
Historical Preservation Quotes

There are 293 quotes

"We have got, you know, a preserved record of ancient people's hunting techniques and traditions."
"It's not killing history, it's preserving it for future generations."
"The 1957 Plymouth named Miss Belvedere was once wrapped in a protective plastic liner and entombed in a concrete vault."
"There's something truly special about finding a piece of automotive history that's been parked up for years and preserved like a dusty time capsule."
"They completed extensive structural changes and modernized the estate to the 21st century, all while keeping its authentic 19th-century feel."
"So I really appreciate you like follow and share what I'm doing trying to document all these important historical locations."
"Preserve the words and deeds of a great hero."
"Preserved so that their stories could be told into the future."
"Let's make sure we're not the next Lost Civilization."
"Prague, which escaped the bombs of last century's wars, is one of Europe's best-preserved cities."
"We all love stories, we all love looking around and understanding why everything is there and I think that this bar is such a centerpiece to that, it just gets me so riled up."
"It's so exciting to see people that are so excited about preserving history, you know they're about a bar from 150 years ago so I just want to say thank you all so so much for following on this journey."
"The ship was standing on the ground for more than 100 years."
"Trying to make sure that the history of a character remains not forgotten."
"If it weren't for the records themselves, a lot of this music would have been forgotten."
"The discovery shows that the people who lived there were devoted to maintaining a traditional religious lifestyle and staying pure," explained IAA archaeologist Dr. Abdelgani Ibrahim and Dr. Walid Atrash.
"Why are we saying that where we send tourists has to be sort of pretty and tree? Let's show them Britain as it is today, which actually reflects the wall as it was 1900 years ago."
"It's unbelievable that these puppets have made their way from a hot attic where they likely would have been forgotten into a museum where they can be preserved and viewed by everyone."
"That's why I think it's so important to protect and preserve history."
"The customs of our ancestors produced excellent men, and eminent men preserved our ancient customs and the institutions of their forefathers."
"What happened at Seahenge is nothing short of a tragedy, a perfect example of conflict of interest which is overruled by those who held the highest degree."
"Our connection to history is sometimes tenuous and that in a flash sometimes quite literally in a flash pieces of that history can be lost forever."
"This is what historical preservation is all about... it's more fun than you'd expect."
"Traces of people and events that linger just as much as the buildings."
"Bodie is the king of the ghost towns in the Western United States."
"They have protected the best ghost towns in Montana and they're well worth protecting."
"Dubrovnik and its old town with its higher walls and bastions."
"Americans build their future. We don't tear down our past."
"In life, this beautiful musician from Thebes endured agonizing pain; in death, thanks to the pioneering efforts of Dr. Lewin's team, she has finally achieved the kind of celebrated and dignified afterlife her culture held so dearly."
"I really worry about this country getting so distracted by Wars, which is where we are right now Governor, that we're going to destroy what has taken hundreds of years to build."
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same."
"The tomb itself is showing the effects of years in the elements, but plans are already underway for its preservation and eventual replacement."
"The reason we still have their books... they were copied and read widely."
"God has called me to sacrifice all of that in order to bring the truth."
"I think it's pretty messed up to destroy statues of any group because that is history."
"Why alter such an important artifact? Why not preserve them in their found state?"
"Allah preserved this story, and it is amazing that this story, even though it happened in the time of Musa (AS), yet it is preserved in our Ummah."
"Demolition by neglect is a fairly common tactic that developers use to get rid of pesky historically protected buildings."
"The perfect shipwreck: Sterling Castle, discovered in perfect condition."
"Luffy defeating the gods and bringing freedom to the world."
"Foreign invaders mobilize divisions and send them to destroy this temple but the stone is so hard that they could only inflict minor damages over a long period of time eventually the destroyers just gave up."
"Contextualization is a much better approach to this stuff than trying to silence your opponent, pull down statues, no platform people."
"It's an adaptive reuse project and it'll save two important historical landmarks that are on the verge of collapse, bringing new life to the original social district of San Francisco."
"Pripyat, the purpose-built Soviet city near Chernobyl, now remains perfectly preserved as a haunting reminder of the nuclear disaster."
"Preservation of history...was not only important, it was also possible...it was these guarantors...that were consistently telling and clarifying and correcting the stories about Jesus."
"The Constitution DAO is pulling together money to win the auction. They intend to put the constitution in the hands of the people."
"We want our history. We want to know and we want to learn from our history. We don't want our history canceled."
"Let's celebrate history in defiance of those who wish to cancel it."
"We're always on the hunt for the next piece of American Motorcycle history."
"City Hall Station, with its Romanesque style architecture, remains virtually untouched since 1945."
