."
"The best-case scenario is that under all levels and all frequencies of interference, the performance of the EUT is unaffected."
"The labor market continues to remain fairly robust."
"The X3's front end exudes a robust and sporty look."
"It's a very robust optimization algorithm."
"We've designed a hand that we think could be pretty robust across like the first billion units shipped into industrial settings in the world."
"What sets Mac apart from PC is robustness and reliability."
"This is a bike that can properly handle some hammer."
"I do really like how detailed and especially how chunky the lower legs are."
"We must be far more robust in identifying these ideologies and defeating them across all parts of our societies."
"A multi-battery system using Enphase is actually going to give you a much more robust whole home backup capability."
"We hope you agree that it's very well engineered and it's a very robust system suitable for a trawler capable of ocean crossings."
"The Framingham study is one of the most robust studies in medicine."
"The higher you go, the bigger the proportion of genes within your module that are going to be robust."
"Compared to the previous design, it's more compact, it's more robust, and it's actually the lightest of the three."
"A lot of good programming is about robustness, about maintainability, about being explicit about what the program does and how it does that."
"This coach is built on the Star Foundation which stands for strong, true, and robust."
"It provides the most robust cell culture system for the widest range of cell types for both cell lines and primary cells."
"Robustness is like a sea wall, it keeps the sea out until it breaks and then you wish you hadn't built it."
"Composing simple components is the way we write robust software."
"The Zero chewed right through it, so you know the drivetrain is obviously very robust, lots of power and torque in the motor."
"The BTR7's chunky design is surprisingly good; it is a testament to quality construction."
"This has helped me to build really robust locators which do not break every now and then."
"I'm really surprised by the endurance and how robust this X-Maxx is."
"The longer you go without a problem, it's basically telling you the more robust your body is at dealing with what's happened to it."
"The Lusitania was built like a fortress and it could handle itself pretty well."
"These statements enforce you to write robust and less error-prone code."
"The B-58 is essentially based on the 40 series car, which means it's one of the most robust engines in the BMW lineup today."
"Sparse systems can be far more robust to noise and very robust perturbations compared to typical systems."
"Simple, robust, and powerful tools for data collection - exactly what we came here for."
"The rigorous and scalable mathematical foundations will make digital twins robust, accessible, and scalable."
"It's genuinely very nice, as solid as hell."
"If there is one thing that your theory cannot account for, it is not because that thing is an outlier and should be treated as an exception to your rule; it is because your theory is not robust enough to explain it."
"I enjoy hinderer knives because they're big and mean and robust."
"The notes from a Study Bible that has contributions from lots of people are probably going to be as robust as you could get."
"I want you to have the most robust justification for your beliefs."
"With modern hardware, we've discovered that we can apply these approximations and actually still get relatively robust results."
"The powertrain is stout, and the exhaust note is engaging."
"Figs are extremely robust, they taste fantastic, who doesn't love a good fig."
"If you're looking for the most capable, most extreme, and most robust camera setup out there, this is pretty much it."
"This topological matter means that the details are not important because everything is robust."
"The Parker commuter backpack is extremely robust in terms of water resistance."
"The design is so robust, it allows itself to be built by us amateurs and still be one of the strongest planes that we'll actually ever fly."
"You want to build a robot with great robustness and durability."
"We were out hunting yesterday and we really needed something hearty when we were out there."
"A rugged powerhouse that combines exceptional photography, great battery life, unbeatable performance, all wrapped in this stylish package."
"Cross-validation... is probably the most robust way to choose hyperparameters."
"It's meant to look a little bit more robust and rugged."
"Living systems have invented molecular manufacturing and they've come up with a very robust and clever way of doing this."
"It's a decent enough little camper and it's fairly robust."
"We now have a way to robustify model-based RL by learning an ensemble of models."
"But if you want something that is going to replace LIBOR potentially, it's got to be the most robust thing you can find."
"He was short shuldred brood a thikke knarre, Ther was no dore that he noolde heue of harre."
"The existence of the horizons and the properties of the horizons... those are more robust questions."
"The dynamo theory is in fact robust."
"There are two things about autumn that particularly attract me: sometimes there's a gentle melancholy... then I like the more robust rougher side just as much."
"...it was definitely more robust than people give it credit for..."
"Ability to work independently, to be extremely mature, intelligent, and they've got to be robust."
"CLIP is much more robust to distributional shift than other methods."
"The f1 score is a nicer metric for comparing 3D shapes because it's more robust to outliers."
"This idea of the concentration being robust to other biochemical parameters is a big idea."
"The Huber loss is very outlier friendly and typically the best of both worlds."
"In class imbalance situations, precision and recall metrics are much more robust."
