
Polarity Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"The universal reconciliation of opposites is effected by a recognition of this principle of polarity."
"I think we're living in a time of extreme polarities...every system in nature before it evolves goes through a period of chaos."
"Polarity is the secret to a healthy relationship, not compatibility or open communication."
"Control is the key to negatively polarized use of catalyst. Acceptance is the key to positively polarized use of catalyst."
"People will always love you and people will always hate you, there's no in-between."
"You can't have hate without love you have to be the most polarizing thing ever and that's why we're so loved you can't have hate if you can't have love."
"People either loved me or hated me, like even now people are like, 'I'm obsessed with you' or 'I want to drag your naked body through a mile of glass because I hate you so much'."
"Joining subtle polarities into deeply complementary opposites."
"The truth isn't always in the middle; sometimes you have to pick a side."
"Everything has poles, seeming opposites are actually the same thing, just different in degree."
"Public opinion on modern Sonic games are usually pretty black-and-white: they're either universally loved or absolutely hated."
"Everything in life has both polarities. It's about working with chaos for spiritual growth."
"You've got to make people care, whether they love you or hate you."
"All evolution on this plane occurs through polarity."
"The mere fact that a piece of plastic could usher little girls, adult feminists, and grow-up political leaders into conversations has always placed Barbie in this weird space between polarizing and impartial."
"It's one path or the other, there is no longer a middle ground."
"Metals love to lose electrons, but here the case is opposite."
"Understanding the polarities, one is you say male and female, you know they're just polarities, they are not that one is stronger or one is weaker, they are just complementing each other."
"Because it is the polarity that emotional intensity represents, the polarity that they have often suppressed within themselves or cut themselves off from internally."
"You want to get the triangle piece pointed towards the bridge on a right-handed guitar, that's just for polarity reasons, not a scientist, but that's the reason for it."
"Bipolar disorder is named bipolar because it has two poles: one pole being the manic pole or the manic end of the disease, and the other pole being the depressive end of the disease."
"Opposites attract, like charges repel."
"I am a huge fan of David data and have followed his work for like a decade and find his teachings on polarity to be gospel to put it mildly."
"Grounded plugs usually don’t bother making the neutral blade wider because the position and presence of the ground pin enforces polarity on its own, similar to how many other countries do it."
"You might think that since we’re dealing with AC power here polarity doesn’t matter, and yeah everything will work if it’s wired backwards, but that introduces danger in certain situations."
"What really keeps it going is polarity. Polarity is where she is more feminine and he is more masculine."
"Reverse polarity is a really big deal."
"We're not just testing one circuit like a lot of people would... make sure we've got the polarities correct."
"If you have a liquid with a very highly polar molecule, then it's going to require a lot more heat to make those things fly off into the gas phase."
"There's good and evil in everybody because these polarities are expressed fractally at every level of nature."
"You have like these polarities to your own personality that this person really likes. They're very drawn to that."
"The polarity here is very strong."
"...what the United States is doing is moving from a unipolar world to a multi polar world... once you leave polarity and go to either by polarity or multi polarity a country can no longer pursue liberal hegemony."
"You've balanced the masculine polarity with the feminine. Your head and heart are in perfect cohesion, creating miracles for you."
"It doesn't matter how you are in all other areas of your life if you are able to surrender and be in the flow in front of your man that's polarity you've you've got it right there."
"Abundance is about more and more and more, but remember that everything has a polarity. So the opposite of abundance is scarcity."
"Attraction is created between two polar opposites, like a plus and a minus."
"Using those polarities, that north-south, male-female, hot-cold, night-day, the two halves that make up a whole."
"Honestly, you know, it's a dual polarity to everything, you know? So it's like energy. There's, you know, dark, there's light, you know? And I feel like when you find a balance, you know, then that, that way it's like it becomes whole."
"It's not about neutralizing the two polarities; it's about playing with these polarities."
"Sexual attraction is based on sexual polarity, which is the force of passion that arcs between masculine and feminine poles."
"The thing with masculine and feminine energy is that they are like a magnet, they are naturally drawn to each other and they complement each other perfectly, and that polarity is what creates that attraction and spark and passion in your relationships."
"It's the opposite of the top one."
"Water does not have magnets, but it does have polarity."
"To destroy an undesirable rate of mental vibration, put into operation the principle of polarity and concentrate upon the opposite pole to that which you desire to suppress."
"By changing your polarity, you may master your moods, change your mental states, remake your disposition, and build up character."
"You understand that feminine energy and masculine energy are polar energies, meaning they attract one another."
"The real choice we're being asked to make is whether we want to live in polarity or whether we want to live in harmony."
"...for him to want to chase you and just him be wild about you there has to be that polarity between the masculine and feminine energy."
"Sometimes when someone is favored by the Divine or when something is good going to happen, sometimes something has to get a little weird or wonky. It's just the polarities of the world, you know, good and evil."
"Opposite charges attract and like charges repel, because water is polar, it will attract to and bond with other polar or charged molecules, earning the title the universal solvent."
"Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of wiring these on their side. When you're looking down, what you may think is the negative is the positive because of trigonometry."
"You need to recognize polarities and support your coachee in moving through the polarity map, affirming both upsides."
"Its biggest positive can also become its biggest negative."
"Maybe that's what's happening with this polarity, this tug of war, this divine dialectic."
"There is no middle ground you either love it or you hate it."
"We got a lot of hate but we have a lot of love too."
"The polarity range will be from negative one, which means it's a negative sentiment, to one, which means it's a positive sentiment."
"A magnet has a north pole and a south pole."
"Polarized capacitors can only be charged in one direction."
