
Accent Quotes

There are 213 quotes

"Embrace your own unique accent and focus on effective communication rather than perfection."
"The Scottish accent is so rich and melodic and lilting and beautiful."
"You just cannot be raised for the first six to seven years in an English-speaking home and later on not be able to speak English without an accent."
"Accent is like a vocal fingerprint. It’s a distinctive way of speaking a language that’s associated with a particular country, region, or even a social class."
"Your accent tells a story about who you are and where you came from."
"Helen McCrory studied Ozzy Osbourne to perfect her Birmingham accent."
"When betraying the alien Skrull Talos, actor Ben Mendelsohn uses his native Australian accent."
"It's just a nice accent, different color to all like the satin black and the black trim throughout the Pathfinder."
"The great thing about an Australian accent is that you always sound happy."
"I remember when you had that African accent and then you lost it a year later."
"I'm excited to start using my accent for real and to be an essic go should I shut up."
"Okay, okay, it's pretty clear that this is a Southern accent."
"Working on your accent will help you be understood and understand others."
"There ain't no way, dude. This kind of ris should be illegal. She's like hitting like every different accent."
"For accent lighting I had a few ideas."
"I wanted to bring in something quite subtle but just highlight it ever so slightly with the accent color yellow."
"It just completely flipped the preconception you have of a Birmingham accent."
"British people don't just sound smarter than us, they are smart."
"As noted, the West Country accent directly inspired the way pirates stereotypically speak in Hollywood productions."
"We're famous for the Buffalo accent."
"I think accents help me get into character more."
"We know we can't imitate any accent."
"Wesley Snipes is the new character that's a great addition to this. He's the only American actor in this that can properly do an African accent."
"The actress is just doing it all right, her lines, the way she talks. I love her accent."
"Their accent in English is different from both British and their own neighbors."
"And hey while we're on the topic of Siri as well, did you know you can actually change the accent or the voice of Siri as well."
"There's a big difference between kind of a mountain accent which is what we would say that we have and then a Southern accent."
"We've got a ton of comments about our accents. We've had several people say that they almost sounded like we went into like an English kind of accent or like some kind of a European accent."
"They make all these films and they get American actors, and no offense to these American actors, but they can't do Irish accents."
"Half my family do talk in, like, a wanky sort of English accent."
"The British accent definitely adds a bonus point."
"I've experienced many colors of racism... I know if I was a guy with a continental accent, I would be treated differently."
"The framework of class in Britain therefore extends Beyond mere accent or financial status."
"When Americans find out that a celebrity is from the United Kingdom or they have a British accent like Christian Bale Batman when I heard that I was like what what is going on you know that because that's like a whole accent change that's a huge undertaking."
"It's kind of giving racist vibes. Like, I don't like this accent my child has. I'm taking him to speech therapy."
"Samantha is from England, so she has a lovely British accent."
"She was in London since about 1950, yeah, that's why she's got a nice accent still cockney."
"Oh my God you sound like every woman in New Jersey."
"The Scouse accent isn't actually that old."
"By distinguishing a person's accent, you know where that one comes from. Geographically. Similarly, by listening to the note of a Christian, you know whether he has overcome."
"Shoutout to Scotland, I want to say what is he asking about is he no just his accent in general"
"I think chicks dig the accent too right cat yeah do you why I like accents in general"
"The traditional, I guess stereotypical, Texan accent sounds much more similar to a Southern accent. So Texans might say 'Texas' instead of 'Texas.' 'Don't mess with Texas,' right? That's better."
"They're really good. The accents, Australian. Yeah, I'm Australian."
"Don't understand my accent? Well, you'll understand your keys in the river."
"Is there somebody that would speak with, like, an Irish accent? Yeah, okay."
"Stewie is my favorite love his accent."
"According to a survey done by Time Out, the British accent is the sexiest in the world."
"She really keeps a lot of space and keeps the vowel like 'ah' where I'm more like."
"That sounded like, no accent. I was like, Plymouth. Just like regular Americans, straight American."
"...your goal should just be to reach a C1 level of English where people can understand you, you can speak clearly. But don't worry too much about your accent. English speakers love foreign accents."
"...this comes with time and practice, and just also know that again, people love listening to people speak English in different accents and that they really appreciate it when people try their best to speak."
"He's speaking an accent where the last syllable in every sentence just drops."
"The people I met along the way, a lot nicer than I thought they ever would be, even with my English accent."
"I think Jack Grealish probably has the strongest accent of all the England players. He speaks with a brummy accent. He is from Birmingham."
"It's crazy how that gradient is. The further north you go, it's like this gradient you get closer to like the Scottish accent."
"I've been literally doing the accent the whole time and every time I've been doing it, I've been thinking about if it's Australian or if it's British."
