
Virginity Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"I used to have a ton of insecurities tied to my virginity, thinking I hadn't had sex because I wasn't funny enough, interesting enough, kind enough, attractive enough, etc."
"When we teach girls that their virginity makes them special and valuable, we're sending the simultaneous message that without their virginity, they're tainted and damaged."
"The fathers are given this key that they're then going to give to the husband of their daughters, and that creeped me out because it really does symbolize the kind of ownership over your own daughter's virginity."
"Two virgins is the ideal. That is the highest marriage rates."
"Virginity and chasteness aren't quite the same thing."
"Virginity is not a social construct, it's an evolutionary function."
"Virginity is a social construct that is just a fact."
"Virginity is a thing, but that thing is a social construct."
"There is no objective definition of virginity... the only person who can tell you if they are a virgin or not is that individual."
"Maybe it's time we took charge and shaped the social construct of virginity for the better."
"But from society standpoint, not my opinion, but from society, yes, I think that those would be constituted as different. 'Cause I think society thinks virgin is someone who's like hoping and praying and waiting and wishing that they'll lose it."
"Women are kept apart from the men in a separate passage, an area reserved exclusively for girls who died still virgins."
"If you've got a man and a woman and they're both virgins when they get together, the more likely that they're going to stay together is a much higher incidence."
"Women who are virgins at marriage tend to have a higher incidence of happiness."
"It's fine if you're a virgin, man. The whole concept of virginity is stupid."
"There is nothing wrong with being a virgin at any age."
"So I'm still a virgin because I'm waiting for marriage. I grew up in the church, sex is a covenant between me, my God, and my future."
"Virginity is not the end all be all. I'd rather have someone with a messy past who is on fire for the Lord."
"A Brazilian student has sold her virginity this week for half a million pounds."
"Virginity is a construct, and foreplay is a great Main Event."
"Still a virgin? Nope. Not anymore."
"Placing such an emphasis on virginity is really bad for mental health and self-worth."
"When I was a virgin, I was way funnier."
"Virginity is the mythological language for purity for innocence that's unsullied for that beginner's mind that sweetness of seeing the world with eyes anew."
"I'm sorry, I never thought I'd be so happy to be a virgin. Jesus, right? 'Cause the virgin always lives. Amazing."
"A lot of guys feel like if they hit 18 or 19 or God forbid 20 or oh my God forbid 21 without losing their virginity it is over."
"Would you ever date someone that isn't a virgin?"
"Virginity rocks abs absolutely rocks."
"Every time someone being brought up in a story as being told to me they're a virgin, it feels like the authors trying to tell me so they're worth more and I'm just like really because that seems really ignorant and kind of like a horrible thing to say in my opinion."
"Losing your virginity before marriage means losing your dignity because the omnipotent omniscient creator of the universe is deeply obsessed with your sex life."
"High school kids who remain virgins may not have more fun but they end up making more money."
"Virginity was created to control women and young men primarily women primarily women for sure."
"There's nothing wrong with it [being a virgin at 25]. It's fine."
"What the scripture understands about who Mary is says something much wider and broader and more beautiful about why it's fitting that she is virginal all of her life than simply a proof text."
"...losing your virginity is a big decision only you can make and if you choose to lose it make sure it's with someone who's special and who's willing to wait until you're ready"
"Once I actually successfully lose my virginity, I felt so amazing. It was like the greatest weight ever lifted off my shoulders instantly."
"I guess virginity like isn't real but also like real classy dude just don't like comment on the sexual habits of other people it's not hard."
"Being married doesn't mean you're not a virgin."
"Hey, me and the girls talk, we're all gonna stay virgin."
"I felt really shaken by the fact that I was no longer a virgin. I just felt like a part of me was gone."
"The deepening of faith in the virginal motherhood led the church to confess Mary's real and perpetual virginity, even in the act of giving birth to the Son of God. Christ's birth did not diminish his mother's virginal integrity, but sanctified it."
"Artemis appears to have been so-called because of her soundness and orderliness and because of her desire for virginity."
"The most stringent requirement was the expectation of virginity, encapsulated in the phrase 'Virgo Intacta'."
"I'm not a virgin because I have to be, it's because I choose to be."
"By this solemn rite, the virgin is constituted a sacred person, a transcendent sign of the church's love for Christ."
"Virginity is great perfection, and continence eke with devotion."
"Death came through a virgin Eve, it was necessary that life should also come through a virgin."
"Embrace your own journey, and if you are a virgin, be honest, and there's nothing wrong with being a virgin."
"Being a virgin isn't anything to be embarrassed about."
"Mary, the mother of Jesus, conceived miraculously through the Holy Spirit while remaining a virgin."
"Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. Mary was a virgin before, during, and after the birth of her only son."
"Virginity for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven is an unfolding of baptismal grace, a powerful sign of the supremacy of the bond with Christ."
"Both the sacrament of matrimony and virginity for the kingdom of God come from the Lord himself."
"Whoever denigrates marriage also diminishes the glory of virginity. Whoever praises it makes virginity more admirable and resplendent."