
Complaining Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"If you're complaining to solve a problem, that's productive complaining."
"Noticing how often you default to complaining can be transformative."
"Stop excessive complaining... your dream life is going to require you to drop that version of yourself."
"Winners win and whiners whine. If you're whining, you're losing."
"Because it's easier and it's more attractive to complain and criticize things versus actually talking about them in a productive manner."
"That complaining is the same as not being grateful."
"Metro doesn't wait till he's washed up to start complaining about it. He complains now."
"Complaining doesn't actually solve the problem."
"You are built to last, you don't have the right to complain anymore."
"Complaining about something you don't have to do is pointless."
"The best part about people complaining first of all you know when you complain 20% of the people don't care about your problems and all the 80% are really really happy you have them right so the last thing you should be doing is complaining."
"We've all been there, done that especially of late, but it's during these times where we find ourselves maybe tempted to complain."
"It's fun to complain okay I think that we can all relate to this."
"We're British, we're moaning about it being too hot."
"'Bitching ain't switching.' There's a lot of people who bitch about things but they don't necessarily do something about it."
"Complaining about things outside our control is like holding on to a hot coal."
"Discontentment over our own needs and complaining about it is not healthy."
"It's easy to complain like that's literally like that's why twitter exists that's why politics exists because everybody just wants to complain and whine about the other side or about this day or about this thing."
"Complaining gets you nowhere. It's one of the most useless activities on the planet."
"Complaining is the evidence of a lack of holy fear. It's a disregard for the process God is preparing for you."
"Our complaining doesn't change anything it just spreads discontent and Discord and makes us miserable."
"We're not just talking about find three things to be grateful for and you'll never complain again I wish it was that simple."
"Instead of complaining instead of worrying use all the good ones. That's what I always say."
"Spend more time being thankful for the things that you have and less time complaining about the things that you don't."
"They don't love complaining, but I love it."
"Spend more time being thankful for the things that you have, guys, and less time complaining about the things that you don't."
"Honestly, everybody just wants to cry about it."
"People need to complain. It's in our DNA to complain."
"I'm sorry, wait, I'm not going to come on here with the complaining."
"Complaining becomes a surrogate for Action."
"Complaining... it definitely builds a sisterhood and a brotherhood, but it cultivates a lot of negativity."
"Complaining can affect change for the better."
"Complaining is a waste of time and energy. That's very German."
"The more you complain, the more dominant I will become."
"I think some people are just born to complain."
"It's not just comics, it's New Yorkers. It's how New Yorkers relate to people. You complain for 30 minutes and then you go, 'Life's good.'"
"I love complaining, and I hate when you hang out with normal people and they're like, 'You complain a lot.' I'm like, 'God, I miss comedians.'"
"Complaining is not gonna solve the problem but praise will encourage your spirit to another level right now."
"Influencers are allowed to complain and anyone's allowed to complain about their jobs."
"Unfortunately, this is going to be one of those times where the vast majority of this review is going to be me ranting and bitching and complaining."
"Every time we complain or say something negative, we create spiritual enemies."
"Why do people complain so much and what are the dangers of complaining? Even if you're sick, it's a waste of time complaining about it. That just makes the sickness worse."
"I don't worry about ghosts at all. But anyway, about complaining about ghosts or complaining about anything, again, what happens is, I've noticed we do live in a society which complains way too much."
"People complain about things that they're creating for themselves."
"Complaining is like vomiting; you feel better, but everyone around you feels sick."
"So men in today's society are not allowed to complain so if you complain and you're a successful person or a privileged person everyone is going to think you're arrogant everyone is going to think oh my God who's this [ __ ] guy this guy doesn't know what my life is like."
"I love watching millionaire privileged people [ __ ] about their target audience and who they have to work with to earn those millions of dollars."
"But even more than that, do you remember when the children of Israel complained against God and against Moses in the wilderness of Paran? God made a way for them to be healed."
"...we cannot be complainers as believers we cannot be whiners as believers we cannot be grumblers we must be those who are continually giving thanks to our God."
"...whenever you feel like complaining, compare your complaint with the blessing of God."
"You would have been complaining, I would have waited in line for five hours."
"...stop complaining that's a really nice way to be kind..."
"Almost every research study will show that commiserating, complaining keeps you stuck."
"I complain a lot, and that's about it. I'm looking for a way to make money though from my sinuses."
"Complaining has become a cultural norm; it's about finding unity of experience without being a complainer."
"Criticism means I'm pointing the finger at you. Complaining just means I'm telling you how I feel."
"By the time you've done complaining, you've forgotten what you were complaining about."
"Reduce the level of complaining you will reduce the level of cortisol in your system."
"People like to complain, Harold. It feels good, makes you feel important, and you don't have to do anything."
"Complaining doesn't have the power to bring you down like bragging does."
"Some people are in the habit of complaining, and I think they're even in their comfort zone because they've done it, and that's kind of weird."
"...if people spent much time studying as they did complaining they'd be fine."
"complaining about some jerk that you don't like doesn't have the same bodily cues as escaping certain death"
"I don't want to be around people who's always complaining about something pulling on me."
"You have to moan everything. Seriously, you have to moan at the light, the sun's in the wrong location, it's too windy, there's not enough wind, the sea is too flat."
"Every single man loves to complain except no one wants to do the work."
"Complaining is just all verbal. It doesn't mean anything. It's just all muttering and verbal."
"Complaining rewires your brain to make future complaining more likely."
"Complaining never helped nobody, just made some people around you feel sorry for you."
"Honestly, when we complain, we're complaining for entertainment, we're complaining for y'all 'cause we going to get it done anyway."
"Enough talking for me, guys. Spend more time being thankful for the things that you have and less time complaining about the things that you don't."
"Beautiful patience has no complaining whatsoever. You only complain to Allah because no one else has your solution."
"A complaining, grumbling, disputing believer is bad advertisement for the kingdom."
"I feel like I don't have enough time and this is just me complaining so I'm so sorry."
"Never underestimate the power of complaining."
"Complaining is a subconscious way of expressing that you are powerless to change your circumstances."
"One thing I'm positive about is how ROI negative complaining is, and how much I'm trying to suffocate the practice of it."
"I don't care how good life gets, I'm complaining."
"Complaining is just viral misery."