"I tried to cover my accent, but I wasn't an actress like Aunt Maxie was trying to be, and being myself was the only way I knew how to be."
"Yeah, Whataburger and, like, my relatives with really thick Southern accents, it's like, 'Whataburger,' and you're like, 'Yeah, that's my go-to order.'"
"The amount of detail and added paint really makes this thing pop... You've got silver accents on the sides, you've got a ladder that is mobile."
"I really enjoyed the accent it was just highly enjoyable to listen to them talking"
"The vast majority of the metro area sounds pretty much like I do."
"I only get like, 'You pronounce this word wrong with your Boston accent'."
"There's no such thing as a bad accent."
"I mean like this is true well you know, any accident, any person who's from the island of Ireland will have an Irish accent, right?"
"They do a transatlantic accent, what is it? No one knows what that means."
"Children at that age can learn to speak a new language with a native speaker's accent."
"No, he's dropped the Australian accent. In fact, he... He went back to being a criminal."
"It's been a really interesting journey finding out more about a black country accent and dialect."
"He's doing the whole thing like he's got a like it's like he just had back surgery like he does a whole like he spends half the movie with his ass sticking out all lip dogging everybody's hair tilted."
"He's really cowboy but then also has like a cartoon of a cowboy you know almost as if he's faking the accent within like the show like he's in a Western in the 1950 missile."
"If you have an accent, it's something that someone's immediately interested in. They kind of want to know a little like where exactly did you come from."
"Her accent as a witch is so on point."
"That's the cool thing about him is he actually uses them, and he's got this proper British presentation voice to where it's very soothing, good videos."
"Can you do a sort of a New York accent and I went yeah of course I can you know because that's the first thing you say and then you go how'd you do it."
"Another term and I think your American accent will be gone completely."
"Be yourself cuz imagine I came out like a fake African accent I got keep that for the whole time like you know what I mean so just relax and be yourself."
"I'm not from Carolina, so my accent is confused."
"My process was very much how do I get so inside of the accent that I can just completely forget about it and then do all the work of the script analysis so that when I get to set I can throw all of that out the window and just be in the moment."
"It's totally fine to like one accent more than the other or to find one easier. That's totally fine. Of course, my accent is American."
"I think whenever I hear someone speak that way in this accent you just instantly want to believe him."
"Nobody is born with an accent, they pick it up."
"Everything sounds more true with an Australian accent to it. The scriptures sound better, everything sounds more eloquent and wiser."
"We have all these different accents, so part of the Caribbean problem is the accent."
"In the name of the school, Malkovich acquired his convincing accent by having a Russian woman read all of his lines first and then mimicked her accent."
"Americans hear it and they go, 'Man, that's tough, son!' But then they hear a really British person and go, 'Yeah, I don't know what he talking about!'"
"I knew they were going to be fooled because his accent is so heavy."
"If you add the lisp like you were talking about... Now stop doing the New York, okay? And stay here. Stay here. Now start talking with a baby accent."
"He quickly lost his rough London accent and underwent another evacuation."
"If you talk about nothing with a British accent hard enough people just listen to you and think you are saying something."
"He was tall, athletic, and spoke with a strong accent."
"I love accent it just wakes up the meal."
"...you get to add in a little pop of color with this orange."
"Girls normally, they hear my accent, they just walk away."
"Timothy Chalamet says the sexiest accent in Britain originates in Hull."
"He's got a very deep southern accent."
"Your accent is the unique music that your ancestors composed over years and years of cultural evolution."
"...the rookie cop...had a nice smile and he was Scottish and still spoke with a soft Scottish accent..."
"It just affects me. It doesn't matter what your face looks like if you have a British accent."
"I just loved every minute of it. I did a thick Russian accent."
"I get told that when I go to Scotland they say you don't sound Scottish anymore you sound like an American I think it's just cuz the the RS haven't changed at all correct right yeah well my RS is exactly the same as it was."
"You have a beautiful South African accent; I love the South African accent."
"Hugh Jackman has an accent? Yeah, he's Australian."
"I've always loved that he has this thick working-class accent and is a genius."
"He's got that thick sexy British accent."
"Pikachu is a wonderful accent piece for Ash."
"I love working on my American accent."
"I had an audition for a television show that required a very specific accent that I had no idea how to do."
"You can use your accent to say what you mean and how you mean it."
"I wish I had an English accent. It's so much more eloquent."
"If you still have a light foreign accent, it's fine; in fact, it can even be charming."
"We don't need to have a beautiful accent when we speak English."
"I love his accent, I love his voice."
"If you can't tell from my accent, I'm coming to you today from London in the UK."
"She's got this posh accent and she could say anything, and just the way she says it and the mannerisms that she has are just incredible."
"There's nothing like Liverpool with the... the accent, you know, they're so quick, the accent, not just get you, it's very funny, you know."