"A very authentic town, nothing has changed much here since 1878."
"This house is epic, everything is still inside untouched is more rare than any other house maybe around this area."
"This monument will never be desecrated, and Mount Rushmore will stand forever as an eternal tribute to our forefathers and to our freedom."
"God promised preservation... you'll never destroy all the Jews."
"The Red Baron's triplane was torn apart by souvenir hunters, as none of his planes are believed to exist intact today."
"Stand up for your nation's history. It really is time to make hidden history great again."
"Our main goal is to preserve the history of the South and the true meaning of what the Confederate experiment was."
"The first body to be placed in the Capuchin catacombs was that of friar Silvestro Gubbio, still carrying a placard bearing the date of the event."
"When over 20 of Egypt's finest temples were threatened by flooding, 51 nations came to the rescue and mounted one of the most ambitious structural moves in history."
"The international team of 2000 engineers and contractors assembled at Abu Simbel were racing to beat the rising Nile in the most ambitious move of a historical site ever attempted."
"Preserving this site is the biggest fight, the biggest challenge for everyone here."
"If we lose the city of Pompeii to a volcanic eruption or to some other form of devastation, what we lose is the greatest single place to walk into the past."
"All the new technologies that are being employed here will soon provide us with an incredibly detailed virtual view of Pompeii."
"These containers contain the timber from the only surviving wooden roof... remnants of those bright colors still exist."
"For Sally, this is another chapter in the rejuvenation of London's historical streets."
"Whether it's a network of abandoned mines, haunted islands, or top-secret military facilities."
"Keeping Poveglia off-limits might be the best way to honor not only its past, but also those who were never allowed to leave."
"Ephesus today is one of the best preserved Greco-Roman classical cities in the world."
"General Dietrich von Choltitz refused Hitler's order, saving the Eiffel Tower from destruction."
"We collect today for tomorrow, not just yesterday."
"Here it is, a huge section of the Royal flagship still under the mud."
"This is our own contribution to bring more peace and love to this world."
"If you were going to save any Royal Navy battleship... she would have been the one to keep."
"The role of the remnant is to bring back what is lost, to restore the tribes of Jacob."
"That's the joy of this business, preserving little snapshots of history that could have so very easily been lost along the way."
"We're about to head in and investigate... to try help raise awareness that this building exists in the first place."
"The old ticket windows are still here with the speaker and the hole to hand the money."
"Huge Native American drawings dating back over 1,000 years found in a large unnamed cave in Alabama."
"Exploring the stories and preserving our past is vital."
"They kept the original features which is always good, and I like it. I like it a lot."
"All that they told us about not destroying history is bs... designed to topple every single thing that we have known to be America."
"We're going to restore this house back to something that we can be comfortable saying it's going to be around for another 100 years."
"Preserving the past, driving towards the future."
"The excavation caused the sensation. The Mary Rose was Britain's Pompeii, a moment of life frozen in time."
"Machu Picchu is one of the last surviving links to a great vanquished civilization."
"I have a real affection for the place and it would have been awful not to have restored it as lovingly as possible."
"We're so lucky to have Lee because if he didn't share what he has, people would just say, 'Well, it was here in the '80s and '90s and it's not here anymore.'"
"Lady Dai's tomb remained untouched for nearly 2,000 years until 1968 when workers discovered the grave 40 feet underground."
"Preserving Enterprise as the only World War II aircraft carrier, that's a particularly big selling point."
"History can endure when recorded by a great songwriter."
"The blade of a Chinese sword that was taken out of its sheath for the first time in more than 2,000 years was still perfectly shiny."
"It's an old stone brick farmhouse, absolutely beautiful."
"Jesus, still standing, holy dude they just keep going."
"We have to put all our manpower into excavating recording and lifting any remaining grave Goods and skeletal remains."
"This historic site can be a great long-term asset for the community and the city."
"These are I think really misunderstood as far as what they actually mean it's whether you're an American born in Texas or a Brazilian the debate always just comes back to preserving history and Heritage or removing hate and racism."
"If it weren't for tourism today, the Sphinx would be buried in windblown sand."
"It's like a time capsule of an industrial landscape before the big explosion occurred."
"The idea was for their portraits to live on forever, even as their physical bodies decayed."
"Despite their age, many look as though they were just finished yesterday."
"Here you go, the Cardiff Coke oven stabilization project received $34,000 in 2022 to install fencing create signs remove graffiti remove vegetation and plant grass there we go 2022 oh maybe we should protect this place."
"Victory is now embarking on an exciting new phase of her long and dramatic history: a major 10-year conservation project."
