
Housekeeping Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Doing it once a week will keep your house nice and clean and save a lot of work for you."
"It's okay if your house isn't super duper clean."
"Welcome, let's do some housekeeping. Oh, housekeeping, indeed indeed."
"It's so easy to put stuff away that it doesn't take a long time to tidy up."
"Our house is decluttered, so it's not as hard to clean and it's enjoyable."
"I'm so proud of myself today for cleaning my room even though it took all day."
"We love you thank you for hanging out with us today as we clean house."
"Cleaning is never fun but luckily for you this video is full of hacks and gadgets to make your life easier."
"Dust, who decided dust would be such a problem?"
"It's really easy to keep clean. And what I've found, is that I don't mind cleaning my house as much when it's not so cluttered."
"The less you own, the easier it is to clean your house."
"I can't wait to have a good old tidy of the house tomorrow, probably, you know me, just what I wanted."
"I don't feel like the house is clean without the floors being clean and certainly I don't feel like it's clean until this sink is scrubed."
"Okay, here is one of my favorite top tips... to keep your house smelling gorgeous while you're away is I use these UNSTOPABLES."
"Hallways get a lot of foot traffic especially if you're a sho's house, you know you might have some scratches or discoloration and the staining."
"It's not necessarily fun to do these things but I get so much joy and satisfaction out of just keeping my home clean and tidy."
"Do you actually do a bit of cleaning yourself? I do yes yesterday I made 12 beds."
"My house was cleaned so I walked in and it's just perfectly set in order the house is in order."
"So, we're doing a dusting of the interior, vacuuming of the carpets, and cleaning the windows."
"I hope that you don't ever feel like your definition of a good mom or your definition of a good human being is tied to how clean your house is."
"...your guts housekeeper that is how it has been endearingly labeled."
"I personally like to start cleaning my house in the kitchen. Once the kitchen's clean, all feels better."
"The housekeeping's gone the way of all flesh."
"Nobody likes a poop smelling house."
"Housekeeping is nothing but the process of managing gemba, that is a Japanese term for the workplace, for continuous improvement."
"She's the best housekeeper there is."
"You see my side has already pretty much not even needed to be vacuumed."
"I always think of the people who do housekeeping."
"It doesn't take long to get your house clean when you stay focused."
"The easiest way to have your house be maintainable is to have less stuff in it."
"But there's many of us who think that a spotless house is a sign of a misspent life."
"We have got to tidy this flat today because I have somebody coming to stay very soon which I'm so excited about."
"I do not like cleaning... so any gadget that makes my life easier and makes the cleaning just a little bit more fun, I am down to try."
"I do keep the house in perfect condition, if I do say so myself."
"At last, I finally cleaned house. Good job."
"For 16 days, we do not have to make our bed, tidy the room... it is really very nice to have all the housekeeping done."
"I love coming back to a room with a freshly made bed."
"These cobwebs are a disgrace," Sophie declared.
"Good morning! I've got a little bit of metaphorical and literal housekeeping today."
"Knowing that I only have to take 15 minutes here and there to work on some of these deep cleaning tasks has made the biggest difference in our home."
"Attention to detail is one of the most important traits of a good housekeeper."
"A good housekeeper also needs to be friendly, nice, engaging."
"I guarantee you if you just spend 10 minutes a day... you are still able to keep a neat and tidy house."
"God bless that woman, what a legend, makes my house look like new every time she comes."
"Having clean laundry is similar to having a clean house; it's a very nice and enjoyable feeling to have for sure."
"It's called protective housekeeping, but I like it best because it gives such beauty and charm all through the home."
"I want to make sure this house is deep cleaned once a month."
"There is no magic secret; there is no way that you can do nothing and have a clean house."
"Outsource the task of house cleaning... Work it into your budget, figure out how to do it, it is so worth it."
"Good bees that's for sure, all right, good house cleaners."
"For cleaning about the house, farmers' wives made ingenious use of natural resources."
"I'm a professional housekeeper with 13 years of experience, offering cleaning tips on how to keep your home beautiful and in tiptop shape."
"We always tip housekeeping; it just brings us good luck."
"Make sure your own house is picked up before you comment on other people's houses."
"Secrets for daily maintenance of a home: dishes every day, no matter what."
"I have learned to appreciate the need for flexibility and how therapeutic it can feel to clean your house in small chunks every single day."
"Maintenance cleaning is always way easier than trying to do this big massive clean."
"I hired house cleaners and I was amazed at the difference."
"Who is a better housekeeper, Alice from The Brady Bunch or The Nanny from The Nanny?"
"Start tipping your housekeeping lady at these hotels that you stay."
"Not only is she an excellent cook, but she also gives the house a thorough cleaning."
"It's really important to take everything out as soon as it is dry."
"It's nice to have everything you need right by your side in some little caddy that you can just bring room to room and just make cleaning the house a little bit more efficient."
"Cleaning makes me happy. It makes me happy seeing my space clean, knowing that the house is clean and all that."
"It's been a lot of good positive things happening in the house as a result of doing the fly lady."
"Clean as you go, so you don't have to waste your weekends cleaning."
"Once I get my bed made, I feel a thousand times more motivated to take care of the rest of the house."
"If you feel like it can be overwhelming to keep a clean house, no, you're not alone. That is normal."