"Pausing more regularly to breathe and separate your ideas into thought groups will improve your accent, and most importantly, help people understand you."
"Hi friend," he beamed, speaking with this thick accent.
"You gotta teach me how to do this English accent."
"A lot of people say, 'I love your accent,' you know."
"I've added a small one and a half inch accent border and then a pieced border on the outside."
"Each one is going to stand out on its own, and then it has this wonderful little accent border that's going to make it so fun and interesting."
"The Southern drawl... is a type of accent that has developed over hundreds of years."
"I've definitely been mocked for my accent."
"It's calming and peaceful, with an accent specially designed to confuse the outsider."
"I love the Scottish accent; it's the most amazing accent in the world."
"I love the Scottish accent, it's one of the best."
"If you have a couple pops of black in a room, it can help anchor any room, little splashes of black."
"As long as you're speaking in standard English, your actual accent is not a barrier."
"Your accent alone is a good icebreaker."
"Everything sounds better in an English accent."
"Like a fine wine, my Australian accent has just gotten better with age."
"It's a nice thing to have a native British or American or Australian accent if you want that, but it's more important for you to focus on basic grammar."
"I like your accent too; it's something I never heard before."
"Tangier, Virginia: Members have a unique accent unlike any other place in the US."
"Very talented Scottish lady has a wonderful melodical accent to actually listen to."
"I really wanted to get rid of my accent."
"Soon enough, I'll become British, and I will mix my Kisii and Swahili accent and make my own accent."
"The British accent, guys, my God, it is a barrier to communication."
"I love your accent, I'm in New York but I watch enough of your videos and I'm learning Southernese."
"He's so much fun, I love his accent."
"To me, my accent's like a comfortable sweater; it defines a big part of what I am and who I am."
"Everyone has an accent; it's not a problem as long as they can understand you."
"Don't worry too much about your accent as long as you're easy to understand."
"Foreign Accent Syndrome - imagine waking up one morning and suddenly talking in a completely different accent than you have your entire life."
"Embrace the mistake, that's what I'm doing with my Australian accent."
"I'm funny, you know, caring, and my accent is cute."
"You have one of those accents that's so pretty but you can't exactly tell where it's from."
"I love Scotland, so if I can hear someone's Scottish accent, I'm in."
"Your accent matters so much, you know how you sound dictates how you get treated."
"I'm not difficult speaking, I'm just Scottish."
"Oh, juicy Christ, heal my accent."
"I love your accent; I could listen to you all day long."
"The person is going to speak with an accent, so if my great-grandfather had a heavy Hungarian or Romanian accent, I will be able to generate the video for him in that language."
"Super cute could be a pop color to an all-black outfit for an event, so love this."
"Going to try to save your life, and mine while we're at it," the man's voice was deep with a hair of British inflection.
"It was built throughout cultural, political, social and religious history that gives its color to our accent."
"His voice is like the sweetest, oh my God, I love his voice and his precious accent."
"Understand why Italian speakers have an Italian accent when speaking English."
"If your native language is Italian, you may have an Italian accent."
"These are just some of the features that create an Italian accent in English."
"Our voice, our accent, is just so pivotal to our identity."
"I appreciate this opportunity to apologize for inflicting on them the most atrocious cockney accent in the history of cinema."
"I like that accent, I don't know why she doesn't, but yeah, it's funny."
"I think overall color palettes are such a great way to add a small, easy accent to pretty much any page."
"I love when people tell me that I have an accent because honestly, I didn't know I had one."
"You do not have to sound British or American; you don't even have to sound like a native speaker."
"As soon as he came out there and started talking, I was like, 'You sound like you're from London,' but he had a great stage presence."
"If I had been born in North America, I would have a different accent."
"People actually love the Nigerian accent."
"Having an accent doesn't necessarily mean that you're not fluent in the language."
"Every time I'm around you, I get an old southern drawl. It's kind of cool."
"I think a red lip, a red heel, like a pop of red purse, something red will really set this off."
"All toddlers have a Boston accent; they're like, 'I'm tired,' and Boston toddlers are like, 'I'm wicked tired.'"
"Accent doesn't take anything from anyone's spoken word."
"Accent is a strange thing. It gives variety to a language and identity to a person."
"I love the kind of romantic edge that it adds to an outfit."
"I genuinely think the Glaswegians have the best accent ever."
"I feel like the soft Jamaican accent is probably one of the nicest things."
"It's very wearable but it's got a pop of green in there."
"Imagine hearing in a foreign accent, so the sonics of that, and then knowing that is somebody you care about and they care about you, and the environment's beautiful."
"Now adding those three little berries to the holly leaves is the perfect accent for the blue projects."
"I love the tiny gold accent on this, it gives it a little bit of glam but it's not too loud at the same time."