"I wish as an industry we'd come together to help preserve the history of what gaming is about."
"Honestly, Tulsa is one of the best cities on all of Route 66. There's so much preserved history here including old signs and even new roadside attractions."
"You don't have to destroy the past to have a future."
"We're going to own that... But don't pull the statues down."
"The church built in 1846 remained standing tall untouched by the flames as a sign of hope for the people of Maui."
"The cathedral will now recover and preserve this burial here with the newly found knowledge of his link to one of Salisbury Cathedral's most ambitious and powerful bishops."
"Bringing this Mansion back to its original status of what it used to be 100 years ago."
"You lose a hundred years worth of pop culture just because AI decided to erase it from our memories."
"do what you will my dear but I do think there should be some protection afforded to living breathing figures of History"
"The Lost Golden City of Luxor, frozen in time like Pompeii."
"It's not right to damage statues just because you don't like them."
"Thankfully, skilled colorists around the world have bought rare historical photos to life like never before."
"I'm not going to try and archive all of the out of print things."
"Watch this, y'all, 15 years of secret work to preserve the wreck after a four-year search, why did I look at that and y'all gonna say something wrong with me?"
"They want to take away your history. That's why the monuments and the statues, they want to knock them down."
"The level of preservation and detail in the architecture, despite the thousands of years of occupation and of war in this country, is really spectacular."
"Jackie Kennedy's gown is still preserved today at the Kennedy Library in Boston, Massachusetts."
"This is not about a cartoon; it's about resisting the erasure of the work of a patriotic hero." - W.E. Briggs
"You represent the first major breakthrough we've had towards preserving a piece of history." - Lost and Found Group
"Our main objective is to preserve our history—75 years of history."
"Turkey's newest park is an underwater museum of 14 largely intact shipwrecks... a window into the naval struggles of World War One." - NTD News summary
"History deserves to be remembered, and if you believe that too, you can support the History Guy as a member on YouTube, supporter on our community and locals, or as a patron on Patreon."
"Bottom line, you'll see those things on auction now for some crazy prices, but bottom line is this, we preserved the history. This is such a cool piece to have."
"Nobody knows what happened to them but we hope these pieces of history are safe and sound at the Disney archives."
"We're just preserving them as they were originally presented as a time capsule of the time in which they were published."
"If you've been looking for that project that you can do in between other bigger projects, a temperature blanket, I think, is a fantastic way to just kind of honor this time in history for yourself."
"Footage of these early plays exist within the lama archives in New York."
"These things are preserved, it's as if those people who make these claims just woke up yesterday or something."
"The paint was barely dry on some of the royal tombs in ancient Egypt before the looters broke in."
"These statues here, these aren't recreations, these are actual bodies of the victims who died nearly 2,000 years ago."
"The discovery presented its own set of complications, given the monumental significance of the find for Mongolia's heritage."
"This is so clever and especially in a grade one listed building."
"with the Demolition of Liberty Land the story of Elvis's favorite roller coaster didn't end"
"It survived fires, redevelopment, and the Blitz."
"I'm chuffed to have found my best-ever Thames Roman coin. It's a remarkable condition considering its age."
"Recognizing the historical significance of the room, the family decided to preserve it as a museum, sharing Hoover's Legacy with future generations to see."
"Thankfully there are people who are determined that these cars are not going to become just memories recorded on film or in the pages of books and magazines."
"Prime Minister Winston Churchill sends a message to the Lord Mayor saying that the cathedral must be saved at all costs."
"This entire downtown is on the national register, and in fact, this is considered the best-preserved town historically in Texas."
"Restoring Clen Kellen has not just been about renovating the building throughout the project the team have been trying to identify the people who lived here and understand the lives they lived at key points in history."
"We're hoping to bring some history to y'all that hasn't been seen in over 100 years."
"I like it here because it's like stepping back in time."
"If I could get one message across to people who own historical manuscripts... it would be, 'Please just take five minutes and write it down for the next generation.'"
"It's important to have those news clips for historical preservation."
"We want to show... the history, his life, where we started and where we've gone."
"Ultimately, this is what the finished museum looked like."
"Don't take down statues. I think you need to leave the memorial landscape in place. I think it's important to have those statues because they force us to deal with what was going on in 1921 and 1924."
"Strolling along the 800-year-old bridges and waterways of the world-famous old town district is like stepping back in time."
"Saving money is part of it but the experience of being able to keep that little piece of history alive and give a model or Army of models a point again makes it feel way more worth it to me"
"It's an amazing sight, isn't it? It's incredible you're looking at something here which is nearly 2,000 years old."