"I've lived a life which has been highly polarized... I've been completely broke and I've also been rich."
"Masculine and feminine polarity is really the only thing that creates attraction, chemistry, passion long term."
"Everything is coming to a point, and both sides are much more aware of the good or the evil of the other side."
"Symmetry in molecular geometry dictates polarity."
"You're either going to love this design, or you're going to hate it."
"There's no one else like Him who evokes the antithetical extremes of love and hate, devotion and rejection, worship and blasphemy, faith and unbelief."
"Water, it turns out, is a polar molecule caused by unequal sharing of electrons in its covalent bond."
"The principle of polarity embodies the truth that everything is dual, everything has two poles, everything has its pair of opposites."
"The romantic energy always requires to maintain polarity."
"If you have economic polarity and you have a downturn in the economy, you're likely to have a conflict."
"The pair of opposites may be reconciled, and that thesis and antithesis are identical in nature, but different in degree."
"The universal reconciliation of opposites is affected by a recognition of this principle of polarity."
"There's just as many people that want to see us lose as want to see us win."
"The partially negative oxygens are attracted to the sodium ion which has a positive charge."
"Hydrogen bonding is like the epitome of polarity."
"If I want something to dissolve in water, I'm looking for something really polar."
"Not necessary if you have a polar bond the molecule is going to be polar; that's important."
"Being an activist, there's the people who really love me and there's people who really hate me."
"Two North Poles will repel... the same is true with South Poles, they are repelled as well, and the opposites attract."
"Water as a solvent because water is a polar molecule that means that it can also interact with other polar molecules."
"What we really need is a united polarity where we can learn to disagree but realize that we're all still human, having the same experience in different bodies and all learning different lessons."
"Make sure your polarity is correct; if you do screw this up, your drone will be fried."
"The reason why water is so polar is because oxygen has really high electronegativity and hydrogen has a really low electronegativity."
"Is this the complete opposite of that? Positive became negative, positive became negative, negative became positive. That's odd."
"Another technique we can use for reducing stimulus artifact is by manipulating the polarity of the stimulator."
"Polarity, or action and reaction, we meet in every part of nature; in darkness and light; in heat and cold; in the ebb and flow of waters; in male and female; in the inspiration and expiration of plants and animals; in the systole and diastole of the heart."
"Water is a great solvent, especially of polar substances."
"There's often a very black and white thinking when it comes to how people perceive opinions on YouTube, or in general."
"What makes a star is two things: Number one, half the people have to love you. And the other thing, half of them have to equally hate you."
"The union of twin flames is a dance of polarities, a cosmic tango where light and shadow intertwine."
"The cyano is a highly polar column so it can be a good choice because your compounds are highly polar."
"We're always going to have conflict because everything shows up in polarities; that's its nature."
"The chemical characteristic of water that lends to these four emergent properties is the polarity of water."
"Water is a polar molecule, which means that one side is slightly negatively charged while the other side is slightly positively charged."
"Our experiences have become more polar and yet seem to happen simultaneously, and we find the whole thing both exhilarating and exhausting."
"The molecule is polar because it does not have a symmetrical distribution of charge."
"You either love me or you hate me sort of scenario."
"When something is polar, it means that it's still neutral overall but it's polarized; one side has a partial positive charge and the other side has a partial negative charge."
"Hydrogen bonding is a weak attraction between water molecules because of polarity."
"Water's polarity makes it a super awesome solvent."
"People love these things or they hate these things; there's no real middle ground."
"If one side's positive and one side's negative, then the wave functions are actually going to lead to what we call destructive overlap."
"The pivotal point of third density is what Ra calls the choosing, which is choosing between those two polarities."
"In the past, the magnetic field has completely reversed, so the North Pole has become the South Pole, and the South Pole the North Pole."
"Bipolar is like the North Pole and the South Pole; at the North End is mania, which is wild and crazy and noisy, at the South Pole we have the depressed side of bipolar disorder."
"Water is the universal solvent, meaning basically anything polar can potentially be dissolved in water."
"It was the first year where you either loved Kobe Bryant or you hated Kobe Bryant, with no in between."
"Attractive characters harness the power of polarity. They share their opinions on hard matters and they stick to their guns no matter how many people disagree with them."
"If the molecule is symmetrical, it will be non-polar; if it is not symmetrical, it is polar."
"The positive polarity is service to others, love-based, radiating; the negative polarity is service to self, absorbing."
"So essentially, if it is my will to experience the positive polarity of the creator, if that's what I want, then it is my will to serve others and in doing so, I spiritually polarize."
"If you're replacing a cord and you have a polarized plug and you don't know which one's supposed to be hot which one's supposed to be neutral, look on your cord. You've got one side that's smooth and one side that's got ridges."
"Polarity is a wholly misunderstood conceptual term to refer to the release of a force from a point source."
"Holes move in the opposite direction of electrons, electrons travel negative to positive, holes travel positive to negative."
"Everything has its opposite, and opposites are simply polar expressions or extremes of the same thing."
"People hate you, people love you."
"This side of the molecule tends to be negative, and this side tends to be a little bit positive."
"The shape of a molecule determines the polarity of the molecule."
"Like magnets, we can either attract or repel."
"I split the energies, split the polarities, we see where we're at."
"It's all about feeling and journeying through the polarization of every experience."
"You need to strike people emotionally; either they love you or they hate you."
"Water is wet because of the polar bonds that exist between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms that make up a water molecule."
"Polarity is important; it's what keeps everything in balance."
"Polarity is falling away to make oneness."
"Polarity in a relationship is what creates that attraction."