
Business Principles Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"The better you serve people, the more you will receive."
"Business does not go by prophecy; business goes by principles."
"The Amazon leadership principles are the blueprint to Amazon's success."
"Waste my time and you waste my money I will not do business with you."
"That vein of positivity about 'anything is possible in life,' which by the way is another one of our business principles." - Matt King
"It's all about what the market will bear. Nothing else actually matters."
"Never accept a deal that's going to sacrifice the long term."
"Customer trust is at the center of everything we do."
"Michelle finally learned the cardinal rule of being a restaurateur: you serve your customers, not yourself."
"Are we done now? No, not really. Not really, because you see, there's one factor that we're forgetting here that is very, very important. Time is money."
"People aren't in business to lose money, they're in business to make money."
"Getting it done is the thing. It don't matter. Sometimes they don't care about the cost. Just do what you say you're going to do."
"Stay true to the 4M analysis: meaning, management, margin of safety."
"Regardless of what happened, the customer is always right in a customer service business."
"People always love quality over quantity, that's just the number one rule in business."
"He wanted to restore Starbucks to its founding principles."
"My prices are based on my talent, not your budget."
"Quality, value, consistency, authenticity. These are the pillars of success."
"If I wouldn't do it with this person for a decade, I don't want to do business with them for a day."
"Entrepreneurship is 5% idea, 5% timing, 10% talent, and like 80% not stopping."
"It's both. I think it's in the hiring, making sure that they align with your vision, whether it's short term or long term, that alignment is really important. Hire slow, fire fast."
"If it's not about making money, you're running a hobby... You've got to make money."
"You grill the [ __ ] out of it so it gets almost charred."
"You need to deliver excellent service, great products, and deliver them in a very cost-efficient way."
"We're all about laying down a solid foundation, being fully transparent, and helping people figure out how to run their business."
"Our overriding principle is to always maximize shareholder value in any given situation." - CEO of Embracer
"The essence of productivity is dedication, commitment to a healthy bottom line on top."
"The mega church industry is just that, rather than the holy scriptures, this institution is guided by business principles."
"If you don't believe in it, you shouldn't sell it."
"The most important thing is to be honest and be willing to bet."
"You always start with the deal, you never violate that principle and the money will always appear."
"You learn how to run your life like a profitable business."
"Fast good and cheap, that's the impossible Trinity."
"This is about a principle of saving and investment. In business, you've got to be able to save time and invest and rest your resources."
"Once you know the basic principles to business, then you can't lose."
"Doing the right business is essential."
"He built his businesses on the pillars of customer satisfaction, efficiency, and frugality."
"The organizing principle in the first part of the book about business is something that I call the five parts of every business."
"So when I go into an industry, I know that I don't know about it, but I do know about the principles of business."
"Using business principles to solve social issues is truly the most sustainable and impactful way to bring about change."
"That's the most important rule in business."
"You can run a business successfully based on a few simple principles and aligning those principles and then putting them into action."
"The investment principle says make sure that returns you make on that investment exceed a minimum acceptable hurdle rate."
"Study basic general principles of how the world works, how business works, how people work."
"Using the best materials and spending the least money is Xiao’s principle of doing business."
"I want you to get an understanding of the six key components of business that the EOS talks about."
"The quality management principles are customer focus, leadership, engagement of people, process approach, improvement, evidence-based decision making, and relationship management."
"That is a very, very, very important equation."
"The five principles of Mars lays out the guiding philosophy behind the company's Stellar success: quality, responsibility, mutuality, efficiency, freedom."
"That's really how business works."
"Grit and agility are absolutely key to how we run our business."
"If you built a business on the same principles that would make a business successful 20 plus years ago, you're gonna be fine."
"The company should be run for the principals, run for the shareholders."
"These principles include focus on customers, continue learning, deliver results, take action, and show courage."
"Trust and ethics is extremely important."
"Reliability, transparency, ease of use, and extra features are all principles that I value."
"Communication is the core to any healthy and successful relationship, and that also applies to your business."
"Lead with value first, and then follow with sales."
"The most important thing in business is honesty, integrity, hard work."
"What are the expectations of the customer? That's our number one commandment."
"When you look at the people who are really wealthy... they have actually gotten there by doing good business because bad business will haunt you."
"It's about communication, it's about accountability, it's about building a great mechanism, it's about building a good product, it's about getting client results."
"The only adopters of these four principles are finding stunning competitive advantage."
"Everyone gets a fair shake, that's the only way I operate."
"If you treat people fairly and don't try to gouge them, then they'll support you."
"Remember that doing business is for profit, but more importantly, it is for righteousness."
"The big three pillars for catalog are visibility, trust, and discovery."