"This submarine maybe more than any other has been left in the most original condition that you can possibly find. And that includes how you access the submarine. So in order to get into the Razorback, well, you have to go in just like the crew did through one of these hatches."
"We didn't do all this [__] work, we did not come this far to let a [__] erase us from history."
"2006, it popped up at an auction, and then Kerry Stokes, who's been a great benefactor of the Australian War Memorial and other institutions, went to the auction and bought it and presented it straight to the Australian War Memorial."
"It's quite possible it was actually replaced at some point given that this Railway dates back to the late 1800s."
"And it's not just a building. It's a piece of history."
"So we have been adding to it, many many people donate their items of historical importance and each one of those objects we try to research and tell the story."
"Being able to be mandated by Congress to restore this and to preserve this for generations to come is very significant because not everybody in this country had an opportunity to learn about the legacy of the Airmen because it was never really taught in school."
"Why can't we have Gothic cathedrals anymore?"
"It's always fascinating to see these old buildings and I hate to even prophesize, but fire is always a threat."
"One of Nancy's most amazing achievements is that she managed to bring a Ming Dynasty house from a village in Anwei to the Peabody Essex Museum."
"There is not a lot of things that survived all the invasions and everything, yes, at least before the priests."
"There had been talk of preserving one relic from the air base, Hangar One, as an aviation museum. That didn't happen, but the facade and control tower were saved as part of a shopping center."
"There's nuggets, and I do, I love the fact that you're going to especially to nursing homes or wherever you're getting from the oldest of people that are not too long for this world and collecting those stories, preserving them."
"Temple one clearly remained in place for approximately a thousand years... the temple was refurbished as late as 1750 BC."
"Saving history and keeping the past alive."
"So this oratory was built in the 7th or 8th century, and it is still in such good condition."
"Arkhangelsk is losing its history, its uniqueness and its identity."
"We're doing more appraisals today in this little town with a lot of big-hearted people who are dedicated to preserving history."
"So why save all this stuff? Because our past illuminates our future."
"The legacy of the Library of Alexandria hasn't stopped because one way or the other a lot of the texts have come down to us."
"After a whole decade of getting restored, Scott had returned to steam."
"To keep it in the state of this as through the Great Depression was quite a feat."
"I do believe it's obviously of enormous importance to restore it, we owe it to the future, nothing else."
"We're asking you to please consider making a donation to continue its restoration, educational, and historical legacy."
"The real magic for me is not so much the pretty views... it's more so the fact that the railroad is still operating with the right equipment in the right way, still to this day."
"Green Arrow is the very last survivor of its type; it is the only V2 locomotive in existence today."
"I think there's a value to preserving the record."
"Despite the size of wear and tear, there's no denying that this Canadian Half house has a lot of character."
"The challenge is to communicate to people in our city how important it is to preserve this history while it still exists."
"I restore classic Chrysler muscle cars back to the way they were on the day they were built. I do this because I love the cars and I have a passion to see these cars on the road for as long as humanly possible."
"This is Colonial Williamsburg, and as you can see, they've done a great job with making it still look the way it used to look in the 1600s, 1700s."
"In saving and reconstructing this building, all that he did is now enshrined in bricks and mortar."
"The Pantheon is one of the best-preserved buildings from Ancient Rome."
"...the stage building we know quite a bit about the stage building because it's extremely well preserved."
"It preserves like thirteen thousand years of human history, and there's something like a hundred thousand cultural sites in the area."
"The museum will cover over 3,500 years of Ancient Egyptian history and house more than 50,000 artifacts."
"By using them in its change to fuel oil, Battleship Texas was saved from complete obsolescence that would have doomed her to the scrap heap and allowed her to earn her place as a serious player in World War II Naval History."
"We're responsible for one of the great historical monuments of the world, and it should be our responsibility to protect it."
"The precious manuscripts of Shingetti, the Sorbon of the desert, have resisted the onslaught of time."
"It won't erase the great foundation that was built here."
"My passion is to see that this canal is brought back to water as it was 200 years ago."
"The result of the dust removal work is striking; you can now see the cathedral's vaults just as its 19th-century visitors saw them, immaculately white."
"If they can raise the remains of the ship and put it back together, it'll be the most complete Confederate ironclad ship that anyone can see anywhere."
"I love how they are reusing and recycling the ships on new ships to really pay tribute to their history."
"Arriving in Mackinac is like stepping into the past; motorized vehicles have been banned on the island since the 19th century."
"These days the ancient city on the river has been preserved."
"We're doing this so that it can be set in historic record."
"We wanted to have like a big showpiece of that oak because it's just so cool knowing that this 150 years ago was a barn."