
Spiritual Rest Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Your only job is to focus on peaceful sleep in the presence of the Lord."
"Rest in the shadow of the cross tonight, knowing that God has provided everything for you."
"Every Sabbath is a reminder of the rest we can experience in Jesus."
"Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the faith of Christ. Henceforth, says the Spirit, they may rest from their labors, for they take with them the record of their deeds."
"The Still Waters invite us to lay down our burdens, to drink deeply from the Fountain of Life."
"God wants you to come into that rest where you fully trust his forgiveness."
"Does God have a plan to keep us refreshed? He does. It's called a Sabbath, one day a week."
"Jesus came so that you could have eternal rest and a life full of Truth."
"Grant that we might rest in him, abide in him, he and us."
"Come to me. Get away with me, and you'll recover your life."
"You don't have to work to enter, you get to enter through rest and through belief."
"There is a spirit of rest coming from the house of the Lord."
"There's a rest that remains for the children of God - a life without fear."
"Put down your sword, Jesus. It is a time to let go of striving. The simple is key. Now the walls will fall and the gates will open, and you will see summer and a blossoming will take place."
"There's so much peace and joy and rest there."
"Rest for what for our souls and it literally says that a little later down find rest for your souls."
"he so desire for us to live in Freedom and rest and restoration."
"True rest is found when you allow God to hold the weight that you've been carrying."
"Peace is tied to rest, and without His presence, there is no peace."
"If you will learn to rest in me, I will take care of the rest."
"God has called us into this eternal rest, not just in heaven, now. And it comes as a result of his grace."
"Come to me, oh you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
"Taraweeh comes from tarwiha, meaning to rest."
"Rest in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Enter into that rest."
"It is only Jesus who provides rest for our souls."
"Come to Jesus and let him fill you, and you will find rest for your souls."
"To believe in the one whom he sent, the work is done. You're at rest."
"There is a rest in the Lord that you need to turn from the Old Testament way of trying to approach God based on your own performance and instead rest in the Lord."
"This rest that he brought is a rest for the soul."
"The promise of entering God's rest still stands."
"Christ is our Sabbath. Jesus is the one who said 'Take my yoke upon you and I will give you rest.'"
"Being at rest in Christ is a very important part of our salvation."
"The glory is a realm of rest, someone say rest."
"Jesus says, 'Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, I will give you rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, my burden is light.'"
"For I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
"Not as the athlete wrestling for a crown, taking heaven by violence of will, but as a child with your heavenly father, sit down and know the bliss that follows, be still."
"Just to rest in His arms, to lean back against His chest, to enjoy the sweetness of His voice, will make you more powerful than all the sweating and spitting and jumping that you could possibly do as a human."
"Jesus invites you to come to Him and find rest for your souls."
"Rest in the Lord, and He will make your path straight."
"Focus on who Jesus is and who we are in Him and rest there."
"The Sabbath is not an interlude, a break before you get on with the important work of life; the Sabbath is the climax of living."
"There is no rest in this life without trust in Him."
"Take my yoke upon you and let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
"He that has entered into his rest has ceased from his own labors, as God did from his."
"God wants to give His beloved rest, and rest comes from right standing."
"In the presence of Jesus, you can find peace, joy, and rest for your souls."
"When you do that you can have rest; you can rest from your sins, you can rest from the price of sin."
"The gospel ends all that tiring work and the gospel gives you deep and final rest."
"Come to me, all of you who labor and are heavy laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest."
"The Christian life is learning how to rest in what Jesus has already done."
"We already have these things and it was just really about resting in the finished works of Jesus."
"It's His will that you have rest in your soul."
"I can rest in Jesus Christ; I don't have to be enough in my Bible studies because He is more than enough for me."
"We have rest, perfect rest, fulfilled in Jesus."
"This love that predates your existence... you get to just rest in the love, the eternal love of God for you in Jesus Christ."
"You are forgiven; what a wonderful promise that we can rest in today."
"Be not content with the ease of a passing day and deprive not thyself of everlasting rest."
"Every day is a seventh day for the believer in Christ."
"We have rest for our souls in the gospel and a weekly rest for our bodies until we enter into the eternal rest of Heaven."
"The spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you."
"When the Sabbath rolls in, it's almost like you're getting a refreshing; just ah, you can rest in the Lord. It's wonderful."
"There is a rest to the people of the Lord."
"God wants you to be at peace and wants you to have rest through Jesus Christ."
"If you do not come into rest, you cannot move in the spirit."
"Resting in the Lord creates energy in a way that a simple nap or a break from work won't."
"Resting in the finished works of Jesus."
"You can give up the struggle and enter into God's rest."
"Coming to me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
"True Bible faith is just resting in what Jesus has done."
"I want them to enter into God's rest, to have joy and gladness, to experience the fullness of God's glory."
"You are forgiven; rest tonight in the immense goodness and grace of God's love."
"The only thing we need to strive for is to enter into His rest."
"We can rest in spirit, we can rest in self, we can rest in this, and in fact, it's where we find ourselves when we're not taking ourselves away from it."
"Jesus Christ is our Sabbath rest; it's not confined to a day, it's an ever-present reality."
"...we have to work to enter into God's rest... it has already been finished on the cross with Jesus Christ."
"Rest in the shadow of the Almighty, rest in Him because He is faithful to make the miracle happen."