"It's robust and it holds up to the colder temperatures, it has that complexity that is kind of desired this time of year."
"Robustness is a strategy that seeks to reduce the range of possible scenarios over which the strategy performs poorly."
"Just above the ankle of Italy's boot is a region known as Abruzzi. Their food is creative, robust, it's hearty, and just pure delicious."
"After 12,000 injections, the RSD percentage is still only 3.4 percent, which indicates how robust the instrument is."
"Shimadzu provides the most sensitive, ultra fast speed, and unbeatable robustness."
"This is how you set up more robust data exchanges."
"Robust exception handling has been in PL/SQL since the beginning."
"It's a very safe system; it's a nice chunky robust thing."
"Economically, Boulder is quite robust."
"So far everything's looking pretty robust."
"Meta-analysis provides context; it tells you if the effect is robust or if it varies."
"Reliability, availability, and their consistency... they literally are bombproof."
"The people live in these stone and mud houses and they're all super robust and rugged farmer really really friendly people."
"This really allows us to make our applications more robust and allows us to be more confident in coding."
"The iterative gathering of data makes the AI more robust."
"This particular glove is one of the more robust and thicker on the markets and could be the most protective single gauntlet glove out there."
"This motivates the need to not only develop better ways to query these models but probably also build language models that are actually more robust to the query itself."
"Stress test your algorithms. Don't just feed your algorithm the best possible case."
"Robustness is about checking does it respond well to weird inputs and errors. Will it crash? Is it stable?"
"A lot about development is making it robust, ensuring things don't break when the user does something silly."
"DT automates much of this STS work and it does it in a way that is robust."
"Hopefully by now I've at least motivated that optimization is good, that robust seems to make sense from a modeling perspective."
"The Crossfire technology is actually pretty robust."
"The Spearman rank correlation coefficient is way more robust... definitely indicative of a strong relationship in the data."
"The goal of these next two videos is to make your understanding of these concepts more robust."
"The header builder with Astra is very robust, and I think this is probably the best thing about Astra."
"Robust convex optimization is a slight variation from convex optimization in that the constraints and the objective are dependent on uncertainties."
"This red dot means that no matter what values of uncertainties you took, this solution will always be valid."
"The S2 Pro is a durable and robust scooter."
"We build overly engineered systems and what we're really doing is increasing fragility. In error-prone systems, you get more robustness, more maturity."
"This is a really robust bike, it's a just a good all-rounder, fast, good looking, comfortable, the range is good."
"It's really hard to kill an onion seedling; they're very sturdy."
"It was kind of revolutionary because it was using fiberglass; it was very robust, very resistant, very modern."
"I find the Egg is really, really stocky. The other day I was out walking and I came to like a big muddy patch that I couldn't go around; I literally had to go off-roading with it and like pull it through all of this mud."
"If you want to do a robust analysis where you want to put all your prior assumptions and verify that those priors, that intuitions are right by looking at data and predictive tests, then the Bayesian scheme is ideal for that."
"These are the types of strategies or systems that you really want, that will stay robust and aren't curve-fitted towards just one set of parameters."
"I'm surprised at how robust this car actually is."
"The quaternion method is probably the most robust method, it's not subjected to those problems of say gimbal lock or issues where there are singularities at odd orientations."
"Fussing is actually quite fun to do and it's something that can be really useful for making robust applications."
"Fuzzing is quite easy to get started with and it can be really useful for making robust applications."
"I love big sturdy animals, I'm drawn to mules and draft horses, and Romney's are that."
"This is a very robust setup end to end."
"The solution to all the bias problems is there's a completely robust, solid, great way of doing it that solves all the problems."
"It's extremely comfortable and luxurious on the inside while maintaining a massive level of heavy-duty beast mode."
"I think you should design robust code from day one."
"Robustness not to statistical assumptions but robustness to politics is what I focused on."
"Dante's language is more raw than Petrarch's, it is more robust, it is more vigorous."
"This really helps to improve the robustness of these Monte Carlo estimators."
"The more weight and robustness it has, the more you just feel like it's this big secure tool in your shop that you can really put to the test while doing it safely."
"The simplicity of PointNet gives advantage interpretability and some good robustness properties."
"The vector neurons networks show very good robustness to unseen rotations."
"The more the number of training samples used, the more robust the trained classifier will be."
"It's something that I think is pretty awesome and it's very robust."
"What makes these models robust is actually by looking at the cost surfaces of these models."
"...thinking about robustness is not only the biggest ML that is better suited for security and safety aspects, I think it also will be better in other regards as well."
"Any deep learning, the more training data, the more robust the trained models are going to be."