
Enmity Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"There is no way that Ukraine will ever go back to being in any way comfortable as part of a larger Russian empire, and he sowed the seeds of enmity that will undoubtedly last forever."
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory."
"Do you not destroy your enemy if you make them your friend?"
"It felt like she was my worst enemy, you know?"
"Shaytan is your enemy. Take him as your enemy."
"The fact that they are in league with Hell makes them the doom Slayer's enemy."
"People can really witness your life and just become your enemy."
"The enemy of my enemy is not my friend."
"She's not your friend, she's your actual worst enemy. She actually hates you."
"Vader hated Palpatine so much with every ounce of his being."
"...Thor Odin's son, Thunder father of Asgard, and he despises the Phoenix even if he cannot remember exactly why."
"There is no greater misfortune than feeling I have an enemy."
"Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy, and not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend."
"I'd spent decades wondering what force or creature could hate my town so much that would torture us for nearly three decades," he said.
"The card Riddler left for Batman is from 'your secret friend,' which indicates that at least Riddler sees himself as an ally for Batman's cause."
"He's not an enemy I chose, he chose to be my enemy."
"He said, 'You have become my enemy, and as my enemy, I will kill you.'"
"If you become successful, you'll have false friends and true enemies."
"His atoning death destroys that enmity... and restores us to fellowship with the God we were created for"
"All tribulation does is help you to figure out who your friends are and who your enemies are."
"The sinful mind is at enmity with God, it doesn't submit to the law of God nor can it do so."
"You've made a powerful enemy, mortal woman."
"If you want to make an enemy of a man, tell him that his ills are incurable."
"I am your enemy, Pile. You hear me? The last straw!"
"If you love the world, you've made yourself an enemy of God."
"The hatred of Hyde for Jackal was of a different order, his terror of The Gallows drove him continually to commit temporary suicide."
"If I let you walk out of here, if I let you take him, it doesn't change anything. You're still my enemy in the morning, you're still my enemy tonight."
"I don't like them as people like we were saying like we friends after I'm a president think me and Logan uh friends I don't understand where this has come from no why would I be friends with him"
"Just because you lost me as a friend doesn't mean you gained me as an enemy."
"Pharaoh, the serpent in this case, is coming after the children. God says to Eve, 'I will place enmity, which is hatred, between her children and you. They will be born hating you.'"
"A woman without an enemy in the world, shot from outside her house."
"A life lived in fear and enmity is no life at all."
"Satan has been your enemy from time immemorial."
"While we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his son."
"Why it is safer? Many men hate you. Some of the Gods hate you, Dernhelm or Ballista. Many would rejoice to see you dead."
"It's not about loving your friend... it's about loving your enemy."
"Why are giants featured in so many of our myths and legends, and why are they so often the enemies of the gods themselves?"
"Fate draws us back together. Now your enemy is my enemy."
"It shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."
"It's not enough to hate your enemy, you have to understand how the two of you bring each other to deep completion."
"Your enemies become your friends and your friends become your enemies."
"He swore to his father that he would be an eternal enemy of Rome, and he kept his oath till his final breath."
"If you have many enemies deceased, you have many fairies looking out to do you harm."
"Wherever you look in the Bible, dragons are described as the enemy of God."
"You are your own friend, you are verily your own enemy."
"Before you were my greatest enemy, you were my only friend."
"Just because somebody considers you their enemy, you do not have to return the favor."
"If you're a friend of this world, you're an enemy of God, but He still loves you enough to give you Grace."
"I'm a loyal friend and a lethal enemy."
"The central feature of pride is enmity—enmity toward God and enmity toward our fellow men."
"Scorpios can either be your best friend ever or your worst enemy."
"I always say make a friend for a short period of time, an enemy forever."
"The hatred of Hyde for Jekyll was of a different order."
"Weakness breeds fear, and fear makes every ally an enemy; that's why we Decepticons don't tolerate weakness."
"And Esau hated his brother Jacob on account of the blessing that his father had given him."
"We weren't exactly friends before he tried to murder me, so there's no love lost, so to speak."
"There is no worse enemy than a former friend."
"We were enemies in our minds because of our evil behavior."
"I hate the word, As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee: Have at thee, coward!"
"There are two things in life that I do very well -- be an ally and be an enemy. You can have it either way, but it lasts for a lifetime."
"The enemy of my enemy can be my enemy too."
"I've never thought about why. Hating Jahad has been a natural part of my life ever since I was born."
"No better friends, no worse enemies."
"Be careful who you pick as your enemy, because that's who you become."